Armor to buy: -
Buy 316 blues for the following slot
- Cloak
- Head (Requires DF engineering, just learn it after u complete the 1st quest chain in Waking Shores, at the Wingrest embassy place)
- Ring (buy 1 only cuz unique-equipped)
- Feet
- Chest
- Bracer
Weapons to buy (You should buy two weapons, they are usually cheap in AH. If they're expensive on your server, don't bother):
- iLvl 274 (equip at Level 64) - tends to be expensive in Area 52-US, but cheap in Stormrage-US
- ilvl 302 (equip Level 67).
- Or if quest rewards give better weapons, by all means use those.
Enchants to buy:-
- 1x Enchant Chest - Waking Stats (whichever quality that is cheap), for any classes
- at least 10x Enchant Gloves - Eternal Strength (ONLY IF YOUR PRIMARY STAT IS STRENGTH). Keep enchanting whenever u get a higher ilvl gloves
- 1x Enchant Cloak - Writ of Speed (whichever quality that is cheap)
- at least 10x Enchant Weapon - Celestial Guidance, applicable for any classes
- at least 10x Enchant Ring - Devotion of Critical Strike/Haste/Mastery (Check your class stat priority for PVE and decide which one is the most appropriate)
- At least 10x Vibrant Spellthread (Only if your primary stat is INT)
- At least 10x Reinforced Armor Kit (Only if your primary stat is STR or AGI)
- 1x Enchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze (Any class), OR 1x Enchant Boots - Eternal Agility (If your primary stat is agility)
- 1x Enchant Bracer - Eternal Intellect (If INT class) or 1x Enchant Bracer - Writ of Speed (Any class)
Gems to buy:
- Just go to the AH, under Gems, buy 2x ilvl 415 gems, depending on your class stats priority, choose the appropriate gems. Gem your 316 Neck and Ring
Food and Drink (Buy at least 30x):
- Primary stat agility: Scrambled Basilisk Eggs (Lvl 60-64), Riverside Picnic (Lvl 65-70)
- Primary stat int: Thrice-Spiced Mammoth Kabob (Lvl 60-64), Roast Duck Delight (Lvl 65-70)
- Primary stat str: Charred Hornswog Steaks (Lvl 60-64), Braised Bruffalon Brisket (Lvl 65-70)
Flask and Rune:
- At least 20x Spectral Flask of Power
- At least 30x Veiled Augment Rune
- At least 30x Refreshing Healing Potion
- At least 50x Potion of Spectral Intellect/Agility/Strength (Depending on your primary stat, Good for doing large burst damage if you're soloing rares, etc..), does not share CD with healing pots, so you can consume pots at the same time
- At least 50x Shadowcore Oil, apply it to your weapons
My questing routes (warmode off):
- Store up to 1.5 levels worth of Rested XP upon hitting 60 first before leveling your characters.
- Use AAP Reloaded. AAP doesn't really tell you to kill rares. so use addons like SilverDragon / HandyNotes and keep track of rares on your map. Rares give good XP too. probably a quest worth of XP? basically, you should kill every rares you see.
- Once AAP tells you to go to the fire place at Azure Span as part of the main campaign, stop doing the quest chain at the fire place because it's painful. You can stop using AAP from there. then refer to this guide, google it as I can't post links yet (
Dragonflight leveling your alt army - fastest route using adventure mode), follow the THALDRASZUS section.
- At level 68 or 69, you can also do tailoring to gain about 75% xp in 3 minutes. see guide here for ingredients to buy, google the following guide as I can't post links:
Step-by-step guide: How to gain 700.000 xp (2-3 levels) in 10 minutes using profession First Craft Bonus (still working after the nerf). Includes full shopping list and gold cost, but training new recipes can be expensive, so if you don't wanna do this, it's fine.