There wont ba an underground expansion after Blizz was quick to acknowledged that Cata Vashj'ir totally exhausted people. We wont get entire "continent" underground, unless they do some massive Journey to the Center of the Earth stuff.
There wont ba an underground expansion after Blizz was quick to acknowledged that Cata Vashj'ir totally exhausted people. We wont get entire "continent" underground, unless they do some massive Journey to the Center of the Earth stuff.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Alright, I'll bite. What makes people think an underground expansion is likely?
Is it the part where the human fights a Kobold in Elwynn? Because that seems like an extremely tenous link.
Would a murloc be a hint at Ankoan being the main ally in an underwater expansion? A picture of booty bay a hint at Nightsquall creating a pirate empire in Pandaria?
The world revamp dream will never die!
Jeez, this sounds really plausible. Actually, this is the most plausible causal chain of recent events I have seen.
As long as we aren't stuck the whole xpac underground I don't mind.
Deepholm was IMO a bit better aesteically than zaralek though.
Also, deepholm.
So maybe some people have forgotten it but eventually the existence of deepholm (themaically) is the only thing contraticting this idea?
There has been speculation yes, but whenever some content creator posts some bait tweet or whatever, the speculation here go from just speculating to "oh yeah, now this theme is all but confirmed, thats the next expansion".
But just to not derailing, i doubt that there will be more than 1 zone that will be underground, even if the "undermine" stuff happens.
What they did with zaralek caverns showed me that they are much better at doing zones that aren't in a cave, underground.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-09-20 at 07:27 AM.
I think they'll aim for Deepholm times one thousand, but with more aesthetic nuance so it doesn't get stale.
Deepholm is similar in a way, but remember that it is also something the Titans constructed to imprison the elements within the Elemental Plane. Even its famous World Pillar that Deathwing once shattered, is made by the Titans. Think of it a bit like the way they shaped the Emerald Dream. There's probably an underlying, more primal and natural source of the Emerald Dream that the Titans shaped and ordered. Same thing here. There's something more primal than the Elemental Planes. Azeroth's fundament itself, where the Elementals are perhaps more pristine.
That's also true. It's fully possible that we're looking at another Cataclysm type of situation, in which we get a revamp plus a handful of scattered zones. The underground zone might be the main endgame zone where the story takes us first.
But who knows, perhaps the expansion takes a shocking turn halfway through. Maybe we protect the world-soul, but the Harbinger is still able to awaken "The Ancient One". Then Queen Azshara arrives, and it becomes more of a war against the forces of the Void, up above.
It certainly fits with how speculation usually works. A theme gets researched for a while, everyone agrees ok broad themes for an expansion, probably also where it's set. Then people grow bored of debating the same thing, activity grinds to a halt.
Then, all of a sudden a new shiny leak or hint or whatever comes along. It doesn't have much of anything to do with what we have already decided is happening, so it's exciting, meaning everyone pivots to it.
Question is. Will this be the popular leak theme that gets it completely and utterly wrong in comparison to the established theme everyone already agreed on months ago?
Also, I would argue that Kobolds is much more of a world revamp hint anyways. Elwynn and the surrounding zones are where they are most famous for existing, and they already got a visual revamp so it wouldn't fit with previous stuff like Quilboar in BfA being randomly revamped and stuffs into a zone.
- - - Updated - - -
Revamp + new zones is precisely one of the main issues with Cataclysm though.
Unless you mean as patch zones, but even then you have so many zones that you could just withhold detail from one zone initially, and then give it large amounts of detail later.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I'm not saying that's what will happen, only that it could.
I think it comes down to execution, as with most things.
Not sure what the other zones would be, though. I know there are few scattered minor locations on the map that we've yet to visit, such as Tel'Abim and Plunder Isle. But those wouldn't really form a coherent theme without pirates and the South Seas angle. They could keep expanding EK and KA landmasses around the edges, as they did with Twilight Highlands. But even that feels like a longshot these days.
Imo, I'm leaning a little bit more towards a large underground "continent" of sorts, with a potential world revamp happening either around the same time, or a little while later.
The issue wasn't conceptual viability. Of course a theoretical expansion that takes place in a giant city could exist.
But there are so many issues with it, and it has such limited appeal, and it's so thoroughly against the basic design space of the game that the chances of it happening are effectively zero.
People have continually expressed they don't like compact or condensed zones--I don't mean "I don't like it", I personally don't mind it, but the playerbase does not enjoy that sort of zone design. Even Suramar, which retroactively is quite well liked, during Legion got a lot of flak for being a dense, mob-heavy area. While it's true that there is plenty of visual variety to be had in a city, there is a much narrower level of thematic and environment variety. A radioactive fallout city and a 20s gang war city are both still cities, it's still buildings and streets and city structure, and every zone being a different form of city is going to wear on people.
There's also just logistical issues here. A city environment is significantly more intensive, both on the dev end (a lot of assets to deal with making) and on the player end (several factors more objects and polygons to render). Consider these two pictures:
Each building in a city is going to be a fairly complex object, supports and windows and tiles and molding, wires and doodads, instead of flat terrain (a simplified plane with dressing on top) you have to deal with streets and curbs, you have alleyways full of boxes and bottles and garbage cans, etc. etc. Which is fine when it's one subarea of a zone, or even a zone, but it's a whole different thing when it's an entire continent. That's an entire continent that devs need to go through and individually dress the streets for if they don't want it to turn into a glaringly copy-pasted mess. It's also a massive amount for lower end PCs to have to deal with in every location of a continent.
Picture Boralus but the size of Azure span or the entire Dragon Isles. I mean, you're talking about something on the order of dwarfing like, GTAV's Los Santos, but with the object complexity for a player to arrive at some quest hub neighborhood and have the buildings feel of good quality when you're on foot fighting mobs next to it.
Even if 80% of the city is destroyed ruins of various flavors, I just can't imagine a world in which that isn't a logistical nightmare to make and to keep in a nicely running state for players.
If we were talking about a Black Empire city continent, or a Nerubian city continent, where the buildings are all very very large and simple and most of the environment is large open spaces, squares and colonnades and plazas like Zin-Azshari, maybe. Still doubtful, but maybe. But a whole continent or even the majority of a continent as a goblin city? Never gonna happen.
made a logo in 10 minutes
An entire underground expansion would be r.i.p for the game
But if its something like a World revamp with a single huge endgame zone underground ( gameplay inspired from Tears of The Kingdom ) would be sick
Tbh it would feel weird to be "cramped" underground after experiencing the freedom of Dragonflight. Of course you can create various biomes underground, but having a whole expansion underground would feel weird imho. Having sections of zones in caves/inside of mountains would be fine (as long as they are caves that don't dismount you) but not whole zones let alone an expansion.
Yeah. I get that people want a bit more "heavy metal", hell I just enjoyed John Wick 4 yesterday. But that doesn't mean they have to dial back what they did with Dragonflight. Current rl world is sad enough, I don't want another depressed world ending non-sense story like BfA.
So far dragonflight when it comes to characters under all this colorful paint, is much more depressing and emotional all the time instead of doing cool stuff, when it comes to watching the main characters.
It's like watching a support group you walked into by accident right now, a good comment that i saw on the webs about some of this expansion writing.
And the world ending scenario is coming with iridikron, Fyrakk wanting to destroy new tree and possibly new NE home.
Blizzard need to find a balance between cool, badass shit happening and emotional rollecoaster that doesn't end and not in a good way, because at some point there is this weird "emotional" overdose that is just bland and boring.
Especially coming from BG3 characters that can be emotional but also badass, funny, but when you see Alexstrasza in Dragonflight for example or Noz right now, it feels like a caricature of characters that writers don't have any idea whatsoever for them, when they can just go for easy scenario where they do badass stuff that will be remembered, especially when they're dragons.. Dragons do cool shit, but not in dragonflight.
Another thing is, that world is always sad and it shouldn't dictate how safe a video game expansion should be.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-09-20 at 08:58 AM.
I think you're raising an important issue, one that sort of gets to the heart of what's problematic with Dragonflight.
Dragons are COOL. In virtually every media, they're always seen as badass, larger than life, and super powerful. But in Dragonflight, they've focused so much on "what would Dragon society look like if we pulled away the curtains a bit?", it just ends up overexposing their culture and what they are.
Too many Visages. Too many Drakonids (everyone looks the same). Too many similar Dragon models. Too many buildings that kinda look like normal people live there. It's like Dragons prefer their Visage life, basically.
This in turn also forces Blizzard to explore a bunch of extra storywriting, like the inner feelings of Dragons, their romantic relationships, their self-doubt, and more. None of that is very appealing in large doses imo.
I remember when Dragons were something the Orcs would send into battle back in the RTS games.
I don't believe Blizzard is capable of pulling off 5+ zones with enough aesthetic variation without it also feeling non-sensical.
Want a quick and simple example?
Neither Zaralek nor Deepholm has day/night cycles. Also, neither has any weather, and I'm glad they don't have it!
It would be a lot easier to explain a variety of biomes in the Emerald Dream with very few additions/retcons than giving day/night cycles or weather to an underground continent.
I understand that some of you might like the idea of an underground expansion, but we must admit that this setting is a love or hate concept.
Yeah man, i remember doing dragon hero fights in map edits in W3, it was like the coolest thing ever.
And like you said dragons are cool and with simple storytelling that works, then can just do some cool shit, intimidating shit that just pumps you out when you see these scenes, so far it has been dragon visages talking.. Just talking, slowly and with sadness, mostly.
I always loved WoW for simple storytelling that had some emotional atmosphere about zones, characters, quests but it was also done in a way that it should be, like dragons for me, before playing Dragonflight were a much cooler thing in my mind than they are now.
I had the same issue with afterlives of Shadowlands, it was this mystery and seeing the spirit after your death made you think always about some mysterious stuff, but then everything was unveiled that happens behind the courtain and there was just too much focus on it.
Now it's like superhero movies but without the action and epic scenes.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-09-20 at 09:20 AM.
Yep, all true.
I think something Legion did better than Shadowlands, in terms of being a "big expansion about a cosmic force", was involve lots of locations, themes and characters back on Azeroth. The Broken Isles were pretty varied by themselves, but then you also got sent on a bunch of adventures for your Order Halls, Artifact Weapons, etc. In a way, all of Azeroth felt like it was part of it.
For 11.0, they need to do the same I think. Let the Void be the big bad, but also make it feel like we're on Azeroth. Remind us why we're trying to protect that place.
Open up Void portals or Elemental chasms (temporary ones of course) in zones like Westfall and Desolace. Let us defend Stormwind and Orgrimmar against weekly or daily attacks.
Include lots of characters we know and love, like Genn, Baine, Jaina, Thrall, etc. Have them be part of, and lead the defenses at all these various locations.
But also offer that specific endgame experience in the large underground area, so we feel like we're witnessing something new too.