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  1. #21
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
    5+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sweet Home Alabama
    I wish they made multiversal game with three factions Warcraft VS Starcraft VS DIablo be it RTS or MMO, so story about bad guys crossing universes would make some fresh take on this stale void or elements shitshow.

  2. #22
    Im glad others also see it this way. Look...Im an absolutely insane grinder in WoW. I peaked top 1000 world on achievements end of SL...So I have seen it all since 2005, but Blizzard keeps bringing back these useless, non-content grinds, that's purely waiting/gated RNG.
    Youtube channel: ARPG - RTS - MMO

  3. #23
    I got all remaining items I was missing first day luckily, haven't checked it out since. Terrible performance as well once several raids of people starts dpsing.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by cocomen2 View Post
    I wish they made multiversal game with three factions Warcraft VS Starcraft VS DIablo be it RTS or MMO, so story about bad guys crossing universes would make some fresh take on this stale void or elements shitshow.
    Heroes of the Storm is as close as we can get for now

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