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5- Yes, it is fun as fuck to get a group, gather up 20 mobs and burst the fuck outta them. We are playing an MMORPG, grinds are part of the game, and grinds can be awful, but they arn't always. primal storms are a fun grind because you can just mass murder stuff, so is the colbalt assembly because of how insanely powerful you can get with the powers, it is super fun to be 30 feet tall, when you jump stuff gets thrown into the sky, you teleport randomly, you drop a nuke when you open your map, and sheep fall from the sky like an explosive rain, all while getting items and rep.
But the covenant hall grinds were not fun.
farming mobs in the maw for weeks to try and get soulss, standing on an empty platform dealing with chordies fucking madness for almost 24 hours and doing the same weeklies every single week, doing the same quest over and over and over, grinding soul gems constantly for the ember court. and the absolute grind that was the currencies for the path of ascension, were not fun, even if the actual events themselves were "fun" (Necrolord one, although I loved, it had nothing to it, other then you got a bodyguard for the 4 main zones, and became useless with launch of korthia.)