Headcanon: i think 10.2 will be announced next week when the secrets of azeroth event ends so they can announce an archaeology revamp coming with it
Headcanon: i think 10.2 will be announced next week when the secrets of azeroth event ends so they can announce an archaeology revamp coming with it
Iridikrons goal is to remove the titans grip on the world. The way I see it, their grip was turning up and imprisoning the old gods and imprisoning the elements.
Yes the old gods are a void influence, but before the old gods arrived the world was very much run by the elements in the planets natural state.
Let's say both old god prisons and elemental plains are broken. Thrall as the world shaman is our rep figure to the elemental lords, and the friendly ones don't want to have to be dominated by the old gods/void again and could be persuaded/begged/encoursged/forced to live alongside us.
This is one facet of a potential world/continent revamp. I don't feel that mining yogg sarons blood infused ore back in wotlk would mean we wouldn't get old god lore in cata.
I think too many people are stuck angry that people are suggesting elementals, but people seem to be suggesting elementals as a baseline story alongside a revamped world. Who knows. Maybe night squall has captured and enslaved neptulon, which is the reason he's been such a successful pirate and able to reach past treacherous waters no pirate has ever sailed, and there is 0 water theming in dragonflight so far.
Maybe Therazane returns to Azeroth after her bond to deepholm is no longer, and is angry at the factions for the murder of her daughter Theredras in dire maul. The Centaur of Kalimdor now allign with her and the earth elemetals and pose a true risk again to the Tauren. Luckily, Baine has learnt to trust some Centaur and is willing to risk diplomacy, would it work? Or is Therazane too hard headed and war will be the only answer.
There is a lot to do with elemental themeing at its core that would work really well with a return to Kalimdor. I'm just waiting to see if the true tree will be grown in the isles after the dream. If not, ima bet full Kalimdor remake for 11.0. A return of the elements to the natural world can tie in nicely with a revamp of said world.
Cataclysm had elemental themes and was about harming the world, 11.0 could certainly be about returning it to it's natural state pre titan influence with what we know our current baddie wants. (big shiny new continents for us)
Last edited by Nibelheimy; 2023-09-04 at 04:17 PM.
Interesting toy: https://twitter.com/MrGMYT/status/16...7Ctwgr%5Etweet
I guess that we know how the sky will look in the Emerald Dream now... Or if the Emerald Dream were to collapse on Azeroth![]()
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Either could work, given they’re both likely to receive a massive power boost directly from the void and/or the hinted fifth old god. (Possibly K'tanth especially since that name has popped up again recently.)
Also, Azshara never intended to win in Eternal Palace. It was all part of her plan to free N’zoth using our heart of Azeroth.
Who would be the final boss in a “LiGhT BaD” expansion?
Xe’ra who got one shot by Illidan, who we stomped (and actually killed) in BC before we received any significant power boosts?
Last edited by Nightshade711; 2023-09-04 at 04:24 PM.
Interesting that...
A) The thread Mike replied to was about World Revamp vs Pirates/Other Side of Azeroth
B) Mike felt the need to even comment on it
Azshara didn't want N'zoth to be free. She enjoyed him being dependent on her: That's why N'zoth immediately imprisons her.
And Xe'ra isn't dead: She's just in pieces. She was also in pieces when we first found her. Xe'ra could be a villian but the Naaru clearly aren't all unified in their goals: IE: There are Naaru attacking the Black Temple in BC despite what Illidan was doing was all part of Xe'ra's ultimate plan.
It's just the zone's normal skybox tinted green.
I mean the whole point of the fight was us using the heart of Azeroth to charge the stuff that frees N’zoth.
She even says stuff like this when you wipe.
Besides, I thought she was imprisoned because N’zoth knew she intended on using the Blade of the Black Empire on him to kill him.Queen Azshara yells: He was wrong. You have proven yourselves unworthy.
Why does a endboss have to be so powerful? Maybe he just commands a powerful faction, or gathered a good amount of allies. We do not need a more powerfull entity every other addon. The powercreep is allready quite anoying, it does not have to get more out of hand. A good story makes a better endboss/evil/antagonist than any powerlevel.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
She only intended to use the defense protocol to kill us, the player. She does this as her last resort. Otherwise she could have freed N'zoth at any point, she was literally living on top of his prison for 10,000 years. The Naga literally steal the Tidestone twice without anyone noticing.
Then the Knife part was a contingency plan.So exactly what I said? "Wanting to free N'zoth" is not the same thing is "Wanting to kill N'zoth".
Last edited by Ersula; 2023-09-04 at 04:45 PM.
Well, yes. She wanted to free him so she could stab him in the back. She had no interest in him actually gaining his freedom, releasing him was just a necessary part of her plan.
- - - Updated - - -
No, she makes it quite clear that the knife was her primary plan. What she didn't account for was us weakening her enough that she couldn't stand up to N'zoth.
I'm pretty sure the heart of Azeroth is what unlocks N'zoth prison. That's why we were brought there right?
Xe'ra wasn't in pieces when we found her.
She was just chilling in the Xenedar.
She was missing her Core, but that's because she literally sent it to Azeroth herself.
Meanwhile, Velen calls her dead twice after Illidan destroys her.Xe'ra was weakened by sending her heart to Azeroth
I don’t understand it. Why can’t Nightsquall just be an extremely charismatic but also menacing pirate king who just so happens to be pretty adept at a certain school of magic but also has a pirate fleet of varying levels of power from low level looks up to extremely skilled swordsman or magic users? As well as his fleet dwarfing the combined size of the Alliance and Horde armies.
If people are so up in arms about power levels, then have him find a magical artifact on Avaloren or whatever that gives him a power boost. Though I don’t think that would even be needed.
There’s literally no reason pirates can’t carry their own expansion.
I think people forget we were literally going to get an expansion centered around the Mongrel Horde which was going to be comprised of Kobolds, Troggs, Murlocs, Gnolls, Quillboar and Centaurs - literally Azeroth’s fodder races. I would have loved that personally.
Blizzard are just going to write themselves out of stories if they continue with this DBZ power creep and cater to those that want it.
Give me a compelling story with a well written antagonist over the next world ending threat any day, please.