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I know I just said I shouldn't feed this, but this is so baffling that I couldn't resist...
Yeah, I have absolutely no clue what you even think the Cosmic Void is at this point, but it's clearly not what we're actually seeing in the game. That is a very good example of the classic Old God style magic, with absolutely no similarities to the Cosmic Void that we've been discussing. Not just in color- nothing about it resembles the Cosmic stuff we've been facing. The tentacles and shadows- right now those themes are only present for stuff related to the Black Blood, like Bloodbound Horror- where it actually fits as an Old God thing.
It's completely different and distinct from the vast majority of Void content we're seeing. Just look at Ky'veza for a particularly obvious example- how can you possibly think that your screenshot is anywhere near the same theme as that!? And you constantly bring up Shadow Priest having stuff that's completely unrelated to the Cosmic aspects as if that somehow gives them Cosmic Void. You bring up Old God stuff, psychic powers, minions... all of that is solidly within the classic Shadow/Old God domain, and very different from every bit of Cosmic Void that we've been facing. The closest overlap we've had was Sarkareth's Null Glimmers and Ky'veza's echoes vaguely resembling apparitions.
Seriously, apart from vastly exaggerating Entropic Rift's impact, every single thing you've tried to push has completely contradicted your own point. You know you won't be able to properly debate something- whether for or against- if you don't at least acknowledge what it actually is, right?
Literally anything of consequence, to start?
Every bit of it is just passive effects that occur while playing Shadow normally, doing stuff that fits the Old God theme rather than Cosmic Void. The playstyle and rotation impact is minimal and mostly amounts to raising the reskinned Mind Blast's priority while the Rift is up. You're still using Old God magic, shadows, dots, etc. almost exclusively, just with actual Void stuff happening passively with minimal engagement.
Anyway, I'm done with this now- like I said, you've made it clear that you have no intention to actually acknowledge anything we're actually seeing about the Cosmic Void, despite the many clear examples all over this expansion, so there's nowhere this can go except in circles.
I'd be incredibly shocked if the Rootlands was actually removed. It was always the most heavily-teased future content for TWW (now alongside the Worldcore), but it was always a question of when it would come, not if. With Undermine now in play, it just seems like the Rootlands getting a longer buildup fo 11.2 rather than the immediate upcoming tier (probably combined with the Worldcore since there's no time left for that otherwise).
I mean, it's possible that it could have just been a fakeout entirely, but the odds of that happening with something so important (given its importance to Elune and Eonar's lore) are far too low to base theories around that. The most likely answer here by far is that it was always going to be Undermine in 11.1 and Rootlands/Worldcore in 11.2.