1. #8081
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    I'm fairly sure Rootlands is going to be part of the last patch. My guess is: whatever Gallywix is doing causes that black blood to seep into the Rootlands and cause everything in there to become corrupted, which would bring the harronir into focus again as it'd force them out of hiding/reclusion to deal with it, and we end up helping them.
    At this point, I'm expecting Rootlands to be the zone with the Worldcore as the raid. The most compelling prediction I've seen for it imo involved the roots breaching the Worldcore as Elune's attempt to free the Azeroth's soul from the Titans, but we'll see. Really, I'm just hoping that they include both of them and do them justice, with a compelling reason for them to be together when they each sounded like they could carry a patch on their own.

    But this is getting off topic for class speculation, so I probably shouldn't continue this here.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2024-11-30 at 03:21 AM.

  2. #8082
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    I know I just said I shouldn't feed this, but this is so baffling that I couldn't resist...

    Yeah, I have absolutely no clue what you even think the Cosmic Void is at this point, but it's clearly not what we're actually seeing in the game. That is a very good example of the classic Old God style magic, with absolutely no similarities to the Cosmic Void that we've been discussing. Not just in color- nothing about it resembles the Cosmic stuff we've been facing. The tentacles and shadows- right now those themes are only present for stuff related to the Black Blood, like Bloodbound Horror- where it actually fits as an Old God thing.

    It's completely different and distinct from the vast majority of Void content we're seeing. Just look at Ky'veza for a particularly obvious example- how can you possibly think that your screenshot is anywhere near the same theme as that!? And you constantly bring up Shadow Priest having stuff that's completely unrelated to the Cosmic aspects as if that somehow gives them Cosmic Void. You bring up Old God stuff, psychic powers, minions... all of that is solidly within the classic Shadow/Old God domain, and very different from every bit of Cosmic Void that we've been facing. The closest overlap we've had was Sarkareth's Null Glimmers and Ky'veza's echoes vaguely resembling apparitions.

    Seriously, apart from vastly exaggerating Entropic Rift's impact, every single thing you've tried to push has completely contradicted your own point. You know you won't be able to properly debate something- whether for or against- if you don't at least acknowledge what it actually is, right?
    Okay, so like I asked you in the previous post; What is a mechanical difference between void magic used by Shadow Priest and cosmic void magic that you're talking about?

    Literally anything of consequence, to start?

    Every bit of it is just passive effects that occur while playing Shadow normally, doing stuff that fits the Old God theme rather than Cosmic Void. The playstyle and rotation impact is minimal and mostly amounts to raising the reskinned Mind Blast's priority while the Rift is up. You're still using Old God magic, shadows, dots, etc. almost exclusively, just with actual Void stuff happening passively with minimal engagement.
    Well that "reskinned Mind Blast" (Void Blast) extends the duration of the Rift. The "Old God magic DoTs" expand the rift's size and power. The rift itself slows enemies within it, increasing the power of the slow the closer they are to its center. Meanwhile the tree grants you the ability to summon a Void Wraith that casts Void Flay which is yet more cosmic void magic.

    I don't see how you can view that as minimal engagement when you're actively manipulating a void-based anomaly that is enhanced and extended by your gameplay.

    Anyway, I'm done with this now- like I said, you've made it clear that you have no intention to actually acknowledge anything we're actually seeing about the Cosmic Void, despite the many clear examples all over this expansion, so there's nowhere this can go except in circles.
    Because you're not explaining what Shadow Priest is supposedly missing outside of cosmetics.

    I'd be incredibly shocked if the Rootlands was actually removed. It was always the most heavily-teased future content for TWW (now alongside the Worldcore), but it was always a question of when it would come, not if. With Undermine now in play, it just seems like the Rootlands getting a longer buildup fo 11.2 rather than the immediate upcoming tier (probably combined with the Worldcore since there's no time left for that otherwise).

    I mean, it's possible that it could have just been a fakeout entirely, but the odds of that happening with something so important (given its importance to Elune and Eonar's lore) are far too low to base theories around that. The most likely answer here by far is that it was always going to be Undermine in 11.1 and Rootlands/Worldcore in 11.2.
    Is there any evidence that Rootlands is 11.2? It would be strange for Blizzard to have two expansions ending with us fighting in a forest.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Go back to each and watch every Blizzcon where they announce a new expansion and talk about it, then tell me if they have ever discussed X.1 patch content in that same Blizzcon event. Did Blizzard talk about Korthia when they announced Shadowlands? Did they talk about mechagnomes when they announced BfA? Did they talk about how we would return to Karazhan when they announced the Legion expansion?

    Because goblins and Undermine were not part of the first season of TWW's main story. Because Blizzard never talks about the contents of first content patches during the expansion's announcement.
    Gazlowe was a part of the first part of TWW main story though. He played a sizable role in the Azj Khenet campaign for example, and he's going to play a sizable role in 11.0.7.

    You're just going to continue insisting on that lie no matter how many times I correct you, aren't you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    It doesn't change the fact that Gazlowe was not announced as a major player in the TWW expansion, which means he won't be a major player in the TWW expansion. There's no ambiguity in that, either. Being featured on a book doesn't guarantee that the character is going to be featured prominently, or even 'likely' to be a major part of it.

    Nah-ah. You don't get to play bait-and-switch here. We're not talking about books. We're talking about the expansion and the story it'll be telling. And, if you actually watched the presentation, you'd know that Gazlowe was not announced as part of the expansion, but Magni was.
    Is this you?

  3. #8083
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Gazlowe was a part of the first part of TWW main story though. He played a sizable role in the Azj Khenet campaign for example, and he's going to play a sizable role in 11.0.7.
    "Sizable"? He had a minor part. Don't try to equate his part in the story so far to Vereesa's, Magni's or Anduin's journeys.

    And 11.0.7 is not launch content.

    Is this you?
    Read the context: this is in response to you saying Gazlowe is going to be a major player because of his short story book.

    Not to mention that from what we've been told about 11.1 so far, Undermine's inclusion in this expansion feels more like a checkbox to tick than having actual relevance to the story being told. Like "it's underground so we gotta add Undermine" rather than "Undermine is a natural fit to this story about the Xal'atath". A threat that is separate from the expansion's main story. A "sidequest", like Mechagon is so tonally different from the rest of BfA: while the Alliance and the Horde are hard at war, heroes from both factions are working together to help Mechagnomes with a threat completely unrelated to the expansion's main arc. Only instead of being just a zone, it's an entire content patch.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  4. #8084
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    "Sizable"? He had a minor part. Don't try to equate his part in the story so far to Vereesa's, Magni's or Anduin's journeys.
    I'm pretty sure he helped Faerin Lothar stop the Nerubian invasion of Hallowfall.

    And 11.0.7 is not launch content.
    It's before 11.1. The point is that Gazlowe had a sizeable part to play throughout the first part of the expansion. It's not like he was completely absent. And of course he's obviously going to play a massive role in the next part of the expansion.

    Clearly such a character with such a role in the expansion deserves at least a mention at BlizzCon.

    Read the context: this is in response to you saying Gazlowe is going to be a major player because of his short story book.
    You said that he wasn't going to be a major character in the expansion at all because he wasn't revealed at BlizzCon, and that him being in the book didn't matter because if he was going to be a major character, he would have been revealed at BlizzCon. Here we are months later, and yes Gazlowe is a major character in this expansion as predicted.

    Not to mention that from what we've been told about 11.1 so far, Undermine's inclusion in this expansion feels more like a checkbox to tick than having actual relevance to the story being told. Like "it's underground so we gotta add Undermine" rather than "Undermine is a natural fit to this story about the Xal'atath". A threat that is separate from the expansion's main story. A "sidequest", like Mechagon is so tonally different from the rest of BfA: while the Alliance and the Horde are hard at war, heroes from both factions are working together to help Mechagnomes with a threat completely unrelated to the expansion's main arc. Only instead of being just a zone, it's an entire content patch.
    Which is a point I made in my "evidence of a potential Tinker class" post. Undermine does feel somewhat out of place, as do the Goblins and Gazlowe. Like none of that content needs to be in here to tell the story of The War Within, or the WSS in general. So that begs the question why were they included? Why are they playing such a huge role in this expansion? Because even if they're a side quest, they're taking up a major patch and getting an entire zone and a raid dedicated to them.

    It also makes their full role in this expansion somewhat hidden by Blizzard all the more interesting. Why didn't Blizzard reveal Gazlowe at BlizzCon but revealed him in the short stories? Again, Gazlowe is not a minor Warcraft character, he's a rather major one, and Blizzard knowing they were going to have an entire Goblin patch coming in 11.1, along with him participating in Azj Khenet, it is rather odd that he wasn't shown at all during their presentation.

    Ah well, it's all speculation of course. I know you're not into that sort of thing, so we'll just leave it at that. Feel free to have the last word.

  5. #8085
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Okay, so like I asked you in the previous post; What is a mechanical difference between void magic used by Shadow Priest and cosmic void magic that you're talking about?

    Because you're not explaining what Shadow Priest is supposedly missing outside of cosmetics.
    Well, at least you're addressing a different question this time so I'll try one more time...

    While mechanics are mostly an arbitrary issue here as the devs can and would create new, distinct gameplay for any theme they want to make a class for, it's clear imo that Shadow Priests' DoT-focused gameplay is a massive thematic mismatch for a power that's consistently been portrayed by raw, explosive, destructive force. Look at Cosmic Void abilities and see the trends there- ripping open space itself is a common theme. Sarkareth throwing meteors at you. Sarkareth's Void Bombs. Summoning and detonating a star for a supernova (Plunderstorm comes to mind). Pulling you in and crushing you with gravity (Stormguard Gorren, and I think Alleria in that quest at the end of Hallowfall?)

    Shadow Priest are, and always will be (short of a massive redesign like Survival and Demo in Legion) about DoTs, corruption, insanity, psychic powers, etc. It's a great fit for something that's clearly based off of the Old Gods' powers, but not at all for how the Cosmic Void we're facing how consistently fights.

    There's plenty of ways they could go with that theme, but focusing on big individual hits seems like an obvious fit. Maybe something involving slightly delayed hits- like an attack that summons a star or comet, with the supernova or comet hitting a few seconds later? Whatever the gameplay, I would personally base it off of Void Ethereals like Ky'veza.

    Well that "reskinned Mind Blast" (Void Blast) extends the duration of the Rift. The "Old God magic DoTs" expand the rift's size and power. The rift itself slows enemies within it, increasing the power of the slow the closer they are to its center. Meanwhile the tree grants you the ability to summon a Void Wraith that casts Void Flay which is yet more cosmic void magic.

    I don't see how you can view that as minimal engagement when you're actively manipulating a void-based anomaly that is enhanced and extended by your gameplay.
    Again, all of that happens automatically as you play normally with skills that fit a completely different theme. It's a cool animation that has minimal impact on your gameplay (as the vast majority of it happens naturally anyway, making Void Blast's higher priority the only impact- and even that is minor) and isn't nearly enough to fundamentally change Priest's core identity.

    Is there any evidence that Rootlands is 11.2? It would be strange for Blizzard to have two expansions ending with us fighting in a forest.
    The fact that the Haranir and roots were clearly set up as a massive unresolved plot hook, mainly. They're obviously building to something with them, with their big secret, Orwenya's focus in the cinematic, and her mysterious upcoming quest. If that's not going to be resolved in 11.1, then that leaves the expansion's climax.

    And if you see the other post I made here on the matter, at this point I'm expecting it to be linked to the Worldcore since that's the other glaring inaccessible hook that's left to cover- with Rootlands as the zone and the Worldcore as the raid. A Titan installation filled with their constructs and Xal'atath attacking to reach the core would be very different from Amirdrassil.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2024-11-30 at 07:19 AM.

  6. #8086
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    It can be a Hero Talent, i guess.

    Thought the same thing.
    Can only see that as viable. Though, not quite sure how the implementation of an anti-magic class would be.
    Yeah that could work too. The hero talent thing. I just feel like if they DID add a tinker class then to NOT use Titan-Tech somewhere would be a missed opportunity.

  7. #8087
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    The problem is really two-fold though; Gazlowe would have to be a major character in The Last Titan to justify a class based on him being introduced in that expansion. The other problem is that the Gazlowe-based technology concept has established abilities and attributes from HotS and WC3. Some of those HotS abilities have already been translated into WoW.
    It can be High Tinker Mekkatorque or both of them. You know, it can't just be Goblin technology if it's going to be a class for both factions. They'd be like the 2 class representatives we get every time a new class is introduced: Thassarian and Koltira; Aysa and Ji; Altruis and Kayn; Azurathel and Cindrethresh. A new class can't be represented by a faction-exclusive NPC. Arthas, Chen, Illidan are all neutral. Gazlowe is Horde. That just doesn't work. We need a neutral character for that, like Mimiron, Brinthe or something like that...

    I'd just like to remind everyone that the last time a large portion of a HotS character's abilities were ported into WoW, that character's class became playable (Sylvanas).
    As part of an existing class. So, you're basically saying Tinker is going to be integrated into an existing class. Great logic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiark View Post
    Yeah that could work too. The hero talent thing. I just feel like if they DID add a tinker class then to NOT use Titan-Tech somewhere would be a missed opportunity.
    What's so iconic about titan tech?

  8. #8088
    Anyone remember the Chaos Marauder from Warhammer Online, with the cool mutations ?

    How about just that, but with Void mutations instead ? Tentacles, crab claws, etc.

    A Void Ranger, kind of a DH equivalent for the Void. Versatile mid-range class, using mutations for durability and melee, rifts for mobility and void spells for crowd control.

    It would be appropriate in the saga's theme, give some spotlight to the Void elves as the trainers (meaning the class doesn't have to be restricted to them) and give us a class that is fully on the Void/Shadow theme, not just one spec among three like the Shadow Priest.

  9. #8089
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    I know I just said I shouldn't feed this, but this is so baffling that I couldn't resist...

    Yeah, I have absolutely no clue what you even think the Cosmic Void is at this point, but it's clearly not what we're actually seeing in the game. That is a very good example of the classic Old God style magic, with absolutely no similarities to the Cosmic Void that we've been discussing. Not just in color- nothing about it resembles the Cosmic stuff we've been facing. The tentacles and shadows- right now those themes are only present for stuff related to the Black Blood, like Bloodbound Horror- where it actually fits as an Old God thing.

    It's completely different and distinct from the vast majority of Void content we're seeing. Just look at Ky'veza for a particularly obvious example- how can you possibly think that your screenshot is anywhere near the same theme as that!? And you constantly bring up Shadow Priest having stuff that's completely unrelated to the Cosmic aspects as if that somehow gives them Cosmic Void. You bring up Old God stuff, psychic powers, minions... all of that is solidly within the classic Shadow/Old God domain, and very different from every bit of Cosmic Void that we've been facing. The closest overlap we've had was Sarkareth's Null Glimmers and Ky'veza's echoes vaguely resembling apparitions.

    Seriously, apart from vastly exaggerating Entropic Rift's impact, every single thing you've tried to push has completely contradicted your own point. You know you won't be able to properly debate something- whether for or against- if you don't at least acknowledge what it actually is, right?

    Literally anything of consequence, to start?

    Every bit of it is just passive effects that occur while playing Shadow normally, doing stuff that fits the Old God theme rather than Cosmic Void. The playstyle and rotation impact is minimal and mostly amounts to raising the reskinned Mind Blast's priority while the Rift is up. You're still using Old God magic, shadows, dots, etc. almost exclusively, just with actual Void stuff happening passively with minimal engagement.

    Anyway, I'm done with this now- like I said, you've made it clear that you have no intention to actually acknowledge anything we're actually seeing about the Cosmic Void, despite the many clear examples all over this expansion, so there's nowhere this can go except in circles.

    I'd be incredibly shocked if the Rootlands was actually removed. It was always the most heavily-teased future content for TWW (now alongside the Worldcore), but it was always a question of when it would come, not if. With Undermine now in play, it just seems like the Rootlands getting a longer buildup fo 11.2 rather than the immediate upcoming tier (probably combined with the Worldcore since there's no time left for that otherwise).

    I mean, it's possible that it could have just been a fakeout entirely, but the odds of that happening with something so important (given its importance to Elune and Eonar's lore) are far too low to base theories around that. The most likely answer here by far is that it was always going to be Undermine in 11.1 and Rootlands/Worldcore in 11.2.
    how would you feel about a demon hunter spec based off ky'veza/etherals with void magic replacing the fel and bringing demon hunters to void elves

  10. #8090
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    how would you feel about a demon hunter spec based off ky'veza/etherals with void magic replacing the fel and bringing demon hunters to void elves
    Seems like a pretty arbitrary mix that fits together even less that Shadow Priests and Cosmic Void. Sure, Demon Hunters are cool too, and I'm all for opening them up to more races (and adding a third spec, though I think a Fel Archer like that DH/Hunter hybrid card from Hearthstone would fit better), but their entire fantasy revolves around the demon inside them. Replace that, and you don't really have a Demon Hunter at all anymore.

    The Ky'veza/Ethereal inspired Void-user part would be great, and still what I think is the most likely next class, but it's distinct enough that I feel like it should really be its own thing if it happens at all.

  11. #8091
    Quote Originally Posted by DatToffer View Post
    Anyone remember the Chaos Marauder from Warhammer Online, with the cool mutations ?

    How about just that, but with Void mutations instead ? Tentacles, crab claws, etc.

    A Void Ranger, kind of a DH equivalent for the Void. Versatile mid-range class, using mutations for durability and melee, rifts for mobility and void spells for crowd control.

    It would be appropriate in the saga's theme, give some spotlight to the Void elves as the trainers (meaning the class doesn't have to be restricted to them) and give us a class that is fully on the Void/Shadow theme, not just one spec among three like the Shadow Priest.
    Mutations are Old Goddish. Cosmic Void isn't about that.

  12. #8092
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Mutations are Old Goddish. Cosmic Void isn't about that.
    And ? Old Gods were birthed by the "Cosmic Void", even if it makes a difference, Void practitioners can do both.

  13. #8093
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    Seems like a pretty arbitrary mix that fits together even less that Shadow Priests and Cosmic Void. Sure, Demon Hunters are cool too, and I'm all for opening them up to more races (and adding a third spec, though I think a Fel Archer like that DH/Hunter hybrid card from Hearthstone would fit better), but their entire fantasy revolves around the demon inside them. Replace that, and you don't really have a Demon Hunter at all anymore.

    The Ky'veza/Ethereal inspired Void-user part would be great, and still what I think is the most likely next class, but it's distinct enough that I feel like it should really be its own thing if it happens at all.
    I see it as less demon hunters are inherently tied to demons and more of, people who become demon hunters will wield even "taboo" powers to destroy their enemies and would assume a dh 3rd spec would arrive along side some story info tying into void elves learning to undergo a similar ritual to demon hunters consuming the essence of a void creature (maybe voidwalkers??) to "fight fire with fire" just like demon hunters did vs the legion or like how Alleria slurped up that void Narru (i think, its been a hot minute sense legion)

    it would be able to have a pretty solid mechanical identity with things the void already represents, especially if they took some of the existing havoc gameplay elements to open up more room for havoc currently, which would Ideally be taking the movement mechanics to a new spec, opening up a new corner of the spec tree for havoc to get more single target focused talents and preventing the friction of movement talents in the dh community (play havoc if you dont want it, void blade if you do or vice versa depending) + demon hunters were prolific abusers of void corruptions in BFA so harkening back to something similar to infinite stars could be interesting

  14. #8094
    Quote Originally Posted by DatToffer View Post
    And ? Old Gods were birthed by the "Cosmic Void", even if it makes a difference, Void practitioners can do both.
    Yes. But people want Cosmic Void to be distinguished from Old God Void.

  15. #8095
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Yes. But people want Cosmic Void to be distinguished from Old God Void.
    Damn, all two of them people ?

  16. #8096
    We need a second class that can use Bows/Crossbows/Guns tbh. A Void themed class, with a Void-ranger-ish spec based on Alleria I guess alongside a melee spec and a tank one perhaps would make a lot of sense for Midnight. It would also create a decent amount of hype imo.

    I just don't see it with Tinkers. I know there's some advocates for it on here but Tinker doesn't have the same pull as the Void I think. Not to mention that if it's restricted to only Goblin/Gnome it's pretty much dead on arrival imo.

  17. #8097
    It's always impressive how people fall for Teriz discussion, knowing full well they lead nowhere.

    Since there is no real new news about anything that can point to the future classes of Midnight/TLT at the moment, we don't already know, how about some purely mechanical discussion?

    we currently have 3 classes each that use plate, mail and cloth armor, and 4 classes that use leather. I think everyone aligns on that the next class will not be a leather using class. But then, what armor type next? Some would say cloth, as it is the only armor type without a new class since classic, yet i would argue still for mail. Cloth got 78 different tier sets since classic (26 class specific tiers, times 3 classes), plate has 72 different tier sets since classic (26 class specific tiers, times 3, minus tier 1-6 for DKS), and mail had only 56 different tier sets since classic (26 class specific tiers, times 2, plus 4 evoker sets). and 73 for leather. So, mail is the armor type with the least amount of styles, and also the one armor type that often get ridiculed for its set looks. Adding another mail class gives more variety in their design. (also, if we look at the mail questing and open world sets for legion, they are quite designed to fit demon hunters, so i guess blizzard wanted to make a mail class back then already, but decided otherwise in the end)

    Next, we have currently 6 tank classes, 6 healer classes, 9 melee DPS classes, 7 ranged DPS classes. So a ranged DPS class should be next, right? well... if we look at specs instead of class we have 6 tank specs, 7 healer specs,13 melee DPS specs, 13 ranged DPS specs. Suddenly ranged and melee are the same, but healers are above tanks. With this in mind, i think the next class should have a melee and ranged DPS spec, something no new class every added (DK, Monk, DH all are pure melee, and Evoker is pure ranged), and the only classes that have ranged and melee DPS specs are Hunter, Shaman and Druid. So adding on that can be both would be nice. Also, since healers are technically more represented, another tank would fit. And we don't have a class that has a tank, melee DPS and ranged DPS spec, outside of druid who has all specs.

    So, given that logic, the next class will be: Mail using Tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS.

    Now would be the question of itemizations through weapons. Since this class has a ranged DPS spec, it is now to decide if it is using weapons for ranged DPS or magic. And i think the choice would be easy: ranged weapons. All ranged DPS, except the two ranged Hunter specs, use magic. So having the ranged DPS spec use ranged weapons instead of magic should be the choice.

    As for their melee and tank weapons: That is a bit more nuanced. The weapons from least used to most used are: Warglaives (1 class), Two Handed Swords (5 classes),Two-Handed Axes(6 classes), Two-Handed Maces(6 classes), Polearms (6 classes), Fist Weapons (8 classes), One-Handed Axes (9 classes), One-Handed Maces (9 classes), Daggers (9 classes), Staves (9 classes), One-Handed Swords (10 classes).

    Here, i think the only weapon that REALLY needs another user is the warglaive. Everything else can be mixed and matched to fit the thematic identity of the class.

    Which means, the "ideal" next class is:
    Armor Type: Mail
    Roles: Tank, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS
    Weapons: Ranged Weapons, Warglaive, *anything else that fits the theme*

    And if i look at this, and look over the lore of warcraft, and the themes and areas of the world soul saga, there is no single class that fits all of that, BUT there is a potential melting pot that covers everything.

    Warglaive is the biggest sticking point here, as THE defacto elven weapon, which points to Midnight as the best expansion to fit. Warglaives combined with Ranged Weapons, is an even bigger fit towards elves, as they are iconic bow users. Now if we look at role and armor type, something that is armored, but not as heavily armored as plate, and can fit the role of a defender.

    And if i put all that together: mail armored defender, that uses glaives and ranged combat, it leaves me with this:

    The Spell Breaker

    and if it needs to fit the thematic of the void for midnight it can easily be adopted to be a void breaker instead:

    and Void Breaker could be actually a really cool name for a class. No Void Hunter, no Night Warrior. No Warden, No Spell Breaker. But a new class, that fits all the themes, all the itemization concerns and would still be bad ass to have.

    Would it be a pure elven class? No, i don't think so, for that other races have enough reason to be void breakers too.
    Last edited by Enrif; 2024-11-30 at 01:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  18. #8098
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    Well, at least you're addressing a different question this time so I'll try one more time...

    While mechanics are mostly an arbitrary issue here as the devs can and would create new, distinct gameplay for any theme they want to make a class for, it's clear imo that Shadow Priests' DoT-focused gameplay is a massive thematic mismatch for a power that's consistently been portrayed by raw, explosive, destructive force. Look at Cosmic Void abilities and see the trends there- ripping open space itself is a common theme. Sarkareth throwing meteors at you. Sarkareth's Void Bombs. Summoning and detonating a star for a supernova (Plunderstorm comes to mind). Pulling you in and crushing you with gravity (Stormguard Gorren, and I think Alleria in that quest at the end of Hallowfall?)

    Shadow Priest are, and always will be (short of a massive redesign like Survival and Demo in Legion) about DoTs, corruption, insanity, psychic powers, etc. It's a great fit for something that's clearly based off of the Old Gods' powers, but not at all for how the Cosmic Void we're facing how consistently fights.

    There's plenty of ways they could go with that theme, but focusing on big individual hits seems like an obvious fit. Maybe something involving slightly delayed hits- like an attack that summons a star or comet, with the supernova or comet hitting a few seconds later? Whatever the gameplay, I would personally base it off of Void Ethereals like Ky'veza.
    Thank you for the explanation. I think the issue you're going to run into is two-fold;

    1.The majority of what you're desiring here is likely going to eventually be brought into Voidweaver in subsequent expansions as the hero talent tree expands. That makes the need for a new class doing this less necessary. I would also argue that Shadow Priests have explosive void abilities like 2 versions of Shadow Crash, Void Eruption, Echoing Void, and Collapsing Void.

    2. Some of what you're describing here (exploding stars, tossing planets around) is literally done currently by Balance Druids.

    Again, all of that happens automatically as you play normally with skills that fit a completely different theme. It's a cool animation that has minimal impact on your gameplay (as the vast majority of it happens naturally anyway, making Void Blast's higher priority the only impact- and even that is minor) and isn't nearly enough to fundamentally change Priest's core identity.
    We're running into your opinion here. Blizzard is calling those abilities void abilities. I don't believe that Blizzard sees the distinction between void and cosmic void to the extent that you're seeing it, and because of that, they probably don't view it as necessary to construct an entirely new class.

    It'd be like us having a Draenei-based technology class with mechs and everything else, then someone coming along and saying we need a Gnome-based technology class because the Draenei-based technology class isn't the same thing. I think most here would scoff at such an idea.

    I do believe there is an opening for a martial void class though. Perhaps something more along the lines of Alleria's void hunter. I have my personal doubts about that happening, but we'll see.

    The fact that the Haranir and roots were clearly set up as a massive unresolved plot hook, mainly. They're obviously building to something with them, with their big secret, Orwenya's focus in the cinematic, and her mysterious upcoming quest. If that's not going to be resolved in 11.1, then that leaves the expansion's climax.

    And if you see the other post I made here on the matter, at this point I'm expecting it to be linked to the Worldcore since that's the other glaring inaccessible hook that's left to cover- with Rootlands as the zone and the Worldcore as the raid. A Titan installation filled with their constructs and Xal'atath attacking to reach the core would be very different from Amirdrassil.
    Okay, I'm definitely interested to see how 11.2 shakes out then. I was really expecting a Harronir allied race at this point and I'm kind of surprised we still haven't gotten a formal announcement.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    It can be High Tinker Mekkatorque or both of them. You know, it can't just be Goblin technology if it's going to be a class for both factions. They'd be like the 2 class representatives we get every time a new class is introduced: Thassarian and Koltira; Aysa and Ji; Altruis and Kayn; Azurathel and Cindrethresh. A new class can't be represented by a faction-exclusive NPC. Arthas, Chen, Illidan are all neutral. Gazlowe is Horde. That just doesn't work. We need a neutral character for that, like Mimiron, Brinthe or something like that...
    Uh in those examples you gave the WC3/HotS hero were major parts of the storyline.

    And while Gazlowe is a Horde faction leader, Undermine is a neutral and cosmopolitan zone. If this is happening and we get the class after liberating Undermine, there's likely going to be Tinkers from a variety of races represented. Especially if Blizzard introduces us to the Tinker Union while we're down there.

    As part of an existing class. So, you're basically saying Tinker is going to be integrated into an existing class. Great logic.
    Well no. Unlike Dark Ranger, Tinker was never systematically assigned to an existing class. I know some people resisted the facts right in front of their face, but it was pretty obvious that Dark Ranger was going to be folded into the Hunter class for years before it actually happened.

    What's so iconic about titan tech?
    It's god-like power that you can possess. Like Thor's Hammer or the Infinity Gauntlet in the MCU.

    Over time though, I've grown to dislike the idea of a class based on it. A class based on finding a relic that can destroy a city isn't exactly technology class material.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    We need a second class that can use Bows/Crossbows/Guns tbh. A Void themed class, with a Void-ranger-ish spec based on Alleria I guess alongside a melee spec and a tank one perhaps would make a lot of sense for Midnight. It would also create a decent amount of hype imo.

    I just don't see it with Tinkers. I know there's some advocates for it on here but Tinker doesn't have the same pull as the Void I think. Not to mention that if it's restricted to only Goblin/Gnome it's pretty much dead on arrival imo.
    Call me crazy, but I believe that a void-based class that is heavily slanted towards/exclusively elves would be more dead on arrival than a Goblin-based Tinker would be. I immediately think back to people's general disappointment that the Hunter hero talents were heavily slanted towards elves (Dark Ranger and PotM), and there was really nothing there for other types of Hunters except for pack leader. If the next class is heavily elven based alongside an expansion that is heavily elven based, people may get tired of all of it rather quickly.

    Consider that the last two classes heavily slanted towards elves as well; Demon Hunters being NE/BE only, and Dracthyr being able to resemble a draconic type of elf in their visage forms.

    I could only imagine the uproar if we got yet another class that favored elves.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2024-11-30 at 01:35 PM.

  19. #8099
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    There was this guy though;


    So who knows?
    Hm, yes. Some random repair NPC with no dialogue or relation to engineering at all is totally proof of Vulpera tinkers.

    This is almost as good as when you were saying “TWW is an elemental expansion because the preorder mount is called a stormrider and there’s a random elemental NPC called a stormrider”

    Eh, not really. There's a pretty big difference between what you're talking about here, and giving a race using the goblin skeleton the goblin-based class.
    Draenei-based Artificers could for sure be a class, you even speculated on it yourself. So by your logic it means Mogu could be that class because they share the skeleton with Draenei.

    Perhaps humans & blood/void elves should be Evokers too, they share a skeleton with the Dracthyr visage form.
    Last edited by Nightshade711; 2024-11-30 at 04:14 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  20. #8100
    Herald of the Titans Chain Chungus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Call me crazy, but I believe that a void-based class that is heavily slanted towards/exclusively elves would be more dead on arrival than a Goblin-based Tinker would be. I immediately think back to people's general disappointment that the Hunter hero talents were heavily slanted towards elves (Dark Ranger and PotM), and there was really nothing there for other types of Hunters except for pack leader. If the next class is heavily elven based alongside an expansion that is heavily elven based, people may get tired of all of it rather quickly.
    I'm glad you finally admit that goblin tinkers are dead on arrival!

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