1. #1

    Mount Macro Question/Help

    I was wondering if there was a macro that you could use to mount specific mounts depending on the zone's availability - I.E. it uses the Dragonriding mount if available, then the flying mount if available, then a land mount. I like being able to mount specific mounts depending on character so favoriting mounts / summon random favorite doesn't help since its account wide.

    Was using a /cast [flyable] >flying mount<; >land mount< before dragon riding, and /cast [flyable] >flying mount<; >dragon riding mount< now, but it doesn't work if you are in a zone without flying or dragon riding (such as BGs), so was wondering if anyone had the proper order or something similar, or if there is an add-on that lets you select favorite mounts per character.

  2. #2

    /cast [dragonriding] your favorite dragonriding mount; [flyable] your favorite flying mount; your favorite ground mount

    Of course, you can add "[swimming] your favorite aquatic mount" but I wouldn't recommend because it'd mean you would have to first reach the shore before you can use that macro to summon your other mounts.

    The one snag with that macro is that it doesn't work in instances such as Ruby Life Pools. But you can make a macro like this:

    /cast [modifier:alt] your favorite ground mount; [dragonriding] your favorite dragonriding mount; [flyable] your favorite flying mount; your favorite ground mount
    With this macro, whenever you use it while pressing 'alt', it'll always summon your ground mount, regardless of where you are. You can replace "alt" for any other key, such as 'shift' or 'ctrl' if you prefer.
    Last edited by Ielenia; 2023-01-06 at 08:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Just use the "summon random favorite" button and set one of each kind (dragon riding, flying, ground, aquatic) as favorites. The button will always pull up the most suitable mount, at least that is what I have been told.
    I just dedicate 3 slots on one of my actions bars to my dragon riding favorite (highland drake ofc), a small flying mount and the repair mammoth.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    /cast [modifier:alt] your favorite ground mount; [dragonriding] your favorite dragonriding mount; [flyable] your favorite flying mount; your favorite ground mount
    With this macro, whenever you use it while pressing 'alt', it'll always summon your ground mount, regardless of where you are. You can replace "alt" for any other key, such as 'shift' or 'ctrl' if you prefer.
    Modifier works to let me mount my ground mount, but otherwise it'll say "You are in the wrong zone" while trying to mount the dragon instead of going on to the flying mount though.

    Quote Originally Posted by ceall View Post
    Just use the "summon random favorite" button and set one of each kind (dragon riding, flying, ground, aquatic) as favorites. The button will always pull up the most suitable mount, at least that is what I have been told.
    I just dedicate 3 slots on one of my actions bars to my dragon riding favorite (highland drake ofc), a small flying mount and the repair mammoth.
    I mentioned this, but summon random favorite mount is account wide, and I like to summon different mounts on different characters, so this would only work on one character or I'd need to swap favorites each character, though I did wonder if there is an add-on that makes it not account wide.

    Edit: As a Monk, I find I use so many buttons as is, that I'd rather not separate mounting into 3 different buttons, and like just being able to press one button that summons the mount for the area.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Tecuani View Post
    Modifier works to let me mount my ground mount, but otherwise it'll say "You are in the wrong zone" while trying to mount the dragon instead of going on to the flying mount though.
    You mean it's trying to summon your dragonriding mount in normal flying zones such as Stormwind/Orgrimmar?

    Try to make sure you didn't accidentally misspell the mounts' names?
    Last edited by Ielenia; 2023-01-06 at 09:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    You mean it's trying to summon your dragonriding mount in normal flying zones such as Stormwind/Orgrimmar?

    Try to make sure you didn't accidentally misspell the mounts' names?
    Yeah, I assume that it's trying to summon the dragon riding mount (in Dalaran). I shift-clicked all the mount names, so they definitely are spelled correctly. I do notice it says "unknown macro option: dragonriding in my chat one time.

    A temporary (that I guess could work long term) solution I had was just putting different modifiers for two mounts, Shift to Land and Ctrl for Dragon riding right now) and it works on that end, but was just curious if maybe there was a different command for dragon riding?

  7. #7
    Does dragon riding conditional work now? I tried before and it didn't work at all, I'll try again when I'm on next.

    I use /click macros (super underrated and extremely versatile) and change what action button I click depending on the condition. I had flying and ground sorted but couldn't do dragonflying and switched to random which is a pain in the ass since I don't want random.

  8. #8
    Dragonriding conditinal doesn't work. It will summon Dragon riding mount in Dragon Isles but in other places the macro won't work at all.

    Here is macro that kind of works but has some issues:

    /cast Dragonriding Mount
    /cast [flyable]Flying Mount;Ground Mount
    This macro breaks animation so you won't see Dragon come from behind for you to jump on. It will always show Dragonriding mount icon and tooltip, you can put other mount right after #showtooltip to make that icon and tooltip to be shown instead. It will summon flying or ground mount outise of Dragon Isles but also still display message that you are in a wrong zone.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tecuani View Post
    Yeah, I assume that it's trying to summon the dragon riding mount (in Dalaran). I shift-clicked all the mount names, so they definitely are spelled correctly. I do notice it says "unknown macro option: dragonriding in my chat one time.


    A temporary (that I guess could work long term) solution I had was just putting different modifiers for two mounts, Shift to Land and Ctrl for Dragon riding right now) and it works on that end, but was just curious if maybe there was a different command for dragon riding?

    The conditional is "[dragonridable]", not "dragonriding".

  10. #10
    [dragonriding] and [dragonridable] are not real conditions, I wish they were. Please stop spreading this misinformation.

    If you want the proper syntax it's the following, and it sucks that this is what we're forced to work with.

    /run if IsUsableSpell(368896) then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589) end
    /cast [flyable] FLYING_MOUNT; GROUND_MOUNT
    /dismount [mounted]
    Replace 1589 with the ID of the mount you want to summon: 
    1589: Renewed Proto-Drake
    1590: Windborne Velocidrake
    1591: Cliffside Wylderdrake
    1563: Highland Drake
    If you don't care about only attempting to fire your dragonriding mount when it can actually be used, and would rather just leverage the fact that mounts are thankfully off the GCD, then use the version that Vampyr78 posted.
    Last edited by Elvenbane; 2023-01-08 at 03:40 AM.

  11. #11
    Reminder that 10.0.7 introduced the [advflyable] condition so we don't need to make janky Dragonriding macros anymore.

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