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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolinn View Post
    What specific things do you really enjoy about it?

    Not saying this to be annoying. I like some parts of it and dislike others. I just want to see what things you think are really innovative or interesting.
    While I am not the person you asked, and it's a complaint first.. The biggest thing is all the various crafting we needed to do. I'd rather have crafting simple.

    Otherwise I super enjoyed not having to go back to town to id an item or carry scrolls of id.

    The combat was fast paced.

    Glad I went against my gut and pre-ordered it
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  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    I agree on that. Played a bit / a lot during the open beta weekend, and that's been a long time I didn't immediately miss a game after stopped playing.

    Difficult to tell why in details but it was a hella smooth experience. Story was cool (so far), I liked the customization of the character - limited options OK but they're neat. No loading screen in the outworld which makes it one big area. Few NPCs but all seemed relevant (there are some ARPGs with 200 NPCs per city, most of them being useless). Art is on point as usual, sound & music translates the environment you're in extremely well, damn even the loading screen for dungeons is neat. Talent trees, albeit a bit too limited, was more than enough to get me hooked and play around testing different stuff here and there.

    The only thing I had more gripe against was the size of the inventory - pretty small and everything takes 2 slots, it was cool in D3 (and probably previous game) with items taking different amount of slots, gems taking 2 is total bullshit. But it's just about taking the habit to teleport to a city and back, or just not loot white/blue stuff if you don't need gold.

    For sure it's difficult to say whether all this will still be enjoyable after 2 thousands hours of repeating the activities. But for sure it'll be one hell of an awesome experience until max level at least, no doubt.
    One small thing but from playing the beta weekends it looked to me that all gear including gems took up one slot not two.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by yasiru View Post
    One small thing but from playing the beta weekends it looked to me that all gear including gems took up one slot not two.
    True, I believe he bases the assessment on the squares grid of D2/3.

    D4 doesn’t have a square grid but a rectangular grid. So it feels like each rectangle is just two squares.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Ilookfly View Post
    Its Lost Ark in Diablo... people will hate it for this reason. And also cus the game does not have an overlay map (wtf?).
    I don’t mind the multiplayer stuff if no exclusive loot is gated behind it. I play ssf but I have no reason to “hate” who prefers multi as long as I’m not forced into multi to have specific stuff (don’t care about cosmetics stuff, I mean power char related stuff).

    I left WoW because I’m tired to have to party to progress my char, hope that D4 won’t fall into this.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by upirlikhyi View Post
    While I am not the person you asked, and it's a complaint first.. The biggest thing is all the various crafting we needed to do. I'd rather have crafting simple.
    They need to get back to their roots and directly yoink the crafting Last Epoch has.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilookfly View Post
    Its Lost Ark in Diablo... people will hate it for this reason. And also cus the game does not have an overlay map (wtf?).
    Except nothing like LA. I rarely saw people going around if it wasn't for the World Boss or events. But even then it was tops 11 others on the World Boss. Compare that to LA and ye, it's nothing like Lost Ark. I do wish it would be though. LA has a lot of side activities that D4 doesn't. The events and bosses in LA were fun also. But unlike LA, there is not forced end game grouping and raiding. So I'd say in that sense it's nothing like Lost Ark and never will be.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    Games like Last Epoch, PoE, Wolcen, while appealing to a lot people are just ARPGs that do nothing new. They stick to the safe formula and give you more of the same.
    How has nobody just called this OP out for the obvious troll that it is? Diablo is the definition of being well executed but basic. It does absolutely nothing new. For the dumpsterfire of overcomplex systems POE is, it does have, if nothing else, creativity and originality. Every season they introduce something beyond the scope of what's been done prior. Even the very basic endgame process of crafting maps andthen running them bleeds more originality and enguinity than anything blizzard has ever done. I have no problem with you saying d4 is better than those games or whatever but you can't be this objectively wrong about simple and obvious things.
    Last edited by Beastiel; 2023-03-31 at 10:31 AM.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I left WoW because I’m tired to have to party to progress my char, hope that D4 won’t fall into this.
    So far the only content I've seen that are made for groups is PvP and World Bosses. And even now at 25 you could solo the world boss they gave us. You could argue PvP isn't for groups, but there is no chance you can 1v1v1v1v4, the grouped players will just annihilate you. Even if they do something like match groups against each other with phasing, someone is bound to get smashed alone vs a 4 man group.

  8. #48
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beastiel View Post
    How has nobody just called this OP out for the obvious troll that it is? Diablo is the definition of being well executed but basic. It does absolutely nothing new. For the dumpsterfire of overcomplex systems POE is, it does have, if nothing else, creativity and originality. Every season they introduce something beyond the scope of what's been done prior. Even the very basic endgame process of crafting maps andthen running them bleeds more originality and enguinity than anything blizzard has ever done. I have no problem with you saying d4 is better than those games or whatever but you can't be this objectively wrong about simple and obvious things.
    PoE's originality spam is its greatness and weakness.

    Nowadays I can't even bring up myself to think about playing PoE, because there is just so much bullshit that I am instantly going into "fuck this" mode. They really should have made a bold decision and make PoE2 a clean slate with systems reset.

    This is one of the big reasons why I like D4 from what I seen - no bullshit, you just go and fucking burn demons and if in 2 hours you decide you'd rather shock demons or freeze demons - respec away and not be drowned in a sea of bullshit that PoE talent monstrosity is.

    That's what people pining for "originality" don't understand - I don't want to sit there with choice paralysis in front of Path of Building, before I inevitably say fuck it and go to PoE Builds to get yet another build that teleports through map oneshotting everything with one button, knowing full well if I'd try something myself, I'd end up with fucked up character I would not really be able to realistically respec more than a few times per season.


    It's really simple - Diablo is absolutely not gunning at PoE or small PoE crowd, instead it goes for "boomers" like me who simply want to smash shit and look good while doing it. The simplicity is "innovation" in the ARPG genre where every fucking new entry tries to out-PoE PoE or at the very least can't imagine starting with anything less than convoluted bunch of systems within systems.

    Even Last Epoch, at least partially realized that more complex != better. And that, IMO is a better direction for the genre - PoE detox.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by mrgreenthump View Post
    So far the only content I've seen that are made for groups is PvP and World Bosses. And even now at 25 you could solo the world boss they gave us. You could argue PvP isn't for groups, but there is no chance you can 1v1v1v1v4, the grouped players will just annihilate you. Even if they do something like match groups against each other with phasing, someone is bound to get smashed alone vs a 4 man group.
    I don’t care about PvP, will never ever opt into it and I hope that there won’t be seasonal achievements for the journey tied to PvP. Never found PvP particularly fun in any gear based game.

    I have instead zero problems with world bosses concept (unless there’s specific gear only them can drop), if one spawns while I’m online I’ll just go there and beat it (hopefully).

    Basically whatever multiplayer activity is PvE, it’s optional and has not exclusive power loot (don’t mind about cosmetics), for me is just fine.
    Last edited by chiddie; 2023-03-31 at 12:17 PM.

  10. #50
    I am glad that there are people who adored d4, for me to like it, i need a lot higher difficulty setting from the get go.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by ek0zu View Post
    I am glad that there are people who adored d4, for me to like it, i need a lot higher difficulty setting from the get go.
    It really surprises me that it doesn't seem to have that, such a low cost and such an easy fix. It's not like you make it harder for casual players just because there's a button labeled DO NOT PRESS UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR ASS KICKED.

  12. #52
    I am just going to say a few things for the people who are negative. The beta we played was version 0.8 first off, so it is quite behind whatever they have internally.

    Secondly in a class based fantasy game you are never going to have balance while leveling, it's virtually impossible to do without all the classes feeling exactly the same. Some people have unrealistic expectations and clearly have never played D&D or any other RPG.

    Classes are generally always balanced around the end game since there are too many factors to take into consideration during the leveling process.
    Last edited by Unholyground; 2023-03-31 at 01:23 PM.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Veggie50 View Post
    True, I believe he bases the assessment on the squares grid of D2/3.

    D4 doesn’t have a square grid but a rectangular grid. So it feels like each rectangle is just two squares.
    Which honestly is an improvement. Sooooo the complaint is about something that is actually better. Lol

  14. #54
    Herald of the Titans czarek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilookfly View Post
    Its Lost Ark in Diablo... people will hate it for this reason. And also cus the game does not have an overlay map (wtf?).
    Yeah a bit yes. I played just a few days in Lost Ark but i had a strange feelin with D4. Yes it was a bit LA vibe. Dunno prob because of open world and city design. Except that ofc boss figths.

  15. #55
    It's a a mashup of D3, POE and Lost Ark. I'd say it's too early to pass judgement and it would be a good idea to see how endgame feels like but I'm very skeptical about it.
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  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    It really surprises me that it doesn't seem to have that, such a low cost and such an easy fix. It's not like you make it harder for casual players just because there's a button labeled DO NOT PRESS UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR ASS KICKED.
    There is one. It's the "create druid" button. Try a bear druid and go to fight any boss before getting gear....

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Compher View Post
    There is one. It's the "create druid" button. Try a bear druid and go to fight any boss before getting gear....
    I did fine on boss fights, it took a little bit longer but I didn't die and could stand in everything.

    That being said the main class feature of the Druid wasn't even available in the beta which is a huge part of their power gain, classes are not balanced around leveling they are balanced around max level so people need to stop complaining about it until the game's actually out.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by mrgreenthump View Post
    They need to get back to their roots and directly yoink the crafting Last Epoch has.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Except nothing like LA. I rarely saw people going around if it wasn't for the World Boss or events. But even then it was tops 11 others on the World Boss. Compare that to LA and ye, it's nothing like Lost Ark. I do wish it would be though. LA has a lot of side activities that D4 doesn't. The events and bosses in LA were fun also. But unlike LA, there is not forced end game grouping and raiding. So I'd say in that sense it's nothing like Lost Ark and never will be.
    Just the fact that you have world bosses in a multiplayer phased world makes it exactly like LA. I played 800 hours of LA on the western release and did everything you could do up until the second content block besides getting the absolute hard bis deck. D4 borrows a lot, and I mean a lot from LA. Sounds like you didnt see a lot of players in the open world during the beta. I saw a lot on some occasions. Even then, these are so small details compared to the overarching design that im talking about. d4 is literally the same in may of these core aspects. Maybe minus the boat. Its closer to pseudo mmo now just like LA. Its more like LA than it is like PoE or Last Epoch. Those games are more traditional arpgs.
    Last edited by Ilookfly; 2023-03-31 at 01:52 PM.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    I did fine on boss fights, it took a little bit longer but I didn't die and could stand in everything.

    That being said the main class feature of the Druid wasn't even available in the beta which is a huge part of their power gain, classes are not balanced around leveling they are balanced around max level so people need to stop complaining about it until the game's actually out.
    Nobody is asking for perfect balance, but the Druid is a MASSIVE outlier.

    It's not unreasonable at all to ask for this to be handled better. Just tweak the base damage of stuff at lower levels. Can't be that hard. Pure numbers tweaks could vastly improve a lot of this shit.

    Yeah the game's balance is MOST IMPORTANT at max level, but that doesn't excuse low level balance having this big of a spread. Early game isn't irrelevant just because it's less relevant.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by ek0zu View Post
    I am glad that there are people who adored d4, for me to like it, i need a lot higher difficulty setting from the get go.
    I too thought the game was incredibly easy. Even though the level scaling and item squish make you weaker progressively in actual usage. The only dangerous elements are long-lasting DOTs that are not easily expelled.

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