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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    He's not talking about enjoyment - he's talking about shit content, and he's right. The content's shit, but you might still enjoy it. But it's shit. And it's been like that since day 1 of DF, sadly, so the soup event was a sign of things to come. Do you enjoy the soup event? Fair play, you can enjoy it. But it's shit.
    lmfao and who elected you the sole arbiter of content quality?

    These mini content patches aren't designed to give us Torghasts or Mechagons. They're piecemeal to hold us over for larger content patches (you know, the ones that include Torghats and Mechagons?), something which we really haven't had with any real consistency before. I'll take repeatable content that makes it easier for me to gear up alts over the numerous content droughts we had in Shadowlands any day of the week.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    "in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes and people complaining about everything little thing they can on MMO-Champion"

    It's a fucking *.7 patch, mainly used to catch up gear wise for the upcoming season...
    You're both right and wrong. Yes, it's a *.7 patch; no, a big patch would change nothing - we'd still get the same thing, which is a raid, a zone nobody remembers next patch, and another iteration of "AFK to get currency to buy a set recolor" world event thing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    lmfao and who elected you the sole arbiter of content quality?
    Nobody, I give you full right to think the soup event is great content.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    He is correct tho.

    These mini-invasion events are now overwhelming in DF. What, will we get 3 additional open world assaults in 10.2, 10.2.5 and 10.2.7?
    And not only that, they are entirely useless. The Dragon Isles are full of absolutely worthless open world assault things now.

    Like, I would happily trade in all the open world events of 10.1 (Fyrakk, timerift, dreamsurge) for a 1 or 2 boss mini-raid with some actually interesting rewards.
    They released this roadmap last year, even if all the assets are reused I wouldn't care, these open world cancer cells should stop spreading.
    Players: Blizzard you need to release content that uses the world and adds content to it.
    Blizzard: Here you go
    Players: Content added to the world is useless add more raids.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Why are you out here making absolutist arguments?

    "Everybody" doesn't need to enjoy every fixture of every content patch. There have been full on systems that I have simply never engaged with because the gameplay loop didn't entice me. I'm okay with that. I'm not going to argue that because Blizzard introduced a few things that I didn't like that they're wasting development time on the stuff I do like. It's fine to be less-than-enthused with this content if it's not for you but it's not okay to demand Blizzard literally do nothing instead. It is something and I will always argue that something is better than nothing.
    'Something' as in the same timed assault AoE fest for 5-10 minutes?
    Yea, that is the 'something' we need, exactly. Every. Single. Patch.
    Please Blizz daddy make me AoE some basic mobs for a currency that allows me to buy raid finder gear.

    All the effort they put into the 'something' we have now could have went to something actually engaging 2-4 months down the line.
    But I guess people who only do 5-10 minutes of AoE farming in the open world get bored quickly from the dogshit they're sniffin and need their next fix fast.
    Else the Forbidden Reach would still be populated by people.
    Fuck, I don't know the last time I saw someone at an Elemental Storm...

    Fuck it, let's have more, why not.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    Nobody, I give you full right to think the soup event is great content.
    That's the wonderful thing about this: I don't. But I'm also not going to insult the sensibilities somebody who does like this type of content and demand Blizzard do nothing instead.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    It's shit to you. You forgot that important part.
    I didn't, I just didn't know I need to literally express that my subjective opinions are subjective, but if you didn't know that, than yes: my opinions are subjective. Hope you can sleep well with that knowledge.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    That's the wonderful thing about this: I don't. But I'm also not going to insult the sensibilities somebody who does like this type of content and demand Blizzard do nothing instead.
    I like to drink shit beer and I'm not offended when somebody says it's shit. It is, I just like it. So just... try to not to feel offended when people call shit things shit.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    'Something' as in the same timed assault AoE fest for 5-10 minutes?
    Yea, that is the 'something' we need, exactly. Every. Single. Patch.
    Please Blizz daddy make me AoE some basic mobs for a currency that allows me to buy raid finder gear.

    All the effort they put into the 'something' we have now could have went to something actually engaging 2-4 months down the line.
    But I guess people who only do 5-10 minutes of AoE farming in the open world get bored quickly from the dogshit they're sniffin and need their next fix fast.
    Else the Forbidden Reach would still be populated by people.
    Fuck, I don't know the last time I saw someone at an Elemental Storm...

    Fuck it, let's have more, why not.
    I mean, people don't really engage with old raids after they're made obsolete by the new raids. Why is it such a bad thing that old world content does the same? You're holding Blizzard to an impossible (and arbitrary) standard.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    I like to drink shit beer and I'm not offended when somebody says it's shit. It is, I just like it. So just... try to not to feel offended when people call shit things shit.
    You're not arguing that the beer is shit, you're arguing that instead of drinking shit beer I should... do nothing and hope that better beer comes later?

    I don't know, this analogy kinda sucks and so does your argument.

  8. #28
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    I didn't, I just didn't know I need to literally express that my subjective opinions are subjective, but if you didn't know that, than yes: my opinions are subjective. Hope you can sleep well with that knowledge.
    Problem is that people tend to feel their opinion is the only valid one.

    I don't enjoy the soup event, to me it's boring. However there are other events in DF I do enjoy, like the Grand Hunts and Fyrakk Assaults.

    Point is not everything has to be for everyone, it's fine if people dislike it as they're not being forced to do it either.
    Last edited by Nerph-; 2023-08-07 at 11:03 PM.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    You're not arguing that the beer is shit, you're arguing that instead of drinking shit beer I should... do nothing and hope that better beer comes later?
    I don't care about you. In this example, I would want the beer company to try to keep some kind of quality level, but in the meantime you can drink the shit beer to death for all I care. No clue why you think it was ever about you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    Problem is that people tend to feel their opinion is the only valid one.
    No, in this context people tend to think that their reception is the only thing that matters when they play the game. And it's true - when I'm doing a shit event in WoW, I don't think that the same time you're having a blast. Even if I would, it wouldn't make it fun for me. So I express my opinion that it's shit.

  10. #30
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    I like to drink shit beer and I'm not offended when somebody says it's shit. It is, I just like it. So just... try to not to feel offended when people call shit things shit.
    But what if said shit beer is not shit to someone else? Then shit thing is not shit because someone else doesn't think it's shit.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    But what if said shit beer is not shit to someone else? Then shit thing is not shit because someone else doesn't think it's shit.
    But it is shit, they are using the worst ingredients possible and cut costs wherever possible to make more money. It's a fact.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I mean, people don't really engage with old raids after they're made obsolete by the new raids. Why is it such a bad thing that old world content does the same? You're holding Blizzard to an impossible (and arbitrary) standard.
    What we have now is unprecedented.

    I would expect players to engage with an expansion's content WHILE THE EXPANSION IS CURRENT.
    This is not happening now.

    Where is the main patch world content then, what can I do in the Zaralek Caverns?
    I can tell you what, there are like 800 things to farm there for absolutely nothing at all.
    Even the niffen reputation is useless (like every other reputation in this expansion), people only farmed it for completion.
    This is a main X.0 patch zone yet it is less replayable and offers less rewards than Korthia. Somehow I don't see people being upset about this.

    This 'if the dogshit is frequent' argument is nothing but copium.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    He is correct tho.

    These mini-invasion events are now overwhelming in DF. What, will we get 3 additional open world assaults in 10.2, 10.2.5 and 10.2.7?
    And not only that, they are entirely useless. The Dragon Isles are full of absolutely worthless open world assault things now.

    Like, I would happily trade in all the open world events of 10.1 (Fyrakk, timerift, dreamsurge) for a 1 or 2 boss mini-raid with some actually interesting rewards.
    They released this roadmap last year, even if all the assets are reused I wouldn't care, these open world cancer cells should stop spreading.
    People wanted alternative methods to get gear and catch-up outside of Raiding, PvP, and Mythic+. It might come as a shock that not everyone likes, wants to, or is able to do those things either because it doesn't interest them or because of latency having to work with 29+ random strangers from different servers and possibly from different regions.

  14. #34
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    But it is shit, they are using the worst ingredients possible and cut costs wherever possible to make more money. It's a fact.
    I feel this analogy doesn't completely work when comparing to content in WoW. Again, you might feel some content is shit, but someone else might thoroughly enjoy it and therefore feel it is not shit.

    We could go pages going back and forth about this, so I'll leave it here.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    People wanted alternative methods to get gear and catch-up outside of Raiding, PvP, and Mythic+. It might come as a shock that not everyone likes, wants to, or is able to do those things either because it doesn't interest them or because of latency having to work with 29+ random strangers from different servers and possibly from different regions.
    Why is it so difficult to differentiate between "not liked" and "bad quality"? Nobody cares who likes it and who doesn't; the point is, it's a copy-paste of the same thing they did X patches ago. The point is, it becomes obsolete faster than ever before. It's not "content", it's make-believe.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    I feel this analogy doesn't completely work when comparing to content in WoW. Again, you might feel some content is shit, but someone else might thoroughly enjoy it and therefore feel it is not shit.
    Well I think it works. I feel things like the assaults and soup event are a low effort thing for which we pay premium. Feelings have nothing to do with that. Bad quality is bad quality even if somebody enjoys it. I can enjoy a bad beer, but it's still objectively bad. But you know why I accept it? Because it's cheap, and that's a fair deal.

    Now I'm not so sure if WoW is a cheap game... but that's just me.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    What we have now is unprecedented.

    I would expect players to engage with an expansion's content WHILE THE EXPANSION IS CURRENT.
    This is not happening now.

    Where is the main patch world content then, what can I do in the Zaralek Caverns?
    I can tell you what, there are like 800 things to farm there for absolutely nothing at all.
    Even the niffen reputation is useless (like every other reputation in this expansion), people only farmed it for completion.
    This is a main X.0 patch zone yet it is less replayable and offers less rewards than Korthia. Somehow I don't see people being upset about this.

    This 'if the dogshit is frequent' argument is nothing but copium.
    Korthia was a major content patch, this isn't. There's nothing comparable to Shadowlands because Shadowlands is what we get when Blizzard doesn't offer mid-patch content like this. I really don't think the message we should be sending to Blizzard is, "more Shadowlands, less Dragonflight," but to each their own I guess.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Korthia was a major content patch, this isn't. There's nothing comparable to Shadowlands because Shadowlands is what we get when Blizzard doesn't offer mid-patch content like this. I really don't think the message we should be sending to Blizzard is, "more Shadowlands, less Dragonflight," but to each their own I guess.
    Okay, so where is the major-content-patch content from 10.1 then?

    The Zaralek Cavern is (ironically) empty and void of anything.
    Where is my Mage Tower? Where is my Horrific Visions? Where is my Warfront? Where is my Twisting Corridors?

    Oh wait, we did get Fyrakk Assaults with it... Comparing that to any of the above is laughable.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Okay, so where is the major-content-patch content from 10.1 then?

    The Zaralek Cavern is (ironically) empty and void of anything.
    Where is my Mage Tower? Where is my Horrific Visions? Where is my Warfront? Where is my Twisting Corridors?

    Oh wait, we did get Fyrakk Assaults with it... Comparing that to any of the above is laughable.
    Mage tower didnt come out till the .2 patch
    horrific visions the .3 patch
    warfronts? lol you are fucking asking for warfronts? the thing everyone hated? alright well they are the siege event
    twisting corridors was not till .2

    nevermind we don't need these things every single fucking expansion
    like mage tower? go do mage tower, its still there.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Okay, so where is the major-content-patch content from 10.1 then?

    The Zaralek Cavern is (ironically) empty and void of anything.
    Where is my Mage Tower? Where is my Horrific Visions? Where is my Warfront? Where is my Twisting Corridors?

    Oh wait, we did get Fyrakk Assaults with it... Comparing that to any of the above is laughable.
    People were moved from 10.1 content to do the 10.1.5 content and now they're going to be moved to the 10.1.7 content. We haven't really had incremental world content delivered this way before so it's a bit unfair to compare this to other major patch content loops. I get that your argument is that this content is mid as fuck and that you personally wish Blizzard focused on more substantive content that could last a full patch cycle but that's a subjective take. I'm sure Blizzard has engagement statistics for this kinda content and usually when we see Blizzard not changing something, it means that people are engaging with it. (Don't fix what isn't broken.)

  20. #40
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SNES-1990 View Post
    It's wasted potential.
    What did you expect from a X.X.7 patch?

    A whole new continent with at least six full-sized zones with unique races and mobs, a full raid tier and new M+/PvP season, as well as a new race, class and profession added, in one X.X.7 patch?

    Or would you rather they not do the X.X.7 patch at all?
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
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    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

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