1. #15741
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Smolderon is one of the bosses in the 10.2 Emerald Dream raid.

    Well, I guess RIP possible Elemental Expansion.. and any development of whats going on with that Cult of Ragnaros stuff from the Dark Iron story.
    good. elements are boring

  2. #15742
    Quote Originally Posted by Telogrus View Post
    Is 10.3 more or less likely now?
    I'd like to say far more. Maybe if 10.2 was the size of Argus' patch, they could get away with finishing things there. But not with this

    Also for those who'd say this cannot be the end because of story, 10.1.5 and 10.1.7 had probably as much story as 10.1 did if not more. Alex and Tyr's plotline could be shown in 10.2.5

  3. #15743
    There's probably a "Dream" for every world that connects to Ardenweald.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Telogrus View Post
    Is 10.3 more or less likely now?
    Very likely. With Tyr vs Alex.

  4. #15744
    To be honest, this patch isn't breathtaking.
    As @Worldshaper already mentioned, the zone feels at the very least lacking.
    It's a lot of basic textures which were already used previously. It doesn't feel creative at all. I hoped for a bit of night-sky, mysterious and misty land, with bright fireflies and torrent of rushing water going through the middle or something like that.
    I think the night owl concept art actually portrays pretty well of what kind of realm I have been thinking about. The one we got feels a like an old chesnut.

    Also, I'm not a fan these random "areas of fire" that serve a diversity of themes purpose. Although it makes a lot of sense, for what I have seen, their implementation is so much out of place and doesn't blend well with environment. Maybe it would have a better effect if the sky was actually dark.

    I don't know, not a fan of the theme, especially, as I previously mentioned, it's finally Emerald Dream, and instead it's a bit of a lackluster - and the potential in the end seems to be wasted.

    Even the raid so far doesn't look spectacular.
    I like the raid tiers though and customziations shown in preview are phenomenal.

  5. #15745
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Yeah, but if I'm not mistaken, the zone isn't in the Emerald Dream, just the raid is, and we haven't seen much of that yet.

    The zone IS in the emerald dream.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #15746
    Seems like some of the armor sets have been confirmed as specific classes, and oh god the hunter one is the one worn by the female worgen.

    I am convinced the artists for the Hunters literally pull from the trashbin. Even more so than I normally am.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  7. #15747
    Quote Originally Posted by Nebron View Post
    I think the night owl concept art actually portrays pretty well of what kind of realm I have been thinking about. The one we got feels a like an old chesnut.
    That's because they are saving magical Lifelands stuff for Lifelands or patches directly there. A lot of people (myself included) were hoping there was more Lifelands in this patch, but they stuck strictly to the Lore-accurate Emerald Dream on Azeroth. For better or worse.

  8. #15748
    So happy 10.2 isn't the final patch. I knew the expansion would end with the tyr story that started in pre patch.

    I'm just curious how they're going to handle the announcement of 11.0 and 10.3...

    Final boss is probably Odyn, tyr will turn on him. Can't wait to stomp that MF.

    Zone is avaloren, the place Odyn tried to conquer
    Last edited by Well Done Steak; 2023-09-07 at 05:48 PM.

  9. #15749
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Incorrect again, my friend. We now know that the Emerald Dream is the counterpart to the Shadowlands and/or Ardenweald, and they're both part of the Great Cycle which spans all worlds.

    It has forever been described as a spiritual realm which, while it can be seen as a verdant version of Azeroth, is ever-shifting, mystical, and intangible. Half the point is that you're inside a "dream" when you're there.
    There's really no point to this conversation if you're just going to argue objectively wrong points in flagrant disregard for all lore sources to pretend that somehow, the Emerald Dream is "the counterpart to the Shadowlands".

    I mean, you'd think the fact that the Dream is run entirely by people from Azeroth, contains ONLY creatures and people from Azeroth, and looks exactly like Azeroth, would be enough to tell you that it's not something that spans all worlds, but I guess headcanon is going to headcanon.

  10. #15750
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Smolderon is one of the bosses in the 10.2 Emerald Dream raid.

    Well, I guess RIP possible Elemental Expansion.. and any development of whats going on with that Cult of Ragnaros stuff from the Dark Iron story.
    Well, if you want hope, that formula doesn't make much sense when "Dragon" supposedly represents wotlk when cataclysm had way more dragon stuff than void stuff. Two expansions usually have some kind of throughline. This & 11.0 could be elementals. 10.0 & 9.0 was Pantheons. 9.0 & 8.0 was Sylvanas. 8.0 & 7.0 was ancient history. 7.0 & 6.0 was Demons, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    I'm just curious how they're going to handle the announcement of 11.0 and 10.3...
    They'll probably reveal the expansion cinematic & show some stuff from the next patch. That's usually what they do at November Blizzcons. 10.2 might even be out by then. PTR rotations are usually about 6 weeks.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-09-07 at 05:50 PM.

  11. #15751

    Is Patch 10.2 The Final Major Content Patch of Dragonflight?

    Guardians of the Dream is certainly the next big chapter in the story and a big turning point. You are seeing the culmination of a lot of characters that have waited for their chance to step into the limelight (Merithra).

    They don't want to reveal whether Patch 10.2 is the final major content patch of the Dragonflight expansion.

    Are Any New Race/Class Combinations Coming in Patch 10.2?

    No new race/class combinations are coming in Patch 10.2, but we will have new Druid customizations. New Moonkin customizations and some other fiery Druid customizations that players can earn from the new raid.

    Vyranoth is going to become an unlikely ally as we embark on a questline with Wrathion who are both misfits of their dragon families. She is going to gain new allies, the Netherwing and Storm Drakes to defend Amirdrassil.

    Nothing to announce for Patch 10.2. Everyone loves Brawler's Guild, they've heard a lot of feedback from players. When they bring it back they want to do so in an evergreen way, so they don't need to turn it off and on again. They want it to be like the Mage Tower.

    Crests are staying, bit crest fragments are being removed. They have a swath of quality-of-life improvements planned for the gear upgrading system. The goal is to trim down the complexity of the system. The new upgrade is clicking with people, and they're happy about that.

    Crests will become a currency and won't take up inventory space in 10.2.

    Flightstones are going to stay. New Dreamborne crests are coming in Season 3. The old crests are still going to be tied to Season 2.

  12. #15752
    Please tell me that the legendary axe can also be used by agility users. It’s beyond fucked up if Druids can’t even use the one and only legendary in the Emerald Dream patch

  13. #15753
    There is a mount for AOTC just like there is for every last patch. So, this might be the last patch.

  14. #15754
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    That's because they are saving magical Lifelands stuff for Lifelands or patches directly there. A lot of people (myself included) were hoping there was more Lifelands in this patch, but they stuck strictly to the Lore-accurate Emerald Dream on Azeroth. For better or worse.
    Well, I do prefer Emerald Dream over Lifelands to be honest, as all these X-lands concepts are already too convoluted. It's like - here's Emerald Dream (which we never fully experienced, even this zone is the Eye of Ysera), there's sister realm Ardenweald, and then there's what? Parent realm of Lifelands? Like, what is that about in all seriousness?

  15. #15755
    Quote Originally Posted by zirr View Post
    There is a mount for AOTC just like there is for every last patch. So, this might be the last patch.
    Between that and them outright saying they won't tell about it being the last patch.....

    It has to be a revamp next, or they would get dunked on so hard by the players.

  16. #15756
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Well all the ED or Lifelands leaks are dead so that's a nice start.

    Also just realized we've been progressing through the Dragonflights one by one with these major updates. Red for 10.0, Black for 10.1, Bronze got shafted into 10.1.5, Green for 10.2.

    So Blue Dragonfight is going to be relating to the climax of the expansion and therefore probably the tie-in for 11.0.

    Fake leakers do with that what you will.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  17. #15757
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post

    Is Patch 10.2 The Final Major Content Patch of Dragonflight?

    Guardians of the Dream is certainly the next big chapter in the story and a big turning point. You are seeing the culmination of a lot of characters that have waited for their chance to step into the limelight (Merithra).

    They don't want to reveal whether Patch 10.2 is the final major content patch of the Dragonflight expansion.

    Are Any New Race/Class Combinations Coming in Patch 10.2?

    No new race/class combinations are coming in Patch 10.2, but we will have new Druid customizations. New Moonkin customizations and some other fiery Druid customizations that players can earn from the new raid.

    Vyranoth is going to become an unlikely ally as we embark on a questline with Wrathion who are both misfits of their dragon families. She is going to gain new allies, the Netherwing and Storm Drakes to defend Amirdrassil.

    Nothing to announce for Patch 10.2. Everyone loves Brawler's Guild, they've heard a lot of feedback from players. When they bring it back they want to do so in an evergreen way, so they don't need to turn it off and on again. They want it to be like the Mage Tower.

    Crests are staying, bit crest fragments are being removed. They have a swath of quality-of-life improvements planned for the gear upgrading system. The goal is to trim down the complexity of the system. The new upgrade is clicking with people, and they're happy about that.

    Crests will become a currency and won't take up inventory space in 10.2.

    Flightstones are going to stay. New Dreamborne crests are coming in Season 3. The old crests are still going to be tied to Season 2.
    The fact they won't reveal that means it isn't the final major patch.

  18. #15758
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    The fact they won't reveal that means it isn't the final major patch.
    Why in the WORLD wouldn't they say it ISN'T the final patch??? They have nothing to lose by doing so.

  19. #15759
    It's another patch continues the tradition of giving an underwhelming version of what could be an expansion-level area that people have been hyping. Nazjatar, Emerald Dream, Nyalotha, Argus, etc.

  20. #15760
    Quote Originally Posted by Telogrus View Post
    Please tell me that the legendary axe can also be used by agility users. It’s beyond fucked up if Druids can’t even use the one and only legendary in the Emerald Dream patch
    Druids can't use axes. So even if it came with Agility, only Survival hunters would benefit.

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