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  1. #21
    Herald of the Titans czarek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    I mentioned animations and combat, not the overall graphical look of say characters and textures, those I agree looked below average even on the release date.
    Diablo 3 combat and animations however felt great compared to everything else back in the day of its release.
    I wouldn't say. It's a bit of a stretch what you say. It wasnt a mile stone in any of it. It was just ok/good. As combined D3 was just good not the greatest of all time. D2 also was just avarage or below avarage :P All Diablo games were great not because of graphics and animations but because of gameplay (ok, except diablo1 it was a really milestone and born of new genre).

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    Actually it's fantastic. An evolution in the right direction.
    Games like Last Epoch, PoE, Wolcen, while appealing to a lot people are just ARPGs that do nothing new. They stick to the safe formula and give you more of the same.
    Diablo 4 is actually World of Diablo. Blizzard is taking a risk that will pay off in the long run. Both for them and for the players. Continous income = more game support.
    I'm surprised they even supported Diablo 3 for that long considering the game was basically given out for free to people who subbed to WoW for 12 months.

    Blizzard again shows how it's done.
    Its Lost Ark in Diablo... people will hate it for this reason. And also cus the game does not have an overlay map (wtf?).

  3. #23
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Absence of overlay map is weird AF. I'd be fine with that fact if there would be a decent alternative, but there just isn't given minimap is terribad.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    snip .
    Good points all round. Im in the same boat, half and half. Some things were done well others not so much.

    On the plus side you have the aesthetic, loving the gritty dark theme, combat is engaging for the most part once you unlock enough abilities.
    Story wise its to be determined.
    On the minus side is the layouts of the open world, things are way too.. how to say, tunnely compared to the more open space feel of d2 and 3. Played rogue for the most part, and i cannot for the life of me understand why they did what they did with the barrage animation. Etheral bows popping up when im using a crossbow is meh, should have kept it like strafe from d2.

    Will see how it looks at endgame before buying.

  5. #25
    Well this is the first time a Diablo game bored me to death. It felt as bland as walking around doing repetitive stuff on Lost Ark and that is not my cup of tea or what im looking in a Diablo game.

    Art and visual style was much better than 3 for sure, but i dont dig those "mmo" things that feel shoe-horned. Everytime i met someone it was like "oh god not again". Events / Dungeons / locations felt all the same.

    I guess it might be OK to people who love that kind of game, i guess, but it felt too samey for my taste. Leveling to 25 was a slog instead lots of fun and as soon as i reached that level i uninstalled and didn't pre-order.

    I might give it a another chance down the road but the beta really made me lost interest. And Diablo games are my all time favorites.
    Last edited by Shigma; 2023-03-30 at 02:48 PM.

  6. #26
    Can't know just yet, but soon. Hopefully.

  7. #27
    I'm kinda missing it so I feel like I have to agree. It's a lot of fun to actually play which is Diablo 3/4's biggest strength over other ARPGs which might have more complex systems but are dogshit to actually play in comparison, assuming the complex systems are even well designed in the first place which isn't a given. The atmosphere and soundtrack are top notch, story has a couple red flags but is intriguing and just dark enough for my tastes, and the open world invites exploration without replacing the usual dungeon crawling experience.

    I have issues with like, such as class balance, world scaling, rubber banding/stettering, melee unfriendliness, and others, but I had a great time regardless. Here's hoping they polish things for release and have a good endgame scheme without overly intrusive monetization.
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  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Shigma View Post
    Well this is the first time a Diablo game bored me to death. It felt as bland as walking around doing repetitive stuff on Lost Ark and that is not my cup of tea or what im looking in a Diablo game.
    You don't like what you don't like... but can you explain how any diablo game was different?
    D2 had even less questing and you basically just walked around and explore zones a little bit (just like D4 does as well)
    D3 as well?
    I don't see a difference.

  9. #29
    I enjoyed the beta quite a bit. Not sure why it took NINE YEARS to get the development to this point, but it must be nice working for a rich company.

    It's a clear evolution of the Diablo series, and I'm not sure what the complainers who "wanted something different" exactly imagine it would be instead. I'd love to hear someone articulate what a post-Diablo Diablo game would actually look like.

    The beta had a lot of limitations and tweaks (allegedly tripled "legendary" drop rate, where "legendary" also really meant "fancy rare" because none of them were actual named uniques which is what everyone thinks a legendary is.

    Just like D3 was at this point, it's very rough in many ways and will take probably 6-12 months AFTER release to really start to be a polished game with the not-fun corners ground off and the dumb design decisions reshuffled.

    It was a bit disappointing to find that the PC version was just a port of the console version (with massively odd UI menuing system that was a hybrid of controller and touch controls) but that too can hopefully get improved.

    So right now it's fine, and will eventually be great.

  10. #30
    Saying Last Epoch does nothing new is quite rough of a take.

    But I do agree D4 isn't bad at least. It's well it is. We can't say if the end game is good, but the beta zone at least felt decent even though a lot of things brought the feeling down. Most of those things probably won't be in the game, so I honestly can't it being as bad as people are making it to be atm. It's a 7 for me with potential to go either direction depending on the end game.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    You don't like what you don't like... but can you explain how any diablo game was different?
    D2 had even less questing and you basically just walked around and explore zones a little bit (just like D4 does as well)
    D3 as well?
    I don't see a difference.
    Well, i did. Game feels tedious and boring. This time around i didn't even care about story (Diablo 3 is where this started. I said it already, i didn't like diablo 3. I played some seasons because it was some easy "shut down brain and grind" for a couple days). Diablo 1 and 2 felt interesting, it had mistery, tone was different. And i played the shit out of resurrected and had a blast.

    I don't like blizzard's actual style, i quitted wow for the same reason and all their new games have this feeling. All their games feel too homogeneous to me. Every game is now building resource to spend it after. I dont enjoy that. I had enough of that with D3. Its a system i simply cant enjoy.

    Also, wtf is up with animations being played at different FPS all the time? Why are so little people talking about this? It felt terrible and unpolished. Playing 4k at 144fps it was impossible to ignore. Or the mobile UI straight out of immortal? No overlay map? Why is it trying to feel like Lost Ark? (That game got me bored to death. And i tried hard to like it for some reason). Having other people on my screen but out of my party, where i dont care about them and they dont care about me, but we have to share killing mobs on a game where, well, you have fun by killing mobs... i didn't like a bit of that honestly, just the same way i didn't enjoy nowadays WoW social aspect out of guilds/premade parties/raids.

    I don't say you have to feel the same, but that's my experience. I'm not even hating or saying you should hate the game. I just say i don't find it fun so far, and i might skip it just like i moved from WoW. Because i don't have fun anymore. Its not the end of the world. It's all good. But time is short to play stuff i don't enjoy even if there is a big name behind.

    I will keep playing D2R tho because i do have fun playing that one.
    Last edited by Shigma; 2023-03-30 at 10:48 PM.

  12. #32
    I very much enjoyed how much better they've gotten at communicating the story this time around. Actual camera movement during in-game cutscenes (instead of the static camera angle with some minor zooming in or zooming out at times) making it feel like an actual story instead of you just looking down through some aquarium at what's going on. Awesome ambient sound everywhere, satisfying thunk noises as you hit enemies...

    I completed Act 1 during the beta, and I think in terms of story this might be the best Diablo yet. As for gameplay? Ehhh...there's a lot of things that could use improving, but I'm willing to put up with awkward gameplay for a killer story, so

  13. #33
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Why do I think that the real reason this thread exists is because of this thread?
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Why do I think that the real reason this thread exists is because of this thread?
    Because that's very obviously the case?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shigma View Post
    I don't like blizzard's actual style, i quitted wow for the same reason and all their new games have this feeling. All their games feel too homogeneous to me. Every game is now building resource to spend it after. I dont enjoy that. I had enough of that with D3. Its a system i simply cant enjoy.


    I will keep playing D2R tho because i do have fun playing that one.
    I respect people's preferences of course, but this feels a bit weird to me. D2's resource system in particular is TERRIBLE. Everyone having the same resource and spamming infinite mana potions all the time because it's objectively best to never spend a single point in energy ever for 99% of builds? That's WAY worse than a differentiated resource system.

    That doesn't mean I think D3 or D4 have got it down perfect, far from it - but let's not kid ourselves, D2 has massive, absolutely glaring fundamental flaws it only gets away with because it's so old - i.e. nobody expects an old game (even remastered) to do better, and it's got a critically important nostalgia bonus. If someone made a new game like D2 in this day and age, people would tear it to pieces.

    I think the biggest problem D4 has is its title, because it's slotting into a tradition it's kind of superseding now. It's not a hardcore ARPG anymore. It doesn't intend to capture the same audiences D2 and D3 aimed at, or not in the same way. It fails to live up to the legacy of Diablo because it never actually, seriously wants to - it's a new product benefiting from old branding. Kind of like people who are pissed Baldur's Gate 3 isn't like Baldur's Gate 2 - it never tried to be. It's a different style of game that simply borrows existing IP. And sure they're SIMILAR, even familiar - but they have very different goals and very different core audiences.

  15. #35
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Because that's very obviously the case?
    I didn't bother to read the thread. I just saw both threads on the front page's "recent forum posts" and decided to make that post.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Because that's very obviously the case?

    I respect people's preferences of course, but this feels a bit weird to me. D2's resource system in particular is TERRIBLE. Everyone having the same resource and spamming infinite mana potions all the time because it's objectively best to never spend a single point in energy ever for 99% of builds? That's WAY worse than a differentiated resource system.

    That doesn't mean I think D3 or D4 have got it down perfect, far from it - but let's not kid ourselves, D2 has massive, absolutely glaring fundamental flaws it only gets away with because it's so old - i.e. nobody expects an old game (even remastered) to do better, and it's got a critically important nostalgia bonus. If someone made a new game like D2 in this day and age, people would tear it to pieces.

    I think the biggest problem D4 has is its title, because it's slotting into a tradition it's kind of superseding now. It's not a hardcore ARPG anymore. It doesn't intend to capture the same audiences D2 and D3 aimed at, or not in the same way. It fails to live up to the legacy of Diablo because it never actually, seriously wants to - it's a new product benefiting from old branding. Kind of like people who are pissed Baldur's Gate 3 isn't like Baldur's Gate 2 - it never tried to be. It's a different style of game that simply borrows existing IP. And sure they're SIMILAR, even familiar - but they have very different goals and very different core audiences.
    Never said D2R is objectively better nor perfect. Just said i have fun playing it. It's the MF "Slot machine" system. I enjoy it way more. A great drop feels great. Yet many people hate this about the game. Guess it is personal.

    But that last part of your comment is where you get to it. It's not the same thing, just like Diablo 3 wasn't. And it happens i dont enjoy this new thing, which at the same time doesn't mean others can't or shouldn't.

    At the end of the day it's simple. You enjoy playing a game or you don't. If i don't, its ok, there are plenty more games. But i can try any game and have a feel about it.

    Even then, this can change. Maybe i end loving the final version, who knows. I honestly, doubt it, but it can happen. And if i'm honest again here, i'd love if that would be the case. I have a serious itch for a new ARPG addiction. And yeah, i guess i'm "old school" in this regard.
    Last edited by Shigma; 2023-03-30 at 11:25 PM.

  17. #37
    Herald of the Titans Vintersol's Avatar
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    I've played the beta and it felt generic af.
    It's high noon.
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  18. #38
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    I enjoyed it, I might have "niche" complaints and or wish things were different but for what it is, I enjoyed it. Speaking as someone who never hated D3.

    P.s. I am tired of the Barbarian archetype, I prefer warrior/soldier but yeah still have fun.
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  19. #39
    Overall, i had low expectations for the open beta. I watched kripparians video of 6/10. My good friend who doesn't even consider himself a big diablo fan decided to give it a play with me. We both leveled to 25. He tried saying " this is my fix and i wont be playing the real game". That all changed after the open beta. Now he is still texting daily about diablo 4 and how good it is and has preordered. I agree with him. I also played to level 25 and it feels like a very solid game packed with content. I counted over 15 dungeons in act 1 alone. Its diablo, you gotta embrace the grind and love slaughtering evil. I would love to see them add battlegrounds or some type of guild vs guild mechanism like in diablo immortal. Overall, i preordered and am very pleased. Of my 5 friends who played the beta, we all Loved it and preordered. Blizzard is turning the corner. D2 remaster strong, diablo immortal strong, dragonflight strong, overwatch 2 solid although i didnt play it. And now a solid showing for d4 packed with content. Its worth every penny and i cannot wait!

  20. #40
    I really enjoyed the combat feel. It felt very impactful. I have several large issues with the game, but I'm excited for it.

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