1. #17021
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Im back once again, what is the consensus on expac announcement on blizzcon, or a stream in april like for DF?
    Probably Blizzcon proper. Blizzard would want to fire on all cylinders for their 30th Anniversary of Warcraft, 20th Anniversary of WoW, etc.
    Even more so now that a world revamp is confirmed happening. It's no longer a dream, and we are down to a reasonable chance to actually have one for 11.0. The other reasonable option for 11.0 is backside of Azeroth.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #17022
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I have a feeling that whatever Blizzard announces in November, 11.0 will end up rather differently from what we imagine it to be.

    Basically every expansion has.

    They always do this unexpected thing that throws our speculation off. Sylvanas breaking the crown, or burning Teldrassil. Yet another frigging faction war when we thought all was well. Nazjatar rising from the sea for a "dry" underwater experience. BfA being a sort if Great Seas expansion and South Seas all at once, but also mixing the Old Gods and a faction war in there, as well as the Heart of Azeroth stuff.

    The Dragon Isles might've been a little bit anticipated because it was one of the last known landmasses we had yet to explore, but Primal Incarnates?

    I think beyond the re-emergence of Thrall, and (in my opinion) the likely showdown with the Void, anything could happen.

    When we speculate, it's probably useful to bear that in mind, and to keep an open mind. Think outside the box.

  3. #17023
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I have a feeling that whatever Blizzard announces in November, 11.0 will end up rather differently from what we imagine it to be.

    Basically every expansion has.

    They always do this unexpected thing that throws our speculation off. Sylvanas breaking the crown, or burning Teldrassil. Yet another frigging faction war when we thought all was well. Nazjatar rising from the sea for a "dry" underwater experience. BfA being a sort if Great Seas expansion and South Seas all at once.

    The Dragon Isles might've been a little bit anticipated because it was one of the last known landmasses we had yet to explore, but Primal Incarnates?

    I think beyond the re-emergence of Thrall, and (in my opinion) the likely showdown with the Void, anything could happen.

    When we speculate, it's probably useful to bear that in mind, and to keep an open mind. Think outside the box.
    I wouldnt say that we end up getting something different than what we imagine, but rather that we get something different from what is being directly hinted in hte final patch. And that rather what we got was the speculation from long before leak season started.
    BfA for instance heavily teased the Dragon Isles in 8.3, enough so that everyone forgot the likely speculation from much earlier of Shadowlands with Sylvanas.

    In this case that would mean the backside of Azeroth with Avaloren or whatever, with a world revamp coming 12.0.
    However, I would argue that Avaloren isnt so much heavily hinted that we can be certain that it's the safe bet. It seems more like the kind of vague hints we get that gives room for expansions later. And that the obvious hint was always a World Revamp. Not just because it's always a good bet, but because the timeskip at the end of Shadowlands also heavily hinted at a world revamp.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  4. #17024
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Im back once again, what is the consensus on expac announcement on blizzcon, or a stream in april like for DF?
    11.0 HYPE is now official!

  5. #17025
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I have a feeling that whatever Blizzard announces in November, 11.0 will end up rather differently from what we imagine it to be.

    Basically every expansion has.
    I'd say that when it comes to the last few expansions that is not really true. Island expansion was the prevailing idea for BfA. Sure it had many additional elements to that but it still was an island expansion. Death expansion was the common speculation for Shadowlands and Dragon Isles for Dragonflight. I'd say TBC and Wrath were also very much expected though social media were nowhere near as prevalent back then.
    Between Cata and Legion then yes, the most common speculation was consistently South Seas/Island expansion which did not happen until BfA. I don't think anyone could have predicted WoD (but it leaked reasonably early and in a very convincing manner). People did expect Legion's theme, just not the location. So I'd say that the community often gets a solid chunk right just not the full picture.

    I'd say right now the best candidate remains back side of Azeroth/Avaloren though I think for the first time since it became prevalent before Legion World Revamp is neck and neck. No pirates simply means that, No Pirates. It doesn't mean no archipelago continent on the other side of Azeroth that makes use of all the sea-related assets we have seen in the past year. But Datamining equally has given clues to world revamp so I am ambivalent. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a revamp miracle this Blizzcon.

    That said, I always keep to my own idea (not even going to call it speculation, there is no evidence to it) that we could get a visual revamp happening partially throughout multiple expansions that is integrated in the game through an evergreen event system similar to Timewalking.

  6. #17026
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Im back once again, what is the consensus on expac announcement on blizzcon, or a stream in april like for DF?
    All but confirmed Blizzcon announcement.

    We datamined 11.0 preorders a while ago.
    And Blizzard is actively stirring the pot.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #17027
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Probably Blizzcon proper. Blizzard would want to fire on all cylinders for their 30th Anniversary of Warcraft, 20th Anniversary of WoW, etc.
    Even more so now that a world revamp is confirmed happening. It's no longer a dream, and we are down to a reasonable chance to actually have one for 11.0. The other reasonable option for 11.0 is backside of Azeroth.
    Keep in mind the actual anniversary is NEXT year, not this year.

  8. #17028
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Im back once again, what is the consensus on expac announcement on blizzcon, or a stream in april like for DF?
    WoW and Diablo 4 expacs are certain, but of course we don't have direct confirmation (we have undirect though, Ybarra on twitter said Metzen will tell us about WoW future and yearly expansions for Diablo 4 were confirmed).

    Less interesting, but still obvious are Cata Classic and Hearthstone new stuff. I wonder how they want deal with WoTLK - make 4th iteration of Classic or remove it like TBC which would cause drama? Or maybe find a way to keep old world in Cata client and move all chars to 4.0? I would love that cause it would give hope to reintroduce old world to retail.

    Overwatch 2 situation will be more interesting, I wonder what Blizzard will try to counter current disaster.

    There is also new survival game, but it's unknown if it's advanced enough to reveal. If they plan to do yearly Blizzcons again, maybe they want all spotlight on that game on Blizzcon 2024.

  9. #17029
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Less interesting, but still obvious are Cata Classic and Hearthstone new stuff. I wonder how they want deal with WoTLK - make 4th iteration of Classic or remove it like TBC which would cause drama?
    At the end of the day I think private server popularity has always shown the next step for Classic. Let's face it, classic happened because of it and the popular versions of those servers are Vanilla and Wrath, not Cata and TBC. I think if a Cata version would be created, it might just be created to be converted into MoP Classic down the line with a Wrath Classic staying around forever.

    Though imo, everything from Cata forward would be best dealt with in the Retail client with a much more robust timewalking system.

  10. #17030
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I have a feeling that whatever Blizzard announces in November, 11.0 will end up rather differently from what we imagine it to be.
    Said something similar in the "next playable race" thread regarding vulpera; everybody clamoring this or that earlier, but vulpera became the next race then. A race that no one wanted.

  11. #17031
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Said something similar in the "next playable race" thread regarding vulpera; everybody clamoring this or that earlier, but vulpera became the next race then. A race that no one wanted.
    Vulpera were quite popular actually. It was those that didnt want a furry race that were against it.

    The contentious ones were Mechagnomes as an AR, instead of Ankoan.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  12. #17032
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Vulpera were quite popular actually. It was those that didnt want a furry race that were against it.

    The contentious ones were Mechagnomes as an AR, instead of Ankoan.
    I'd take basic campfire over diaper gnomes. It's not just that we got Mechagnomes, it is how they were implemented.

  13. #17033
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    11.0 HYPE is now official!
    ayee man you know it

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    All but confirmed Blizzcon announcement.

    We datamined 11.0 preorders a while ago.
    And Blizzard is actively stirring the pot.
    yeah seems to be the vibe im getting as well, except a couple odd tweets from muffinus before referencing this thread days before announcement, we didn't get this quite often.
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  14. #17034
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    To illustrate, let me spitball a few random concepts:

    • Eastern Kingdoms war. Scarlet Crusade empowered by "evil Light". Stormwind in disarray. Void strikes from the Darkmoon Faire. Hidden Old God. Scarlet Crusade ends up saving us. Greyzone morally.
    • Ancient Azeroth becomes available through Bronze dragon magic and the Emerald Dream. Expansion focused on Void, Life, Order, Elements, Elune, etc. witness the forging of our timeline and shaping of the world. Find out the Old Gods is an illusion of the Titans' doing. All eyes shall open.
    • Avaloren isn't some New World landmass to explore. It's basically Avalon, land of the "dead", those who sleep. Not Shadowlands or Lifelands, but Azeroth's first real kingdom. The planet was inhabited by sentient people with developed societies. But the land then slumbered, much like the Dragon Isles. An artificially or magically induced sleep, allowing the Titans to peacefully take over Kalimdor. These "heretics" might be Elune's people. Their technology even supersedes that of the Titans. They had to be locked away and hidden from sight.
    • Azeroth was already conquered, aeons ago. We are dreaming, and need to escape our prison.
    • The Dwarves of Ironforge have delved too deep. Underneath the city, an ancient evil stirs. Eastern Kingdoms falls, but out of nowhere the Lightbound Host comes thorough the Dark Portal.
    • C'thun returns. Southern Kalimdor is overrun. The sword of Sargeras allowed him to gobble up Azerite, ensuring his rejuvenation. This time, he is more powerful than ever. The final step in the Naga prophecy. The Harbinger strikes. He is the one to remain and consume all other Old Gods. He's the chosen, the last. Using the essence of Galakrond (Yogg-Saron), N'Zoth (Black Blade of the Empire), and Y'Shaarj (also the dagger), they infuse C'thun with the Void Disc. He's now essentially a Void Lord, or is becoming one.

  15. #17035
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post

    yeah seems to be the vibe im getting as well, except a couple odd tweets from muffinus before referencing this thread days before announcement, we didn't get this quite often.
    I think this thread is one of the few parts of MMOChampion that still has some relevance in the community.

  16. #17036
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I'd take basic campfire over diaper gnomes. It's not just that we got Mechagnomes, it is how they were implemented.
    Yeah. While not a gnome fan at all, I can still see how mechagnome a could have been much cooler than what we got.

  17. #17037
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    Yeah. While not a gnome fan at all, I can still see how mechagnome a could have been much cooler than what we got.
    For me, no version of gnome makes sense in the game until we have a tinker class. It's like having blood elves without casters or orcs without warriors.

  18. #17038
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    For me, no version of gnome makes sense in the game until we have a tinker class. It's like having blood elves without casters or orcs without warriors.
    Admittedly, it is somewhat baffling that the game was released without it. It definitely makes it difficult to roleplay gnomes and goblins effectively due to how fundamental an unplayable class is to their identity. While you can just take the engineering profession, it still will eternally play second fiddle to a class that will invariably not fit the race as well as a dedicated tinker class would.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  19. #17039
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Admittedly, it is somewhat baffling that the game was released without it. It definitely makes it difficult to roleplay gnomes and goblins effectively due to how fundamental an unplayable class is to their identity. While you can just take the engineering profession, it still will eternally play second fiddle to a class that will invariably not fit the race as well as a dedicated tinker class would.
    I'd say spellblades are also a problem but to a far lesser extent; none of the major elf npcs were spellblades (Kael'thas was depicted as a mage first). But tinkers should be resolved somehow. I once suggested that it could simply be done visually when we where talking about class skins (heck I could come out with ways to give mech/tinker elements to almost every class) by providing "glyphs", visually modifications that are made through engineering.

    A World Revamp expansion could be a way to do that, there are many hooks for such a class in a revamp. Avaloren could do it if they decided to give the civilizations there a steampunk theme which is always visually striking and would allow them to give completely different visuals for classic biome themes (steampunk + climate theme changes everything)

    Plus steampunk armor for all classes.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-09-13 at 11:51 AM.

  20. #17040
    I was just making my Draenei, and tbh, they oughta do another character model update soon. It's already been almost 10 years since WoD, which had the update. And WoD was 10 years since Vanilla. Looking at all the models, at least on the Alliance side, the human one looks so much more detailed than the rest. The Draenei face looks so much less detailed than the rest too.

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