Page 1000, yay!
Happy 1000 pages all. Gunna be a continuing interesting leak season.
It also never got awarded and got cancelled, so could have been a misdirect or even a fake filing by someone who wanted to mess around (it wouldn't be the first time this happened). I'd also be very interested in seeing any of those "lot of different title trademarks they will never use" you mentioned.
Lorewise? I would say N'zoth and anything from Ny'alotha. Nobody can just go in there and walk out totally sane... and also Yogg Saron driving people mad with visions of the past.
And also Ahn'qiraj/Heart of Fear because bug themes.
If we're talking gameplay-wise... C'thun, Lords of Dread, Dark Animus, Ouro from AQ40, M'uru, Sinestra from BoT Heroic, Kil'jaeden from Tomb of Sargeras... and any pvp player whoever walked walkthrough Stranglethorn Vale or Hillsbrad alone knowing that there's an undead rogue player lurking and ready to gank unsuspecting weak players for crossing the road.
Heroes of Azeroth, Dark Portal, Onyxia's Lair, Darkmoon Faire were all registered trademarks & that have since expired: Note these were all trademarks for products, not iconography within the franchise, like their Frostmorne trademark.
On second thought, the Smolderon/Nathrezim art looks AI generated on the right wing, it branches off badly.
Wonder why Scaleface gang would do fakes, unless its just a troll?