1. #13821
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It helps that only one island (Zandalar) in the expansion was part of the South Seas.
    What do you mean helps?

    I mean, we were just on zandalar and kul tiras, but it could have been literally anywhere. The focus was the story there for the most part.

  2. #13822
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    What do you mean helps?
    It helps your case that it wasn't a South Seas expansion, considering Plunder Isle, Tel Abim and Undermine weren't included.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Something to chew on: this achievement implies that there won't be any new dragonriding races on the Dragon Isles themselves. This makes sense with 10.2 as it's technically in the Dream, but what does this mean for 10.3?

  3. #13823
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    It helps your case that it wasn't a South Seas expansion, considering Plunder Isle, Tel Abim and Undermine weren't included.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Something to chew on: this achievement implies that there won't be any new dragonriding races on the Dragon Isles themselves. This makes sense with 10.2 as it's technically in the Dream, but what does this mean for 10.3?
    10.2. will be the last major content of Dragonflight, 10.3 will be fated raids + new mythic plus rotation + new pvp season + new overworld content (prolly stuff like the dog mounts etc).

  4. #13824
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    10.2. will be the last major content of Dragonflight, 10.3 will be fated raids + new mythic plus rotation + new pvp season + new overworld content (prolly stuff like the dog mounts etc).
    Could be 10.3 is Avaloren, but I thought it was interesting as it seems like soft confirmation that 10.3 won't be on the Isles. Or at least won't have dragon races if so.

  5. #13825
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Could be 10.3 is Avaloren, but I thought it was interesting as it seems like soft confirmation that 10.3 won't be on the Isles. Or at least won't have dragon races if so.
    Avaloren will prolly be a new continent though, not patch content.

  6. #13826
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Agreed, especially number 2. Even during SL, people never really stopped farming Korthia rares. They were also mostly soloable. Zaralek rares are just a bit much. The elite area is also a bit over the top. Even with 440+ gear you still get smoked by those elites because of their ludicrous abilities.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The thing about Sabellian has nothing to do with 'kinda sus'. It is just very bad writing. They were both going back and forth between resentment and praise towards eachother constantly.
    Wrathion just made fun of Sabellian for hiding in Outland

    Sabellian literally called him a dog

  7. #13827
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    More importantly, the gameplay is good. Unless you play Hunter.

    - - - Updated - - -

    While I think the huge Chinese leak is BS and mostly based on correct pattern guessing, I think that 11.0 having an elemental aspect to it makes a lot of sense. They are dragging their feet with the Primalist lore and seemingly have ignored the Earthen Ring and Elemental Lords almost entirely, but this would make sense if there is a heavy amount of elemental plots spread throughout Azeroth in 11.0 and would reflect on the overall Cataclysm 2 idea that goes with a revamp.

    This also explains why Magatha has yet to appear, and why Thrall is on the Blizzcon poster.

    I'm guessing 11.0 will have a lot of different aesthetics and plots, but if you are making Cata 2 you will definitely want to market the element stuff and Thrall fits the bill. And if Jinyu are a new race they fit both Water (I believe they worship Neptulon) and Islands themes, whichever way you want to go.

    It would be a pipedream but one race for each element would be a lot of fun. Something like...

    Water- Jinyu
    Fire- Drakonids???
    Air- Djiin or Arrakoa
    Earth- Mogu
    I had hoped a few times in a few previous posts that when we do get to Avaloren we find out the “heretics” there are a coalition of new races that formerly worshipped the Titans but at some point learned they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be and rejected their teachings, instead revering the elements with a different race of the coalition of “heretics” having a different affinity for each element.

    Water, Earth, Fire, Air and then the most powerful and advanced race on the continent being heavily Spirit aligned/themed.

    I’d most definitely prefer new races for this but your idea of Ankoan, Mogu, Djinn and something else for fire would be fine but I’d prefer those races to be offshoots from the original; bur to be honest totally new races would be my preference.

  8. #13828
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Could be 10.3 is Avaloren, but I thought it was interesting as it seems like soft confirmation that 10.3 won't be on the Isles. Or at least won't have dragon races if so.
    Well keep in mind they will be adding dragon races to the old continents with each patch going forward which should be enough 'till 11.0 - Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor, KT+Zandalar and Shadowlands makes 6 new packs of races.

  9. #13829
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Well keep in mind they will be adding dragon races to the old continents with each patch going forward which should be enough 'till 11.0 - Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor, KT+Zandalar and Shadowlands makes 6 new packs of races.
    Sure, I just think it would be weird if a new Dragonflight zone didn't have dragonriding in it. I think the most likely answer is that if there's a new zone it's not on the Isles themselves (maybe Uldaz is flying nearby) or there isn't a new zone.

  10. #13830
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    And if Jinyu are a new race they fit both Water (I believe they worship Neptulon) and Islands themes, whichever way you want to go.

    It would be a pipedream but one race for each element would be a lot of fun. Something like...

    Water- Jinyu
    Fire- Drakonids???
    Air- Djiin or Arrakoa
    Earth- Mogu
    Everything you said would totally fit the bill, but new races for each element is kinda stretching it.

    Jinyu do worship the water, but they never explicitly say they worship Neptulon (It's more accurate to say they worship the waters from Vale of Eternal Blossoms). Only one person has ever worshipped Neptulon, and it was a Naga who was imprisoned in the Slave Pens in TBC because he didn't worship Azshara or N'zoth like the other Naga, only Neptulon. So it could be possible that there are other Naga who aren't bound by Azshara's control that could work along side us. (The Ankoan could work as well, but their numbers are even fewer than Void Elves).

    Plus given the customization they did for the Drac'thyr, they could apply that same logic for the Naga as not every piece of armor can be fully displayed.

  11. #13831
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post

    ...But we destroyed that heart back in MoP, it faded from existence because all of its power was used up.

    Unless there's something else that Y'shaarj had that we don't know about that the Titan Constructs have been hiding from us.
    Its power was seemingly fully drained, but it was not completely destroyed - a shrivelled, dried husk remained at the end. If Blizzards wants it so, they can easily say that this husk can be revitalized by *insert random MacGuffin here*
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  12. #13832
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Everything you said would totally fit the bill, but new races for each element is kinda stretching it.

    Jinyu do worship the water, but they never explicitly say they worship Neptulon (It's more accurate to say they worship the waters from Vale of Eternal Blossoms). Only one person has ever worshipped Neptulon, and it was a Naga who was imprisoned in the Slave Pens in TBC because he didn't worship Azshara or N'zoth like the other Naga, only Neptulon. So it could be possible that there are other Naga who aren't bound by Azshara's control that could work along side us. (The Ankoan could work as well, but their numbers are even fewer than Void Elves).

    Plus given the customization they did for the Drac'thyr, they could apply that same logic for the Naga as not every piece of armor can be fully displayed.
    I was trying to tie Jinyu in as "Jin'yu 2.0 Player Tester" was in the files of 10.0. Naga would make a lot of sense but did not have that hint, and the Wavewhisker reinforces the Jinyu again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I had hoped a few times in a few previous posts that when we do get to Avaloren we find out the “heretics” there are a coalition of new races that formerly worshipped the Titans but at some point learned they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be and rejected their teachings, instead revering the elements with a different race of the coalition of “heretics” having a different affinity for each element.

    Water, Earth, Fire, Air and then the most powerful and advanced race on the continent being heavily Spirit aligned/themed.

    I’d most definitely prefer new races for this but your idea of Ankoan, Mogu, Djinn and something else for fire would be fine but I’d prefer those races to be offshoots from the original; bur to be honest totally new races would be my preference.
    An elemental-oriented collection of kingdoms would be fun but I wonder if it would track too similar to parts of Pandaria or the Dragon Isles. Unless they get really creative with the aesthetics.

    - - - Updated - - -

    IDK what I was thinking with the Mogu: if there's a new earth race, it's going to be the Dwarves from Khaz Algar, who have been said to have mutated.

    The DF leakers on MMOC mentioned something about "Magnisworn Dwarves" (maybe had access to 10.3/11.0 concept art) or something similar so I'm going to guess more Diamond Dwarves.


    So Jinyu and Diamond Dwarves, that's two elements right there. Any takers for Fire and Air?

  13. #13833
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I was trying to tie Jinyu in as "Jin'yu 2.0 Player Tester" was in the files of 10.0. Naga would make a lot of sense but did not have that hint, and the Wavewhisker reinforces the Jinyu again.
    Then the closest comparison would be the Ankoan who are descendants of the Jinyu that left Pandaria, but as previously mentioned, they've been hunted to extinction and while they don't plan to rebuild.. all that's left of them are dedicated to destroying the Naga. (It's more like.. Jinyu are more suited for Freshwater environments while the Ankoan are more built for Seawater.)

    The reason I suggest the Naga as a playable race is because they're not bound by N'zoth anymore. He's been destroyed (and even if he wasn't completely destroyed, he burned bridges with Azshara who left him to go find her own new source of power) so this may free up a lot of Naga and give them free will.. (or crazy enough to revert them into a mix hybrid between a Highborne and a Naga.)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Any takers for Fire and Air?
    No idea about Fire... most creatures related to Fire have been actively hostile to anyone.. the only exception being Dark Irons, but they're already playable.

    The closest for Air would be Tol'vir or Centaurs... but that's a nightmare to work that in as playable races especially when flying is involved.

  14. #13834
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    Could be worse though. For example another Orc/Space Orc/Space Goat xpac. Like... my nightmare "Return to Draenor". Would be my second pause in 20 years, first pause was? you guessed it... WoD.

    I highly doubt they would do a pirates only theme. I am almost 80% sure the next xpac is a very "Azeroth"ish theme though. So south seas could be a part of the xpac plus lots of zones being "un-deathwinged" and up-scaled/high-ressed. But with some second or main plot along this. No concrete idea though... just a feeeeling, you know :P
    Yeah, it's subjective, but first of all I personally don't like sea/pirate theme. Because it's...boring? And even it Metzen himself will say "We did it wrong back in BFA - let's give it a second try", it still will be some kind of bad comedy. Whole BFA was advertized as sea/pirate xpack. But this theme was simply wasted there along with Old God theme. And now they will just say "Let's forget about BFA and do it again"? No. This chapiteau will never work for me, even if systems/content/gameplay will be super great in this xpack (They won't).
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  15. #13835
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    The closest for Air would be Tol'vir or Centaurs... but that's a nightmare to work that in as playable races especially when flying is involved.
    I didn't consider the Centaur, but it's kind of suspicious that they tied Centaurs to Air in DF when you would never think the two were connected prior.

    Their models aren't really up to par for playability but it's something to note if you want to consider the four elements. Djaradin would fit the fire theme but I don't see them being used again.

    The Niffen are the Earth race in DF, so it's funny we haven't really gotten any Ice/Water rep yet: NVM it's the Tuskarr.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-08-31 at 03:34 PM.

  16. #13836
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Yeah, it's subjective, but first of all I personally don't like sea/pirate theme. Because it's...boring? And even it Metzen himself will say "We did it wrong back in BFA - let's give it a second try", it still will be some kind of bad comedy. Whole BFA was advertized as sea/pirate xpack. But this theme was simply wasted there along with Old God theme. And now they will just say "Let's forget about BFA and do it again"? No. This chapiteau will never work for me, even if systems/content/gameplay will be super great in this xpack (They won't).
    I feel like BfA was advertised as a Faction War expansion. The navy of Kul Tiras and Zandalar were definitely heavily advertised, but not all that much I think.
    There is definitely space for an expansion to focus even more intently on the actual island hopping and ship stuff. It would absolutely feel derivative of BfA in the sense that said expansion already used the two biggest islands that were hotly anticipated in a hypothetical South Seas expansion, but not so much that we couldnt have the remaining ones.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  17. #13837
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    Could be worse though. For example another Orc/Space Orc/Space Goat xpac. Like... my nightmare "Return to Draenor". Would be my second pause in 20 years, first pause was? you guessed it... WoD.

    I highly doubt they would do a pirates only theme. I am almost 80% sure the next xpac is a very "Azeroth"ish theme though. So south seas could be a part of the xpac plus lots of zones being "un-deathwinged" and up-scaled/high-ressed. But with some second or main plot along this. No concrete idea though... just a feeeeling, you know :P
    WoD 2.0 wouldn't take place on Draenor, it would be on Azeroth with the Lightbound Army fleeing Draenor because it's a dying world and trying to turn Azeroth into a world completely dominated by the Light and the Naaru. It would be like a light-based version of the Burning Legion. Yrel and Xera would be the main antagonists, Thrall would take a major role as a force opposing Yrel, with Arakkoa and Ogres as new playable races, Grom and Garrosh possibly appearing, and a potential fracturing of the alliance because of Turalyon and the Draenei.

    Sounds like a compelling expansion IMO.

  18. #13838
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I feel like BfA was advertised as a Faction War expansion. The navy of Kul Tiras and Zandalar were definitely heavily advertised, but not all that much I think.
    There is definitely space for an expansion to focus even more intently on the actual island hopping and ship stuff. It would absolutely feel derivative of BfA in the sense that said expansion already used the two biggest islands that were hotly anticipated in a hypothetical South Seas expansion, but not so much that we couldnt have the remaining ones.
    I think the only way to do South Seas and have it not be repetitive of BFA and DF is to have the islands not be the only place we are questing.

  19. #13839
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    We just had BFA, which was pirate and nautical theme on Alliance
    By the time 11.0 comes that will have been 6 years ago. More than 1/4 of WoW's entire history. It's not really a "we just had that" thing.

  20. #13840

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