1. #14121
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    Well, hopefully this is the last weekend before the reveal of 10.2. About time. We have been waiting too much, at least IMO, the reveal should have happened already.

    I think that 10.2 is going to be a gigantic patch, and that It would bring a new system / evergreen feature.

    What do you expect about 10.2 besides the new raid, zone, questing, etc?
    Dynamic flying available everywhere would be nice, though might be unlikely.

    Time walking revamp is definitely needed, but might also be too early. Maybe BfA time walking and MoP time walking raid.

    Most likely I would guess it just a chunky patch with lots of small things done well, rather than one big central feature. Good transmog, interesting areas, loads of quests, class revamps, etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Im hoping for some mage tower type content, but I honestly think this is just going to be another 10.1 sized patch.
    I imagine it will be much bigger than 10.1. Probably some new materials like what we have gotten in large patches since Legion.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #14122
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post

    There's your light
    Either your comment was a joke, or you need to put whatever you’re smoking down.

    Last I checked, Yrel was from WoD (4 expansions ago), or at-least end of Legion (Allied Race pre-order/Mag’har Orc quests).

    My comment was about EVENTS HAPPENING NOW (in Dragonflight). We have Void themes all over the place, where is the Light? That is why I am saying, “while we have the VE and LFD in Valdrakken talking”, if that were a hint toward a “Void vs. Light” expansion, we should be seeing a Light presence soon?

  3. #14123
    Yeah, 10.2 is going to feature a lot of new models. That's how it usually is and it fits the idea that the Dream will have a lot of stuff we haven't seen before, be it stuff trickling in from the Lifelands, fae, extinct animals and/or more updates to old world animals like giraffes and lions.

    As for what's in the dream: Eye of Ysera hub is likely and the Dragonriders of Loreth'Aran I would guess. THE dragonriders in lore, way before DF, and friend of the Green. Maybe they live where their city used to be but in the dream?

    I can see them being the new renown track. Or a dryad/keeper of the grove track? They seem to be mostly doing new groups so maybe a new race? Unsure.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Something I'm surprised hasn't happened yet, but would be really cool, is if you get the choice to become dragonsworn to one of the flights at some point this expansion. Doesn't even need to have gameplay choices but I would at least like a Timewalker title.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-09-02 at 12:52 PM.

  4. #14124
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Did you get yourself self-driving goalposts or something? BfA didn't demonstrate shit about how strong the pirate theme is, it just didn't use it much to begin with..
    Uh yes it did. Again, the entire continent of Kul'tiras is themed around a people who are seafarers and buccaneers. Even with that being the theme of Kul'Tiras, blizzard still had to deviate and give us Drustvar and Zandalar because they knew that players would quickly grow tired of a pirate aesthetic. What do you think a pirate-themed continent would look like? Booty Bay? You can only stretch such a limited theme so far.

  5. #14125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Or a dryad/keeper of the grove track? They seem to be mostly doing new groups so maybe a new race? Unsure.
    Whatever it is, i hope it involves faerie dragons.

    The patch would be perfect to expand their lore.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #14126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I'd need it to have some massive aesthetic differences at least. I'm not a fan of goblin (or gnomish) engineering aesthetic in general. Find it annoying.
    You would get that, since you'd undoubtedly be dealing with multiple Goblin trade princes who Blizzard has shown in other media to be unpredictable and entirely different from each other. Blizzard could really take that concept into any direction they want. They could have one trade prince be a greedy industrialist whose zone is full of casinos and pleasure palaces. You could have another who is like Willy Wonka and controls a bunch of candy factories and the zone could be a demented version of Candyland. You could also have another who is an environmental nut and keeps their zone full of natural (and unnatural) plants and animals. In short, there's a lot you can do with the thematic, more than enough to supply an expansion concept.

  7. #14127
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Either your comment was a joke, or you need to put whatever you’re smoking down.

    Last I checked, Yrel was from WoD (4 expansions ago), or at-least end of Legion (Allied Race pre-order/Mag’har Orc quests).
    But think of it like this: The Azerothian Characters most closely related to light & void are Turalyon & Alleria respectively. That and we now know the cosmic forces themselves are morally neutral. And its possible that opposing cosmic forces can work together. What if, in the interest in territory, the Naaru & Void Lords, inspired by their union, actually joined forces to take azeroth once & for all? I bet they're both tired of having to pay lip service to Order, Death, Discord & Life.

    Besides Alleria & Turalyon frankly irrational hatred of the horde, considering their hometowns are both currently in the horde, and thats the new horde, not the old horde they're actually familiar with. So their stance is purely prejudicial.

    And I keep thinking a void-light fusion elemental would look like the final boss of Elden Ring & that would be pretty cool aesthetically.

  8. #14128
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh yes it did. Again, the entire continent of Kul'tiras is themed around a people who are seafarers and buccaneers.
    Why do you keep lying about that? You've already been caught on this multiple times in the last few pages. And there's a huge difference between general seafarers and pirates specificially. Kul Tiras is a seafaring nation. Not a pirate nation.

  9. #14129
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Whatever it is, i hope it involves faerie dragons.

    The patch would be perfect to expand their lore.
    Unless they want them to remain ambiguous, I think fae dragon lore is inevitable

  10. #14130
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    The thing is, what would the Infinites have to gain from helping her?
    They wouldn't, but presumably if the Bronze prerogative is to close off alternate timelines & the Infinite's prerogative is to make new timelines, any sort of truce means the timelines that were already made would suddenly become relevant again.
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Why do you keep lying about that? You've already been caught on this multiple times in the last few pages. And there's a huge difference between general seafarers and pirates specificially. Kul Tiras is a seafaring nation. Not a pirate nation.
    Side note; can we all agree it was a huge cop-out to have a small faction of humans join the Horde during the war campaign but then they conveniently all die so they'd never have to reference them again?
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-09-02 at 01:36 PM.

  11. #14131
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Why do you keep lying about that? You've already been caught on this multiple times in the last few pages. And there's a huge difference between general seafarers and pirates specificially. Kul Tiras is a seafaring nation. Not a pirate nation.
    You have to use general seafarers because pirates are not a broad enough thematic to base an expansion on. Heck, Blizzard couldn't even base an expansion on general seafarers like the kul'tirans, which is why they had to stuff Mechagon and Zandalar into the expansion as well.

  12. #14132
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    You have to use general seafarers because pirates are not a broad enough thematic to base an expansion on. Heck, Blizzard couldn't even base an expansion on general seafarers like the kul'tirans, which is why they had to stuff Mechagon and Zandalar into the expansion as well.
    Did not != could not. There's plenty of themes in that Blizzard didn't even touch on. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

  13. #14133
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    You have to use general seafarers because pirates are not a broad enough thematic to base an expansion on. Heck, Blizzard couldn't even base an expansion on general seafarers like the kul'tirans, which is why they had to stuff Mechagon and Zandalar into the expansion as well.
    Unless Blizzard decides to: Which is the cravat that all this speculation is based on. If they think a ship combat system would be fun and decide to add it to the game, they would absolutely do a whole Pirate themed expansion. That well has not been mined for its full potential. The only thing they definitely wouldn't do is do a Dragon heavy expansion immediately after a Dragon expansion, or an Undead heavy expansion immediately after a Undead heavy expansion, etc.

  14. #14134
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    You have to use general seafarers because pirates are not a broad enough thematic to base an expansion on. Heck, Blizzard couldn't even base an expansion on general seafarers like the kul'tirans, which is why they had to stuff Mechagon and Zandalar into the expansion as well.
    I doubt their goal was to base BfA around pirates and that the reason they included Zandalar and/or Mechagon was because they couldn't make Kul Tiras pirate-y enough.

  15. #14135
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Did not != could not. There's plenty of themes in that Blizzard didn't even touch on. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Blizzard could do anything they want. However, it's rather clear from BFA and Kul'tiras that an entire expansion based on pirates isn't going to work. Again, just look at how Kul'tiras was modeled. The seafarer thematic couldn't even support a three zone half-continent. They had to fill a third of it with undead and drust material.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Unless Blizzard decides to: Which is the cravat that all this speculation is based on. If they think a ship combat system would be fun and decide to add it to the game, they would absolutely do a whole Pirate themed expansion. That well has not been mined for its full potential. The only thing they definitely wouldn't do is do a Dragon heavy expansion immediately after a Dragon expansion, or an Undead heavy expansion immediately after a Undead heavy expansion, etc.
    Or they'd simply add it and not base an entire expansion theme around it. For example they added a pet combat system in MoP, but they didn't create an entire expansion based around adventurers transversing the world looking to capture pets to battle with ala Pokemon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Imotbh View Post
    I doubt their goal was to base BfA around pirates and that the reason they included Zandalar and/or Mechagon was because they couldn't make Kul Tiras pirate-y enough.
    No, they could have made Kul Tiras more "piratey" than what it was and they could have had us go up against a pirate empire instead of discovering a lost Gnomish civilization in 8.2. Again the proof is in the expansion itself. The simple reality is that a pirate thematic only goes so far, and Blizzard more than likely realized in the development phase that too much pirate stuff in an expansion is a mistake. It simply doesn't make sense that Blizzard would heavily restrain the pirate theme in an expansion where it was expected and suddenly decide to dump a massive pirate expansion 4 years later.

  16. #14136
    It's not a pirate expansion if they are also teasing dwarves.

  17. #14137
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again the proof is in the expansion itself. The simple reality is that a pirate thematic only goes so far, and Blizzard more than likely realized in the development phase that too much pirate stuff in an expansion is a mistake. It simply doesn't make sense that Blizzard would heavily restrain the pirate theme in an expansion where it was expected and suddenly decide to dump a massive pirate expansion 4 years later.
    There's no proof to bring up, they did what they wanted with the continent and the expansion. Nowhere has it ever been said that "they wanted to do a big pirate expansion and couldn't achieve it so they had to find something else". This is your own assumption.

    BfA's theme was faction war (despite how it was handled). I'm pretty sure that if they wanted to have pirates as the main theme, they could have done it. It was simply not the intent here.

  18. #14138
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Looking at one of the time rift pets got me thinking.

    This uses the Gnome rig. Since no work is needed on animations I could see Blizzard using this for a Mechagnome moonkin form when they eventually become druids.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  19. #14139
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imotbh View Post
    There's no proof to bring up, they did what they wanted with the continent and the expansion. Nowhere has it ever been said that "they wanted to do a big pirate expansion and couldn't achieve it so they had to find something else". This is your own assumption.

    BfA's theme was faction war (despite how it was handled). I'm pretty sure that if they wanted to have pirates as the main theme, they could have done it. It was simply not the intent here.
    Blizzard wanted to create an expansion involving Kul'tiras. The point is that they couldn't even expand and cover the seafarer/pirate concept to Kul'tiras, which was a half continent.

  20. #14140
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Either your comment was a joke, or you need to put whatever you’re smoking down.

    Last I checked, Yrel was from WoD (4 expansions ago), or at-least end of Legion (Allied Race pre-order/Mag’har Orc quests).

    My comment was about EVENTS HAPPENING NOW (in Dragonflight). We have Void themes all over the place, where is the Light? That is why I am saying, “while we have the VE and LFD in Valdrakken talking”, if that were a hint toward a “Void vs. Light” expansion, we should be seeing a Light presence soon?
    It's not a joke....

    You think they set up yrel as light antagonist for nothing?

    Think it's a coincidence she's stuck in another timeline and just now we're dealing with bronze and infinite shenanigans?

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