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  1. #261
    At least the boredom comes from having played all the content, and not been blocked through artificial progression systems where you quit in exasperation or frustration on gated systems.

    Cata (medicore), Mop (good), Wod (bad), Legion (good), BFA (bad), Shadowlands (worst expansion), and now finally Dragonflight (mediocre). Medicore is an improvement; i'm fairly certain they had progression systems laced throughout and pulled them during development given the SL reception. Hopefully this is a baseline to build upon for future releases.

    2 months out of a game is par for the course nowadays. The subscription is pretty galling given the lack of support at this point, but with luck people didn't fall for the '1 year subscription' package which obviously was luring you into a commitment beyond what the content could deliver.

    Biggest issue I seee with modern wow is the fixation on mythic+ dungeons, making raiding irrelevant / hard to recruit for. yes smaller groups are easier to coordinate and maybe that's where Blizzard sees the game nowadays, but the MMO features are almost non existent as a result (open world plagued by bots; class homogeneity; minimal rpg elements; no social cohension through lack of features)

  2. #262
    Bloodsail Admiral Mustardisbad's Avatar
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    Alot of people want to be completely addicted again. Its like they are chasing the dragon lol. (Youtube Link)

    I still have fun with the game, but I also only play a couple hours a day, if that. I do everything as well. Pet battles, pvp, dungeons, transmog runs, etc. There is so much Dragonflight stuff that I have not done yet. I mean how many games do you know of, are still fun after you put in the same hours you have with wow?

  3. #263
    DF was for me boring from the beginning.

    Its MoP but without a war or a character like Garrosh to carry this exp pack. When i play this exp pack it feels empty and nothing like the warcraft universe. WoW lost its soul and feeling without any interesting characters anymore its pretty mutch a boring plot in a boring soulless world without any interesting villians. I dont see how blizzard can improve in the the upcoming patches since you either like the plot at this point or you will become alot more bored the next few years of DF.

    The upcoming mini quest for the Orc armor has generated more hype in me that all of the DF plots and that is really a problem this exp pack.
    Last edited by tromage2; 2023-02-14 at 07:12 PM.

  4. #264
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    Question - during SL, my friends list went from buzzing to dead in a few weeks. Some were raiders, some M+, some PvP, some friends who play super casual. Some had played for 2 years, others since vanilla. Some played for 5+ hours per day when they could, others would barely do 5 hours a week. Some had kids, some didnt. Some worked full time, some didnt. Some were in their early 20s, others their mid 50s.

    And yet you are claiming "nah, they just burned out, thats all, its the player, not the game!". Does that make sense when you consider the above?
    Missed my point but ill answer this, im actually making the same point you're making, its the reverse point, the game itself is old, and the players tastes changed/dried up with it.

    The thing is, over time, you can make any game revitalised with a remake, remaster, whatever, but eventually after playing that game 20+ times you find yourself playing the same game and thats the point, you can paint it with new coatings but you'll never remove what it was at its core.

    You will love the nostlagia of it but when you play it now you realize you moved on, the game is also not as fun anymore, and thats fine.

    Games, dont last forever, anyone can tell you that, some age well, some age poorly.

    Most people these days dont have the same drive for the 25 man raiding scene as they did in TBC for example, yes the raiding scene still exists but it is nowhere NEAR as prominent or as grand as it was.

    The fact people struggled to find groups for 20 man mythics in SL alone should tell you that the era of such things passed long, long ago, it even started back in late BFA when people started struggling to get mythic N'zoth progs.

  5. #265
    I am Murloc! dacoolist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorachus View Post
    Been playing WoW since launch all these years, and it's a fav game of mine obviously. But I've had my off times and addicted times to the game, but all these years I typically still play nightly if just for 30 to 45 minutes.

    Use to Raid and play [H]ardcore from MoP through Legion, playing hours a night, but those times are gone.

    Anyways, Dragonflight, was so excited to get a new expansion after Shadowlands, which I found depressing and lame, and so far DF is an upgrade and feels fun and looks great. But...2 months later after Dragonflights release, I'm getting bored already. My main is iLvl 391, and I have another at i360+, and several alts in the level 60+ level range. But right now, I just feel stuck in a rut in the game, not interested in getting my main any higher gear at this point, I'm happy enough doing M+10, but not higher, and I stopped Raiding long ago.

    My alts, I was progressing getting most of them to level 65 or so, but now it feels like a grind to push them to all to 70.

    I know there's the patch today, which will help give something new to do, which is great for WoW, they need mini patches like this often. Because without today's patch I prob would unsub for a bit.

    I would say the last expansion I was truly addicted to and LOVED was Legion, that one had so much to do outside of just Raids, the Class Halls, the artifact weapon appearances, the Class mounts, I felt like I always had something to do in Legion.

    Thing is, I do like Dragonflight, it's beautiful to look at, and I am enjoying it, but I feel like I hit a wall of boredom quicker than usual in a new expansion.
    I do agree, I really hope they add some stuff here shortly for us to bite on - I remember Legion almost releasing content TOO FAST - and then in shadowlands it was released.. well - a bit slow lol. So I really do hope they start pumping up for S2 within the next month or so with maybe a release of the next one here in spring

  6. #266
    Herald of the Titans Alroxas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daffan View Post
    U literally quit the game right, and 2 raid tiers come out and u just want to skip over one?
    Think about what you're saying there. If there wasn't catch up mechanisms, it means that returning players (or even new players) would have to go through those older raid tiers just to be relevant to the current one.

    Sorry we need to run you through A and B raids before you can even think about stepping into C raid.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by probert View Post
    At least the boredom comes from having played all the content, and not been blocked through artificial progression systems where you quit in exasperation or frustration on gated systems.

    Cata (medicore), Mop (good), Wod (bad), Legion (good), BFA (bad), Shadowlands (worst expansion), and now finally Dragonflight (mediocre). Medicore is an improvement; i'm fairly certain they had progression systems laced throughout and pulled them during development given the SL reception. Hopefully this is a baseline to build upon for future releases.
    What? Did you not remember the Legion Broken Shores questline? 12 weeks of here's a single quest from Khadgar to advance your progress (Side bonus, some of those weekly quests were really horrible in design/context). Or how about Suramar's storyline gated by the amount of reputation you had grinded?

    Yes Legion had many positive aspects, but there were also the normal amount of flaws similar to other expansions.

    Honestly the majority of the complaints in this thread is due to the false belief that players had that without "borrowed power systems" the game would be "better". I guess in a way, yes that's true. You can raidlog if you want. There's very little tying you down to complete on a daily basis. But that also means that player progression is strictly tied to some very specific systems. There wasn't any low-effort ways to gain player power at least until today with valor being uncapped.
    Don't be a victim of IFOWISNAWL!
    Call 800-Calm-The-F-Down, Operators are standing by. Now taking calls on all your Legion worries.

  7. #267
    Titan Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lei View Post
    It's just walls everywhere I turn to. Do I want to pay monthly sub to wait for blizz to figure their shit out? Seems like a bad business.
    Traditionally, timegates were restricted to a few elements such as raid lockouts, VP and misc stuff like mats cooldowns (in professions). But they suddenly started to appear everywhere in the game during Legion, and it only became worse over time. And now DF, which has the not so enviable job of cleaning up the mess left by SL, also has walls everywhere you look.

  8. #268
    Quote Originally Posted by stigz View Post
    The only thing that makes up for it is the people you do it with. WoW PvE is only as good as the people you play it with IMHO.
    As a huge PvE fan and PvP "disliker", i agree 100%

    It's basically the reason why from legion onwards i felt every day more detached from the game - with M+ a lot of the gear treadmill changed from organized/group events to basically solofarming dungeons over and over.

    It's not like there are not good groups anymore or anything, it's just that any semi-serious guild expects you to run as many M+ as possible and i simply don't like pugging. Unfortunately i cannot play as much as i would need to both raid and do m+ with a static group hence i ended just stopping playing the game after 18 years.

    Doesn't mean the game is shit, if anything nowadays it has many more ways to be played than years ago.
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  9. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by Coldkil View Post

    It's not like there are not good groups anymore or anything, it's just that any semi-serious guild expects you to run as many M+ as possible and i simply don't like pugging. Unfortunately i cannot play as much as i would need to both raid and do m+ with a static group hence i ended just stopping playing the game after 18 years.

    This is simply not true unless your playing in a guild looking/expecting to get HoF. I raid in a 2 night guild that typically finishes around US100-150 range and at least half of our players don't even touch M+ outside of maybe the first week or two of a new season.

    Its not just this guild either. I have been in 3 different guilds since M+ was added in legion and not a single one of them had any M+ requirements.

  10. #270
    I'm having a blast! I've gotten 8 characters to 65-68 and I'm beginning to figure out which ones I like and want to carry forward. Some days I just sit and mess around with the incredible talent trees :-)

  11. #271
    I had my fun for now. This is a great expansion one of the best Imo. However I'm not really feeling it at this point in time. I had a plan to get KSM, but I simply can't be bothered finishing it, even though I'm close to the 2k rating. Hopefully next patch will bring something interesting. For the time being I will only log in to do the weekly knowledge stuff on my main and one of my alts.

  12. #272
    Quote Originally Posted by Toby451 View Post
    This is simply not true unless your playing in a guild looking/expecting to get HoF. I raid in a 2 night guild that typically finishes around US100-150 range and at least half of our players don't even touch M+ outside of maybe the first week or two of a new season.

    Its not just this guild either. I have been in 3 different guilds since M+ was added in legion and not a single one of them had any M+ requirements.
    Oh, I know these groups exist, not in my area/servers. i'm italian, which means we raid very late compared to most other people (like 9pm-12pm) - not really simple for me to get a group. But at this point i think i have given the game all i could and got everything i wanted in return, i'm fine with the game not being for me anymore. It's been an hell.of a ride.
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  13. #273
    Some of the recent replies make great points, yes DF is a very good expansion, much better than Shittylands, and the design, and art team rocked it, and it is fun, and feels fresh and new.

    But ... I'm also reading people say they do like it, but hat they feel done with it already until the next patch release, or 10.1 in the Summer.

    I do agree with them, but also find that kinda sad, only a couple months into a brand new expansion, and even though people are digging it, they feel burned out or just not interested in pushing further. Does that mean WoW in general is finally starting to lose it's luster? Blizzard releases a good expansion in Dragonflight, but still people are fading out and just kinda of bored quickly into it.

    Does WoW need a major redo? A true WoW 2 on a brand new game engine, using artificial intelligence ChatGPT A.I. to run the monsters and NPCs to feel real life like, and give "smart AI" questing? But that would cost mega million$ to make that game, and take years.

    Or does Blizzard need to wake up that WoW shouldn't be Raid or die for the few % who still do that? Last I checked I think like 75% of WoW players don't even step foot inside a current Raid.

  14. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorachus View Post
    Been playing WoW since launch all these years, and it's a fav game of mine obviously. But I've had my off times and addicted times to the game, but all these years I typically still play nightly if just for 30 to 45 minutes.

    Use to Raid and play [H]ardcore from MoP through Legion, playing hours a night, but those times are gone.

    Anyways, Dragonflight, was so excited to get a new expansion after Shadowlands, which I found depressing and lame, and so far DF is an upgrade and feels fun and looks great. But...2 months later after Dragonflights release, I'm getting bored already. My main is iLvl 391, and I have another at i360+, and several alts in the level 60+ level range. But right now, I just feel stuck in a rut in the game, not interested in getting my main any higher gear at this point, I'm happy enough doing M+10, but not higher, and I stopped Raiding long ago.

    My alts, I was progressing getting most of them to level 65 or so, but now it feels like a grind to push them to all to 70.

    I know there's the patch today, which will help give something new to do, which is great for WoW, they need mini patches like this often. Because without today's patch I prob would unsub for a bit.

    I would say the last expansion I was truly addicted to and LOVED was Legion, that one had so much to do outside of just Raids, the Class Halls, the artifact weapon appearances, the Class mounts, I felt like I always had something to do in Legion.

    Thing is, I do like Dragonflight, it's beautiful to look at, and I am enjoying it, but I feel like I hit a wall of boredom quicker than usual in a new expansion.
    Kinda for me 2.

    I think its down to several problems i find DF has after a couple of months.

    they are:
    - story is lame. While i see them going to something great. Legion, BFA had a constant story. and depth ( even though it went knowhere for the alliance in BFA). It needs more progression. We have done all the zones. And it felt like we have only done the opening quests. status quo is the still the same. The next time it needs story progression. what did we do in the story so far. killed 1 dragon, 3 release. Have started but no even finnished to get some dragon shrines/homes back etc.
    It feels like we have done the intro story to DF.
    On the other side it means if i am correct that there is much fun to come.
    - alts, leveling them is nice. But for me where it fails is the renow. Many things are behind a rep already did on your main. to that same grind over and over again for proffesions is insane.
    - to many bugs/dc's etc
    - renows in general are a nice idea. But so many things are behind a to big of a rep grind and useless by the time you get it. Per example. By the time you have gotten your renow high enough to get a piece of gear. That grind must mean you have play so much that your standard gear is already as high if not higher. I think all renow gear needs to drop by 5 renow levels at least.
    - proffesions. I love the new idea. And crafting to get more stuff, and the talent tree's. But again, for alts. So much is behind a large rep grind. maybe make the account unlock. you get renow 15 on your main, all things proffesion wise will be unlocked on all your toons that are in DF.
    - in general i think i like it. But the sheer amount of things you need to do, that really do not matter storywise or are just a bigger grind then ever ( on alts) make it more meh....

  15. #275
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    I’m just starting to step away this week.

    Cleared my main goal 3 weeks into the season by getting my elite set, farmed the Gnoll flail which was the only real stand out item I needed to have, slowly got my renown up and got my red/black high land drake skins last week, finished my conquest set to be ready for next season, made a decent amount of gold I know I’ll likely never use, tried a few Alts but none clicked. At this point I’ll likely just do some PvP with friends when they want to and do the trading post each month.

    Expan is solid if I cared about mythic+ or raiding I’d likely put in a lot more time.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  16. #276
    My main is my Warlock i402 right now, and his Renown is pretty low still, as I never do anything for Renown, all I do now is run M+ keys, typically from M+7 through 12, and the weekly World Boss and any WQs that might be upgrades. That's it.

    I don't give a crap about Renown, and will not actively pursue getting it higher, because it's boring AF, to run quests for that, and is meaningless to me.

    My alts are mostly level 70, some still in their 60's, and the 70's are anywhere from i350 to i370, and I just don't have the energy to really push them higher and don't care.

    I hate the multiple currency crap yet AGAIN and this upgrade stuff, spend 700 Valor Points to upgrade your gear like 5 iLvls's LOL F that. All these different currencies to buy this or that, which is already outdated gear anyways at this point if your running M+ or Raiding. heck, even World Quests offer better gear or about the same as the currency stuff you can buy.

  17. #277
    Titan Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorachus View Post
    does Blizzard need to wake up that WoW shouldn't be Raid or die for the few % who still do that? Last I checked I think like 75% of WoW players don't even step foot inside a current Raid.
    I think that they have somehow realised it, hence M+ and all the iterations on the system since its debut in Legion. But there is always a good one and a bad one with Blizzard, especially since the only thing worth it from M+ nowadays (and for quite some time) is the weekly lottery vault, and loot from raids is almost non-existent.

    But even so, M+ is holding the game together - the PvE part, anyway. If there was no M+, DF would be pretty much undistinguishable from WoD, especially with the ever-decreasing raiding population.

  18. #278
    Quote Originally Posted by luciano View Post
    Because it's a shitty expansion.

    Blizzard has removed all the fun little things to do: the pet battles, the archaeology, the silly stuff.

    Blizzard has removed all the casual content. You can either do boring-ass diablo-style M+ for marginally better gear, or do mythic raids, or do...nothing.

    What's ironic about all of this is WoW was created to offer a more casual experience to MMO gamers who didn't want to do the elitist horseshit anymore. Now we ARE the elitist horseshit. I wish a new, upstart game would come along and be what WoW used to be.
    Uhhh everything you mentioned is in DF. They are also updating archeology. So try again.

    Also nother you mentioned is fun. This expansion literally added rok climbing and random fun world events. Stop making stuff up.

  19. #279
    Quote Originally Posted by schwank05 View Post
    Take a break, I have played since Vanilla, and have taken several breaks. I have not raided this expansion, but have the first tier of every expansion before this, I am just sick of the boss fights taking 3-4 mins longer than needed to kill them. I am currently raiding in WOTLK Classic and loving it, I lasted 2 weeks in Dragonflight and saw how M+ loot works and after killing 12 bosses and seeing 3 total pieces of loot for 5 people I decided that was in deed not for me so I have not touched it since.
    I respect your choose for me it has more to do with i don't really get into mmo rpg until atleast a mid patch jump but more power to you sir!

  20. #280
    What do I do now when I log into Dargonflight?

    - First thing I do is check the map, with World Quest tracker, see if any upgrades out there? Or check where the weekly World Boss is.

    - If no upgrades available, I then look at my M+ key, which yesterday was an 11 key, I then ask my Guild if they wanna run it? No response for awhile, then I put it up in the Group Finder, and that takes awhile to get a full group, sometimes don't get all 5 players, and just wait 20+ minutes.

    - I don't Raid, so don't even go there.

    - Lately I just log off then, if no group avaialble to run my M+ key with me, and no upgrades out there in the DragonIsles, I just don't play, because not much else to do. Yeah I do like running old content for transmogs and mounts, but that's mostly on weekends when I do that stuff. And I do have several alts to continue leveling up, but sometimes just not in the mood for that grind.

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