1. #17041
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Roger View Post
    you have done the same thing in the past is the point

    werent you trying to push the "shadowlands" leak that had a ghostbuster class because obviously that was the only thing possible
    and not until the 11th hour do you ever change an opinion
    I wasn't "pushing" any leak. What happened is that that particular SL leak contained info about Tinkers doing "Ghostbusting" and I was laying out an argument of how that could be possible in order to fit the class into SL's thematic. This scenario seems plausible because a later leak stated that Tinkers were considered as a new class in SL but Blizzard just couldn't get them to fit the theme. If you remember, during the SL leak season, several Shadowlands leaks contained a Tinker class until around September/October, with the expansion being revealed in early November.

    as for pirates i wouldnt say those would be a main theme but sailing and visiting islands like telabim only to find its more than bananas and pygmys
    plus one of your favorite characters is still wondering around and had ties to such seafaring groups
    Yeah, I don't believe we'll see Telabim (sp?) or other south seas areas until Undermine, since those islands are in the vicinity of Kezan.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    The counter has been people calling out your lack of evidence and you presenting your head canon as such.
    We have Thrall on the BlizzCon key art a few months ago, and Infinite/Bronze drake temporal hijinks in 10.1.7. We also have hints from BFA and Shadowlands. A lightbound expansion also fits with a world revamp, Chris Metzen returning, 10th anniversary of WoD, 20th anniversary of WoW, and the Chinese predictor who I believe has been 100% accurate up to this point.

    It's also simply more believable as an expansion concept. It has clear villains, a clear plot, and clear possible features, such as Arakkoa and Ogres as the two new races. In comparison we have nebulous expansion concepts that really don't match any of the evidence at hand beyond some loose connections to current raids and plot lines that will no doubt be resolved by the end of the expansion.

    Is it 100% going to be the next expansion? No one is saying that. However given what we have, in my view it's by far the most likely.

  2. #17042
    The explicit tease of the Broken make me think that a Character Creation Screen rehaul is due. Because three Draenei options on the screen is to look crazy (and I think they are too different to be barber shop).

    Also, really hoping for new HD backgrounds for characters.

  3. #17043
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilas View Post
    This is completely ridiculous conversation guys... what evidence do most characters have in the beginning, that burning Teldrassil was even done on purpose
    Go read a good war and play BFA, the horde know she did it on purpose because a ton of soliders were there and heard her give the order, the alliance knows because Saurfang talks with Anduin about it and both Tyranda and Malf know he lead the charge so would have first hand info of what went down.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  4. #17044
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The explicit tease of the Broken make me think that a Character Creation Screen rehaul is due. Because three Draenei options on the screen is to look crazy (and I think they are too different to be barber shop).

    Also, really hoping for new HD backgrounds for characters.
    Evidently the draenei racial “Gift of the Naaru” even changes its visual (to fel/sargeri) based on the new skin color options - which feels super interesting. We’ve never seen anything like that before within a race.

  5. #17045
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    Yeah, it is either Backside of Azeroth or Revamp in my view too.

    Honestly, both are exciting prospects that take me out of the darkness that is the "End of 3 Raid Tiers/x.3 Death"/"Night Elves getting exiled to Dragon Isles".

    Fundamentally, I cannot stress how much I am looking forward to see Opening Ceremony, Metzen, Keynotes and Development Panels after this nightmare ending of DF.
    Also when Metzen came back they said he would be working on WoW for a bit before moving on yo other projects. What expansion would metzen be invaluable for? A narrative world revamp. Its possible they contacted him about it a year or so ago abd he agreed to come back and to help rebuild Azeroth.

  6. #17046
    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilas View Post
    This is completely ridiculous conversation guys... what evidence do most characters have in the beginning, that burning Teldrassil was even done on purpose (It is a tree...), or part of any evil plan to cause mass death for the Jailer.
    Wow...putting wow back in WoW. Your poor attempt to clean the hands of Sylvanas and Horde collaboration is only equaled by the incredibly poor writing that has sadly become the rule for Blizz. I'd advocate that if nothing else the undead should exult in their evil impulses as a matter of pride. But Blizz has as usual, stupidly moved beyond that point in their usual lack of graceful storytelling so as to encourage everyone to forget all the loose ends that they refuse to tie up.

  7. #17047
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    Evidently the draenei racial “Gift of the Naaru” even changes its visual (to fel/sargeri) based on the new skin color options - which feels super interesting. We’ve never seen anything like that before within a race.
    Yeah it does. I didn't know this either but just checked on my Draenei. Very small thing and it's not a spell I use a lot but a nice change to have!

  8. #17048
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Im back once again
    Now it's officially hype season.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    A World Revamp expansion could be a way to do that, there are many hooks for such a class in a revamp. Avaloren could do it if they decided to give the civilizations there a steampunk theme which is always visually striking and would allow them to give completely different visuals for classic biome themes (steampunk + climate theme changes everything)

    Plus steampunk armor for all classes.
    Not excessively innovative, but imagine because of the Well of Eternity or whatever the backside of Azeroth is kind of magic starved so the place developed more technologically. Mostly interesting for the novelty of styles and themes this could bring to WoW.
    Last edited by Samin; 2023-09-13 at 01:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  9. #17049
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    Evidently the draenei racial “Gift of the Naaru” even changes its visual (to fel/sargeri) based on the new skin color options - which feels super interesting. We’ve never seen anything like that before within a race.
    How could would it be to see changes like these based on race and stuff. Like for example Priests. I feel spell effects for Human and Night Elf priests should be different. Draenei too. They have different concepts of light in their minds. One is Holy Light. One is Elune. Another is Naaru.

  10. #17050
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    How could would it be to see changes like these based on race and stuff. Like for example Priests. I feel spell effects for Human and Night Elf priests should be different. Draenei too. They have different concepts of light in their minds. One is Holy Light. One is Elune. Another is Naaru.
    I could see that being a big selling point in 11.0, similar to how the Talent and Profession revamps were big selling points in Dragonflight.
    Maybe just a few changes like different coloured effects for priests, or different tooltips for Tauren paladins, etc.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #17051
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I could see that being a big selling point in 11.0, similar to how the Talent and Profession revamps were big selling points in Dragonflight.
    Maybe just a few changes like different coloured effects for priests, or different tooltips for Tauren paladins, etc.
    It would be very immersive, especially if they are going to make every class available to everyone.

  12. #17052
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    It would be very immersive, especially if they are going to make every class available to everyone.
    Class skins, particularly for racial customization, are the best idea the community has had.

  13. #17053
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I wasn't "pushing" any leak. What happened is that that particular SL leak contained info about Tinkers doing "Ghostbusting" and I was laying out an argument of how that could be possible in order to fit the class into SL's thematic. This scenario seems plausible because a later leak stated that Tinkers were considered as a new class in SL but Blizzard just couldn't get them to fit the theme. If you remember, during the SL leak season, several Shadowlands leaks contained a Tinker class until around September/October, with the expansion being revealed in early November.

    Yeah, I don't believe we'll see Telabim (sp?) or other south seas areas until Undermine, since those islands are in the vicinity of Kezan.

    - - - Updated - - -

    We have Thrall on the BlizzCon key art a few months ago, and Infinite/Bronze drake temporal hijinks in 10.1.7. We also have hints from BFA and Shadowlands. A lightbound expansion also fits with a world revamp, Chris Metzen returning, 10th anniversary of WoD, 20th anniversary of WoW, and the Chinese predictor who I believe has been 100% accurate up to this point.

    It's also simply more believable as an expansion concept. It has clear villains, a clear plot, and clear possible features, such as Arakkoa and Ogres as the two new races. In comparison we have nebulous expansion concepts that really don't match any of the evidence at hand beyond some loose connections to current raids and plot lines that will no doubt be resolved by the end of the expansion.

    Is it 100% going to be the next expansion? No one is saying that. However given what we have, in my view it's by far the most likely.
    Chinese prediction for 11.0 is elements not light invasion

  14. #17054
    Ion's stance on the Observer pet have totally dampened any of my hopes for proper racial spell customization. The mythical "PvPer that shuts down if he sees a spell effect he doesn't recognize in a nanosecond" seems to be their convenient excuse for why night elf and orc paladins will be using the Light. The only player who has their feedback heeded more by Blizzard is that one who always wishes he could just spend money on something instead of needing to play the game.

  15. #17055
    I'd love a spellblade support spec for mage
    Melee spec
    Enchant your weapons and debuff enemies
    Things like mass barrier
    Mass double hero
    Time magic debuff to store and double damage

  16. #17056
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Admittedly, it is somewhat baffling that the game was released without it. It definitely makes it difficult to roleplay gnomes and goblins effectively due to how fundamental an unplayable class is to their identity. While you can just take the engineering profession, it still will eternally play second fiddle to a class that will invariably not fit the race as well as a dedicated tinker class would.
    That's been a core problem for years, only made worse by pushing the concept even harder in more recent expansions like MoP and BFA. It's quite disappointing to see Mekkatorque and Gallywix engage in ground and aerial mech battles in BFA and not be able to partake in that fantasy on any level.

    Hopefully they're saving everything for an Undermine expansion.

  17. #17057
    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    Chinese prediction for 11.0 is elements not light invasion
    And how would elements be shown differently from how they are a major factor in this expansion? Is the world revamp specifically for Deepholm and Vashj'ir?
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  18. #17058
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    Ion's stance on the Observer pet have totally dampened any of my hopes for proper racial spell customization. The mythical "PvPer that shuts down if he sees a spell effect he doesn't recognize in a nanosecond" seems to be their convenient excuse for why night elf and orc paladins will be using the Light. The only player who has their feedback heeded more by Blizzard is that one who always wishes he could just spend money on something instead of needing to play the game.
    There are far more crazy Nelf fans than there are people using Water Elemental and Observer.

    Considering that one change is like the ONLY unpopular change they haven't caved on in DF, there is probably a backdoor reason for why that's not just "Lol we hate RP".

  19. #17059
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    Chinese prediction for 11.0 is elements not light invasion
    Thrall and the heroes of the alliance and horde could use Azeroth's elements to repel a light invasion. Essentially the Shaminism of the Orcs versus the Light/Naaru power of the Draenei.

  20. #17060
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    There are far more crazy Nelf fans than there are people using Water Elemental and Observer.

    Considering that one change is like the ONLY unpopular change they haven't caved on in DF, there is probably a backdoor reason for why that's not just "Lol we hate RP".
    Hey, that didn't stop them from making that heritage questline and going through the whole heritage armor variant and tattoo downgrade debacle!

    In all seriousness, the Velen questline has had me thinking about how uneven the overall writing of Dragonflight has been. Not that it's a brand new feeling, but it feels very pronounced this time around. I'll get into it later.

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