1. #19681
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    The new URL still reads as a porn site to me.
    What makes you think it's not a porn site?

  2. #19682
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    What has Toweliee leaked?
    Underground expansion. Not sea-based and no world revamp.

  3. #19683
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Underground expansion. Not sea-based and no world revamp.

  4. #19684
    Quote Originally Posted by Houle View Post
    Ahhh you just dont get Elons absolute GENUIS /s
    I'm perfectly fine with Elon's new x-plattform on his x-website and his x-company.

  5. #19685
    Brewmaster CasualFilth's Avatar
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    Google knows, why would you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Toweliee's leak is looking better and better everyday.
    Source on the Toweliee leak?
    Be loyal to what matters - Arthur Morgan

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  6. #19686
    So blizz ripped off a web series for the underground mole world

  7. #19687
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    No, it won't.

    I have tried to reason this before but peeps like you don't get it.
    Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms have about 50 zones. A new expansion comes out with 4 zones.
    In what world, with what resources do you imagine a world revamp? Get real.
    If it happened, it would be the same as cataclysm. Lots of content drought cause the resources went into revamping zones and quests for leveling, which most players won't even experience.
    It's insanity. It will be a disaster.
    Try and compare what they had for Cata back then to the team they have now. They gobbled up a game dev studio last year when they were working on DF.. so to say they don't have resources isn't true anymore.

    The only reason the Cata revamp took a lot resources of them wasn't just them writing new stories.. if anything the real pain they went through was having to deconstruct and reconstruct EVERYTHING from scratch.. not because they wanted to revamp the world, but because they wanted to compensate for FLYING BEING ADDED IN. When you do fly in all those old zones, you'll find a lot of missing textures and assets to some of the buildings making them look like an eyesore from a bird's eye view. This is why Eversong Forest, Ghostlands, Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles don't allow flying, and also why you can't fly over Stratholme.

    Plus... It's been about 12 years since the Cataclysm, both in-game and IRL, a lot of characters a growing older, quite a few notable ones are already dead or not leaders of their factions anymore, and even kids that we knew in TBC are becoming adults like that one Children's Week blood elf we looked after is now a paladin protege under Lady Liadrin. And to add to that.. new plot points are keep getting added in since BFA which keeps pointing more and more to the possibility of a revamp.

    What Ion has said is that they will keep updating the old world like they have done in BfA. With patches and alternative content. A once at a time revamp will mean very bad news for the game.
    Now that is unrealistic. They don't update zones without a reason, in BFA they updated those zones because they were key Warfront battles. They had ideas for different prototype Warfronts but they rejected all those ideas. It's easier to do it all the updates in one go rather than one at a time for no reason or for something as minor as one questline like the Heritage Armor quests.
    A revamp of the old zones is improbable, but not impossible. Even Ion said that they learned a lot since the Cata revamp, which suggests he wants to do something similar but not the same as what they did with Cata's revamp.

  8. #19688
    Stood in the Fire meroes's Avatar
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    I just want to see the reactions to the new "dragonriding" mechanic. Everyone will say its worse than dragonriding when it's objectively better.

  9. #19689
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CasualFilth View Post
    Source on the Toweliee leak?
    There were multiple videos for it, but Toweliee took them down.

  10. #19690
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Try and compare what they had for Cata back then to the team they have now. They gobbled up a game dev studio last year when they were working on DF.. so to say they don't have resources isn't true anymore.

    The only reason the Cata revamp took a lot resources of them wasn't just them writing new stories.. if anything the real pain they went through was having to deconstruct and reconstruct EVERYTHING from scratch.. not because they wanted to revamp the world, but because they wanted to compensate for FLYING BEING ADDED IN. When you do fly in all those old zones, you'll find a lot of missing textures and assets to some of the buildings making them look like an eyesore from a bird's eye view. This is why Eversong Forest, Ghostlands, Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles don't allow flying, and also why you can't fly over Stratholme.

    Plus... It's been about 12 years since the Cataclysm, both in-game and IRL, a lot of characters a growing older, quite a few notable ones are already dead or not leaders of their factions anymore, and even kids that we knew in TBC are becoming adults like that one Children's Week blood elf we looked after is now a paladin protege under Lady Liadrin. And to add to that.. new plot points are keep getting added in since BFA which keeps pointing more and more to the possibility of a revamp.

    Now that is unrealistic. They don't update zones without a reason, in BFA they updated those zones because they were key Warfront battles. They had ideas for different prototype Warfronts but they rejected all those ideas. It's easier to do it all the updates in one go rather than one at a time for no reason or for something as minor as one questline like the Heritage Armor quests.
    A revamp of the old zones is improbable, but not impossible. Even Ion said that they learned a lot since the Cata revamp, which suggests he wants to do something similar but not the same as what they did with Cata's revamp.
    Let's be real; the problem with a complete World Revamp is "what to even DO with 50 zones" when the leveling has been whittled down to 3-4 zones. The current philosophy is to keep the leveling up to the new exp level range consistent, so new players don't have to sink in more than 5-6 hours getting ready for the current expansion.

    So let's say 5 zones would make a solid new leveling experience, let's make it 10 with Horde and Alliance exclusive. Let's even get crazier and let's envision a Neutral/Independent leveling where there's no faction war. You still have to figure out what you do with those other 35 zones.

    Sure, you can have a new leveling experience with alternative zones, or even use some for end game; but still, I don't think you would go over even half of those zones.

    There are some possibilities. If Blizzard wants to push for replayability and for player to have more alts -or have some sort of horizontal progression- they could actually make more leveling experiences than just 3. Still, the more they are, the more dev time and resources spent on something that's not necessary.

    Maybe use/keep zones on hold for future content and just give them a visual pass for now. Maybe some of those zones could become end-game areas, maybe other form of gameplay altogether, maybe something like the events on the Dragon Isles, but rotating through the Old World.

    But yeah, a huge issue with the world revamp is that since the squish, we don't need even half of those areas to level, so what to even do with them is the question.

  11. #19691
    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    I have tried to reason this before but peeps like you don't get it.
    Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms have about 50 zones. A new expansion comes out with 4 zones.
    In what world, with what resources do you imagine a world revamp? Get real.
    "All zones are all the same size and level of complexity" is a hell of a take.

  12. #19692
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Toweliee's leak is looking better and better everyday.
    any link my brother in leak?

  13. #19693
    World of Warcraft: Reign of Elements

    4 zones
    Fight revived ragnaros to reclaim molten core
    Fight alakir's skyborne army in skyreach
    Raid abyssal maw
    Delve into stonetalon mountains and defeat therazane

    Factions include skytalons and ondine Jinyu along with stoneborn and flamewalkers

    Raids and dungeons feature elemental puzzles and challenges

    New outdoor pvp challenges to gain dominance in the new zones and unlock bonuses

    Collect artifacts to improve your gear upgrades unlocking set bonuses via multiple activities
    Boom baby there it is

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
    any link my brother in leak?
    It's literally just him saying "it's underground"

  14. #19694
    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    It's literally just him saying "it's underground"
    Not perfectly trustworthy, of course. The man has been wrong before, and all the insider information he's gotten in the past—if I'm not unaware of something—mainly had to do with patch releases, something that would be far more relevant to a streamer's schedule and far less secret than the next expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    Boom baby there it is
    I like the idea of finally going to the Stonetalon caverns, but this otherwise sounds pretty unappealing to me.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  15. #19695
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Not perfectly trustworthy, of course. The man has been wrong before, and all the insider information he's gotten in the past—if I'm not unaware of something—mainly had to do with patch releases, something that would be far more relevant to a streamer's schedule and far less secret than the next expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I like the idea of finally going to the Stonetalon caverns, but this otherwise sounds pretty unappealing to me.
    Molten core makes sense because of the 20th anniversary and the 10th was the tw version

  16. #19696
    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    Molten core makes sense because of the 20th anniversary and the 10th was the tw version
    Not really, why would they do it a second time instead of one of the other raids? Also this leak is too dumb to tell the difference between Skyreach (the High Arakkoa city) and Skywall (the elemental plane).

  17. #19697
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Not really, why would they do it a second time instead of one of the other raids? Also this leak is too dumb to tell the difference between Skyreach (the High Arakkoa city) and Skywall (the elemental plane).
    Good catch. I overlooked that.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  18. #19698
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Not really, why would they do it a second time instead of one of the other raids? Also this leak is too dumb to tell the difference between Skyreach (the High Arakkoa city) and Skywall (the elemental plane).
    Also why would Ragnaros want Molten Core instead of the firelands? Molten core is, by all intents and purposes little more than a random cave.

  19. #19699
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    Also why would Ragnaros want Molten Core instead of the firelands? Molten core is, by all intents and purposes little more than a random cave.
    Not really. Look at the Chronicle map that shows the original holdings of the Elemental Lords when the Keepers defeated him. Ragnaros' original hold on Azeroth was on Blackrock Mountains. Molten Core is part of his original domain while the Firelands is just a prison someone shoved him in.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Let's be real; the problem with a complete World Revamp is "what to even DO with 50 zones" when the leveling has been whittled down to 3-4 zones. The current philosophy is to keep the leveling up to the new exp level range consistent, so new players don't have to sink in more than 5-6 hours getting ready for the current expansion.

    So let's say 5 zones would make a solid new leveling experience, let's make it 10 with Horde and Alliance exclusive. Let's even get crazier and let's envision a Neutral/Independent leveling where there's no faction war. You still have to figure out what you do with those other 35 zones.
    Megazones though
    You don't have 50 zones you have way less. To get Vanilla zones to the current zone size, you'd need to combine anywhere from 2 to 4 zones depending on the zone (cause let's face it, some of them are small and/or empty)

  20. #19700
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Let's be real; the problem with a complete World Revamp is "what to even DO with 50 zones" when the leveling has been whittled down to 3-4 zones. The current philosophy is to keep the leveling up to the new exp level range consistent, so new players don't have to sink in more than 5-6 hours getting ready for the current expansion.

    So let's say 5 zones would make a solid new leveling experience, let's make it 10 with Horde and Alliance exclusive. Let's even get crazier and let's envision a Neutral/Independent leveling where there's no faction war. You still have to figure out what you do with those other 35 zones.

    Sure, you can have a new leveling experience with alternative zones, or even use some for end game; but still, I don't think you would go over even half of those zones.

    There are some possibilities. If Blizzard wants to push for replayability and for player to have more alts -or have some sort of horizontal progression- they could actually make more leveling experiences than just 3. Still, the more they are, the more dev time and resources spent on something that's not necessary.

    Maybe use/keep zones on hold for future content and just give them a visual pass for now. Maybe some of those zones could become end-game areas, maybe other form of gameplay altogether, maybe something like the events on the Dragon Isles, but rotating through the Old World.

    But yeah, a huge issue with the world revamp is that since the squish, we don't need even half of those areas to level, so what to even do with them is the question.
    Focus on one of the continents, if they say they'll do the other continent in another expansion, then they'll do it with new themes an ideas to work with. Which can leave either 20-25 zones between both sides.
    Still too many zones? Combine them into larger zones with a continuing story. In Classic, there was the whole idea of the Defias Brotherhood expanding across both Elwynn Forest and continued their influence all the way out to Westfall.

    Why not combine Elwynn, Westfall, Redridge, and Duskwood into one larger area with a whole story? All revolving around the gnoll encampents increasing in activity, only to discover that these new gnoll camps are starting to learn how to use Decay magic, similar to the ones from DF. All of it culminates in a big showdown in Duskwood where the Decay Gnolls are trying to tap into the Dream through the portal in the middle of the zone. (That's just one example)

    Same can apply to the Northern Eastern Kingdoms, where the East and West Plaguelands along with Tirisfal have been combined into a single zone with the story centered around the Scarlet Crusade expanding their sphere of influence on the land and push the Forsaken out of Lordaeron.

    Especially when flying enters in the mix, and especially if when Dragonriding becomes a main-stay, they'll need to make those zones larger to compensate the distance of flying between them.

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