1. #1721
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    They would need to come up with 3 times more new mechanics for these than they have now. Most of the old dungeons were tank and spank.

    Edit: well maybe not Cata and Wotlk, but vanilla and tbc were very poor in mechanics terms.
    My memory must be failing me, because I don't see how vanilla/tbc dungeon trash has dramatically less mechanics than their modern counterparts. The bosses? Probably. They'd likely have to add more mechanics especially to the lower and mid level dungeons, but you can certainly find encounters with 3 or 4 abilities.

    Now, are they as impactful or annoying to deal with as anything in DF? Likely not.

  2. #1722
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    My memory must be failing me, because I don't see how vanilla/tbc dungeon trash has dramatically less mechanics than their modern counterparts. The bosses? Probably. They'd likely have to add more mechanics especially to the lower and mid level dungeons, but you can certainly find encounters with 3 or 4 abilities.

    Now, are they as impactful or annoying to deal with as anything in DF? Likely not.
    They do have dramatically less abilities that are also less varied. Vanilla trash had like one ability per mob tops that was also a literal copy of a class ability. On top of that they often had some annoying, unavoidable CC chains that kept stun-locking you.
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  3. #1723
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They do have dramatically less abilities that are also less varied. Vanilla trash had like one ability per mob tops that was also a literal copy of a class ability. On top of that they often had some annoying, unavoidable CC chains that kept stun-locking you.
    Less varied? Sure, I'll agree to that, to an extent. Less? I don't think so. I did RLP recently and I'm thinking of the mages at the start, which have a shielding ability and their icebolts.

    As for the CC chains, I'd say that would work in their favour, but also wouldn't as the players' toolkit today can pretty much nulify anything.

  4. #1724
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    Less varied? Sure, I'll agree to that, to an extent. Less? I don't think so. I did RLP recently and I'm thinking of the mages at the start, which have a shielding ability and their icebolts.

    As for the CC chains, I'd say that would work in their favour, but also wouldn't as the players' toolkit today can pretty much nulify anything.
    They still have more, and they are more varied in a single pack, which did not happen in Vanilla.

    CC chains wouldn't work. You would not survive them in higher keys, and they were pretty much always not telegraphed in Vanilla.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-02-19 at 10:39 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #1725
    Huh. Looks like there'll be Scarlet Crusade-themed armor at the Trading Post. It's unlikely this has anything to do with any future plot developments as the Trading Post rewards seem general and evergreen, but it's interesting nonetheless.

  6. #1726
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    i felt they should have done a fork off of WoW Classic instead of doing BC Classic and Wrath Classic
    You mean a fork of the modern state of WoW, gameplay- and tech-wise, right? Because the Classics offer objectively worse experiences in that regard, only offset by the factor of nostalgia.
    Just starting over from the state of Vanilla/BC/WotLK would be just dismissing any development progress since then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    The way it would work is that it would be focused on smaller adventurers that fit between Vanilla and BC, so it doesnt disrupt the lore. You can fit a small Scarlet xpac in there, a small pirate xpac in there, a small murloc xpac, etc. Things that are minor and dont change the world. Lorewise, you can say "oh, those things happened as well but we didnt cover it until now".
    That can be done within the modern game as well. Pirates/Murlocs/Scarlets are relevant? Bronze dragon swoops in, says "Ok I can't tell you much about the present state, but I can show you what these guys've been up to in the past", and transports you to a phased version of the relevant zone (like during the Thaldraszus storyline, but extended) where you get a first-hand backstory of current events during the levelling story, and maybe return again later to double-check etc.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  7. #1727

    So gul'dan staff will be in trading post.

    So far we have ravencrest blade, gul'dan staff and i hope gorehowl will be in too sometime in the future, because so far there are only 2 axes in TP, and one of them is a blue recolor or orgrimmar axe..

  8. #1728
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Why would they celebrate one of their most hated expansions?
    People disliked WoD because the capital hubs were empty due to Garrisons (big problem in a MMORPG) and there was barely any content, as well as a lot of cut content (Faralhon, Shattrath raid, being able to place Garrisons everywhere, Karabor capital city, etc.) not because of the themes and aesthetics.

    People actually praised WoD levelling as the best levelling they ever made (and they continue to do so in 2023, so it's not recency bias). People loved Karabor, that's why they were so disappointed when it wasn't the player hub. People found it very cool to see Outlands before it became Outlands. People were angry that the Shattrath raid was cut because they wanted more lore development for Yrel (who was hyped as the main Alliance protagonist of that expansion).

    People liked the themes and aesthetics of WoD, it was an incredibly hyped expansion, they even put Gorehowl statue in Times Square.

    People will not dislike an expansion about Yrel and the Lightbound based off of its aesthetics and themes.

    And this is not historical revisionism. Even during WoD, people praised the questing and cinematics of the expansion. The problem people were complaining about were always Garrisons, the joke 6.1 patch, the story (characters like Yrel and Lady Liadrin having cut content, joke final boss), and the lack of content, NOT the themes and aesthetics of the expansion.

    For instance, I think that WOD Shadowmoon Valley is one of the most beautiful zones they've ever made, and I wouldn't mind at all to revisit it decades into the future, under the control of Yrel and the Lightbound.

    Beyond that, Draenor is the second most important planet in the Warcraft Cosmos. I don't think it's too unrealistic to expect a third expansion based on it. Furthermore, we know that the planet of Draenor is somehow dying, with its water resources running scarce, and so its zones might look different now from how they did in WoD.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2023-02-20 at 11:24 AM.

  9. #1729
    I really enjoyed WoD minus of course the garrison problem that arrised and that the expansion was cut in half that it's hard to call it an expansion.

    But if WoD would actually be developed properly with big changes, all the proper patches in and not waiting sooo long for the last patch then it would be pretty high on my favorite list.

    Also character model changes, skill animations updates etc was a big game changer for me personally.
    The questlines etc were also more modernized and dynamic so it would just fun to explore and do the quests, get the lore.

    Some people probably remember camping for the poundfist mount for hours. I still don't have it^^

    After mag'har questline i would like to see more of this lighbound storyline and yrel, also wonder if Grom survived, i think it would be crazy to somehow see crazy Yrel and old grommash on azeroth for a moment, if he survived and probably a prisoner again in that case.

    It would be interesting to see Turalyon reaction to that.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-20 at 11:41 AM.

  10. #1730
    Unpopular opinion, but wish they stopped re-using old dungeons and just make new ones. Shadowmoon is a great example - 10 mechanics in total across all the trash and bosses combined and limited layout in what you can do.

    Dungeons should really use Shrine or Freehold as templates - 80% of mobs optional, with general direction and open order for bosses. Old dungeons simply lack the design to provide such density or other interesting mechanics.

  11. #1731
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post

    So gul'dan staff will be in trading post.

    So far we have ravencrest blade, gul'dan staff and i hope gorehowl will be in too sometime in the future, because so far there are only 2 axes in TP, and one of them is a blue recolor or orgrimmar axe..
    I could see Bwonsamdi's staff being a Trading Post item in the future then. It's a unique model.
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  12. #1732
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post

    So gul'dan staff will be in trading post.

    So far we have ravencrest blade, gul'dan staff and i hope gorehowl will be in too sometime in the future, because so far there are only 2 axes in TP, and one of them is a blue recolor or orgrimmar axe..
    Aww that's awesome! Really hope we also can get our hands on the staff of WoD Nerzhul aswell as Gorehowl. And maybe Fatebringer/Kingsmourne/Remornia down the line.

  13. #1733
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Aww that's awesome! Really hope we also can get our hands on the staff of WoD Nerzhul aswell as Gorehowl. And maybe Fatebringer/Kingsmourne/Remornia down the line.
    It's sad that we didn't get a kingsmourne transmog drop from Anduin, but we got sylvanas bow and daggers.

    It was a weapon used in 2 patches then it won't be ever used again, because of what happened in SL, so they could at least give it to us as mentioned above, transmog/rare drop.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-20 at 05:23 PM.

  14. #1734
    Hope they save Gorehowl for the future, especially for a WoD 2.0 expansion/patch. Would be kinda lame to have it in the trading post. I can definitely see it being a BiS weapon from a raid.

  15. #1735
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    Hope they save Gorehowl for the future, especially for a WoD 2.0 expansion/patch. Would be kinda lame to have it in the trading post. I can definitely see it being a BiS weapon from a raid.
    There won't be WoD 2.0. :P

    I want it in trading post because im tired of waiting and looking at the old one and counting low amount of polygons.

    Or some Dragonflight mage tower thingy with time travel where i can fight evil grommash for that axe.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-20 at 05:26 PM.

  16. #1736
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    It's sad that we didn't get a kingsmourne transmog drop from Anduin, but we got sylvanas bow and daggers.

    It was a weapon used in 2 patches then it won't be ever used again, because of what happened in SL, so they could at least give it to us as mentioned above, transmog/rare drop.
    Same with Jaina's staff back in BfA tbh. I mean, Sylvanas still does use her bow in the Sepulcher raid even though we could loot that from her in SoD.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gurkan View Post
    Hope they save Gorehowl for the future, especially for a WoD 2.0 expansion/patch. Would be kinda lame to have it in the trading post. I can definitely see it being a BiS weapon from a raid.
    If we ever get a WoD patch the "Lightforged Garrosh" will prolly use a lightforged version of it anyways. I *could* see them giving it out as drop from an Alternative Universe Grom during an "Infinite / Murozond" patch during Dragonflight though.

  17. #1737
    Do you think that we will get information about 10.1 before 10.0.7 goes live? I do not know if there is some kind of event in which they might talk about it. If we just have to wait until it shows up on PTR... I am starving for new information here.
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  18. #1738
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    Do you think that we will get information about 10.1 before 10.0.7 goes live? I do not know if there is some kind of event in which they might talk about it. If we just have to wait until it shows up on PTR... I am starving for new information here.
    If the last two patches are anything to go by, we will be getting news about it as soon as the patch dropps, up to one week after that.

  19. #1739
    I hope second tier of sets/weapons won't be again primalist related.

    I would love a raid, similar to this one campaign quest where we have to save chromie, going through timelines and defeating known to us characters as bosses that we didn't fought before and having again more class related armor sets etc. instead of theme of the raid.

    It could have some funny murlock boss from that murlock timeline.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-20 at 05:48 PM.

  20. #1740
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I hope second tier of sets/weapons won't be again primalist related.

    I would love a raid, similar to this one campaign quest where we have to save chromie, going through timelines and defeating known to us characters as bosses that we didn't fought before and having again more class related armor sets etc. instead of theme of the raid.

    It could have some funny murlock boss from that murlock timeline.
    I still think they should design the "Murozond Raid" sets after known heroes of Warcraft - Jaina for mages, Sylvanas for hunters, Saurfang's for warriors etc.

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