1. #1581
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yeah it was handled in a pretty solid manner. I do wonder how it works for Disc and Shadow but that is a problem with the priest class in general where your player's identity seems to change completely every time you change spec. . .
    Shadow Priests can just use the same lore as the Maghar as in be from the Shadowmoon clan. A discipline priest would just use both origins and try to balance them.

  2. #1582
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yeah it was handled in a pretty solid manner. I do wonder how it works for Disc and Shadow but that is a problem with the priest class in general where your player's identity seems to change completely every time you change spec. . .
    In my mind, it's just due to the fluctuating state of the Naaru at Oshu'gun—although they were exposed directly to the Naaru's Light state, it had previously been diminished. As such, they are probably drawing on the Void as a scholarly opposite to the song they're investigating, not as a direct approach to the Void itself.

  3. #1583
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    My predictions;

    11.0 Yrel/Light invasion from AU Draenor with Arrakoa (Alliance) and Ogres (Horde) being the new races for the expansion. Also be a nice tie in for WoW's 20th anniversary just like WoD tied in well with WoW's 10th anniversary.

    Beyond that, I feel that an Undermine/Tinker expansion is inevitable, so at least one expansion will slot into that thematic. There really isn't much left future class-wise, and Blizzard always ties future classes to expansion theme. Also Undermine, like Dragon Isles was an original land mass idea from vanilla. An alternative to that could be a Titan-based continent where an Explorer class could be introduced. Such a class would fill the void of a Bardic-class in WoW.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2023-02-12 at 04:33 PM.

  4. #1584
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Yeah it was handled in a pretty solid manner. I do wonder how it works for Disc and Shadow but that is a problem with the priest class in general where your player's identity seems to change completely every time you change spec. . .
    I mean, they got the Shadowmoon clan.
    Shadow priests would just be following those teachings, or delving deeper.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  5. #1585
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Wouldn't that mean that when all the souls started getting trapped in the Maw, we'd be having a lot of stillbirths?
    Only if the delivery system had no "warehouses". And the idea of mass stillbirths would be a bit too grimdark for Warcraft.

    Occam's Razor though, while the "Lifelands" likely were indirectly affected by the Anima Drought as well, it lasted only a maximum of 5 years (per this timeline) which is miniscule in a cosmic timeframe.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  6. #1586
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Only if the delivery system had no "warehouses". And the idea of mass stillbirths would be a bit too grimdark for Warcraft.

    Occam's Razor though, while the "Lifelands" likely were indirectly affected by the Anima Drought as well, it lasted only a maximum of 5 years (per this timeline) which is miniscule in a cosmic timeframe.
    I'm inclined to agree but the speed at which Ardenweald withered doesn't really make me hopeful when it comes to the First Ones planning for supply disruptions.

  7. #1587
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    And the idea of mass stillbirths would be a bit too grimdark for Warcraft.
    On this front I'm inclined to disagree—at the very least, it's considerably less grimdark when you consider the implications of nearly everybody who died within a five-year period being tortured and, if not saved in time, ceasing to exist entirely.

  8. #1588
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    On this front I'm inclined to disagree—at the very least, it's considerably less grimdark when you consider the implications of nearly everybody who died within a five-year period being tortured and, if not saved in time, ceasing to exist entirely.
    Oh, the implications of Shadowlands were certainly grimmer than usual, not even shying away from showing that yes, even children die and go to the Shadowlands, but it dodged acknowledging this happening during mass killings - which would probably ruin the respective age ratings.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  9. #1589
    Its too soon to predict anything about 11.0.

    Many of us have hopes for a world revamp, but it cannot possibly be another Cataclysm. WoW's expansions have 4-5 big zones these days. They can mix some zones together but in no way we are getting Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms at the same time. Which is good. Revamp, for instance, Northern Eastern Kingdoms first, and keep adding revamped zones in patches and expansions. Of course, current world has to be accessible in some way.

    But we do not even know who is going to be DF's last boss. It is too soon to speculate. As I have stated before, I cannot wait for 10.1. I expect one if not the best patch in WoW's history. DF is doing lots of good stuff for the game but 10.1 is going to be a key moment for the game. It has to be really good to keep current players and to attract old players burned from SL, and more important, new players.

    I feel that DF has started small in the sense that we are adventurers again. But I do not think that this will last. They need a WTF event to bring attention back to the game. I do not know in which DF's patch will happen but It will happen. We are dealing with dragons at the power level of Deathwing, plus Murozond is coming and inevitably we will deal with time. These elements could easily end up in a cataclysmic event that might lead us to the next expansion, in which case a partial world revamp could be perfectly justified.
    Last edited by Darkarath; 2023-02-13 at 01:37 AM.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  10. #1590
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    Its too soon to predict anything about 11.0.

    Many of us have hopes for a world revamp, but it cannot possibly be another Cataclysm. WoW's expansions have 4-5 big zones these days. They can mix some zones together but in no way we are getting Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms at the same time. Which is good. Revamp, for instance, Northern Eastern Kingdoms first, and keep adding revamped zones in patches and expansions. Of course, current world has to be accessible in some way.
    I'm also in the World Revamp hype train, but this is going to be my last time getting aboard, the odds are more favorable in 2024 than ever, but the "assets" that can be used in said revamp/housing is starting to age at the same time that the game's decline is not recovering even on expansion releases anymore, so considering how ambitious a revamp is I don't see it happening in 2026 or later, because I'm sure that without a World Revamp, the lore and world-building will keep going downhill following Shadowlands footsteps, so if Blizzard doesn't think a World Revamp is worth now, they'll not change their minds when the game population is on the bottom that we're heeding.

    I also agree that a World Revamp is worth doing even if it takes 4-years/2-expansions to cover both Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor, any Revamp is better than none at this point.

    On a side note regarding Dragonflight patches, I hope this new "gem" system in 10.0.7 doesn't turn into a bad excuse to bring more of these s***t systems back in 10.1. Like c'mon we just had the very first patch free of this crap since 2016...

  11. #1591
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    I feel like, if 11.0 ends up being the Realm of Order or Life, or if the next expac involved more grounded Azeroth plotlines...

    Y'all would for some reason still try to connect these things to Yrel and the Light somehow.
    Yrel simply makes the most sense.

    1. She’s a popular character
    2. A light-based character (her and the Naaru) has never been a major villain before.
    3. 11.0’s release date would coincide with WoD’s 10 year and WoW’s 20 year anniversary.
    4. Arrakkoa and Ogres slot in perfectly as new races.
    5. Yrel’s alignment and support from the Naaru
    could fragment the alliance, something players have wanted to see for awhile.
    6. An invasion could prompt Blizzard to do a world revamp in order to properly show its effects on Azeroth proper.

    Yrel just seems like a far more likely scenario than dealing with vague expansion concepts like Life and Order. People didn’t enjoy a Death/order/chaos expansion where the thematic was clearly larger than what Blizzard could handle. I simply don’t see Blizzard going that route again.

  12. #1592
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    I feel like, if 11.0 ends up being the Realm of Order or Life, or if the next expac involved more grounded Azeroth plotlines...

    Y'all would for some reason still try to connect these things to Yrel and the Light somehow.
    Next expansion is going to be focused around elements

  13. #1593
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Next expansion is going to be focused around elements
    This expansion is focused around elements, elemental dragons being the main antagonists, using elemental and Twilight's-Hammer-in-all-but-name forces.

    At best, the next expansion will have us restore "diplomatic relations" with the actual Elemental Lords. Therazane and Neptulon are easy, but we need them on board first before negotiating with Smolderon and Thunderaan - while the Earthen Ring already allied with them, the new Firelord might already have been usurped and would need to be rescued or his replacement... replaced, and the relations with the Windlord had already begun to sour as a certain mortal Rogue coerced him into blessing their swords in exchange for bindings similar to the one that once held him.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  14. #1594
    I hope that next expansion will have some revamped zones and story, making main cities populated again.

    Focusing on politics of alliance and horde council that isn't about a war between them, making us back to some places for new storylines, modern progression in these zones with WQ's etc.

    Since DF is some sort of a "revamp" direction of the game, i think it would be just nice to come back to the basics and have an expansion that focuses of course on void, light or nathrezim's, Malganis etc. but also on the two main factions and how they operate now, having some twists with turalyon i think it would be interesting.

    I just think it would be fun to again be a hero on the mainland and helping locals with new threats and mysteries.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-13 at 07:53 AM.

  15. #1595
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    I can't see WoW ever doing another Cataclysm. Even with their new philosophies at play - maybe even specifically because of these new philosophies - they seem like they just want to create new things entirely.

  16. #1596
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Next expansion is going to be focused around elements
    Uhhhhh, current expansion is the most elemental focused since Cata, maybe even beating it. Why would they immediately repeat that?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  17. #1597
    I don't want another cata, I want revamped cities. Tired of Orgrimmar and Stormwind looking decades old despite being the capital cities. They haven't even changed the loading screens of EK and Kalimdor since WoD

  18. #1598
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    Yrel is popular? thats new.

  19. #1599
    Personal wish

    11.0 World revamp with Scarlets returning (8.3 hint) and maybe Yrel sequel. Azeroth Light themed expansion.
    I feel like world revamp is now one of the most wanted features just like Dragon Isles were wished for.
    They could at least do it slowly trough expansion. Best to start with northern EK because of Scarlets and long awaited Silvermoon update. Elven zone above Stratholme.
    Main feature for characters: Class Skins
    -Another reason for a world revamp as players would go to different parts of Azeroth for the questlines that would literally be artifact weapons 2.0 special questlines based on a specialization. Also unlockable additional customizations. The first thing that comes to my mind is that dude from reddit who keeps creating amazing concepts of different "glyphs" based on a race and class individually.

    12.0 K'aresh Void corrupted planet. This would make a perfect Void themed expansion, but it would be more cosmical than the 11.0 Light themed idea so that's why another expansion settled on Azeroth would be more liked.
    Main feature: I'd really like playable Ethereals. Their design and lore is so cool.
    -Not sure if I'd like them to be the same case as Dracthyr being both Alliance and Horde.
    -Void Elves could finally get some new liked lore and would help bringing the non-corrupted Ethereals to the Alliance.
    -I have no idea which race could be good for Horde. I'd maybe say the long awaited Ogres, but I think Blizzard's excuse would be that they're not fitting to this Void expansion. For once, they could just make a zone and lore for them regardless of the current expansion.

  20. #1600
    Dreadlord Berkilak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Yrel is popular? thats new.
    Anything that exists within the groundbreaking, record-shattering, timely-released MOBA Heroes of the Storm is absolutely iconic and integral to the narrative of any of the originating franchise. Obviously.

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