1. #2021
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    Remember, Andy Reid had to be let go by the Eagles too and find himself again in KC before he ultimately broke through. I think a similar situation is needed for BB too. Cause I definitely think he's still a top 5 coach. Just that he can't be that in NE with everything being to his wishes and demands. He needs to feel the nip on his heels again. Fight for his place.
    Does Bill have any interest in that though? At his age I doubt he would want to start over and would try and find a situation as close as possible to what he had in New England.

    Andy Reid was 54 when he got fired, Belichick is 71, I don't forsee him reinventing himself.

  2. #2022
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    *checks the score*

    *checks the score AGAIN*

    *checks the clock*

    *checks the clock AGAIN*

    Staley is sooooo gone at the end of the year. The only reason that team still believed was due to their QB, and with Herbert out they seem to have collectively decided to roll over and give up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    Does Bill have any interest in that though? At his age I doubt he would want to start over and would try and find a situation as close as possible to what he had in New England.

    Andy Reid was 54 when he got fired, Belichick is 71, I don't forsee him reinventing himself.
    Yeah, I wondered in mod slack if Bill will actually go the entire opposite direction, and just retire if Kraft asks him to give up his job. Cause it does seem so unlikely that he will change at this point, and also a rather harsh reality for him to have to uproot his whole life of the past 25 years in New England and move somewhere else to MAYBE coach for a couple more years. But a new team is absolutely not going to give him the leeway that NE has done over the past 4 years.

    So is he willing at his advanced age to go to some new place and build everything back up again, with the very likely scenario that if he doesn;t get things done in the first year or 2 that he;s likely out on his ass again. Coaches these days get very little leeway. So would he rather get forced out of his comfort zone like that or just stay in NE and play with his grandkids, and enjoy the finer things in life.

    The only thing making me think he's going to continue is his legendary competitiveness, and his desire to not go out on the year he just had, but on a high note.

  3. #2023
    I don't know how Staley lasts another week giving up 42 points in 1 half then another TD to start the 2nd half to the Raiders.

    On the plus side, we might get to see another 70 point game.

  4. #2024
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    I think Bill is going to "retire" either way at the end of the season. I don't think Kraft is going to do him dirty and fire him outright, it'll be a Bruce Arians Retirement or a real retirement.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh jesus this is a nightmare game.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  5. #2025
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Oh jesus this is a nightmare game.
    Chargers fans are going to hear about this forever. Titans fans still hear it from Patriots fans how we kicked their ass 59-0 in 2009. And that wasn't even a divisional rivalry!

    Chargers will need to put up more than 1 score and keep the Raiders from scoring over 50, and even then this game will live on for a while in people's memories.

  6. #2026
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    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    Chargers fans are going to hear about this forever. Titans fans still hear it from Patriots fans how we kicked their ass 59-0 in 2009. And that wasn't even a divisional rivalry!

    Chargers will need to put up more than 1 score and keep the Raiders from scoring over 50, and even then this game will live on for a while in people's memories.
    I hope Herbert wins a Super Bowl because you know people are going to bring this game and season up if he doesn't when it's time to talk "Is Herbert a Hall of Famer?"

    On the plus side, I have to admit I like Amazon's TNF graphics even if their booth feels like a temporary retirement home while they try to pry away somebody like a Tony Romo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That was the deadest fumble call of Football history, this is what them just calling everything a fumble and overturning it later has done to what should be the hypest moment in football.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  7. #2027
    After last week and so far in this game, I think Easton Stick needs some stickum. Already has 4 fumbles and he got lucky last week to not have another one returned for a TD.

  8. #2028
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    This is the most joy I've known since the Mile High Massacre.
    Ex-Mod. Technically retired, they just won't let me quit.

  9. #2029
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    You have Tyreek Hill and there is Jenkins

  10. #2030
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    One TD and a 2pt conversion away...
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  11. #2031
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    Most points ever scored by the Raiders.
    Most points ever conceded by the Chargers.

  12. #2032
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    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    Chargers fans are going to hear about this forever.
    Good luck finding any.

  13. #2033
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northern Goblin View Post
    This is the most joy I've known since the Mile High Massacre.
    They say Jimmy Hoffa is buried under Giants Stadium.

    But the entire LA Chargers organization is buried under Allegiant Field.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  14. #2034

  15. #2035
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    72 is the record, right?

  16. #2036
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    72 is the record, right?
    73 according to a discord I'm in.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  17. #2037
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    We want records! We want records!

  18. #2038
    Jesus what the hell happened in this game? They should fire Staley in the middle of the 4th quarter (shoulda fired him last year, but eh)

  19. #2039
    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    The way Belichick has been chewing through QB prospects I doubt they're gonna find somebody that works out.
    Huh? It's been one prospect since Brady left, and that prospect failed more on the merits of his limitations than anything Belichick did. I wouldn't call that "chewing through".

  20. #2040
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    Chargers hit a huge TD to cut the lead down to 49.
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