1. #1

    WoW Hotfixes - Updated May 25, Wrath Classic Dev Chat

    WoW Hotfixes - Updated May 25
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Hey all! Here are today’s hotfixes.

    • Monk
      • Fixed an issue causing Weapons of Order to incorrectly increase enemy damage taken from trinket and embellishment effects.
    • Shaman
      • Enhancement
        • Fixed an issue where using Windstrike in Ascendance while talented into Legacy of the Frost Witch and Thorim’s Invocation was not properly resetting the cooldown of Windstrike when gaining the Legacy of the Frost Witch buff.
    • Warlock
      • Demonology
        • Fixed an issue where Ripped through the Portal would not function on Magmorax’s platform.
        • Fixed an issue where Dread Calling would not function on Magmorax’s platform.
        • Fixed an issue where Infernal Command would not function on Magmorax’s platform.

    Dungeons and Raids
    • Mythic+
      • Neltharus
        • Forgemaster Gorek
          • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the duration of Blazing Aegis reduced to 4 seconds (was 6 seconds).
      • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
        • Bromach
          • [With weekly restarts] The health of Quaking totem has been reduced by 20%.
      • The Vortex Pinnacle
        • Asaad
          • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the health of Skyfall Nova by 10%.

    Enemies and NPCs
    • Zaralek Cavern
      • [With weekly restarts] The loot lockout now resets when the content in a given area of the map becomes available. Now, when world quests are visible in an area, the rare elite enemies in that area will also be available. Rare elite rewards have been increased to offset their reduced frequency.
        • Developers’ notes: Unlike Forbidden Reach, the rare elites in Zaralek Cavern are meant to be a bonus, rather than the primary activity.

    • The extra Effervesta will not be present during the “Best Friends” quest chain.
    • Fyrakk is looking for more folks to burninate during “Aiding the Accord: Suffusion Camp,” so this quest can now be offered to qualifying alts between levels 60 and 66 (was 67+).

    Live Chat with Wrath Classic Devs - May 25
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Today, members of the WoW Community Council met with Classic devs to talk about the development of current content in Wrath Classic, as both a retrospective on Ulduar and a look forward to the Call of the Crusade.

    Please feel free to continue the discussion here, and ask any follow-up questions that you might have.
    Last edited by chaud; 2023-05-26 at 03:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Hmm just 10% on skyfall nova... hope that's enough. Doesn't seem like enough.

  3. #3
    Is that Zaralek Cavern rare change live already? Currently there are 70% of them up here, so it doesn't seem to be changed (nor do have I noticed a change in what they drop).

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Puri View Post
    Is that Zaralek Cavern rare change live already? Currently there are 70% of them up here, so it doesn't seem to be changed (nor do have I noticed a change in what they drop).
    The spawn cycle hasn't changed, what has changed is that you only get loot once per rare per character per cycle now, instead of everyday. So the rares still spawn every hour or so but you only get loot once per 4 days.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Balrog View Post
    The spawn cycle hasn't changed, what has changed is that you only get loot once per rare per character per cycle now, instead of everyday. So the rares still spawn every hour or so but you only get loot once per 4 days.
    Ah thanks!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Balrog View Post
    The spawn cycle hasn't changed, what has changed is that you only get loot once per rare per character per cycle now, instead of everyday. So the rares still spawn every hour or so but you only get loot once per 4 days.
    But why? Their explanation makes no sense. So if you farmed early and got everything you wanted, lucky you. If not, oh well.
    As per usual, never leave things to be done later, content is current only a few days or weeks in. Or even just a day in some cases (goblin diablo event), then blizz will decides ppl are moving too fast and slow you down. Sometimes to a halt (like getting the slayer garrison achi that everyone did in a raid of 40 and now it's almost impossible).
    The only rare I was killing was the one to get a chance for mount. It's basically an artificial nerf to the drop since I don't get as many chances. But nobody's losing their mount because they got it "too fast". No, just the ppl who still try to get it are affected.

  7. #7
    Unlike Forbidden Reach, the rare elites in Zaralek Cavern are meant to be a bonus, rather than the primary activity.
    People still farm the rares? I have seen an entire map full of rares up for the last 2 weeks with no one killing them.

  8. #8
    I like the fact that Blizzard are trying to be transparent now with Hotfixes, not gonna lie.

  9. #9
    With weekly restarts] The loot lockout now resets when the content in a given area of the map becomes available. Now, when world quests are visible in an area, the rare elite enemies in that area will also be available. Rare elite rewards have been increased to offset their reduced frequency.
    So each rare can be looted once every 5 days? I hope it’s not just the crest thingy’s that get an increased amount, but also a bigger chance on manuscripts, else they’re cutting the chance by 5.

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