Honestly Blizz could just get rid of the seasonal affixes altogether. The reason for them was so it we would not be running the exact same dungeons throughtout every season. Now that the pool is changing every season there is no need for it.
The fact that there are 'push weeks' says a lot about affixes. Most affixes are either a pain to deal with or just mostly ignore it. At least they should remove Fortified/Tyranical.
With affixes they will be 5 mechanic fights with shit overlaps.
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Affixes in general are just shit design. Their whole purpose is to make your time with the game more miserable. Sure they make dungeons harder but nobody can claim that any affix adds any enjoyment to the game.
One can cycle through 8 dungeons rather quickly, even more so if you prefer certain dungeons over others. For instance, I don't like HoV and have only ran it once on an alt as a +5.
Whatever they have prepared for their dungeon seasons, I'd just make them all available at once. Let people do whatever they wish. Personally, I'm looking forward to Uldaman and the gnolls one.
As for cata dungeons, the ones I wouldn't like would be:
- Lost city of the Tol'vir
- Hour of Twilight
- Throne of Tides
- Vortex Pinnacle
Preference for:
- Grim Batol
- Halls of Origination
- The Stonecore
- Blackrock Caverns
I mean, a percentage damage/health increase doesn't add any enjoyment to the game either?
Yeah, it's supposed to make M+ different week-by-week, and it does change how you tackle certain dungeons. As much as people bitch about Sanguine, it does change how you play and what talents you take. Same with Bursting. Volcanic and Explosives puts more pressure on you to be aware of your surrroundings etc.etc.
I found that the better seasonal affixes added enjoyment. And i think the secret to those is that the best ones all add extra tangible power increases. Stuff like the SL season 2 affix with the Torghast powers.
Really all affixes should have some good element. Quaking dealing damage to enemies as well to encourage efficient overlapping, or explosive giving a small buff when you remove one. Stuff to make each new week exciting for all the extra stuff you can do, instead of just annoyed at what mechanics you have to play around.
Also remove the Tyrannical and Fortified affixes.
The world revamp dream will never die!
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
SL 1, 2 and 4 seasonal fixes were decent since they mostly added positive things. Sure prideful hurt like hell when it spawned, but the power boost it gave was insane. SL S3 was meh, mostly just worse S2 with free CoS for all comps.
Ghuun worms were just annoying, as was Azshara and Bowsamdi. S4 was nice with the skip starts it enabled.
BfA was a mixed bag with Infested and Baleful being notoriously crap and other two being much more enjoyable.
Prideful was sucky in a way that it forced you into a very specific path, and if you mismanage trash % and fuck up add spawning, it majorly fucks you up. S2 was w/e (Blizz wasted an opportunity of adding extra powers later). S3 was the best, with extra adds being relatively weak and getting nuked down with normal pulls.
But all in all, Thundering is pretty crap. It does not slow you down, but when add all the crapton mechanics we get in new dungeon, it is a mess.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
The causality is inverted, however—I'm pretty sure that the expansion theme inspires the class, not that the class inspires the expansion. You can see this in how Blizzard wanted for so long to add Demon Hunters, but only did as late as Legion because they wanted to wait for an expansion to fit them. I think a Tinker would be most suitable for a World Revamp expansion or something else very general in nature, as I doubt an expansion could be carried on the Undermine alone.
I don't ever want a class that will only be suited for 2 races and stuff like that.
If they ever decide to add another one, it should be like monks or DK where most of people favorite races can be one, and with tinkers i don't see other races than gnomes and goblins being able to be one.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-23 at 07:55 AM.
This. Also tinkers are something that you can learn to be, so the Pandaren approach makes far more sense with them. Say that now that Horde and Alliance work together the Goblins and Gnomes create a new Tinker League or something and invite members of all races to create new exciting stuff together.