So what kind of Druid is everyone hoping for? I like my Worgen but am not a fan of their forms, so a Human would be neat. A bit RL Druid inspired. Wildhammer Dwarf could be cool as well.
Not really feeling the urge to create something weird like a Gnome or Draenei Druid.
New Horde - Arise!
what we had so far:
Mighty Horde
True Horde
Iron Horde
plushy horde (friends with alliance) <=[we are here]
? Horde ?
give us ogres as a new race
any 'truce/peace' is utter b$
The allies' spot is on the iron spikes in front of Orgrimmar!
ps: Arrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhh For the Horde
For the 10.2 reveal: Just expect a pre-recorded 20 min video like they did for 9.2. Anything else is a bonus.
10.2 will feature grass we can walk on.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Maybe. This is entirely my speculation based on the evidence presented.
There is indication that Yrel and the Lightbound are being led by a malevolent force of Naaru. Malevolent light should be able to corrupt and twist living things like all cosmic forces do. We simply haven't seen it before because we've never encountered a malevolent force coming from the light before. It is completely in Blizzard's purview to make the lightbound look monstrous and alien if they are to be an antagonistic force.There’s nothing there to indicate that the Light would turn something even more monstrous. If you want a read of what light “corruption” would do then look at Lothraxion.
Yeah, no. It looks like an orc. The only thing out of place is the horns and the ear placement, which could be explained by corruption of some type.The race in the image looks a lot more like a drogbar than any orc we’ve seen in a CGI cinematic.
"We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
— G.K. Chesterton, 1926
The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
— Antonin Artaud, 1956
I CBA drawing a square for a bingo, but here are 9 bingo ... sentences?
Emerald Dream zone (free slot in the middle)
Druids for all races
World Tree new home for the Night Elves
Class-neutral legendary item
Elune shows up
Ysera dies again
World Tree raid
Green tint of the world event xmog set available
New druid dragonriding form
Guys, guys and fellow internet warriors
I think it's time for a bingo so let me start:
I'm not seeing a major difference except for the original WC3 Grunt. Which is a rather odd case, since even the original WarCraft: Orcs & Humans cover looked closer to the modern depiction with a more human-like nose. That grunt is the one that's rather off-model, not the others.
You're comparing in-game NPCs from a scenario to CGI for the main antagonistic force for a new expansion. It has been shown many times that Blizzard will add details to characters in CGI to make them more interesting for the opening cinematic. Take the Orc and Human in Mists of Pandaria. Take the Orcs in WoD. Take Varian Wrynn in Legion, take Anduin in BFA, etc. They all look "different" than their in-game counterparts.
1- at start of Dragonflight, there is mention of that dwarvish race living underground, the character from the leak looks as an orc, twisted but orc, except the ears! could it be a Drogbar? but usually Drogbar armor is more primitive, his shoulder pad looks ornate. could it be a cinematic, of Someone (Iridikron) going underneath, Drogbar encounter at entrance of tunnel or cave??
2- Also, Didn't Sylvanas raise orcs as undead in bfa, The Orc doesn't look lightbound, he isn't brown, looks he was green, plus the horns, frail skill, red eyes, stretched skin... doesn't seem light powered. more like death or something else.
3- looks to me, that the plus the two horns, there is a middle shaved horn on his forehead. you guys see it??