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  1. #1

    Exclamation Need to do something about these RMT boosting sites

    I’m dead tired of meeting people that have Keystone Master or even Hero but then they have no idea on how the routes work. So then someone tilts and leaves destroying the entire group. Today my Ruby Life Pools key was a nightmare. This guy started insulting me and then I check his profile and guess what? All his highest runs were completed with a team of 4 russians. What a joke. Guess who’s boosted here… oh and he also had just Raszageth HC killed in the raid lol. He bought curve for sure.

    This left me wondering how many RMT sites are operating and how easy it is to access these services. I checked on Google and I found dozens that look pretty well built and organised. It just feels like websites completely took over gold communities.

    Blizzard, this is killing the game. I just feel like Alt f4ing and that’s sad, considering how good the xpac is.

    I’m sure it’s a disaster in PvP too, people have been complaining for ages about boosting there. Don’t get me started on meeting Glads on 1600.

    These platforms selling accounts, boosting in ALL the game content, are just destroying the whole atmosphere. So you look around at this guy having a nice title or gear or mount and you’re just left to think if he swiped his mom’s credit card. A decade ago you’d be impressed but now it’s just not the same. Please Blizzard do something. Shit’s illegal.

  2. #2
    RMT exists because of the way a game is designed. If you have a game that revolves around raiding but there are no true server communities, only randos queueing together in LFG and viewing each other as cogs in the machine to be replaced for the most optimal cog, people are going to ask for you to link your kill proofs so you can get into a group to do content, then ofcourse people are going to buy carries.

  3. #3
    I use them. Easier than trying to find a guild and I get most the loot.

  4. #4
    those boosting services that keep the game alive,all those people would quit if it didnt exist,also its not just rmt,boosting is what most decent guilds do for gold

  5. #5
    As much as "they should do something about it" sounds's no where as easy as it sounds

    Legally speaking Blizzard has no authority of things in done outside of their realm of influence so if someone makes a discord server or website selling stuff that breaks TOS the most they can do is try to sue to get it shut down. That is of course if it even reaches their notice.
    Even then like cockroaches by the time to they might get a case started on one site 50 more can easily pop up.

    The bigger problem is the existance of the demand which isn't just a wow or even a Blizzard problem these sites exist for fucking Madden and FIFA and EA is literally the largest gaming company period. Hell some google searches found boosting for Street Fighter 5, Elder Scrolls Online, Elden Ring, FF14, Diablo..etc

  6. #6
    This is what happens when people want the rewards without putting in the effort. Paying your way to the top is a rather hollow way to enjoy a game, but hey it's their money.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Hotmail View Post
    This is what happens when people want the rewards without putting in the effort. Paying your way to the top is a rather hollow way to enjoy a game, but hey it's their money.
    This is what happens when people want to earn temporarily available rewards you mean.
    And it's not about effort, plenty of people simply have no aptitude at all and could try to improve until they weigh an ounce and it wouldn't be close to enough (or simply do not have the time or patience).

    At least keeping rewards indefinitely would allow them the illusion that it might be theirs one day, but turning it into FOMO is just gonna underline to them the point that they will never get it unless they pay for it now.

    The idea that effort and rewards correlate is an illusion exclusive only to a lucky few, most will never improve, they are better off spending their time more effectively.
    Paying money is one such way, and it's a lot easier to convince them to do so with a timer at the neck of their coveted reward.

    And let's be honest for a second here: Do you genuinely think their money-acquiring activities are somehow less worthy than your playing of a videogame to acquire an award? Seriously?

    I'm not in favor of real money involvement in videogames, but when such rewarding practices are included, well, by then real money transfers have long since passed to being the lesser evil.
    Last edited by loras; 2023-01-25 at 03:10 AM.
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
    Yet also as humble as health and humor permit.

    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by loras View Post
    This is what happens when people want to earn temporarily available rewards you mean.
    And it's not about effort, plenty of people simply have no aptitude at all and could try to improve until they weigh an ounce and it wouldn't be close to enough (or simply do not have the time or patience).
    I doubt FOMO is the only thing what motivates RMTs, as most rewards in WoW (save for the high end PvP stuff) are well within anyone's reach. Boost buyers want the status and creds that come with Ahead of the Curve or a high M+ score or whatever, without having to do a grind that involves failing and getting rejected a few times.

    The idea that effort and rewards correlate is an illusion exclusive only to a lucky few, most will never improve, they are better off spending their time more effectively.
    What a strange elitist take. Put effort into acquiring something and you will definitely feel more rewarded because you will value that reward more. This goes for a concept as simple as making a three stage sandwich (something anyone can do), to something more complicated like landing the job of your dreams.

    And let's be honest for a second here: Do you genuinely think their money-acquiring activities are somehow less worthy than your playing of a videogame to acquire an award? Seriously?
    I'm definitely not trying to argue that kind of condescending view. The point is that WoW is a game designed to hook you into a grind... if the grind doesn't appeal to you, you'd be better off playing a different game than paying money so you can pay money.

    Besides, any kind of reward that you get from skipping the line can't feel all that great at the end of the day. Boost buyers are likely burned out players, or players on their way to a burn out.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    those boosting services that keep the game alive,all those people would quit if it didnt exist,also its not just rmt,boosting is what most decent guilds do for gold
    So the game should die is what you are saying?

  10. #10
    Epic! Whitedragon's Avatar
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    Honestly I just don't really care, if someone wants to dump real money into a few achievements who gives a dang, the game is about having fun, and if that's fun for them have at it. I have a friend who has done it for every single end raid boss mount since WoD's mouse mount, and I have another who from BC when he started playing until the advent of the WoW token dropped between $200-$800 a month on WoW gold because he absolutely HAD to have the best of everything for his WHOLE army of alts... If he wasn't dropping it on the game he was burning it on Warhammer figures...

    Maybe because of the fact that I have known 2 of them it has desensitized me, but in the end I just don't care.... Hell come to think of it WAY back in 2005 I think I had my mom buy me 50 WoW gold from some shady site because I LOVED dragons, and I REALLY wanted a whelp pet, and I needed about 50ish gold to buy a Red whelp back in the day...
    Last edited by Whitedragon; 2023-01-25 at 06:59 AM.

  11. #11
    Why do you say RMT when most boosters take Gold?
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  12. #12
    You can't stop RMT, in game gold boosting has put a huge dent in it though, which is great.

    I don't think the descriptions of people buying boosts in here fits though.

    I think there are a few different categories of people that buy boosts.

    A: The guy that just wants to try the dungeon/raid, see how an organized group tackles it, join in himself and, importantly, feel 0 pressure.

    B: People that are more introverted, no need for the social interaction it takes or the risk of unpleasant social interactions if something goes wrong.

    C. People that think they are AMAZE, they exist in any game, like people wanting rating boosts in LOL or CS:GO, they think they are way better than they are and that only the team is holding them back.

    D. People that are good at other parts of the game, you might be a great mythic raider that wants a couple of high keys done or something similar without any intention to use that score/achievement to join PUGs.

    E. People that are great at making gold, be it farmers, auction house savants or people with a great business sense, once you pass your first few 10 mil goldcaps it feels fun to have big ticket items to spend it on, why not join a mythic run? Or get that mount you think looks very cool!

    Also remember that a boost is basically you bringing your spouse, child, parent, sibling or whatever, noone is playing their character, you still need to have damage to compensate for their lacking skill.

    The thing that you should be angry at is pilots, when someone plays someone else account, negating that extra skill needed, and Blizzard crack down VERY hard on this. Warden has several methods of detecting if it's you or someone else logging in, and if it's someone else and something unusual happens, like say you suddenly clear a mythic raid while on a brand new IP/Computer, I promise you will get banned within a couple of weeks.

  13. #13
    This is what happens, when game is based on social interaction and player is asked to become professional in video game, while ingame skill isn't useful in real life. Ingame professionals start to trade with players, who prefer IRL skill instead. It's natural process. Otherwise for what purpose ingame skill is needed? For E-Sport? Hah.

    Even such casual player as me was thinking about RMT some day. Because even casual content was so overtuned, that it wasn't enjoyable in gear, it was providing, so buying better gear was only viable option. But at the same time I have rule: if I don't enjoy game as is - then it's better not to play it at all, instead of investing even more money into it. Devs don't deserve it.
    Last edited by WowIsDead64; 2023-01-25 at 08:16 AM.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  14. #14
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadMax-29 View Post
    I’m dead tired of meeting people that have Keystone Master or even Hero but then they have no idea on how the routes work. So then someone tilts and leaves destroying the entire group. Today my Ruby Life Pools key was a nightmare. This guy started insulting me and then I check his profile and guess what? All his highest runs were completed with a team of 4 russians. What a joke. Guess who’s boosted here… oh and he also had just Raszageth HC killed in the raid lol. He bought curve for sure.

    This left me wondering how many RMT sites are operating and how easy it is to access these services. I checked on Google and I found dozens that look pretty well built and organised. It just feels like websites completely took over gold communities.

    Blizzard, this is killing the game. I just feel like Alt f4ing and that’s sad, considering how good the xpac is.

    I’m sure it’s a disaster in PvP too, people have been complaining for ages about boosting there. Don’t get me started on meeting Glads on 1600.

    These platforms selling accounts, boosting in ALL the game content, are just destroying the whole atmosphere. So you look around at this guy having a nice title or gear or mount and you’re just left to think if he swiped his mom’s credit card. A decade ago you’d be impressed but now it’s just not the same. Please Blizzard do something. Shit’s illegal.
    Sadly, RMT exists because there is a customer base for it, and the customer base exists because what they want either demands them to interact with people they don't want to, or they don't have time to do it but expect it to be done, or just generally don't wanna do it but want the clear.

    We can't get rid of RMT services, nor can Blizzard. All MMOs that offer group content have an RMT service that can be found by just going to Google. I don't believe it is illegal to sell services in-game by law around the world, it is only by Blizzard's rules and statements. Blizzard's RMT problem though it was greatly reduced thanks to the Token but it seems to slowly build up again.

    Alas, I have noticed that some of these sites are now abusing the trial system, they can't post anywhere useful but they can spam Newcomer chat, and it is safe for them as they don't need to put in any important info for a trial. I feel like we're gonna lose that soon. Another reason not to go F2P.

    Wish they would accept and coordinate better between players and support so we get a faster reaction on reports. Maybe a URL ban list? Mentioning certain 3rd party sites should instantly ban you? But then they'll just do the choppy kind of posting and the war keeps on..
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMax-29 View Post
    and then I check his profile and guess what? All his highest runs were completed with a team of 4 russians. What a joke. Guess who’s boosted here… oh and he also had just Raszageth HC killed
    Check before putting the key in, easy fix no?

  16. #16
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Why do you say RMT when most boosters take Gold?
    The person is talking about the rising RMTs I believe. Third-party sellers, even organized boosting groups are under 3rd party now, as that is against the ToS.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Because even casual content was so overtuned, that it wasn't enjoyable in gear, it was providing, so buying better gear was only viable option.
    Sorry, but what? There has never, in the entire history of WoW, been a time where any content that could be considered "casual" has ever been so overtuned it couldn't be handled by the people it was intended for. I would straight up suggest that if, at any point, you were actually struggling with "casual" content, then you are probably just straight up bad at the game.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    Sorry, but what? There has never, in the entire history of WoW, been a time where any content that could be considered "casual" has ever been so overtuned it couldn't be handled by the people it was intended for. I would straight up suggest that if, at any point, you were actually struggling with "casual" content, then you are probably just straight up bad at the game.
    ....hey just going to let you know

    DO NOT fall for this dude's trap this is his bait and he will lead you along

  19. #19
    Make it faster & Easier to get gear.

    Poof, Boosting gone.

    Naxx & Ulduar are pretty easy compared to the 1 billion mech garbage in retail.

    Thus no boosting needed for WOTLK classic.

    Just make retail content easier to the point where there is no need to buy boost for best gear

    Awsome signature and avatar made by Kuragalolz

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Nalam the Venom View Post
    Make it faster & Easier to get gear.

    Poof, Boosting gone.

    Naxx & Ulduar are pretty easy compared to the 1 billion mech garbage in retail.

    Thus no boosting needed for WOTLK classic.

    Just make retail content easier to the point where there is no need to buy boost for best gear
    You mean the version of wow were GDKP is THE main source of getting gear in feasable pug raids? In the version of wow were you either grind gold 24/7 like a champ or buy gold to keep up.

    BTW, wow retail is really easy with normal, LFR etc. But, you can have a challenge too.

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