Problem is, you never stated it as a personnal opinion, you always tried to say that Brower was the hanz zimmer of blizzard or something, you never said "imo" you just said it right now in your very last post, but other posts you just tried to say that no bfa had just 2 good musics, while i am sorry but Legion had a tons of lame music....
Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2023-11-10 at 09:21 PM.
I've caught whiffs of leitmotif from Teldrassil and Suramar in particular, which is really fitting.
This whole zone feels like a love letter to the night elves and everything they've lost. I have not felt more at home in WoW since the moment I appeared on that tree.
To quote Ilthalaine :
"For so long I helped guide young, ambitious elves to find their path.
Now I am at the beginning of my own adventure. I wonder, is this how they felt, stepping into a new grove for the first time?"
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Holy shit I never got to appreciate the alliance side nelf warfront music playing that one basically entirely horde side at the time. Wow.
Literally made no comment about other peoples taste. When people ask "do people do x" it's extremely common that they are asking if it's the majority. I know a lot of people have issues reading between the lines though so please let me rephrase.
Do most people listen to the music in wow while they play? Because I personally don't and I thought I was the majority in this case.
I mean music is very much a subjective thing.
I really liked the boralus and freehold battle themes, the azerite theme, Aszhara battle theme, darkshore night warrior/forsaken themes. Zin aszhari is also great.
the only you linked isn't really great to just listen to, but it's really great ambient soundtrack that fits the mysterious deep underwater vibe.
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
DF has the most unremarkable soundtrack after Shadowlands. It's borderline bad, but not as bad as the ear violation that's the Bastion & Kyrian music.
After BFA it was all downhill for some reason. I suspect something fundamental changed in their music making process then.
It's been leaning 'generic MMO music' hard until I heard that Emerald Dream track.
People sleep on 9.2 music. The whole Zereth Mortis soundscape was amazing, and I loved the motifs in the zone and throughout the raid, especially Halondrus and Rygelon. I think the Broker instrumentation throughout Shadowlands was compelling too.
I vehemently think that BFA is the best incarnation of neo-WoW's more cinematic music direction, which is distinct from the ambient music that they shifted away from after MoP. The whole audio treatment of Boralus and Zandalar, the Azerite theme, how epic Mechagon was in general... Really really fucking good.
Legitimately, anyone who claims that WoW music as a whole is "bad," or that an expansion was a complete dud is being straight up philistine. I do find Dragonflight's OST to technically be the worst, but I still love little elements like the banjo in Waking Shores and the horns in Maruukai.
There's one track in the game that sounds a lot like the Temple of the Moon music in Darnassus. That was nice.
Imo every expansion has really good tracks, very bland tracks and very bad tracks. But with music a lot of it is subjective. I personally can't stand most of the tracks from Cata and WoD, but those expansions also has some real bangers I absolutely love.
Tracks I loved in Cata: Gilneas music in general, Dark Iron, the login screen theme climax. WoD: Talador.
Personally I found a lot of the music in DF to be very good and very easy to hum along to, which in my mind makes it good. If I find tracks to be too noisy and repetitive I tend to hit ctrl+m faster than lightning. Looking at you Orgrimmar main theme.
DF music I like: Parts of Azure Span and the Tuskarr, the Waking Shore, Valdrakken, Titan related stuff.
What I long for are simple more ambient tracks like we had in Vanilla, TBC, Wotlk and MoP. Those tracks had a nice hummable tune with few instrumental components. It lets its tune play a major part and lets that be their major strength. Not everything needs to be super epic all the time, like Legion music was. It got tiresome real fast.
Music from that era I like: Ashenvale, Mulgore, Barrens, Hellfire Peninsula, Terokkar Forest, Howling Fjord, Storm Peaks, Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, Jade Forest, parts of Kun-Lai Summit.
Others: Suramar, Stormheim, Anduin's Theme, Zul'dazar, Zin Aszhari.
If we are being honest, WoW has more bangers than losers when it comes to the area of music. I know it's edgy, hip, and cool to hate on all things modern WoW,, but Shadowlands and Dragonflight have good music too.
Seriously, WoW just has great music. For whatever faults exist in this game, music is not one of them.
Princesses can kill knights to rescue dragons.
Some parts in ED is pretty good yeah!
Dragonflight overall pretty average I must say. Nothing really stands out, so 10.2 stepped it up for sure.
Best part of this expansion was the music in Court of Stars and Freehold![]()
World of Warcraft stuff