1. #1801
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    Can't believe Tinkers finally permanently deconfirmed in the worst way possible. Not even a class skin, or accessible cosmetics - Tinkers being relegated to RAF cosmetic, what a fucking travesty.
    Have new things been datamined, or are you talking about the plane mount?
    That's far from the first mechanical mount, and even if you could draw some concrete connection to a Tinker profession instead of "crafted by Engineers for Explorers", may I remind you of the Pandaren Monk pet, released at a time when Blizzard likely had already decided to do Mists of Pandaria after the upcoming Cataclysm?
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  2. #1802
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    People are going to be real mad next expansion. Kezan, but it's not a "Tinker" expac, it's a Void expac. It's going to piss off the tech expac wanters, the void expac wanters, and the Tinker fans. Good news is the expansion after is going to be a fun pirate adventure.
    Uh, no one is expecting a new class in 11.0 when we just got a new class in 10.0. Any expansion with a new class would be 12.0 or later.

    With that said, Ion said that there will be future classes in WoW, so you look at the options we have left, and you look at those options lined up with a matching expansion theme. Blizzard stated that they wanted Goblin players to visit Undermine in the future, and it has the same pedigree of other landmasses that have entered WoW in previous expansions.

  3. #1803
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Have new things been datamined, or are you talking about the plane mount?
    That's far from the first mechanical mount, and even if you could draw some concrete connection to a Tinker profession instead of "crafted by Engineers for Explorers", may I remind you of the Pandaren Monk pet, released at a time when Blizzard likely had already decided to do Mists of Pandaria after the upcoming Cataclysm?
    I'm fairly certain he's being knowingly disingenuous for the sake of a gag to express his frustration with the topic and its frequent recurrence.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    People are going to be real mad next expansion. Kezan, but it's not a "Tinker" expac, it's a Void expac.
    I do think it was a fairly interesting development that Goblins turned out to be N'Zoth's mucus, though. Really ties everything together.

    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    Good news is the expansion after is going to be a fun pirate adventure.
    Somebody on this ship is a jolly matey, at least. Yarr!

  4. #1804
    Tinkers are confirmed. Doubters will be the first to be discombobulated during the takeover.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  5. #1805
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Tinkers are confirmed. Doubters will be the first to be discombobulated during the takeover.
    I doubted the Dracthyr, so I may be wrong yet again. The horror is palpable.

  6. #1806
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    We’re not talking about Tinkers. We’re talking about the possibility of an Undermine expansion versus an Azjol-Nerub expansion.
    Both are laughable though? Next expansion will either be void/light themed or a revamp.

  7. #1807
    So "misha" npc was added in the latest build, so that could mean that we might get Rexxar too in the future storyline or misha is just on holidays to ride on her own drake. @PorterGauge on twt found out.

  8. #1808
    Well based one the prophet post next expansion is elemental focused

    I think based on what We see in .0.7 and .1 we will be able to guess and it looks like .1 will have Xal return and officially revealed as the 5th old god and queen of the black empire

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    So "misha" npc was added in the latest build, so that could mean that we might get Rexxar too in the future storyline or misha is just on holidays to ride on her own drake. @PorterGauge on twt found out.

    We are getting orc heritage so I will assume that rexxar is involved

  9. #1809
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Man View Post
    Well based one the prophet post next expansion is elemental focused

    I think based on what We see in .0.7 and .1 we will be able to guess and it looks like .1 will have Xal return and officially revealed as the 5th old god and queen of the black empire

    - - - Updated - - -

    We are getting orc heritage so I will assume that rexxar is involved
    Yeah, you're probably right.

    I hope there will be more for rexxar, like reuniting with Sabellian.

    About heritage armors and seeing the splash screen, it looks like they changed nothing with heritage armors..
    I've seen plenty ideas/feedback that would make them better and more "heritage".. But for me as a "orc enjoyer" i guess blizzard likes weirdly textured bloody tusk nipple so much, instead of giving big leather belt like grommash has with fur or the one from W3 grunts with 3d elements..
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-02-24 at 08:40 AM.

  10. #1810
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I doubted the Dracthyr, so I may be wrong yet again. The horror is palpable.
    Hey, I still doubt the dracthyr.

  11. #1811
    The next expansion will be about light and darkness. Blizzard needs a big boom, every story should have a dark humanoid waifu (Sylvanas, Xal'atath) and cliché protagonist (Anduin, Turalyon).

  12. #1812
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Hey, I still doubt the dracthyr.
    It is entirely possible they're a collective hallucination shared between the entire playerbase.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Yeah, you're probably right.

    I hope there will be more for rexxar, like reuniting with Sabellian.
    I think I recall it being mentioned they were friends in Blade's Edge, so that would be nice to explore a bit. Plus, anything that gets legacy characters out in the open who haven't been irrevocably ruined by years of moronic decision-making.

  13. #1813
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Hey, I still doubt the dracthyr.
    I've rarely seen a dracthyr while sober, so there may be something to this.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  14. #1814
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    It is entirely possible they're a collective hallucination shared between the entire playerbase.
    While I am far more in love with my own idea of a multi spec chromatic drake race/class that would have been able to tank, it's more that I think the Dracthyr are sus as hell. Neltharion probably did not make them to save the world you know. We are going to be killing a lot of Dracthyr before this expac is over.

    They were NOT made to kill dragons. So what where they made to kill? Because they were trained as an army. And that army was probably made to kill the titanforged so . . . us.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-02-24 at 09:24 AM.

  15. #1815
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    While I am far more in love with my own idea of a multi spec chromatic drake race/class that would have been able to tank, it's more that I think the Dracthyr are sus as hell. Neltharion probably did not make them to save the world you know. We are going to be killing a lot of Dracthyr before this expac is over.

    They were NOT made to kill dragons. So what where they made to kill? Because they were trained as an army. And that army was probably made to kill the titanforged so . . . us.
    I don't personally buy that they've secretly been sleeper agents all along—I figure that Neltharion probably wasn't yet fully corrupted by the time he cobbled them together, and there's likely not much more to them than what we see on the surface.

    However, it is actually possible we'll be having to dispose of some Dracthyr. I'd be willing to bet that we're going to see that gauntlet Neltharion used in that one cinematic come back (be it by being reforged or being procured by Murozond) and be used to put the Dracthyr under the control of some baddie or another. It could also tie into Turalyon keeping an eye on the Dracthyr and trying to find ways to circumvent potential infiltration methods—law of conservation of detail and all that. That part's probably just to characterize the people of Stormwind as generally reluctant to trust Dragons, however.

  16. #1816
    OMG! New prophecies! UTTERING THE RETURN OUR OF QUEEN AZSHARA! *instant kneel* The world shall BRRRRREAK and be remade in her image!


  17. #1817
    If some of the lizards(dracthyr) are indeed sleeper agents, the horde council won't even notice because it's like a ol' people retirement home there.

    I liked Turalyon actually being cautious and "preparing" just in case, but as a mainly horde player it's like im playing in a "big teddy bears hugging everyone" club now.

  18. #1818
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    OMG! New prophecies! UTTERING THE RETURN OUR OF QUEEN AZSHARA! *instant kneel* The world shall BRRRRREAK and be remade in her image!

    I'm team Azshara. I fully expect her to have plans that reach all the way to the First Ones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I don't personally buy that they've secretly been sleeper agents all along—I figure that Neltharion probably wasn't yet fully corrupted by the time he cobbled them together, and there's likely not much more to them than what we see on the surface.
    I am not saying they ARE sleeper agents, just that they were intended to be used to kill or subdue us. And maybe when some of them find out about it, they might consider it.

  19. #1819
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I'm team Azshara.
    Actually, if anybody's going to fix up the gauntlet or find a duplicate other than Murozond, I'd definitely say Azshara's a good contender.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I am not saying they ARE sleeper agents, just that they were intended to be used to kill or subdue us. And maybe when some of them find out about it, they might consider it.
    Fair enough. I personally think it seems more like they were primarily made as soldiers against the Primal Incarnates. Neltharion could've been planning to repurpose them, however, and that could prompt a few to follow what they'd perceive as his final orders.

  20. #1820
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Actually, if anybody's going to fix up the gauntlet or find a duplicate other than Murozond, I'd definitely say Azshara's a good contender.

    Fair enough. I personally think it seems more like they were primarily made as soldiers against the Primal Incarnates. Neltharion could've been planning to repurpose them, however, and that could prompt a few to follow what they'd perceive as his final orders.
    They make little sense as soldiers against massive dragons. Now Chromatus or Ulthraxion, they'd make sense against the Primal Incarnates (and could probably take any two of those on low dif). Heck given their intelligence, I'd say Dracthyr would make more sense as a policing/occupation force; something to keep Azeroth under the Aspects' thumb.

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