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The thing is, the way WoW does it, it can't just be a revamp. There's gotta be something new to the expansion because, the moment the pre-patch hits? All the new-ish stuff is out there in the world. And if the new-ish stuff is 'revamped world', then... Just like with Cata, we'll have that from the pre-patch. Which kind of makes a poor argument for "Buy the expansion". Cata itself had the new zones like Hyjal and the like gated off with the "If you don't have Cata, we port you out" spells (which also mis-fired on one quest you were on a mount for, as you snaked into Twilight Highlands)
Phasing limits the world to the point its not really going to be a revamp and, per Blizzard's own stuff as to why we don't have Karabor as a city, hurts server load a bit. So either you've got an expansion you don't need to buy, or they'd have to do something awful like making a whole seperate EK and let me tell you, its bad enough to have two Dalarans, I do not want two Stormwinds and two Orgrimmars