Why would you think that giving away the Wardens iconic armour to EVERY class as a cosmetic set would mean we will get Wardens as a new class oO?
It's the other way round - Wardens are dead, the most you will get is if Blizzard would allow Rogues (alongside other meeles) to wield glaives, which is a slim chance sadly.
People are just really obsessed with getting exactly what they want, when what they want is already something that can be played through something already available.
Like, anything that is just super exclusive to just one race isn't usually going to take up a class slot, with Demon Hunters obviously being the exception (and likely to be expanded on someday), and Evokers being just created in general because ... firebreathing magic dragon can't really be covered any other way.
But there's just so many things where the class (or race) fantasy is fulfilled already by something already there.
If I wanted to play a Warden, I could get that vibe from not even just a Rogue, but an Arms Warrior with a related weapon as well. And that saves on development time, and opens particular concepts to more players in general.
Warden isn't happening.
Just like how Dark Rangers as a whole class / race weren't happening. Hunters and rogues already existed and that fantasy can be fulfilled by reasonable people through appearances and transmog. Only thing really missing for a lot of these things is expanded glyphs, but muh rated pvp confusion in an rpg or something.
Lol, sure WoD leveling had some good bits, but every expac has them. But the only reason people were still leveling in Draenor after that is because treasures and bonus objectives. So it's not that WoD's leveling is such amazing experience but because you can skip it the fastest.
With the datamined stuff from 10.0.07, it feels like Blizzard are going to introduce their own brand of 'Chaos Dwarves' to line up with TWWH3 and AoS releases in Warhammer universes.
Since WotlK it's rare for WoW to even slightly line up with Warhammer fantasy stuff but reading about the 'children of the first-flesh' and their deal / vow to the old gods alongside the addition of Order and Chaos as elements directly, feels far too orchestrated to be a coincidence.
Moreso, the concept of the Titans and their supernatural selves having a master plan that involves lying to the mortal species, meddling with their evolution, pushing everything towards Order in an attempt to shut out chaosOld Gods is the exact narrative of the Warhammer 40k prequel setting.
'The Aspects Protect' voice line just reinforces my opinion of this. Dracthyr are literally biologically made super soldiers and one of their voice lines is 'The Aspects Protect'? It gets hard not to read into it at that point ha.
It's a bit loose but I genuinely think that this entire new phase is heavily influenced by a combination of the two settings. Hopefully to the benefit of wow.
Can anyone else see this or is this just apophenia?
Pasting a comment I wrote on Reddit yesterday, on the topic of weapon types restricted to a small number of specs:
Feral/Guardian should be able to use Daggers and other one-handed weapons, the Legion Artifacts basically were a prototype of that.
All (non-Dagger) melee weapons should have both Agility and Strength for more cross-useability.
Open up Warglaives to Rogues, possibly Warriors as well (weapon mastery) and maybe Monks.
Implement Tinkers with two specs that use Ranged weapons. edit: for the sake of appealing to MMO-C, this could be any other class idea that uses Ranged weapons in at least one spec
And now to my pièce de résistance:
- When equipping a one-handed weapon, a copy (for melees) or Offhand/Shield (for casters or shield tanks) of the same itemLevel should materialize in the Offhand. Like it happened with the Artifacts (showing the base tech for this already exists, albeit for very specific items)
- This virtual offhand can be enchanted, oiled and mogged, persisting of course when another weapon is equipped.
- This makes it easier for specs using one-handed weapons (especially those that can also use two-handers: Windwalker, Brewmaster, Frost DK, Fury [plus hypothetically Feral, Guardian... maybe Unholy, too?] as well as all Caster specs with their Offhands) to manage upgrades.
- Offhand/Shield appearances are unlocked when unlocking the Mainhand appearance, Shields are unlocked regardless of class. Given the larger total of Mainhand items, any Offhand is used/unlocked by several Mainhands. For newer items, an effort can be made so that the Offhand has at least similar secondary stats to complement the Mainhand, for the minmaxers.
- Need priority is simplified since the offhand slot doesn't have to be taken into account anymore.
- Old Offhands/Shields are turned into Cosmetic items and/or are unlocked alongside related Mainhand appearances. Newer ones don't drop on their own, of course.
- With this in place, it's easier to implement one-handed ranged weapons (dual pistols/wrist-attached crossbows)
There are probably plenty of other aspects/issues for which I could offer 'easy' solutions, but let's not make this post too long (also I have to get back to work)
Last edited by Nathanyel; 2023-03-13 at 12:42 PM.
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
If they are ever going to do Tinker, I think they will remove engineering as a profession. It's been very useless for a long time and I just can't see them coëxisting. Just like they reworked Demo lock to have Demon hunters.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Ye, no. Demo needed to loose Meta, because it was an OG DH ability, and loosing crucial CD that your entire spec is built around required a Demo rework. No chances of removing a prof in that case, becasue it simply does not collide with spec design like that. And it is not useless, it has simply been mandatory for a very long time with a rocket belt and more. It is now roughly on par with the rest.
Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-03-02 at 08:34 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Please, don't make this Ti*ker thread again. At least before we start focusing on Blizzcon and 11.0.
This is invented propaganda, you have to invent propaganda for the primals to sell their primalist followers, and you have to give it some shade of truth, and ultimately twisted truth or half truths, it seems the obvious thing to do.
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Probably, and possibly some allied races.
- - - Updated - - -
Haha yes. The Tinker or similar. It could also use a medic/ potion type based healer class, which could easily be a tinker healer spec.
There is also draeni based arcano crystal tech
Quite some time before class skins I had suggested that Engineering could be used to craft items that would work like glyphs and reskin specific specs into something like a tinker. E.g. you could reskin Beastmaster hunter so that they only use mechanical pets, abilities that are now poison (nature damage) would become electricity (still nature damage) and maybe some could be reinterpreted as turrets. You could change Fire Mage to a Techmage and have all the fire effects come out of a gun. Or change a prot warrior to a steam warrior and have them fight from inside a mech.
At most, it would make sense that Tinkers always have Engineering as their first profession, but that could only fly in the first couple expansions, feels too restrictive now.
By "useless", you mean "isn't a money printer", right? That can easily be fixed by giving Engineers some desirable consumables, even if those are shared, e.g. contraptions that are on the Potion CD, or that enhance potions for a stronger effect, with a debuff later. The latter wouldn't even take over Alchemy turf.It's been very useless for a long time
(obviously, more changes are needed)
Otherwise, Engineering has been a great alt profession in the past few expansions, mostly for the wormholes and (relatively) easily crafted head items.
Last edited by Nathanyel; 2023-03-03 at 05:52 AM.
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
no new races and class next expansion and actually BIG char customization overhaul with much more options, from beards that some races don't have and should, eyebrows, more hairstyles, skin colors its.
They can take some hairstyles, skin colors from NPC's, should also merge Mag'har hairstyles/beards with normal orcs for example.
Would be cool to have grom hairstyle from Wod, Varian hair, Saurfang, Tyrande hair etc.
They probably have a good chunk of hairstyles that were never used.
Don't male Humans already have an "Anime protagonist" hair style quite similar to Varian's?
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
Yeah, they have what i think originally was made for Belves, but Varian hairstyle is less "busy" and shorter in the front.
Also i find it weird that mag'har orcs didn't get grom hairstyle from the game but only the hairstyle from cinematics and movie, so it would be cool to have that one too, because it's closer to the classic w3 look.
In my opinion the character customization is still the most lacking "basic" feature of the game, compared to other MMO's, so i hope they will actually do something more with that.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-03-03 at 01:02 PM.
The other races definitely need a similar level of love that humans have gotten for customization. They got triple the number of face options in SL, on top of face shapes letting you further alter the look, meanwhile races like tauren and trolls still have 4-5 faces total. Dracthyr's individual eye color settings should be backported to the other races. It'd be great if facial scarring could be a separate setting as well.
It's not entirely related, but with how increasingly easy it is to achieve some egregious clipping on armor, I think Blizzard should just bite the bullet and allow you to keep your hair showing when wearing helms. It's not like there's a golden standard of quality to break with the change.