Yeah, one way or another we're SO getting a world revamp
Yeah, one way or another we're SO getting a world revamp
They could have done many things with Vyranoth other than making her our ally and betrayer of the incarnates, or killing her. Have her use her new "allegiance" to Alexstrasza to destroy the remaining eggs in ruby lifepools while our efforts are focused against Fyrakk.
She and Iridikron started the corruption of Fyrakk. Why not make her privy to Iridikron's plans? It makes no sense
It's plain bad writing, her allegiance switch is explained by not being ok with the burning of Amirdrassil when she's alright with transforming the whole world as an elemental storm (primalists future). The whole thing is idiotic at best.
Last edited by Skildar; 2023-09-10 at 03:23 PM.
This one is apparently from 10.1 but I don't think ever got picked up anywhere, but the chainmail stands from shops in Stormwind got new models as well.
Stormwind and Orgrimmar will be revamped for sure. We'll see about the other regions but I'm pretty confident about that.
Honestly, we haven't had a good character betrayer happen in WoW in a long, long time (or even at all)... [The closest I can think of is either Garona backstabbing King Llane or Cordana Felsong being corrupted by the Fel Tomes we gathered] I don't mean like Sylvanas betraying the Jailer kind of thing.. I mean like someone who we've befriended and turned against us willingly and without any hints that it the betrayal was hinted at.
So having Vyranoth (or Vyranoth tempting Alexstraza) to be the betrayer without any hint at it would be a good way to turn it around.
But unless that happens (and I hope it does), all I'm expecting (dreading) is that they pull a Sylvanas type stuff... because there are people who really seem to want Vyranoth to be a good guy in the end.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
Arcane Forge has appeared in Valdrakken and has a countdown timing for less than an hour from now. Any idea what this thing is??
The world revamp dream will never die!
Achievement rewards that you can use in your new house?
- - - Updated - - -
Re: those sets I really want to play an Evoker, I just can't stand the look of the Dracthyr form. If the login screen at least allowed me to see my Visage form permanently, then it'd be all right.
Ah, I see. You're basing your opinion on wowhead searches, not realizing that wowhead doesn't actually accurately tally quests, especially during an expansion like Legion where world quests appear in multiple places, every classes' version of the same "use the artifact forge" or "pick a new weapon" quest are duplicated 12/36 times, or that another 70 are just trigger quests for which artifact you're using or keep track of what "raise weapon animation" to use and the like, several hundred quests are just treasure tracking and scenarios, because when Legion was made they used quests for literally anything.
You're welcome to go actually look at a list of proper quests and see that I'm correct though.
Last edited by Hitei; 2023-09-10 at 05:47 PM.