OMG POSSIBLE REVAMP COMING??? (at least for Lordaeron)
Official WoW Blizzcon Tweet showing an NPC in very Classic styled armor!
Here on twitter:
OMG POSSIBLE REVAMP COMING??? (at least for Lordaeron)
Official WoW Blizzcon Tweet showing an NPC in very Classic styled armor!
Here on twitter:
Last edited by Annihilas; 2023-09-23 at 06:41 AM.
please edit in 2 Z's into that quote... I misspelled Blizzcon as "Blicon" lol grammer ocd...
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No, not a parody...
While i think these images are AI. I always find it funny when people think "otherworldy & space-y" isnt part of Warcrafts core identity. Warcraft has been dealing with otherworlds since day one see Draenor and the orcs for the best example. On top of that the Titans are literal planets that have either directly created or indirectly every single player race in WoW. Hell Demons in Warcraft arnt even traditional demons BUT ALIENS
Last edited by Hitei; 2023-09-23 at 06:57 AM.
Yeah, and initial BFA announcement/marketing was actually very focused on that. From what I remember, the whole thing literally sounded like a straight up faction war expansion, with the old gods/naga hints only coming in sparely during the Alpha, aswell as the Warbringer videos which released shortly before the release.
I'm actually wondering if the faction war part of it was meant to evoke the same hype WoD initially had? Someone for sure thought Aszhara/N'Zoth can't carry the announcement since afaik they weren't mentioned at all. Which is just super weird for me tbh. And the "we wanted to surprise you guys with it" argument is just weak, since we are talking about two of the most hyped up bosses the game had since Cataclysm, aswell as two zones which were usually used as the setting of a whole expansion leak (Nazjatar and RIP Nyalotha). That's a bit like talking about Shadowlands but not talking about Sylvanas and the Jailer (which tbf, they didn't really with Zovaal which was weird as fuck too ...).
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2023-09-23 at 07:21 AM.
Yeah, but that's a pre-patch event. It's like getting Theramore hints before Mists of Pandaria. I'm not even sure it was intended to be a 4th war reference as opposed to just general Warcraft-y stage decoration to make the place look nice for tournament coverage.
This was never a thing outside of misinformation spread in memetic format (i.e. "there are no old gods in BfA!").
They literally showed Azshara at Blizzcon at the end of the announcement.
Last edited by Hitei; 2023-09-23 at 07:24 AM.
.. it is ingame. The chest is from DF, the pants are from Cataclysm if memory serves (mail starting equipment since Cata revamp up until SL unless they still keep the Cata gear as rewards?), and the sword is an old Vanilla model, Stone-something. Cant remember atm but I'll source the equipment when I get on my pc (on mobile atm, way too difficult to navigate wowhead lol)
My Nintendo FC is 2208-5726-4303.By Blizzard Entertainment:
Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.
I always had the feeling marketing bfa this heavy as an faction war expansion was to cater to the classic crowd. Maybe it's just me, but them trying so hard to make open world pvp happen and going back to horde vs alliance when most players stopped caring about it always felt like that.
Someone probably thought they could convince a few private server players to play bfa until classic servers where ready.
They didn't have the tech to make pants look like that in Cataclysm. It's either the guard set you get on the shop, or a similar looking set of mail pants from SL.
The shoulders are from the Mail dungeon set from Legion.
So yes, it's all in-game, and either cosmetic or Mail only. If anything it's weird that they make a full Mail set, usually they mix and match without concern for whether it's actually possible to transmog for players.
The world revamp dream will never die!
The legs are mail questing gear from Shadowlands. Source: I used them in most of my transmogs because they are 3d.
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Nothing annoys me more than people spouting the whole "there are no old gods in BfA!" or "BfA is a Faction War only expansion!" bs (as if Blizz actually said or implied that) considering both factin stories deal with the Old Gods.
My Nintendo FC is 2208-5726-4303.By Blizzard Entertainment:
Part of the reason is that Battlegrounds are like ducks.