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  1. #61
    Barely played so far but I believe I've met the new crew we'll be rolling with at least. So far...I'm digging it.

    Early spoiler that may resolve iself:
    Once again it's frustrating to me that we, the commander, who've had all kinds of weird shit in our heads hear this weird voice in our head [I]and aren't taking this shit more seriously[/I].

    Other than that one bit I'm enjoying the way this is all kicking off and the new crew so far. I'm definitely glad I listened to some Teapot lore videos before going into this expansion so I've got at least a touch of background for the Kryptis and Isgarran and the Mate Tower and all, even if it was half listening for the like 3 hours it was lol.

  2. #62
    Haven't played much since launch but so far I have
    -100% The new maps
    -Completed the entire campaign
    -Completed both meta events
    -Did a few dozen rifts
    -Completed both the new Strike missions
    -Got a handful of relics

    Gotta say if this expansion WAS the size of EoD or Heart of Thorns it would be no question whether or not its the best expansion, the maps are wonderfully designed with fun meta events and really really cool aesthetics. The story is an improvement over what came before with a more engaging threat and a more engaging cast of characters.
    There are some issues, the final meta while being a great spectacle is underwhelming in its gameplay, even for normal mode the two strikes are too easy with the first strike being FAR too easy.

    Also the first strike is like...not a good option, I would say there are three notable boss encounters in the story and the choice to include this one over the 2nd boss is...not great imo
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  3. #63
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    The next story release is defiantly going to be interesting. Theory is that Anet hasn't been able to finish stories strong is because they have ran out of time in the post. They wont have that excuse. I wasn't exactly sold on this xpac being strong before launch and now I'm looking forward to the next content patch before I am even done with the story.

    They might have unlocked a pace that's not only good for themselves, but for other non-sub games as well.

  4. #64
    Holy shit the performance issues in the second zone are fuckin real. Looking towards the center turns the game into a slideshow, rofl. But the meta is pretty rad too.

    Spoilers for into A2/3 of the story
    I'm continually annoyed by the fact that we're not alerting our new buddies to our headmateS now, plural. Finally saw the lady for the first time so will see if we raise alarm after, but it's kinda infuriating given how much experience we've got with this stuff that should make us know better.

    Otherwise that nitpick aside, still very much enjoying the story. The beats aren't super mindblowing but I'm enjoying the additional lore, the new crew is still good, and I'm still interested in where the story is going overall. Now just working on unlocking mastery stuff because ho boy does getting around get so much better even the second you get updraft training. Seems like plenty of collections to chase and they don't seem to outlandish from what I've come across so far, plenty to keep busy with for a while.

    And while they definitely need some improvements in terms of additional daily options I think the new Wizard's Vault is overall pretty good. We get a nice initial infusion with the expansion stuff which is cool, and it's got a pretty good mixture of practical in-game stuff (gold/mats) and cosmetics and account unlocks. I already nabbed the griffon skin because it looks rad. Not super upset I missed out on some daily rewards and a few weekly quests, I'll never get everything I want even if I only aim for the cosmetics and remain perpetually poorish
    Last edited by Edge-; 2023-08-28 at 05:26 AM.

  5. #65
    Finished up the story. It's pretty short, but I enjoyed it overall. New zones are good. Masteries are good. Plenty left to do while waiting on the new content and stuff like new weapons. Existing weapon master stuff is fine enough, I enjoy having access to some better ranged options as a guardian since I like longbow.

    The Legendary Starter kit is fuckin busted and I can't recommend it enough. Free precursor from a selection of like 4 of them plus around a quarter of the collection completed out of the gate. I might actually be able to craft Bolt in a reasonable timeframe since I've got tons of random shit stored up to help with the process, should be rad.

    Otherwise still plenty to work on with mastery XP/points, lots of chievos, and I'm actually enjoying exploring the new zones more and doing the events. They did a really good job building in a lot of small event chains and keeping a decent amount of overall variety in events. If the next few updates are around this quality I'd say that's worth the $25 asking price if this is sustainable. Has quite a bit of overall story and a surprising amount of voiced dialogue in the side chatter with NPC's. Again, definitely very glad I got a bit of a lore primer on a lot of this through Mighty Teapot before going into the expansion, otherwise I'd be a bit lost since I'd have zero real context for a lot of the major players in the story.

  6. #66
    What is the best path once you reach 80 and then go directly into Secrets of the Obscure without any Elite skill at all and not enough points? I think it requires 30. I'm playing a ranger and trying to unlock Soulbeast, flying mount, jade bot, and so forth. I did the new expansion intro and got flying mount but there's no Mastery in anything. Just feel a bit confused on how to fix these issues without backtracking too much. Any advice is appreciated.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by GuruChaz View Post
    What is the best path once you reach 80 and then go directly into Secrets of the Obscure without any Elite skill at all and not enough points? I think it requires 30. I'm playing a ranger and trying to unlock Soulbeast, flying mount, jade bot, and so forth. I did the new expansion intro and got flying mount but there's no Mastery in anything. Just feel a bit confused on how to fix these issues without backtracking too much. Any advice is appreciated.
    Unlocking an elite specialization immediately? Oof. If you want to get one ASAP then you will have to do the story out of order then. Elite specializations cost 250 hero points, but a HP challenge in vanilla Tyria only gives you 1 point. Nowhere near enough and too tedious to hunt and farm all of them, especially without a griffon/roller beetle. Expansion hero point challenges give you 10 points per challenge, so you only need to complete 25 of them. If you hang out in the first HoT map, Verdant Brink, you will often see someone hosting a "HP (hero point) train" through the HoT maps (also check the ingame LFG), where you can get all of the HoT hero points in under an hour. Even if you don't have a griffon or a roller beetle, you can still use "teleport to friend" charges to teleport to the commander on top of the HP, and people also often conjure portals or use their turtles to give people taxi rides.

    PoF and EoD hero point challenges are easier than HoT hero points, but if you are a fresh brand new player with no exotic gear, no jade bot, no elite specs, not used to the combat system, etc, then they could be a little hard to solo. Also, you will need mounts to access them. Even if you get a Skyscale, certain HPs can only be accessed with the Jackal and the Roller Beetle.

    Jade bot is unlocked by progressing about 1/3rd of the way through EoD's story. It gives you a considerable power boost, as it allows you to stack Jade Bot Overcharge which gives you 30 seconds of every single buff in the game (crit, attack speed, cooldown reduction, protection, dodge bar increase, etc) every time you enter combat. This is the powercreep that trivialized every meta event in the game and is the reason why the Mouth of Mordremoth boss now dies in under 60 seconds without having never entered his second phase when he used to take 10-15 minutes.

    However, you would have to be doing the story out of order to get access to all this stuff ASAP. If you go through the story in order and do the Season of Dragons achievement (gives you a legendary amulet and a precursor weapon for an Aurene legendary) while at it, it will take you about 100 hours from vanilla start to EoD's finish. 50 hours of doing story missions, and another 50 farming masteries/unlocking mounts/chopping down trees for the achievement.

    Generally my advice would be to just go through the story in order (while doing the Season of Dragons stuff). I found the story up through season 4 to be overall enjoyable and wouldn't recommend doing it out of order.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by GuruChaz View Post
    What is the best path once you reach 80 and then go directly into Secrets of the Obscure without any Elite skill at all and not enough points? I think it requires 30. I'm playing a ranger and trying to unlock Soulbeast, flying mount, jade bot, and so forth. I did the new expansion intro and got flying mount but there's no Mastery in anything. Just feel a bit confused on how to fix these issues without backtracking too much. Any advice is appreciated.
    Current expansion doesn't have any hero points or anything else like that, so if you want elite specs you need to purchase those respective expansions and you can farm up all the points you'll need (and more) there.

    For SotO - the flying mount you get for free initially is only usable in the two expansion zones. You need to do the "A New Friend" achievement/collections to fully unlock the Skyscale for use outside those two zones and access the mastery progression.

    Jade bot you have to unlock and progress through End of Dragons content, mastery progression is "locked" per-expansion so you can't progress mastery XP for EoD in SotO for example.

    The collection achievements for the skyscale do take a bit of time, and the Wiki is really good overall for finding out info on how to complete achievements. Here's the link to the A New Friend one -

    And this is a handy link that tracks all the world events throughout the games, at least those that are on timers -

  9. #69
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Finally sat down to finish the story. Surprised but again I had no real expectations. Honestly though we were going to get slightly better than the end of Icebrood saga level of story content.

    They struck a good spot with the story. You can connect parts of the story all the way back to GW1 but none of that is actually necessary,just supplemental to Soto's story. A nod to raiders if they done W4 but again told in a way that's not necessary.

    I think they try to be too esoteric at times but nothing that ruins the experience. Lots of stuff to do after the story and they didn't hide it from the players or skimp on rewards like with EOD.

    Good cliffhanger to make players want to return for the next update.

  10. #70
    I feel like this expansion makes collections and things a lot more approachable with the smaller initial scope, too. I usually aim for some after an expansion and get some chievos and all that jazz, but this is the first time I can think of in expansions where I'm spending this much time working on them after finishing the core content.

    That and I'm still a fan of the new daily system/rifts encouraging folks to explore the world and return to some zones they haven't been to in ages. Realistically I spent pretty minimal time in PoF and especially the later LW zones, so going back to clear some Awakened and the like was nice.

    That and between doing that and how Anet nabbed random mobs to bring them over to the SotO zones, I'm making some surprising progress on old collections. I'm getting quite close to finishing up some random ones (druid stone, some PoF stuff) outta nowhere. One day I'll actually spend some time organizing myself in the game and making a plan to finish all the random achievements and stuff I've been putting off forever.

  11. #71
    I'm still stunned that people are talking up this "expansion". Broken daily system that looks like it's been designed by an intern. Rifts that are boring after the first one, that you are expected to grind endlessly if you want to head towards the legendary armour (fortunately I've finished all of that, so I can ignore rifts completely). Maps that use a TON of reused assets, and only two of them. Both maps having pretty boring and unrewarding metas. And the bugs, so many bugs. And don't get me started on the whole runes/relics fiasco. They've broken the runes, and half-arsed the relics. Neither system really works now.

    Sure, WV has rewards that look like they are miles better than the old system, primarily because you can front load what you actually want. I'm getting close to getting everything I want from it already, and it has the best part of 2 months to go. I suspect people will change their views once they are going week after week for basically nothing while waiting for the new season.

    The story is fine, but if you are judging an RPG on an on-rails story that you can't fail, then what does that say about it?

    I'd struggle to give it more than a 4/10. It has to lose a couple of points because it isn't an expansion. There just isn't enough content to describe it as that.
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  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl View Post

    I'd struggle to give it more than a 4/10. It has to lose a couple of points because it isn't an expansion. There just isn't enough content to describe it as that.
    Wait until you see that New World expansion lmao
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  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl View Post
    I'd struggle to give it more than a 4/10. It has to lose a couple of points because it isn't an expansion. There just isn't enough content to describe it as that.
    Remember it's also $25, so around half the price of a traditional expansion in a lot of other games. I'm viewing it more like a very large DLC than a full-on expansion.

    We got some new content that's a very nice chance of pace from dragons dragons dragons and there's more coming for this story arc.

    We've got some systems updates. Weaponmaster isn't huge but it's pretty nice, I like having a bow for a ranged option on my willbender because scepter still sucks as a ranged option and swords are unfortunately meh. Relics are now...better IMO, at least better designed if not exactly balanced or exciting right now.

    While it's not a ton of new zones, the new zones are pretty packed with collections and achievements and cool little things to earn and discover. Getting around can be annoying at times, but I think it's the best they've ever done in terms of integrating verticality and the like.

    It's not the kind of expansion that's likely to bring folks who haven't played back and get them super into the game. Feels much, much, much more directed at simply having more GW2 for folks that like GW2, with a budget and marketing muscle to match that scope.

  14. #74
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl View Post
    I'm still stunned that people are talking up this "expansion". Broken daily system that looks like it's been designed by an intern. Rifts that are boring after the first one, that you are expected to grind endlessly if you want to head towards the legendary armour (fortunately I've finished all of that, so I can ignore rifts completely). Maps that use a TON of reused assets, and only two of them. Both maps having pretty boring and unrewarding metas. And the bugs, so many bugs. And don't get me started on the whole runes/relics fiasco. They've broken the runes, and half-arsed the relics. Neither system really works now.

    Sure, WV has rewards that look like they are miles better than the old system, primarily because you can front load what you actually want. I'm getting close to getting everything I want from it already, and it has the best part of 2 months to go. I suspect people will change their views once they are going week after week for basically nothing while waiting for the new season.

    The story is fine, but if you are judging an RPG on an on-rails story that you can't fail, then what does that say about it?

    I'd struggle to give it more than a 4/10. It has to lose a couple of points because it isn't an expansion. There just isn't enough content to describe it as that.
    Why do you play the game if you obviously don't like a design style that's been part of the game for years?

    Daily system, easily remedied and such a small part of the release. It's slightly annoying when you get 3 dailies you don't necessarily want to do but the system isn't broken from the bottom up. Ifs a whole lot better than the old one with some badass reward's. Generous too. So far I've unlocked a mount skin, emote, armor skin, build slot, and a bunch of stuff to work towards a legendary, all whole spending maybe 30 min every other day towards dailies.

    Resuse of assets is an industry thing. Demanding unique assets for everything is a waste of time and not even immersive. Look outside, in the mirror, reality reuses assets.

    RPGs what? I think you're conflating a very specific subgenre of RPGs with what actual defines what an RPG is...or how that definition even applies to the story.

    You can rate the game whatever you want, I don't think some points are valid or properly rated in terms of what you wrote, but you do you.

  15. #75
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    I consider the core meat of any rpg to include class builds more than anything else. More so than a branching story or whatever else, rpgs to me are about leveling up and building a character to fill some kind of role or fantasy. And Gw2 has that in spades.

  16. #76
    Honestly this expansion hasn't really grabbed me either. I kinda wish I'd waited until the 2nd content patch to get it, that at least has the extra weapons like necro swords.

    Wizard's Vault feels like a sidegrade, Weaponmaster is underwhelming, the new maps are neat I suppose but floating islands just haven't grabbed me, and I haven't even finished the story yet. Not for lack of time, I just don't really care...
    Rifts aren't interesting either, they're basically bandit bounties but less interesting because sometimes the Executioner shows up with his big sword and cool soundtrack for that.
    Have I just not played enough and the Rifts actually suck you into hell to fight Satan like they do at the start of the story? That'd be cool.
    Oh, and Relics are another sidegrade. Honestly with all these sidegrades I'm kinda feeling like it's a WoW expansion where they jumble up the systems but it doesn't actually change anything.

    Am I too negative? I'm really not vibing it.

    That said, the change to pip rewards is very good. I don't feel bad doing lots of WvW in a week with this.
    Last edited by LilSaihah; 2023-09-12 at 11:34 AM.
    If you are particularly bold, you could use a Shiny Ditto. Do keep in mind though, this will infuriate your opponents due to Ditto's beauty. Please do not use Shiny Ditto. You have been warned.

  17. #77
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    While I definitely feel this expansion is a good step in the right direction, they have got to do something about the game engine. If they don't fix the performance issues in this game I'm done.

  18. #78
    I'm surprised I'm still playing so much, I'm very much enjoying this expansion overall still. Was expecting to spend my vacation getting deep into BG3 but instead I've done huge damage on finishing all the big bits of the expansion (all masteries done, both zone metas done, skyscale 2.0 done) and accomplished a shit ton along the way in terms of other collections and leveling up weaponsmithing which I'd never bothered with.

    I'm digging the new events, too. I'd like to see stuff like Fractal Rush be a much more regular thing, it's nice to give folks a bit of extra incentive to engage with content they wouldn't otherwise normally engage with. I did it for the ascended gear because why not, may as well start putting together a power set so I can DPS in T2/3 instead of just support.

    I keep thinking that I'm about wrapped up then I find another achievement or two that I decide I want to wrap up. Or deciding again that maybe I'll work on some strikes again because I still need a few more IBS points to finish off my masteries.

    If the updates are remotely decent in size and quality I'm likely pretty alright with this new approach and cheaper price. Knowing we've still got a few more zones, the rest of the story, new weapons (GUN GUARDIAN). Another set of gear + legendary gear which is absolutely gonna be a yuge grind, too. Nothing mind blowing or knocking my socks off or anything, just a solid, smaller expansion.

  19. #79
    We should be getting an update in around 3 weeks based on the Astral Acclaim timer, I imagine it's timed to end with the new update. I'm down to buying laurels with them at this point and will probably end up maxing those out, too.

    I hope they expand the objectives with the refresh, maybe rotate some of the existing ones out but add in even more so that each "season" feels a bit different. Honestly this is one of the daily first daily systems I've liked in a while. Mostly it's quick as hell to do, gives you some decent direction for content you could/should do and is a good excuse to visit some of it (I never expected I'd be getting crab toss achieves), and it's still pretty darned rewarding between the AA/gold/10 achievement points. Weeklies and the like similarly are pretty good too, and holy crap they've been throwing so many special objectives at us.

    I'm not playing too much right now, got a ton done and playing some other games instead. But still do log in for AA shit, which is nice since now I've seen both of the expansions strikes. Nothing super fancy or anything, but they're good little fight that have/will have some decent CMs. I do hope they run more events like the fractal rush and black lion hunt, too. Because free stuff is free stuff, and everyone likes free stuff.

  20. #80
    Halloween update is out, with an apparent non-timed/frozen version of the mad king tower.

    Also they're giving us like another 1000 AA from special objectives, nothing seems too hard. I'm down to buying laurels and then obsidian after it at this point. Short of the infinite gold/crafting mats and some of the garbage stuff like revive charges I don't have much left to buy. They're incredibly generous with this stuff.

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