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  1. #241
    Herald of the Titans Daffan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post

    Its just called seasons now. PReviously it was "major patch update" or something along those lines. Now its seasonal. Name it whatever you like, the formula is the same. Release xpac -> major patch --> major patch --> major patch(or not) --> new xpac --> repeat.

    Prog can take long today if you want it too. Theres mythic raiding, high end pvp & m+ keys.

    Or you can play the old versions of wow.
    U don't even know what you are talking about.

    Seasons mean that everything before is invalidated. That wasn't the case in all versions of WoW

    Quote Originally Posted by czarek View Post
    It does progression = playin in long term gives constant fresh immerse and jump in after a break doesnt make you feel you are years behind in the competiton.
    I never understood this mindset

    U literally quit the game right, and 2 raid tiers come out and u just want to skip over one?

    Quote Originally Posted by hulkgor View Post
    It's almost like people enjoy playing said content. *gasp* i know right?

    Yeah a small portion, love seeing that M+ attendance chart going down and down rapidly
    Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffan View Post

    U literally quit the game right, and 2 raid tiers come out and u just want to skip over one?
    I mean yes lol.

    This is how modern games work and it is way better, imo. Jump in, jump out, a hobby not a lifestyle

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffan View Post
    U don't even know what you are talking about.

    Seasons mean that everything before is invalidated. That wasn't the case in all versions of WoW
    This has been the case since forever. Only difference is the casual Andy's didn't raid as much back then so they had no clue this is how its always been.

    The formula has literally never changed since TBC. Raid/PvP to get geared > Farm until new raid/pvp season > Clear new raid/collect new PvP gear.

    You didn't go back to farm SSC and TK after BT and Hyjal were out. You can see the same thing in classic servers today now that everyone that wants to raid clears the current content. Which is why they changed the gearing in Naxx to try keeping it relevant longer.

    The only thing that changed is Blizzard actually started to call them seasons at some point.

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffan View Post
    U don't even know what you are talking about.

    Seasons mean that everything before is invalidated. That wasn't the case in all versions of WoW

    I mean.. You are correct, but how long is it since that wasnt how it worked? Vanilla all content was invalidated.. BC somewhat. You had to do previous raids mostly because of attunements, but certain items were worth going for. Wotlk? Once Uld was out, you didnt need to do naxx. Once TogC was out, Uld was outdated and so on. It was only valanjir that was worth going for in Ulduar all xpac long. From cata onwards, we always moved forward and every raid before was irrelevant. That means, for most of wows lifetime thats how it have worked. From season to season, invalidating everything before.

  5. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    That means, for most of wows lifetime thats how it have worked. From season to season, invalidating everything before.
    for shits and giggles i do want to point out that there was one tiny exception to that rule - there was a trinket from nighthold that was BIS until the end of legion, and the fury 4pc from nighthold was so strong it lasted at least until antorus.

    this obviously does not refute your point, i only bring it up because it's an outlier, but i expect that many misremember how often that sort of thing happened.

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by Malkiah View Post
    for shits and giggles i do want to point out that there was one tiny exception to that rule - there was a trinket from nighthold that was BIS until the end of legion, and the fury 4pc from nighthold was so strong it lasted at least until antorus.

    this obviously does not refute your point, i only bring it up because it's an outlier, but i expect that many misremember how often that sort of thing happened.
    Oh sure, theres been outliers here and there in most(all?) xpacs for various stuff. Gear, mounts, proff stuff, etc. But I would guess for the majority of players, the new content was the content they did. Not some previous raid that gives crappier gear 90% of the time.

    Point is, the formula of always moving forward and invalidate everything before it has been the standard for years with wow. Wether we like it or not. Seems Blizzard are a fan of it too.

    In fact, I would bet alot of people would be mad if they suddenly had to farm every raid in each xpac going forward for a minscule chance of something to drop.

  7. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by Malkiah View Post
    that isn't a plan for what to do once your playerbase is max level, those are raid zones for a tiny, miniscule fraction of a fraction of your playerbase to dick around in once they are max level.
    a game that has nothing to do at max level except content that is traditionally engaged in by less than 15% of the total number of people playing your game is not a game with a plan for max level content.
    Well, considering the game has survived with this "plan" for almost two decades and beaten every game that was prophesized as the "WoW-Killer"... I have to disagree. The plan of the Devs is obviously working.
    Your dislike of group content does not change this simple empirically proven reality.

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by antelope591 View Post
    Nah I'm still playing way more then I was at this point of the last few expansions. The game actually lets you play alts/different specs now which makes all the difference. For example got bored of dpsing on my monk so I switched to healing. Or I can switch back and forth from tank/dps on my DH. Before you were stuck into one spec so of course it got boring super fast. In DF I haven't played so much this far into a patch since Legion probably.
    Hell i'm even using specs i literally haven't touched since Legion (as evidenced by the presence of Legion era stuff on the toolbars when i reactivated it).

    Got an army of alts set up too due to the revamped profession systems actually making me sorta care, levelling unintendedly due to their crafting most of all.
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
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    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  9. #249
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Yes DF is a pretty bland expansion really. Once the M+ and raids released there was little to no point in the world anymore.

    Trading post is a VERY nice try IMO, but it should have been bi-weekly instead of monthly.

    IMO it feels like WOD, where you ended up raidlogging because the world lost its relevance in a matter of 2 months once you gathered all the "marbles".

  10. #250
    If I bothered to play an alt I think I'd rather go back to Shadowlands to play covenant stuff.

  11. #251
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    IMO it feels like WOD, where you ended up raidlogging because the world lost its relevance in a matter of 2 months once you gathered all the "marbles".
    And its great, the "marbles" come back in the form of an alt, where you need to do the initial gearing (assuming you simply don't use the guild to skip it with a few M+ runs) which takes a couple of weeks.

    Apart from the soup event cause of the crafting material which refuses to drop, i do enjoy the fact my 2 alts aren't forced to do irrelevant shit anymore, i levelled the first one a bit too soon along with the main, the first week and doing the "initial gearing" felt a bit annoying/too much.

    It all depends how you view the game, it has always been a raid logging game depending on experience and many times based on easy mode of the class.

  12. #252
    Herald of the Titans czarek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daffan View Post

    I never understood this mindset

    U literally quit the game right, and 2 raid tiers come out and u just want to skip over one?
    Yes. Why not? I can back to this tier on my own anyway. Game needs to be fresh and competitive to keep players in. All tiers just cant be valuable all the time. We got timewalking which is great. We got timewalkin raids and new m+ rotation every season. I really dont need more. Its your FOMO about tiers imo.

  13. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by Raisei View Post
    Well, considering the game has survived with this "plan" for almost two decades and beaten every game that was prophesized as the "WoW-Killer"... I have to disagree. The plan of the Devs is obviously working.
    i mean, there's a difference between having a plan for max level character progression that isn't tied to ilevel (and thus progressive difficulties of dungeons and then raids), and making an MMO that has a pleasing gameplay loop that keeps people engaged with it
    there are other MMOs that have robust and deep character progression systems that aren't tied to ilevel so we can clearly see what that looks like.
    it doesn't mean those games are better than wow or that wow is shitty for not having that kind of system, it just means that wow doesn't have that kind of system and over a long enough timeline you can see where that lack comes into focus.

    Your dislike of group content does not change this simple empirically proven reality.
    and out of what end of who's ass did you pull this? i never said a single thing about group content positively or negatively.

  14. #254
    I'm in the boat of being a little bit bored with Dragonfight too but I've tended to dip in and out of WoW expansions since WOTLK so that's not really a Dragonflight issue (I like the expansion it's great) that's a me issue. I don't raid and I don't do mythic dungeons so outside of that I've kind of done everything that is currently available to me but depending on the patch cadence might stay subbed or dip out for a month or 2 between content drops.

    The one thing that they should change though is the Overflowing supply packs as once you max out the renowns for a faction there is absolutely no reason to do any more dailies etc as you get an Overflowing supply pack every 1/2 weeks and basically it's 13 pet charms, 8 pet bandages, 1000g and some other random pointless guff. Now I like pet battles but I can get more pet charms from a single pet battle daily and the gold is what 2 world quests worth? I get that some people don't want to continously have to run the dailies which is fine but at least have something thats even remotely worthwhile for those that do.

  15. #255
    I've been making a fortune with JC, but I don't enjoy the process. Camping the trade chat 24/7 and keeping up with the knowledge and not knowing the devs intentions with it sucks balls. Like what if I stop getting my weekly knowledge? Will I fall behind for forever? Will there be catchup? What about mettle? Can people stack up on mettle for later patches? (Insight) Dealing with people who don't know how crafting works but they want everything max rank (even crafts that need Insight) for 1-2k gold is exhausting. Seems like the "borrowed power farm" (knowledge) is now on the shoulders of crafters.
    Transmog rewards are fucking expensive and ugly as fuck. Everything that needs Tallstrider Sinew (altough got cheaper in the past week or so) is a scam.
    I still need a couple of drake manuscripts but supposedly some drops are bugged for some people. There's a new achieve in (because there was ONE thing you could ignore if you were an achieve hunter but not an everything-farmer so naturally they had to add like a dozen achieve to it) and for some drakes up to 40% drops are still unknown where they come from. (Hopefully, HOPEFULLY not from paragon boxes...)
    It's just walls everywhere I turn to. Do I want to pay monthly sub to wait for blizz to figure their shit out? Seems like a bad business.

  16. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorachus View Post
    Been playing WoW since launch all these years, and it's a fav game of mine obviously. But I've had my off times and addicted times to the game, but all these years I typically still play nightly if just for 30 to 45 minutes.

    Use to Raid and play [H]ardcore from MoP through Legion, playing hours a night, but those times are gone.

    Anyways, Dragonflight, was so excited to get a new expansion after Shadowlands, which I found depressing and lame, and so far DF is an upgrade and feels fun and looks great. But...2 months later after Dragonflights release, I'm getting bored already. My main is iLvl 391, and I have another at i360+, and several alts in the level 60+ level range. But right now, I just feel stuck in a rut in the game, not interested in getting my main any higher gear at this point, I'm happy enough doing M+10, but not higher, and I stopped Raiding long ago.

    My alts, I was progressing getting most of them to level 65 or so, but now it feels like a grind to push them to all to 70.

    I know there's the patch today, which will help give something new to do, which is great for WoW, they need mini patches like this often. Because without today's patch I prob would unsub for a bit.

    I would say the last expansion I was truly addicted to and LOVED was Legion, that one had so much to do outside of just Raids, the Class Halls, the artifact weapon appearances, the Class mounts, I felt like I always had something to do in Legion.

    Thing is, I do like Dragonflight, it's beautiful to look at, and I am enjoying it, but I feel like I hit a wall of boredom quicker than usual in a new expansion.
    It's a bit dishonest. Saying that DF is boring, could mean that you got bored in general after 18years. And could also mean, that nothing lasts for ever, no matter what expansion they would release.

    It's a shame how you present this.
    Last edited by HansOlo; 2023-02-14 at 11:20 AM.

  17. #257
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by potis View Post
    And its great, the "marbles" come back in the form of an alt, where you need to do the initial gearing (assuming you simply don't use the guild to skip it with a few M+ runs) which takes a couple of weeks.

    Apart from the soup event cause of the crafting material which refuses to drop, i do enjoy the fact my 2 alts aren't forced to do irrelevant shit anymore, i levelled the first one a bit too soon along with the main, the first week and doing the "initial gearing" felt a bit annoying/too much.

    It all depends how you view the game, it has always been a raid logging game depending on experience and many times based on easy mode of the class.
    I mean I don't mind - I was always a raidlogger and loved WOD for it, it's just casual players aren't sticking around if world becomes meaningless in a matter of weeks.

    Frankly, I don't give a shit, because as said raidlogging ftw for me, but I am not sure it's the best way forward for the game itself.

  18. #258
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    wod was designed to be done with wow and it created a huge backlash. its just weird to praise wod.
    No, WoD was designed with no real endgame content outside of raiding. Everything that didn't involve raiding could basically be done in your garrison by queing up work orders.

  19. #259
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    No, WoD was designed with no real endgame content outside of raiding. Everything that didn't involve raiding could basically be done in your garrison by queing up work orders.
    And this is exactly why I liked WOD, even if I recognize it was an issue for most casual players.

    I play WoW primarily and almost exclusively for raiding. WOD allowed me to practically literally raidlog and avoid all the chorebore needed for raiding at top level. So of course I'd praise WOD - it gave me exactly what I wanted.

    It does not mean it was good or healthy for the game overall and I acknowledge that.

  20. #260
    Quote Originally Posted by Malkiah View Post
    i mean, there's a difference between having a plan for max level character progression that isn't tied to ilevel (and thus progressive difficulties of dungeons and then raids), and making an MMO that has a pleasing gameplay loop that keeps people engaged with it
    there are other MMOs that have robust and deep character progression systems that aren't tied to ilevel so we can clearly see what that looks like.
    it doesn't mean those games are better than wow or that wow is shitty for not having that kind of system, it just means that wow doesn't have that kind of system and over a long enough timeline you can see where that lack comes into focus.
    You may not be wrong, but we have also seen how all MMOs fared that did things differently then WoW. They failed. Some so badly that they were shut down, others are still running on maintenance mode. The only one that is still "alive" is FF. That seems to me like WoW is indeed better then those games as it is financially succesful, where they are not.

    So what you call a missing plan or a lack of a plan seems to me as a smartly planned focus that has been empirically proven as working. Otherwise the game would have gone the same way as all the other contender. Instead it is still running strong with regular patches and expansions after 20 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malkiah View Post
    and out of what end of who's ass did you pull this? i never said a single thing about group content positively or negatively.
    Pretty easy to see. You speak of a "lacking plan" and call the focus on group content an "issue" (despite it evidentally working to keep the game going) you would not make such an argument if you would be happy with the direction of the game.

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