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  1. #1

    Fury Incarnate Releases September 5

    Fury Incarnate Releases September 5
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    As the champions of Azeroth and their dragon allies ponder the consequences of Iridikron’s escape at the end of Fractures in Time (10.1.5), they must also prepare for what’s to come with the remaining Incarnates, particularly the menacing Fyrakk, when Fury Incarnate (10.1.7) goes live on September 5!

    Fury Incarnate will come loaded with new and updated features including:

    • Continuing Story Quests and 10.2 Campaign Prologue
      • The next chapters of ongoing stories will be available, teeing up what’s coming later this year in update 10.2.
      • Players can also expect the next chapters of the Reforging Tyr questline.
      • Lastly, quests featuring the Bronze Dragonflight that aim to bring resolution to the flight’s forays into the timeways during the events of Fractures in Time (10.1.5) will be playable!
    • Dawn of the Infinite - Heroic Difficulty
      • This eight-boss Mythic-only mega-dungeon will be split into two queueable Heroic-difficulty dungeons.
    • New Customizations
      • A batch of new customizations will be available for players to try out, including:
        • Heritage armor and associated unlock questlines for Night Elf and Forsaken.
        • Man’ari Eredar customizations will be unlockable for Draenei players with a special questline featuring Prophet Velen.
      • Along with new heritage armor, additional face and body tattoos will be available for Night Elf players, and new skin colors will be available for Forsaken players.
    • New Public Objectives: Dreamsurges
    • Various existing Dragonflight zones will become attuned to the Dream, causing all of the zone’s rares and world quests to drop a special currency. This currency can be used to enable zone-wide buffs and trigger Waking Dream invasion events similar to Time Rifts.
    • Dream-empowered rares can also drop bind-on-account gear tokens (similar to the tokens dropped by rares on the Forbidden Reach), making them a great source for catch-up gear for alts or new and returning players.

    And much more! Additional information and updates to the PTR for 10.1.7 throughout the testing cycle can be found on our In Development forums, as well as the World of Warcraft website.

    This Week in WoW: August 7, 2023
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Each week we’ll look ahead to what’s in store for World of Warcraft, share the latest news, and keep you in the know byte by byte. Get ready for the next Dragonflight content update, Fury Incarnate, when it goes live the week of September 5.

    Fury Incarnate Arrives September 5

    Players can take part in new public events—Dreamsurges—earn Forsaken and Night Elf Heritage Armor, delve into the Heroic difficulty of the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon, and more. Visit our previously published In Development article to learn more, and stay tuned to the official site for previews and information leading up to the launch of the content update.

    News and Events This Week

    • August 6
      • (Event) The Darkmoon Faire Returns
    • August 7
      • (Article) Get in and Get Going: Classic Hardcore Primer
    • August 8
      • (Event) World Quest Bonus Event
      • (Event) PvP Brawl: Packed House
      • (Article) Adventures in Classic Hardcore: What’s Playing
    • August 9
      • (Article) Facing Mortality – What Lies Beyond Death in Classic Hardcore
    • August 10
      • (Article) Classic Hardcore Realms Launch August 24 (Information Hub)
    • August 11
      • (Article) Blues News
      • (Event) Watch the AWC Grand Finals August 11-13 (Beginning at 10:00 am PDT)
    Last edited by Lumy; 2023-08-07 at 06:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Stood in the Fire SNES-1990's Avatar
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    Very formulaic. Invasions + Rares + Soon-to-be-obsolete currency. Yawn.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SNES-1990 View Post
    Very formulaic. Invasions + Rares + Soon-to-be-obsolete currency. Yawn.
    It's just content bro.

  4. #4
    Stood in the Fire SNES-1990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mastacow View Post
    It's just content bro.
    It's wasted potential.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SNES-1990 View Post
    Very formulaic. Invasions + Rares + Soon-to-be-obsolete currency. Yawn.
    its a 10.1.7 patch my guy, its not supposed to be a major patch. .2 will be out eventually

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SNES-1990 View Post
    It's wasted potential.
    Damn, expectations are high for x.x.7 patches.

  7. #7
    Rapid mini patches between major content patches are a good thing. It is even giving you a decent amount of time to finish said content without making you rush yourself.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by SNES-1990 View Post
    Very formulaic. Invasions + Rares + Soon-to-be-obsolete currency. Yawn.
    This guy: "If Blizzard really cared about their players they'd just release 32-boss raids every 5 minutes."

  9. #9
    The content cycle is the best it's ever been right now.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    This guy: "If Blizzard really cared about their players they'd just release 32-boss raids every 5 minutes."
    He is correct tho.

    These mini-invasion events are now overwhelming in DF. What, will we get 3 additional open world assaults in 10.2, 10.2.5 and 10.2.7?
    And not only that, they are entirely useless. The Dragon Isles are full of absolutely worthless open world assault things now.

    Like, I would happily trade in all the open world events of 10.1 (Fyrakk, timerift, dreamsurge) for a 1 or 2 boss mini-raid with some actually interesting rewards.
    They released this roadmap last year, even if all the assets are reused I wouldn't care, these open world cancer cells should stop spreading.

  11. #11
    Epic! Cynical Asshole's Avatar
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    Right. So instead of playing Starfield, I'm gonna play more tired as fuck WoW shit.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    He is correct tho.

    These mini-invasion events are now overwhelming in DF. What, will we get 3 additional open world assaults in 10.2, 10.2.5 and 10.2.7?
    And not only that, they are entirely useless. The Dragon Isles are full of absolutely worthless open world assault things now.

    Like, I would happily trade in all the open world events of 10.1 (Fyrakk, timerift, dreamsurge) for a 1 or 2 boss mini-raid with some actually interesting rewards.
    They released this roadmap last year, even if all the assets are reused I wouldn't care, these open world cancer cells should stop spreading.

    Because Blizzard is desperate to hang on to players. DF started really good but went down hill really fast. So Blizzard is just desperately bombarding players with bribes like free transmogs and trader post and racial armors and what not.

    Like...if everything was same old same old, Blizzard wouldn't give a shit as per usual. All this crap costs money and time to make, and Blizzard is never generous when they don't have to.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    He is correct tho.

    These mini-invasion events are now overwhelming in DF. What, will we get 3 additional open world assaults in 10.2, 10.2.5 and 10.2.7?
    And not only that, they are entirely useless. The Dragon Isles are full of absolutely worthless open world assault things now.

    Like, I would happily trade in all the open world events of 10.1 (Fyrakk, timerift, dreamsurge) for a 1 or 2 boss mini-raid with some actually interesting rewards.
    They released this roadmap last year, even if all the assets are reused I wouldn't care, these open world cancer cells should stop spreading.
    It's a fucking half-way patch. You know what we would have got before they committed to these?

    Literally fucking nothing.

    So unless your argument is "literally fucking nothing is better than something," you're just arguing from a place of entitlement.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    Right. So instead of playing Starfield, I'm gonna play more tired as fuck WoW shit.
    Or you can just play the game you prefer?

    My God yall and your blizzard has a gun to my head and I can't play anything but wow you know what I played yesterday? Yakuza 4, and then a Zelda romhack before that and I played wow 1 day this week to do some stuff with the wife .

    Be the casual you rather be

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by SNES-1990 View Post
    Very formulaic. Invasions + Rares + Soon-to-be-obsolete currency. Yawn.
    I definitely agree with you...BORING

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    He is correct tho.

    These mini-invasion events are now overwhelming in DF. What, will we get 3 additional open world assaults in 10.2, 10.2.5 and 10.2.7?
    And not only that, they are entirely useless. The Dragon Isles are full of absolutely worthless open world assault things now.

    Like, I would happily trade in all the open world events of 10.1 (Fyrakk, timerift, dreamsurge) for a 1 or 2 boss mini-raid with some actually interesting rewards.
    They released this roadmap last year, even if all the assets are reused I wouldn't care, these open world cancer cells should stop spreading.
    He is very correct. Can't be all happy and throwing up skittles in the air when the crap isn't fun.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    It's a fucking half-way patch. You know what we would have got before they committed to these?

    Literally fucking nothing.

    So unless your argument is "literally fucking nothing is better than something," you're just arguing from a place of entitlement.
    Literally fucking nothing would actually be leagues better if we got something meaningful later with that freed up dev time.
    That's my argument.

    We are basically getting inferior Island Expeditions every mini-patch and last time I checked people hated those.
    Somehow making them even more shit each time is such a refreshing take from Blizzard, apparently.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Literally fucking nothing would actually be leagues better if we got something meaningful later with that freed up dev time.
    That's my argument.

    We are basically getting inferior Island Expeditions every mini-patch and last time I checked people hated those.
    Somehow making them even more shit each time is such a refreshing take from Blizzard, apparently.
    "I don't like this content so the very idea that anybody likes this content is alien to me."

    Explain to me, again, how this is anything other than entitlement?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    "I don't like this content so the very idea that anybody likes this content is alien to me."

    Explain to me, again, how this is anything other than entitlement?
    Explain to me why you are entitled for having a new open world assault designed for every single patch then. Or is that not entitlement at this point?
    How many do we need exactly? We had one in every single patch so far in DF.

    10.1.7 is just the point where the cup ran over for me.
    Literally everything added in this expansion as 'side' content (not Raid or M+) is dogshit.

    I expect Mechagons. I expect Torghasts. I expect more than the 5th or so open world AoE farming afk simulator.
    I'm not gonna say that there are no people who 'like this content' but I am gonna say that those players are objectively speds.

    Blizzard literally does the bare minimum now as far as 'new content' goes and they get away with it.
    For some reason people who hated Island Expeditions and Warfronts now cheer them on cuz they are open world. Absolutely fucking lunacy.

    But I guess I'm wrong. I bet people loved AoE farming the Cobalt Assembly so much during the 1st week of DF that this is now the golden standard for new content.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Garymorilix View Post
    Explain to me why you are entitled for having a new open world assault designed for every single patch then. Or is that not entitlement at this point?
    How many do we need exactly? We had one in every single patch so far in DF.

    10.1.7 is just the point where the cup ran over for me.
    Literally everything added in this expansion as 'side' content (not Raid or M+) is dogshit.

    I expect Mechagons. I expect Torghasts. I expect more than the 5th or so open world AoE farming afk simulator.
    I'm not gonna say that there are no people who 'like this content' but I am gonna say that those players are objectively speds.

    Blizzard literally does the bare minimum now as far as 'new content' goes and they get away with it.
    For some reason people who hated Island Expeditions and Warfronts now cheer them on cuz they are open world. Absolutely fucking lunacy.

    But I guess I'm wrong. I bet people loved AoE farming the Cobalt Assembly so much during the 1st week of DF that this is now the golden standard for new content.
    Why are you out here making absolutist arguments?

    "Everybody" doesn't need to enjoy every fixture of every content patch. There have been full on systems that I have simply never engaged with because the gameplay loop didn't entice me. I'm okay with that. I'm not going to argue that because Blizzard introduced a few things that I didn't like that they're wasting development time on the stuff I do like. It's fine to be less-than-enthused with this content if it's not for you but it's not okay to demand Blizzard literally do nothing instead. It is something and I will always argue that something is better than nothing.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Why are you out here making absolutist arguments?

    "Everybody" doesn't need to enjoy every fixture of every content patch.
    He's not talking about enjoyment - he's talking about shit content, and he's right. The content's shit, but you might still enjoy it. But it's shit. And it's been like that since day 1 of DF, sadly, so the soup event was a sign of things to come. Do you enjoy the soup event? Fair play, you can enjoy it. But it's shit - a low effort, mind-numbingly boring repeatable shit. That's the argument.
    Last edited by Rageonit; 2023-08-07 at 10:46 PM.

  20. #20
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    "in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes and people complaining about everything little thing they can on MMO-Champion"

    It's a fucking *.7 patch, mainly used to catch up gear wise for the upcoming season...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rageonit View Post
    He's not talking about enjoyment - he's talking about shit content, and he's right. The content's shit, but you might still enjoy it. But it's shit. And it's been like that since day 1 of DF, sadly, so the soup event was a sign of things to come. Do you enjoy the soup event? Fair play, you can enjoy it. But it's shit - a low effort, mind-numbingly boring repeatable shit. That's the argument.
    It's shit to you. You forgot that important part.

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