I'm not going to go in circles with you, I've pointed out numerous reasons why any potential south seas expansion features were co-opted into BFA, you either selectively regard certain point as irrelevant
If you want to be deliberately dishonest and argue that BFA didn't have heavy nautical and ocean based themes then that's on you - until they release an expansion explicitly called "South Seas", you'll only be ignoring objective evidence to hold your view
I can genuinely say that I haven't looked into any of the story for 10.2, so no clue what direction things are moving (which is nice). However, I am hopeful for Blizzcon. Looking forward to this channel blowing up positively (I pray it's not negatively).
It’s only going to be overwhelmingly positive if it’s a revamp. Dragonflight was met with an extremely tepid reaction here and continued to do so until launch when people raved about it, only to cool on it with 10.1.
For me, anything other than a revamp will get a meh reaction. Unless it’s a new landmass but on the same scale as what we got with the Legion announcement in terms of content, lore etc.
Last edited by Santandame; 2023-09-21 at 10:56 PM.
When you explain why island expeditions being a core feature of the expansion, why no expansion took us into the oceans of azeroth more (nazjatar, island expeditions, random quests like finding Derek's body etc), why the heavy nautical theme and pirate/ ship theme (most of the Alliance story, three dungeons, a raid) somehow doesn't matter
Your whole argument is simply "it wasn't called the south seas so it wasn't the south seas expansion" - it is entirely possbile any potential south seas expansion became BFA, until blizzard release an even more nautical themed expansion - that's all there is to say
Considering the fact the big notable southern land masses of Azeroth (Pandaria, Zuldazar and Kezan) are already in game - you want them to make an entire expansion out of Tel Abim? An island the size of durotar? Moreover, one of the only other key locations in the southern seas - Plunder Isle - was data mined for which expansion? Would you like to guess? It was BFA.
Last edited by Baraden; 2023-09-21 at 10:59 PM.
Boggles mine that posters here don’t seem to understand that it wasn’t the South Seas expansion (no one has mentioned N’Zoth apart from yourself repeatedly with this topic) But hey, we have people here convinced that next expansion is going to be Lightbound /w Yrel purely because Thrall is on the key art for Blizzcon and that they think Arakkoa and Ogres are the next logical step for playable races despite no evidence for it. So I guess it’s par for the course really isn’t it?
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I’m glad you continue to reaffirm how dense you are.
It is mindboggling - I actually think South Seas is an interesting concept and wish they had done more with it in BFA, like I said plunder isle was datamined - a pirate raid would have been amazing rather than uunat or something, any future south seas expac would be entirely tel abim and complete asspulls lorewise after that, not really something to hope for
You've done nothing other than say I'm wrong - adress each point in my last post about the datamining and the fact most notable southern landmasses are already in game and how that doesn't blow the prospect of a future southern seas expansion out of the water - any reply other than that I won't waste my time with, thanks again for playing
“It boggles the mind that posters here don’t seem to understand that WoD was a Yrel/Light/Orc expansion. They’re not going to do that again.”
Weird how there’s so much pointing directly to Azshara & something major with the sea.
It’s more boggling to me how posters like yourself could be so against it since given how you like to take every little thing as an expansion hint. (Throwback to dragonflight, Undermine, and tinkers coming in 10.0 because of the mechanical dragon mount & pet.)
I, and Huth have literally already done all of that in previous pages. It’s in fact, yourself who refuses to address our points in response and just acts like an immature child with no argument by saying we’re wrong. Sticking your fingers in your ears and going “lalala I can’t hear you” and continuing to double down and lie like an ignoramus and being completely disingenuous won’t make you correct.