1. #16001
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I can’t be the only one who doesn’t get actual Emerald Dream vibes from the zone pictures?

    I know it’s a silly thing to say considering this is the first we see of it on a bigger scale but I just see it as Val’sharah. I expected something much more wild, like a combination of Un’goro, Feralas and Val’sharrah. I dunno, I feel whelmed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post

    It just looks like Val'sharah with a bit of Firelands with me.

    Really lacking that sense of magic and other-worldliness for me.
    You're not alone. The zone design is extremely lacklustre. I mean, it's not a bad zone technically, but it doesn't look what you have in mind when you think of the Emerald Dream. It looks like a very normal elven forest.

  2. #16002
    The Dream is pretty much what we've seen ingame from the look of the zones, we were just hoping it was more than that.

    - - - Updated - - -


  3. #16003
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    Next shop pack with tenders confirmed

  4. #16004
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    There is some unknown, Igira, Larodar, Nymue, a council and Fyrakk
    Yeah, this is super underwhelming.

    Nothing related to Xavius or the remnant of the Void? No dragon riders of Loreth’aran? Omen from the Lunar Festival getting some love? Gorak Tul or the Drust could have made a reappearance too.

    Meh, I dunno. We waited years to get the Dream as content and it just feels underwhelming and a lot of missed opportunities.

    I love the mythic+ dungeon pool though.

  5. #16005
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The Dream is pretty much what we've seen ingame from the look of the zones, we were just hoping it was more than that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think it's the same phenomenon we had when we first stepped foot in the Shadowlands. It feels weird that an allegedly spiritual realm of legend is some kind of place where people live and walk around just like in the normal world. But it's made worse by the fact that Ardenweald did feel otherwordly and spiritual, so it felt like they'd be able to give the Emerald Dream a similar treatment. But nope, it's pretty much like visiting any other Dragon Isles zone, except it uses Val'sharah assets.

  6. #16006
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The Dream is pretty much what we've seen ingame from the look of the zones, we were just hoping it was more than that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Im actually glad it is exactly what it is supposed to be and from what we've seen earlier. Too often stuff get changed just to look "different than expected". Only thing im sad about is that I havent seen the floating trees with twirly roots yet from the original vanilla leaked zone
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  7. #16007
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    We'll likely get the set in the post raid content or something.

    Honestly, the whole debacle around the recolor has been such a clusterfuck on Blizzards end.
    Such grotesque lack of communication and management.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #16008
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post

    Nothing related to Xavius or the remnant of the Void? No dragon riders of Loreth’aran? Omen from the Lunar Festival getting some love? Gorak Tul or the Drust could have made a reappearance too.
    This is the biggest omission so far and if they aren't part of the Dream Wardens that shit must be intentional. Maybe Loretharan was a sex offender dev's name or something.

    Personally glad to be done with void for a second but no Satyrs at all is a weird omission. I feel like they have to be around.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I think it's the same phenomenon we had when we first stepped foot in the Shadowlands. It feels weird that an allegedly spiritual realm of legend is some kind of place where people live and walk around just like in the normal world. But it's made worse by the fact that Ardenweald did feel otherwordly and spiritual, so it felt like they'd be able to give the Emerald Dream a similar treatment. But nope, it's pretty much like visiting any other Dragon Isles zone, except it uses Val'sharah assets.
    Because what you're looking for is an expansion or patch they are scared shitless of doing (Lifelands). They COULD'VE rehauled the dream to be as interesting as Ardenweald but it looks like they are sticking to the idea of "the Dream is a copy, related to a magical Life world that's much cooler and unique".

  9. #16009
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The Dream is pretty much what we've seen ingame from the look of the zones, we were just hoping it was more than that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I know, but it’s supposed to be Azeroth untouched by mortals. Which lends the belief that it would be this primordial, savage wilderness.

    But what we’re seeing is an elven forest, I just wish it was more.

  10. #16010
    I'm guessing the big owl is Elune's lieutenant or messenger, and she won't actually appear but send a voicemail after the raid.

  11. #16011
    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Next shop pack with tenders confirmed
    (bloodcurdling scream)

    The website literally says its the reward from the heritage quest. They can't act like they had bigger things in mind for it. This is the equivalent to watering down your liquor.
    Malfurion is still in Ardenweld. Lots of other notable characters appear in Patch 10.2 though!
    Their dedication to not including Malufurion in druid/elune/nelf storylines is harrowing.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-09-07 at 10:20 PM.

  12. #16012
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    This is the biggest omission so far and if they aren't part of the Dream Wardens that shit must be intentional. Maybe Loretharan was a sex offender dev's name or something.

    Personally glad to be done with void for a second but no Satyrs at all is a weird omission. I feel like they have to be around.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Because what you're looking for is an expansion or patch they are scared shitless of doing (Lifelands). They COULD'VE rehauled the dream to be as interesting as Ardenweald but it looks like they are sticking to the idea of "the Dream is a copy, related to a magical Life world that's much cooler and unique".
    You can make the Dream interesting regardless of whether it's a copy, a reflection, a blueprint, or whatever else of Azeroth.

    It can be a lush forest, with some swirly mists, rays of moonlight, cool mushroom thickets, great meadows, and so on. All of that would fit with a sort of pristine version of Azeroth before mortals came along and ruined everything, and perhaps when there was a greater abundance of spirit around. It's also super easy to take liberties because of how heavily tied it is to Druids and their dreaming, and a whole lot of other magical creatures commonly accosciated with nature magic, enchanted forests, etc.

  13. #16013
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    The Grotto Netherwing Drake is indeed now a quest reward for anyone who didn't get him via the monthly reward track.

  14. #16014
    In an ideal world we’d have gotten three zones like Argus.

    One elven, one primordial like Un’goro and the last could have been a giant mushroom forest.

    Oh well, I’ll get over it.

    Still gutted about the dragon riders of loreth’aran and Xavius though.

    What’s the size of the zone like?

  15. #16015
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Soooo... any trace of that cat store mount from a while back? IIRC, we all took it as evidence of the Emerald Dream.

  16. #16016
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    In an ideal world we’d have gotten three zones like Argus.
    I do think the size has more to do with the next expansion. I would say the third patch will be bigger, but with them heavily hinting there is no third zone, I'm guessing the 11.0 zones are a whopper. (Revamp?)

    If this was Argus sized it would def be the last patch. But it's not, and it's also hinted to be the last zone, so...

  17. #16017
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    The Grotto Netherwing Drake is indeed now a quest reward for anyone who didn't get him via the monthly reward track.
    Makes sense, I guess.

    Well, I mean, at some point. They have all these customizations for it in the files that it's basically its own Dragon Riding type like the others. I expected them to make it commonly available once all the customizations were in, though. So far for 10.2 it just seems two extra skin colors.

  18. #16018
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Makes sense, I guess.

    Well, I mean, at some point. They have all these customizations for it in the files that it's basically its own Dragon Riding type like the others. I expected them to make it commonly available once all the customizations were in, though. So far for 10.2 it just seems two extra skin colors.
    Probably reserved for the Outland Cup.

  19. #16019

  20. #16020
    I laughed pretty hard at this.


    There's a second gladiator mount in the icon files. Maybe a hint that's S4?

    New tabards for Silvermoon and Darnassus. Also some armor based on Kael'thas and Sylvanas. And a Dreadlord themed outfit.
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-09-07 at 10:28 PM.

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