I'm talking about Bwonsamdi. He's the Loa of Death.
All Loas punish or bless. You can't attribute it just to him. You need him to specialize in his area of expertise: the dead.
You would call Zul'jin a Warrior? I disagree
An Axethrower.
He's, definitely, not a Shadow Hunter.
Water doesn't belong in the Shadow Hunter. Neither do ancestral spirits. Totems are common in all specs, not just resto.The Shaman in WC3 wasn't a healer. Neither was the Farseer. Restoration spec doesn't even exist from the original source, as the WC3 Shamans weren't healers at all.
Do you know where Orcs got their healing from? Witchdoctors and Shadow Hunters
So if you want to take out what doesn't belong and give it to Shadow Hunters, you're asking to remove the entire Restoration spec. Totems and all.