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  1. #1

    Let's talk music

    I just started 10.2 and i cant get over the amazing music. Some of the best I heard in YEARS in WoW. Damn the magic just got me again. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    The only track I particularly liked is Amirdrassil. Dream's Hope and Dreamsurge were almost there but not good enough to add to my favorite's playlist. Overall okay but not exceptional patch in terms of music. At least it wasn't mediocre like the 10.1 OST.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    Music started to get worse and worse after they sacked Brower imo.
    Yeah. MoP and then especially WoD was the peak. Almost every track was a banger. Then you reach Legion and suddenly most of the soundtrack is a snore with only a handful of worth listening to outside of the game.

  4. #4
    Kul Tiras/Boralus music is the best in the game alongside Cata (Thaurissan Reach, Nightsong) and Legion's Anduin theme.

    I like that some main characters/races have their own theme easily recognisable but there are some very important characters that don't have one like Thrall.

  5. #5
    Mechagnome Ameonna's Avatar
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    I also really like the musics in this patch! Very good!

    I want to share something with you guys!

    Listen to this 2 parts :

    10.2 :

    4.2 :

    I love how they remixed the music!

  6. #6
    I really liked the WC2 throwback songs they made at the end of BFA. I wish they would do more of that and just remake the entire WC2 soundtrack.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    Music started to get worse and worse after they sacked Brower imo.

    This x10 characters.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I really liked the WC2 throwback songs they made at the end of BFA. I wish they would do more of that and just remake the entire WC2 soundtrack.
    BFA in general had absolutely dope music. Both Dazar'alor and Boralus have great themes, Nazjatar is no slouch either, and I remember the N'yalotha theme being pretty atmospheric too.

    In general I think only Shadowlands had broadly underwhelming music, aside from the Revendreth track which was quite good.
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  9. #9
    I’ve never really been a fan of the music but I’ve always loved the ambient music in the game. Something that’s never really talked about.

  10. #10
    Do people have music on in game? I've always found that wows music is inappropriate for what you're doing... Listening to a soft lullaby while I'm in battle or epic battle music while I'm sitting in org doing nothing but tryna chill. Not to mention the lack of dynamic music based on what you're doing. Overall I don't like wows music at all.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by PumpkinLicker View Post
    Do people have music on in game?
    I do. The only time I ever turned it off was when I was doing very, very long and tedious rep grinds like the Shaohao rep, or killing Garrosh 500 times to get the Tusks of Mannoroth. I listened to podcasts during those.

    Listening to a soft lullaby while I'm in battle
    I think it conveys the mood of the zone. The problem with battle music for normal encounters in an MMO like WoW or a WoW clone like FFXIV is that mob fights on the overworld end too quickly, so you wouldn't get to hear the music ramp up like in a longer turn based JRPG battle, but you also get into battles a lot in the overworld so hearing the battle music fade in and out repeatedly would become annoying. So I think it's preferable that you just hear the zone music all the time. I turned off FFXIV's normal overworld battle music for the same reason (not to mention that some of the tracks like Shadowbringer's or Endwalker's battle music are unpleasant to listen to). Battle music in FF11 works because of the duration of the battles, and because they don't constantly fade in and out during a grinding session.

    epic battle music while I'm sitting in org doing nothing but tryna chill
    WoW has very, very little battle music. Outside of PvP map themes, I can only recall the Druids of the Flame theme from 4.2 Firelands (when you fight the phoenix), and then there was a big gap until quite recently with the Rastakhan fight in BFA. And of those few battle themes, they're usually not that memorable compared to JRPG battle music IMO.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I do. The only time I ever turned it off was when I was doing very, very long and tedious rep grinds like the Shaohao rep, or killing Garrosh 500 times to get the Tusks of Mannoroth. I listened to podcasts during those.

    I think it conveys the mood of the zone. The problem with battle music for normal encounters in an MMO like WoW or a WoW clone like FFXIV is that mob fights on the overworld end too quickly, so you wouldn't get to hear the music ramp up like in a longer turn based JRPG battle, but you also get into battles a lot in the overworld so hearing the battle music fade in and out repeatedly would become annoying. So I think it's preferable that you just hear the zone music all the time. I turned off FFXIV's normal overworld battle music for the same reason (not to mention that some of the tracks like Shadowbringer's or Endwalker's battle music are unpleasant to listen to). Battle music in FF11 works because of the duration of the battles, and because they don't constantly fade in and out during a grinding session.

    WoW has very, very little battle music. Outside of PvP map themes, I can only recall the Druids of the Flame theme from 4.2 Firelands (when you fight the phoenix), and then there was a big gap until quite recently with the Rastakhan fight in BFA. And of those few battle themes, they're usually not that memorable compared to JRPG battle music IMO.
    I guess when you're a DPS fights don't last too long but I play healers and do mass pulls in the overworld which can take some time to kill. Overall though I think if I have the option I'll just play with music off because I find it a little jarring to play with music turned on. ESO does battle music and it's the only game I can have the music turned on in when it comes to MMOs. But it's also an immersion thing so I guess to each their own.

    I don't mind wows music in isolation but in game, nah hard pass I think

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by FuujCraft View Post
    I just started 10.2 and i cant get over the amazing music. Some of the best I heard in YEARS in WoW. Damn the magic just got me again. What do you guys think?
    Nothing beats this:

  14. #14
    Wrath had some great ones. Sholazar basin is one of my favorites.
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  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ablib View Post
    This x10 characters.
    Funny you say that because Bower returned to compose some of the 10.2 music.

  16. #16
    Mechagnome Ameonna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    Music started to get worse and worse after they sacked Brower imo.
    Yeah right, you mean the guy who made the annoying Legion music like the "dark titan" theme which is like awful to listen?

    Also i will remind you that this was not made by Russel Brwoer :

    So yeah, never really understood the Brower bias.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PumpkinLicker View Post
    Do people have music on in game? I've always found that wows music is inappropriate for what you're doing... Listening to a soft lullaby while I'm in battle or epic battle music while I'm sitting in org doing nothing but tryna chill. Not to mention the lack of dynamic music based on what you're doing. Overall I don't like wows music at all.
    Funny how the message begins with "do people play wiht music on" and end with "i dont like" its like "i dont like so why other like it?" lmao

    And i mean its your right to not like, but dont be surprised others do.

  17. #17
    Pandaren Monk Pakheth's Avatar
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    I like the music. not as memorable, but in some of the songs you can hear remnants of the Suramar music and that's kinda neat.

  18. #18
    Mechagnome Ameonna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    Brower had banger after banger of both epic and ambience. BFA had like two good pieces at most and you linked one of them.

    Shadowlands had one and it was Ardenweald.

    Dragonflight has nothing memorable or beautiful. Wouldn't be surprised if it's AI generated music.

    Brower was to Blizzard what Uematsu and Soken are/were to Square.
    2 memorable musics at most? Excuses me? Ok let meshow that you say bs by linking you at least 10 good ones from bfa :

    Arathi warfront :

    Darkshore warfront :

    Zuldazar :

    Boralus :

    Mechagon :

    Nazjatar :

    Rescute Baine music :

    Crucible of Storms :

    Sethrak :

    Dark Iron Allied race :

    Now i guess you can take back what you said.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    Music started to get worse and worse after they sacked Brower imo.
    Good to know, cause Brower literally worked on some of the music in the new zone so uh yeah.

  20. #20
    BFA was pumped full of good music. Only the last patch was slightly lacking, but otherwise good mix of both ambient and battle tunes all the way.
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