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  1. #161

    Diablo 4 is good but it's just an another PoE copy

    We have had many new PoE style games or do you call them ARPGs idk but after playing it countless of hours in beta it just feels plain PoE copy.
    Skill tree, UI, gameplay and even item's colortheme resembles too much of PoE (item colors are literally the same lol). Classes feel different tho and thats a plus. I was hoping way different experience from Diablo game that PoE couldn't offer.

  2. #162
    This is a horrible troll attempt.. but I'll bite. You do realise that the "item colours" were "borrowed" from Diablo 2 by PoE right? and before PoE many other ARPG's already used those colours.
    Skill tree from PoE? Just the FFX grid system, same concept, same depth. So, also stolen? Or does it only work when it's "borrowed" from PoE? (even when it's not)

  3. #163
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    You really didn't need another thread

    I encourage everyone else to not respond to this thread and resume discussion on the other threads
    "This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin

    Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff

  4. #164
    D4 skill tree is even more simple than in D3 and you call it a PoE copy? Like... what?
    You can dislike D4 all you want, but D4 is exactly the opposite of PoE. In practically every thinkable way. Except the dark atmosphere.

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Well... the open world/MMO features weren't really in the beta.
    I'm not saying I love them or whatever...

    but if you like that kind of thing, the option to PvP and to "hunt" roaming bounties and such and to compete for them, might just be the kinda thing they like.
    I think in PvP it can be quite thrilling knowing that, but I myself ain't that kinda guy.

    Never enjoyed Sacred btw - the game did absolutely nothing for me, even though I played through it once. Only played the first one though - not sure why the heck anyone would hold that game in high regard though. Especially when you have Diablo 4 right next to it like you are doing it there.... which has much better - everything - especially regarding gameplay and the pace it has. Back then? Maybe... but in today's era? nah, it's trash.
    The mmo light part is only a tool for devs to develop future things they couldn’t probably deploy if the game was structured like D3.

  6. #166
    I just start to discover this part. for me, Diablo 2 always be the best one, but 4 is much better than 3 as I think

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    The mmo light part is only a tool for devs to develop future things they couldn’t probably deploy if the game was structured like D3.
    more skins lmao
    My nickname is "LDEV", not "idev". (both font clarification and ez bait)

    yall im smh @ ur simplified english

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by ldev View Post
    more skins lmao
    Probably, but not limited to.

  9. #169

    Lots of solid changes in this from beta feedback, super excited to play on release

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by The Oblivion View Post

    Lots of solid changes in this from beta feedback, super excited to play on release
    They seem to have a proper click to still, my beating heart.

    Also, hopefully the seraph font they chose is a better variety, but that's more me being petty over shit like font choices.

    Neat stuff though, don't much care about balance changes but better dungeon layouts will be nice.

  11. #171
    I'll probably skip the second open beta - doing Act I another time before the third "official" one brings no interest, I'll have to skip the new reward this time.
    I have to say, what's unclear is about the "Beta rewards". I only knew about the Wolf Pack for reaching level 20, which should be unlocked on my side, but I wasn't aware of the additional ones (titles for reaching Kovashad and something else ?). Were those part of the Closed / Open Beta rewards already or are those new ones for the Server Slam ?

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Ophenia View Post
    I'll probably skip the second open beta - doing Act I another time before the third "official" one brings no interest, I'll have to skip the new reward this time.
    I have to say, what's unclear is about the "Beta rewards". I only knew about the Wolf Pack for reaching level 20, which should be unlocked on my side, but I wasn't aware of the additional ones (titles for reaching Kovashad and something else ?). Were those part of the Closed / Open Beta rewards already or are those new ones for the Server Slam ?
    The titles were there - the only thing new to Server Slam afaik is the Ashava trophy. (Awarded for killing Ashava at level 20)

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    The titles were there - the only thing new to Server Slam afaik is the Ashava trophy. (Awarded for killing Ashava at level 20)
    Thanks, good news !

  14. #174
    I’m just sad the server slam lands on that weekend. I doubt I’ll get the new trophy. Not only is that weekend for the first one for Aberrus, but I’ll also be on vacation to visit family AND that weekend is Mother’s Day. Though there is a chance I convince my mom to play it with me (she’s been a fan since the original Diablo)

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by LordVargK View Post
    D4 skill tree is even more simple than in D3 and you call it a PoE copy? Like... what?
    You can dislike D4 all you want, but D4 is exactly the opposite of PoE. In practically every thinkable way. Except the dark atmosphere.
    You forgot the most important difference: D4 is actually fun.

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by yasiru View Post
    You forgot the most important difference: D4 is actually fun.
    If I had to choose between 70€ D4, 25€ D3 and F2P PoE my ranking atm is D3>PoE>D4.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    Actually it's fantastic. An evolution in the right direction.
    Games like Last Epoch, PoE, Wolcen, while appealing to a lot people are just ARPGs that do nothing new. They stick to the safe formula and give you more of the same.
    Diablo 4 is actually World of Diablo. Blizzard is taking a risk that will pay off in the long run. Both for them and for the players. Continous income = more game support.
    I'm surprised they even supported Diablo 3 for that long considering the game was basically given out for free to people who subbed to WoW for 12 months.

    Blizzard again shows how it's done.
    You've never been more incorrect in your life. Well, if this is how you formulate your opinions, you may be incorrect more often than not.
    I was a Death's Demise.
    Those were the good old days.

  18. #178

    Well hallelujah, it seems it's confirmed you can skip the campaign on new characters after completing it once.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post

    Well hallelujah, it seems it's confirmed you can skip the campaign on new characters after completing it once.
    very nice, i wonder if you would purely open world/dungeon level at that point or if there will be another way

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