WoW needs a more immersive character creation screen. Current one just looks like your standard low budget mobile experience.
WoW needs a more immersive character creation screen. Current one just looks like your standard low budget mobile experience.
More noticeable seems to be the elongated sleeker headshape compared to the old model.
The new one seems more bulbous as if to mimic "kawaii" sort of relations between the parts, while failing to look, eh, dragon-y in earnest.
He didn't die, we banished his manifestation.
The real void lords reside in the void, at best they can manifest parts of themselves temporarily (which is what happened on Ka'resh, scouring it of all life and creating the ethereals, just by truly entering reality for a moment).
It's like they try to pry their fingers into reality and we just push those fingers back into rhe void by "killing" his manifestation.
We do need to learn more, but frankly with all the cosmic shit so far they've failed to really give it personality and identity.
One thing that might help is to i.e. make chaos "pantheon-less" to underline their lack of order, while keeping the void lords undistinguishable and nameless unless they manifest outside the void (thus becoming "something" and being nameable).
Last edited by loras; 2023-09-13 at 04:01 PM.
This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
Yet also as humble as health and humor permit.
Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.
I'd put Battle-Mage in cloth and bump up the other two. Bards using medium armour is a common trope, and the tinker could be running around in some sort of powered exoskeleton which is basically plate equivalent. Mages in plate is something typically reserved more for BBEGs.
Do we think we're getting a return to racial starting zones in the future? Exiles Reach will be the starter tutorial area for sure, but I think that they can't have Cata zones still be showing up on the character creation scene for long.
Also some of them, like the Human area (and Nelves ofc), straight up don't work anymore in the lore.
They have to use them for *something*.
I expect them to keep Exiles Reach but still use the starting zones as the intro into Azeroth after.
Where instead of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, you fly to Northshire or Hyjal, etc.
And for Veterans, they can just spawn into the starter zones without Exiles Reach, just like they do today.
Formerly known as Arafal
Wouldn't that transition be awkward though?
I think it would be more something like this
Exiles Reach -> Dragonflight -> 11.0 Endgame
(They even set up the beginning of Waking Shores like you just played Exiles Reach)
New Starting Zones -> Whatever old expansion you choose -> 11.0 Endgame
I am still unsure if a revamp will have leveling quests in old revamped zones. I hope they do but I'm not certain.
Any idea why the devs updated the Tirigarde Sound page? I thought it was a Secret of Azeroth thing but I think the satchels have all been found.
Another pirate troll?
Creation screen is new, and good enough.
Selection screen though, is horrible. Buggy, impractical, and ugly. As an altoholic it sucks even more, because it's annoying that you gotta select 11 chars to display at the top.
I want some kind of visual layout where portraits of every alt fit all at once. Or some kind of filter and sorting functionality. Favourites or "mains", bank alts, crafters, race, class, sex, etc.
Also custom backgrounds and poses, please. Time to get rid of the awkwardness that is DK login background.
I can't believe this wasn't part of their Dragonflight UI overhaul tbh.
Why on earth would they need to update the character creation screen? Its not exactly like we have in-depth character creation to begin with.
I mean, look at this.
Bland, boring, unoriginal.
They change the icons a bit, add colour and look, much better!
Did the first one serve its purpose? Yeah. But it could be much better, and it became much better.