1. #18681
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    No, more like this
    God I want that so badly. Vashj'ir was controversially one of my favorite magazones ever.

    Honestly with the mechanics they built for dragon riding they might be able to make one of the biggest issues, the mechanic of swimming, way more enjoyable.

    Not sure on combat targeting though. I remember that bothering a lot of people.

    The ruins and the music and the plant life. And the different underwater biomes. Woof.

  2. #18682
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post

    Made another edit to the Hype Train. Progenitors.
    But why? The story is moving away from the First Ones.

    In fact, I think you’re the only person in this thread who’s even a fan of that.

  3. #18683
    Can't believe that after all these years "Eye of Aszhara" will be real.

  4. #18684
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    I like the idea that Sargeras, a Titan and being of Order, brought Order to Disorder by creating the Burning Legion. It's against their nature to file ranks and march as soldiers do. But he did it. Gotta respect the man.

  5. #18685
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Please refrain from desecrating the train.

    Else i will be forced to hire Mr. Hazzikostas to lawyer-speech you into the void.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #18686
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Choo Choo!
    You need to add a hitchhiker dwarf holding a sign with Avaloren written on it.

  7. #18687
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Oh darn. Guess no First Ones
    So, this is the thing.

    On the train goes: 1) general wow memes and insider-memes (Swift, etc.) 2) generally silly things 3) recent content development and datamined content 4) substantiated speculation 5) leaks and popular (fake) leaks

    Until someone datamines the First Ones great cockring or whatever, or manages to do the impossible and make them entertaining, or creates a leak that gets popular enough that involves them, they are not going on the train.

    Doesn't help their case that (almost) nobody seems to really like them, and i only have so much space on there.

    So *shrug*.
    It is how it is.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2023-09-21 at 09:40 PM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #18688
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post

    True. Granted, doesn't negate the idea of there being a Pantheon of Disorder.
    I guess. I'd prefer if there weren't any more "pantheons", though.

  9. #18689
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I like the idea that Sargeras, a Titan and being of Order, brought Order to Disorder by creating the Burning Legion. It's against their nature to file ranks and march as soldiers do. But he did it. Gotta respect the man.
    The titans have a peculiar way of ordering other forces, rewriting how they work to suit their benefit. This doesn't seem to be exclusive to them,—the other forces sometimes intrude on their rivals, with the entire point of the old gods being to convert a titan to the Void,—but they're definitely one of the most prominent cases.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  10. #18690
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    Can't believe that after all these years "Eye of Aszhara" will be real.
    Well, given her personality, it'd probably be the I of Azshara, though.

  11. #18691
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    The new prop could be for the Vashjir part of world revamp
    I mean, there is also these giant sea-creature demi-gods we found in Vashj'ir that the Naga were trying to corrupt and take control.. and we never did learn about them other than they exist.

    So if it is an undersea related expansion.. We'll probably get more information about those things.

  12. #18692
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Oh darn. Guess no First Ones

    - - - Updated - - -

    True. Granted, doesn't negate the idea of there being a Pantheon of Disorder.
    A pantheon implies an established hierarchy if power and command, which is a form of order.

    This is why I think disorder is the only force without a pantheon. It's probably just the strongest demon lords rising up fighting for supremacy and commanding lesser demons.

    Sargeras broke that pattern by forming the burning legion but still allowing demons to satisfy their chaotic nature by allowing them to ravage worlds.

  13. #18693
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Most of the islands are more northern seas and largely irrelevant to the plot. Nazjatar is near the Maelstrom, not in the South Sea. Maybe actually learn the lore instead of just making shit up. MoP and WoD at least had Pandaren/Orc focus in the first part. BfA didn't focus on your supposed theme even then.
    I reiterate my earlier point; until they announce a south seas expansion - you will remain wrong, no matter how much you seethe about it

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Nazjatar is literally in the dead centre of the map. Are you aware what the maelstrom and the well of eternity are? The only thing in your entire argument that you’ve managed to get right is that Zandalar is in the South Seas, so well done for that.

    In fact, you mention island expeditions. Just 3 of the 11 islands are in the south seas, the rest are in the north.
    I refer to my above point

  14. #18694
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    So here's a crackpot theory.

    Yogg-Saron is the Old God whose domain stretched across the part of Ancient Kalimdor that is today Northend the Dragon Isles.

    That's where Galakrond arose, as well as the Dragon Aspects. It's also where Yogg-Saron corrupted Loken, resulting in the death of Tyr, and afflicted the titan-forged with the Curse of Flesh.

    The 5th Old God in Chronicles, is depicted as having skulls and stuff. But also leaves and vines. A sort of Death and Life kind of theme.

    But Yogg-Saron is depicted with ice or saronite or something, which isn't really related to either Death or Life.

    Yogg-Saron calls himself the God of Death. But notably, he's also responsible for giving the earthen life, through the Curse of Flesh. Northrend also, famously, has attracted the undead over the years. One might say it is the land of the dead.

    Did Yogg-Saron usurp the 5th Old God once upon a time, thereby stealing its essence for himself?

    Could he then create Galakrond, a sort of necrotic beast?

    Did Iridikron lay claim to Galakrond's essence because it is really that of Yogg-Saron, or indirectly the 5th Old God?

    "A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed."
    "A dark heart left broken awaits the taking."

    Both of these sound like part prophecy, part recipe for how to bake yourself a resurrected Old God.

    Question still remains what the "dark heart" is. It might just be the husk of the dead 5th Old God that needs to be reclaimed.

    We do know the Harbinger is gathering the Children of the First Flesh to reclaim what was lost.
    We do know the Children of the First Flesh toil in the deep places.

    Are they digging up the body of the 5th Old God, and is "what was lost" a reference to them as subjects, or to what they're digging for?

    The earthen at Khaz Algar succumbed to a sort of primordial version of the Curse of Flesh, a great distance from Northrend. So did the 5th Old God, whose power was over life and death, reside somewhere far away from today's northrend where her power oozed up from the ground to affect those around her, only for Yogg-Saron to come around, kill and consume her?

    One sort of logical location might be around what is today northern Kalimdor. There is a Tauren legend about the Earth Mother, who's essentially some primordial diety of life and death, day and night, etc. Could the stories simply be telling a romanticised version of the 5th Old God, who, like in the case with the earthen at Khaz Algar, might have one day given the tauren life?

  15. #18695
    Have we discussed that Ragnaros's Heart got an item icon datamined this build?

    Maybe... someone plugged his heart into Smolderon, and its a body snatcher thing?

  16. #18696
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Why would Jinyu have their helmets hidden?

    The fin on their heads would just be hidden and covered when enabling a helmet, just like with hair on every other race.
    Or go through it like elves' ears and brows.

  17. #18697
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    So here's a crackpot theory.

    Yogg-Saron is the Old God whose domain stretched across the part of Ancient Kalimdor that is today Northend the Dragon Isles.

    That's where Galakrond arose, as well as the Dragon Aspects. It's also where Yogg-Saron corrupted Loken, resulting in the death of Tyr, and afflicted the titan-forged with the Curse of Flesh.

    The 5th Old God in Chronicles, is depicted as having skulls and stuff. But also leaves and vines. A sort of Death and Life kind of theme.

    But Yogg-Saron is depicted with ice or saronite or something, which isn't really related to either Death or Life.

    Yogg-Saron calls himself the God of Death. But notably, he's also responsible for giving the earthen life, through the Curse of Flesh. Northrend also, famously, has attracted the undead over the years. One might say it is the land of the dead.

    Did Yogg-Saron usurp the 5th Old God once upon a time, thereby stealing its essence for himself?

    Could he then create Galakrond, a sort of necrotic beast?

    Did Iridikron lay claim to Galakrond's essence because it is really that of Yogg-Saron, or indirectly the 5th Old God?

    "A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed."
    "A dark heart left broken awaits the taking."

    Both of these sound like part prophecy, part recipe for how to bake yourself a resurrected Old God.

    Question still remains what the "dark heart" is. It might just be the husk of the dead 5th Old God that needs to be reclaimed.

    We do know the Harbinger is gathering the Children of the First Flesh to reclaim what was lost.
    We do know the Children of the First Flesh toil in the deep places.

    Are they digging up the body of the 5th Old God, and is "what was lost" a reference to them as subjects, or to what they're digging for?

    The earthen at Khaz Algar succumbed to a sort of primordial version of the Curse of Flesh, a great distance from Northrend. So did the 5th Old God, whose power was over life and death, reside somewhere far away from today's northrend where her power oozed up from the ground to affect those around her, only for Yogg-Saron to come around, kill and consume her?

    One sort of logical location might be around what is today northern Kalimdor. There is a Tauren legend about the Earth Mother, who's essentially some primordial diety of life and death, day and night, etc. Could the stories simply be telling a romanticised version of the 5th Old God, who, like in the case with the earthen at Khaz Algar, might have one day given the tauren life?
    You got more theories than a scientist.

  18. #18698
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    I reiterate my earlier point; until they announce a south seas expansion - you will remain wrong, no matter how much you seethe about it
    Wrong about what? That all of your points are bogus? I don't think you're quite in the loop on what is even being argued.

  19. #18699
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Have we discussed that Ragnaros's Heart got an item icon datamined this build?

    Maybe... someone plugged his heart into Smolderon, and its a body snatcher thing?
    Wasn't it just used for a trinket somewhere?
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  20. #18700
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    A Pantheon is just a group of Gods. They don't have to be hierarchical or orderly or anything like that. The Void Lords aren't hierarchical for example.

    40k actually shows this perfectly with the Chaos Gods, funny enough.
    It basically just means "all gods".

    For that matter, the Death pantheon had no clear hierarchy either. So far, only the Order Pantheon did which is more of a "well, duh" thing.

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