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  1. #121
    Gotta milk those wallets before the population tanks with Cata Classic.

    Although, I wonder how many complainers used gold sellers...

  2. #122
    Live Classis Token prices:

  3. #123
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    If I still played Blizzard games I am sure I would be furious... but knowing I don't and never will again, I just find this hilarious.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    Gotta milk those wallets before the population tanks with Cata Classic.

    Although, I wonder how many complainers used gold sellers...
    wouldn't gold sellers praise this, because now they have a legit way to buy gold without risk to their account? you are basically paying for something that makes you gold the same way a person would pay a gold seller. Except now you pay Blizzard.

    I find it funny that Blizzard feels the best way to combat bots is to become a bot themselves, if I am naive enough to believe that this is about bots and not Bobby's pockets. xD
    Last edited by Orby; 2023-05-24 at 09:37 AM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by rarhyx View Post
    is there anything special to farm in BT?
    higher rates of green and raw gold +gems that have set vendor price and can be cut and sold for more

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    If I still played Blizzard games I am sure I would be furious... but knowing I don't and never will again, I just find this hilarious.

    wouldn't gold sellers praise this, because now they have a legit way to buy gold without risk to their account? you are basically paying for something that makes you gold the same way a person would pay a gold seller. Except now you pay Blizzard.

    I find it funny that Blizzard feels the best way to combat bots is to become a bot themselves, if I am naive enough to believe that this is about bots and not Bobby's pockets. xD
    how would gold seller praise being kicked off the market? their gold is unreliable vs reliable gold, if anything gold prices will have to go down and give more gold for the incentive to buy from shady botters

  5. #125
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danki1337 View Post
    higher rates of green and raw gold +gems that have set vendor price and can be cut and sold for more

    - - - Updated - - -

    how would gold seller praise being kicked off the market? their gold is unreliable vs reliable gold, if anything gold prices will have to go down and give more gold for the incentive to buy from shady botters
    Oh sorry, I was thinking people who buy gold... its still too early in the morning for me, Brain isnt awake yet lol
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

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  6. #126
    Herald of the Titans Vorkreist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ealyssa View Post
    If you think classic players weren't already buying tons of gold you're either naive or dishonest...
    At least you still had people doing normal raids but with a full push from blizzard with this cancer aids feature all that will be left after is just gdkp shitfest.
    The classic project is over in their eyes if they decided to openly shit on it like that and clearly try to squeeze something extra before the end with zero consideration to what the player base asked for.

  7. #127
    Saves me buying token in retail and exchanging it for Classic gold - which is actually allowed by the way. Idk why there is meltdown when you could do it anyway with just one extra step.

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakut View Post
    Different countries and different credit card companies have different rules.
    Yeah but not everyone is paying with a credit card..?
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakut View Post
    I don't think it's "Pro" Blizzard any more than it is "Against" Blizzard. Those are the rules when dealing with corporations.
    It is pro Blizzard in the sense that you are effectively defending their actions, especially when you also imply that this is somehow keeping WoW sustainable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakut View Post
    I never made that argument, so it's probably best not to include me in a rebuttal for something I wasn't arguing.
    If they didn't make money to pay for the infrastructure, staff, or work behind this game, you wouldn't be enjoying it in any format.
    That is the argument you made, no one ever said that they shouldn't make money off Classic WoW - they're already doing it because you don't get access to Classic without a sub.

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by TixesDT View Post
    Live Classis Token prices:
    Price has gone from 11k to 7.8k overnight, lmao

    If blizzard's intention was to reduce botting by making token a better choice.....they're failing miserably because the same $20 that you could buy a token with, will get you like 50k gold from 3rd party sites

    Good job blizz, you alienated a large portion of your playerbase with a "solution" that doesn't actually work.

  10. #130
    Luckily I only HC wow, so this doesnt' effect me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For all the people saying "People were buying gold via RMT in Classic since launch," Yes. They were. But now Blizzard has a financial incentive to not only not fix the problem, but to deliberately exacerbate the issue to push more people to buy gold.

  11. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    No, its Directly related to your argument. Are you saying you would be unable to resist playing ele shaman? I mean that seems like an odd position as well. Unless you're saying you don't want OTHER players to play ele shaman. Well, that's not yours to say either.
    Swapping words of my argument to support yours fails because yours was constructed poorly and the framework you're copying doesn't support your original argument or your retort. I am perfectly able to resist playing specs or classes I am not interested in playing without it infringing my enjoyment of the game. Nor do I begrudge anyone who does play specs or classes I dislike. Similarly, I have self control and can avoid buying tokens. I don't begrudge anyone who does buy them nor is it my place to tell anyone that they should not be able to buy them.

    If you cannot see your argument is IDENTICAL, then you are not worth this discussion.
    Fortunately, you don't get to choose whether or not I am worth anything. You may choose your level of involvement in a discussion with me, but that's the extent of your power. You conjured a terrible and unequivalent argument in response then challenged me to fix that error on your part. I am not obligated to do so - nor will I. You've already indicated you don't want to discuss, you just want to throw crap at my way and see what sticks. Okee, bye!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    It is pro Blizzard in the sense that you are effectively defending their actions, especially when you also imply that this is somehow keeping WoW sustainable.
    That is a terrible assumption on your part. When people disagree with assertions made, egregiously I might add, about Blizzard, it's not "Pro" Blizzard. It's "common sense" being sprayed on a ridiculous assertion. I've got my own issues with Blizzard, but it doesn't make me suddenly anti-Blizzard either. I'd argue I tend to pay more attention to one truth: When the game no longer suits the money I spend for it, I will stop playing it.

    There's a lot of bile and vitriol in these forums and even in this thread that is unwarranted. It's rather ridiculous. Ultimately, though, people should be voting with their wallets. Regardless of how that currency is transferred, Blizzard listens to what costs them money. If you don't like something, don't buy it. You reduce demand by doing this. When enough people do this, either Blizzard will send out a survey or they will adjust the price/availability. If none of those options work, they will remove the product.

    I'm a little perplexed how this basic bit of economics has escaped notice and equally perplexed on why people want to issue forth blanket statements about corporate greed when that's not even in play here.

    Every corporation in the world, that isn't non-profit, is all about making profit. When they fail to do so, their stockholders (or internal investors if not public) have them fix it or shut it down. That's not rocket science, that's basic economics. Again, most people should already know this.

  12. #132
    I should do my Jewelcraft daily !

  13. #133
    Lmao what a fucking pathetic excuse of a company. "Hey guy's instead of actually trying to ban gold buyers and RMT's by hiring game masters that monitor the servers, we're instead going to just throw in the towel and have you buy gold directly from us instead! Who cares about the classic legacy, that's all hogwash! Oh yeah, we won't be adding RDF because we also want to maintain the classic legacy!". Hopefully when Microsoft buys this shit show they fire everyone from top to bottom and reboot the circus.

  14. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakut View Post
    That is a terrible assumption on your part. When people disagree with assertions made, egregiously I might add, about Blizzard, it's not "Pro" Blizzard. It's "common sense" being sprayed on a ridiculous assertion. I've got my own issues with Blizzard, but it doesn't make me suddenly anti-Blizzard either. I'd argue I tend to pay more attention to one truth: When the game no longer suits the money I spend for it, I will stop playing it.

    There's a lot of bile and vitriol in these forums and even in this thread that is unwarranted. It's rather ridiculous. Ultimately, though, people should be voting with their wallets. Regardless of how that currency is transferred, Blizzard listens to what costs them money. If you don't like something, don't buy it. You reduce demand by doing this. When enough people do this, either Blizzard will send out a survey or they will adjust the price/availability. If none of those options work, they will remove the product.

    I'm a little perplexed how this basic bit of economics has escaped notice and equally perplexed on why people want to issue forth blanket statements about corporate greed when that's not even in play here.

    Every corporation in the world, that isn't non-profit, is all about making profit. When they fail to do so, their stockholders (or internal investors if not public) have them fix it or shut it down. That's not rocket science, that's basic economics. Again, most people should already know this.
    This is a pretty long text to just "i think you're wrongly accusing me".

    Here's my position: You lost credibility the second you've argued what i quoted above, that Blizzard might shut down Classic if the WoW Token wasn't added is simply a ludicrous assumption.
    People are literally paying a full sub for the access of content that was made over a decade ago, it's been already confirmed multiple times that Classic far surpassed Blizzard's expectations and the cost involving to make sure a ~10year old code runs on their servers stands in no relation to the monthly subscription people are paying.

    If you want to say that they want to maximize profit, okay that's one thing, but arguing that they're going to shut it down is in the context of this discussion completely unreasonable as the staff working on Classic is likely very small and still has loads of players paying them a monthly subscription anyway.
    It's just a very binary thinking that nothing exists between "maximize profit at every opportunity even at the expense of player good will" and "not profitable enough, shut it down".

  15. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by czarek View Post
    Its pay2win since classic GDKP runs exists. Except this GDKP isnt that bad its just currency for your efforts BUT ofc if you dont push cash into gold you just had to farm some GDKP runs. Nothin changed imo. For PUGS ofc. If you are guilded no impact in that area. BUT again another one BUT. Prob economy... huge inflation in 3,2,1...
    Oh but this does change thing. In GDKPs you have 2 kinds of buyers, GDKP pumper alts who have quite a lot of gold and the regular people who don't have that much gold. For the former nothing really changes, except the gold gain. The latter will now break into token buyers and poor people. As people buy tokens the GDKP costs will increase and the ones who don't buy won't be able to buy anything for a long time. I expect the non-buyers that can't commit to a guild schedule and that used to rely on pugs/gdkp to be completely driven away.

  16. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    This is a pretty long text to just "i think you're wrongly accusing me".

    Here's my position: You lost credibility the second you've argued what i quoted above, that Blizzard might shut down Classic if the WoW Token wasn't added is simply a ludicrous assumption.
    I never once intimated, suggested, nor argued Blizzard would shut Classic down if the token wasn't added. That's not a thought in my head nor a concern I had. Stop putting words in my mouth.

  17. #137
    Never thought they would actually do it but i should have known better with blizzard.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  18. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by Yakut View Post
    I never once intimated, suggested, nor argued Blizzard would shut Classic down if the token wasn't added. That's not a thought in my head nor a concern I had. Stop putting words in my mouth.
    But you literally said that if they don't make money that they couldn't pay the upkeep - which the obvious implication of that statement.

    So please address why you wrote that, as no one argued that Blizzard isn't allowed to make a profit at all (which they already are thanks to the sub).

  19. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Phil View Post
    Lmao what a fucking pathetic excuse of a company. "Hey guy's instead of actually trying to ban gold buyers and RMT's by hiring game masters that monitor the servers, we're instead going to just throw in the towel and have you buy gold directly from us instead! Who cares about the classic legacy, that's all hogwash! Oh yeah, we won't be adding RDF because we also want to maintain the classic legacy!". Hopefully when Microsoft buys this shit show they fire everyone from top to bottom and reboot the circus.
    If people keep playing and spending money, what financial incentive do they have to spend oodles of money hiring GMs?

  20. #140
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    If I buy a WoW token and sell the gold will it make my Arms Warrior top DPS meters?
    We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others.

    Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual.
    I'm tired. So very tired. Can I just lay my head on your lap and fall asleep?

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