That's why I've been saying for a while now that while SL is funnier to poke apart and laugh at all the strained attempts to connect it to the rest of the mythos, everything with the Jailer and THE SIGILS and FRACTALS and so on, BfA was enormously destructive to the actual setting itself. They just gave up!
This is awesome.
My original concept for Mists 3.0 was Gallywix being a thinly veiled caricature of the once and future US president and turning Ironforge into a parking lot. Sadly, his eviction made it impossible. Maybe Bob can poach Ironforge instead as part of a dwarf-elf feud.
Also @Houle 's idea for the sword is top notch.
Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
Forgot to mention, but it's very funny how the Forsaken Lordaeron quest takes place right after Shadowlands, but the Forsaken Heritage quest takes place two seconds after that quest... despite it being FIVE YEARS LATER.
The timeskip clearly isn't relevant to DF, so why did Danuser even bother to implement it? Wouldn't it make more sense for Amirdrassil to bloom and Iridikron to come back five years later, AFTER DF??
Habe to disagree. SL was just boring to me. BfA was equal parts baffling and infuriating.
Why does the Alliance just not immediately siege Orgrimmar with their superior navy? Why is the Horde not immediately disintegrating? Is Thalyssra actually alright with the genocide of the Nelves because Tyrande was slightly more sceptical?
The world revamp dream will never die!
The Forsaken heritage quest can take place at any point after the Council pops up. By dint of how it's the most basic possible Forsaken template questline it's functionally timeless at least until Blizzard breaks the glass and the council are physically liquidated to make way for Sylvanas or Calia purifies the three legacy Forsaken characters.
Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I think it will be dated by the Scarlets because there's some secret foreshadowing of a female commander that one of the new names escapes to. So there's something else going on there and we will probably kill the remainders either in quests or new continents.
Some of these heritage quests arent going to mesh well with a revamp, to the point that I think they may make the quests optional and do them more like the AR heritage.
I think the comedy of SL is amplified for me because BfA is ultimately just a setup for it. It's like a reverse WoD-Legion: the expansion that takes place on Azeroth and really advances the plot and state of the world ends up being sacrificed to segue into an expansion on another world/realm/whatever where not much of note really happens in the actual plot.
What I'd do with K'aresh is focus on what the Ethereals are known for. Trade.
I'd have K'aresh itself be one zone. Akin to Argus it would be plates of land floating in space since the planet was destroyed after all. The playable zone would be a very large city with Ecodomes in the skybox. You'll be able to fly but get out of the Ecodome and you die super fast. The "Capital" for the expansion would just be a safe space somewhere central in the city with all the services concentrated, maybe with double or triple inns and banks. Then the rest of the expansion zones would be on other planets where the ethereals have trading outposts and we travel there through ethereal portals. So the ethereals and their themes would be all over the expac. As for a reason, could be so many things we want that cannot be found on Azeroth. Maybe we need to find out what happens once the soul wakes up and how to survive that. Maybe some villain actually manages to shut us out of their plan and we need to find the right magic to bypass it. Maybe Azshara takes the World Soul somehow and we are chasing after her across the cosmos.
As for zone cohesion Blizzard clearly doesn't care that much. We had Cata and yet we still got Shadowlands. The Dream has a complete chokepoint of an entrance with a portal that is not even close to Valdrakken (at least Zaralek could be accessed super fast from Valdrakken)
I have to disagree. BFA, while easily worse for the setting, was also massively more entertaining to discuss. Every patch spawned new and more powerful memes as the plot grew more and more retarded on its trainwreck course to its conclusion. SL on the other hand, while also great to take the piss out of, was slow and laborious and inevitable. The True Potential of Humans, Morally Gray Sylvanas, Baine's achey tauren heart, Sadfang and Memeboi's story and so on are eternal. SL only has the Bald Man retcons and cosmic gobbleygook which the writers were too afraid to push to its actually interesting conclusion, but not half-assed enough to not piss everyone off.
SL was bad from start to finish in a predictable, even standard way, with all its worst elements frontloaded and obvious. BFA on the other hand grew exponentially worse and therefore more entertaining with each patch.
DF is mostly just there.
Last edited by Super Dickmann; 2023-09-16 at 04:30 PM.
Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
That's about right, I think. I'd frame it as that Battle for Azeroth had the benefit of being far more extravagant in how awful it was, while Shadowlands was just a plain slog. It's the difference between, say, The Room and Sia's Music in terms of awfulness. While the former is worse on most levels, it can be enjoyed without leaving a bad taste in your mouth, while the latter is just unpleasant to watch altogether. Plus, the tribalistic nature of BfA's execution meant there was more room for investment: there's a reason for you to care about what happens there, and a connection that allows the entertainment to reach its fullest form, while Shadowlands was completely disconnected from anything anybody had any reason to pay attention to.
Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2023-09-16 at 04:33 PM.
"We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
— G.K. Chesterton, 1926
The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
— Antonin Artaud, 1956
That's fair, I won't contest that. Sondrelk described my mentality where it's hard for me to split both of them apart given how limply BfA ends and tells you to go buy SL to see what happens next. It's all the post-Metzen, post-Neilson, post-Kosak stuff.
If DF does end up going with a non-conclusion where most of its story beats just sort of end with no fanfare or last second weak subversions, I think we just have to accept this is how Danuser the master does things.
I would argue that what made BfA truly awful was how far it fell.
That expansion had everything going for it. One of the most effective openings. A strong visual theme with the ships. Interesting areas that players were excited for with Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
SL meanwhile was never that interesting to start with. Sure you had the actual shadowlands which were mildly interesting to start with, but the Jailer wasn't an interesting villain. And Sylvanas was already so schizophrenic in writing coming from BfA that the best the writers could have done is not show her at all, and just let her die with some dignity remaining.
The world revamp dream will never die!