World of Warcraft: Eclipse
1 new "old" Zone: Feral Wilds
Desolace and Feralas will be joined into a new zone named Feral Wilds, stretching further west than before. Part of a revamp scheme to slowly revamp old zones to size and graphic standards of modern WoW. Centaurs, Gnolls, Tauren and Night Elves will play a roll in the story as a transition from Dragonflight. Major antagonist of the zone are the Botani that came to Kalimdor with the Mag'har Orcs. They tapped into the resurgent nature magic of Desolace and Feralas to spur a rampant growth in the zone. New Dungeons: Maraudon Bloom, Dire Maul Core.
3 new Zones
Three new zones that are part of a undiscovered Continent to the west of Kalimdor. These zones are part of a larger landmass, instead of the island like zones of the past. Future Patches and Expansions will open up more of that landmass as the story progresses.
First Zone: Khaz Algar
A giant underground cove, with a landmass atop of it. both places are full with quests and activities. Residents are dwarf like creatures, the Azgar. They are the descendants of Earthen that got lost ages ago while forming the underground. New Dungeons: Archives of Ul, Defense of Algar.
Second Zone: Tiral'Dozar
A snowy area, and home to a tribe of snowwhite and ashgray skinned creatures that resemble a mix between Elf and Troll. The Allaridor are a splintered people, fighting for survival in the harsh climate while clinging to a deep religious believe to their moon loa. New Dungeon: Trial of the Second Moon, Freezepeak.
Third Zone: Kalmarsh
A swampy area and place of the Expansion Hub, Ava'Loren. This town is home to a motley crew of sailors and pirates that managed to come to this new continent. It will be a place that will change over time. It starts out as rather small and crudely build, but will be build up as a new major city that will rival Stormwind and Orgrimmar in time. Raid: Mothers Remorse.
Construction of Ava'Loren
Help in the defense and construction of Ava'Loren. Earn a place in this new City as it build ups. Players will have the chance to pick one building that is created during Ava'Lorens construction that will become available in a personal phase to decorate and use as you want. Some buildings will have access to some convenient features such as crafting stations, bank access, auction house access, training facilities and more.
Chosen of the Eclipse
Face a new faction that will challenge what you think you know about Azeroth and the Cosmos. Will you join them or oppose them?
Eclipse Surges
Discover and participate in Eclipse Surges, a public event that will turn a place into twilight and summon creatures and challenges for epic rewards.
Multiclass Challenges
Gain temporary access to another classes abilities and face exiting challenges. Cosmetic rewards for abilities that will make them look and feel different.
Additional Profession Revamps
The revamp to professions that started with Dragonflight will continue. Archaeology will get a total overhaul to be ready to explore this new continent.
Talentree Improvements
The Talentrees will get wider with more choices and new abilities to mix and match, including new starting and end nodes.
UI, Guild Systems, Cross Faction and Cross Server Improvements
Many improvements for a better play experience.