1. #10381
    not so sure. i do think its possible. and 3 expansions should be a solid yes i think. But in the 1st, 2nd or 3th...i do not know.

    I do think races are going to come for sure.

  2. #10382
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    That's an odd one. The name and icon are clearly for a tech ability, but the description is clearly for a Void ability. So is there some weird mismatch in the datamining, or are we using a gadget that manipulates the Void?
    S1 delve reward is a void powered dirigible /shrug, it’s not outrageous, we just haven’t encountered/used much void tech, yet.

  3. #10383
    I haven't seen it firsthand- and probably won't anytime soon because I don't really feel like playing Plunderstorm- but it looks like it was a mistake after all, judging from the official post about Plunderstorm's return. The skill's actual name appears to be "Void Tear".

    Void Tear - Tear into the Void, placing a Void mark. Recast Void Tear to instantly return to the mark, damaging and slowing enemies. The recast can be performed instantly while casting any spell without interruption.
    Honestly, I suspected as much since the "Recast Void Tear" part was always there, clashing with the incorrect name, but I couldn't entirely rule out Void Tear being something that replaces the original skill for the warp part. And "G.R.A.V. Glove" didn't really sound like a fitting name for its effect anyway. It sounded more like a gravity-themed device than a rift.

  4. #10384
    The G.R.A.V. Glove probably got redesigned into what the void tear is and got name and visuals that fit with void. I can totally see where the effect at the start would have pulled in other players, rather than you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  5. #10385
    So, naturally games from Blizzards' other franchises are distinct from WoW and I would not expect things to be the same between them... but Diablo 4 just announced a Witchcraft-themed season and some of the powers in it line up well with the Witch theme from the survey, and it's kind of selling me on wanting it.

    To be clear, not all of the powers would fit in well, like the fire-themed abilities D4's witches have, and some D3 Witch Doctor callbacks. But there's a lot of stuff tied illusions, hexes, decay, and the cycle of life and death (with a lot of thorns and swamp stuff)- all of which fit in very well with the survey Witch. And it actually sounds really cool.

    And I especially like the plant aspects that they used in the growth and decay theme. I guess I should have considered that, given that they named Gilnean Harvest Witches as one of the inspirations, but as someone who has always been disappointed that Druids moved away from offensive plant magic so completely, I'd love a spec like that, even with Drustvar witchcraft and decay mixed in. They could represent the full cycle of life and death, growth and decay- unlike Druids who are more or less purely Life (which would make them fit the Thornspeaker premise even better than Druids do).

    And perhaps the healing spec could focus on the Voodoo and Spirit magic aspects? Not sure what the third spec would use in a breakdown like this.

    Of course, I'm not suggesting that this is any indication that Witch is being worked on, or that it'd be the same in WoW... It just has enough overlap with the survey to help me picture how a WoW Witch could work, and that sold me on the idea.

    Edit: Timestamp doesn't seem to be working, the part about the witchcraft powers players can get starts at 2:07.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2025-01-15 at 09:42 AM.

  6. #10386
    Grav glove could have been left over from when Plunderstorm was being developed as a more tech themed event rather than a pirate one.

    I’ll remain hopeful that it’s a nudge nudge wink wink sort of tease, but that’s the hopium talking heh.

  7. #10387
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Feb 2022
    Not a big fan of Bellular - but in his recent video he brings up Ky’veza and how her trinket spawns an Ethereum Void Reaver.

    He brings up that said Ethereals in Burning Crusade were utilizing the void in order to combat the void (in particular to get revenge on Dimensius - who is Xal’atath’s boss and the likely big bad)

    I think that even IF we don’t get playable Ethereals, I could see this concept being utilized in a void-based class.

    But I think that we’d see the Ethereum properly return in Midnight (or sooner) to be the introduction to this void-based class lore wise with them teaching the races of Azeroth.
    1. To protect the world against Dimensius - since the radiant song is just like the one they heard on K’aresh.
    2. To use us in order to finally get proper revenge on Dimensius.
    Last edited by Nightshade711; 2025-01-15 at 09:23 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  8. #10388
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Not a big fan of Bellular - but in his recent video he brings up Ky’veza and how her trinket spawns an Ethereum Void Reaver.

    He brings up that said Ethereals in Burning Crusade were utilizing the void in order to combat the void (in particular to get revenge on Dimensius - who is Xal’atath’s boss and the likely big bad)

    I think that even IF we don’t get playable Ethereals, I could see this concept being utilized in a void-based class.

    But I think that we’d see the Ethereum properly return in Midnight (or sooner) to be the introduction to this void-based class lore wise with them teaching the races of Azeroth.
    1. To protect the world against Dimensius - since the radiant song is just like the one they heard on K’aresh.
    2. To use us in order to finally get proper revenge on Dimensius.
    wielding a dangerous and corrupting force for revenge rather than personal power??? i wonder if theres a player class that already does That. hint hint cough cough

    especially with how Ky'veza use's her movement abilities as part of her attacks which is a unique mechanical aspect of demon hunters

    void theme'd "deception" demon hunter spec trained by ethereals??? adding dh to void elves, or making void/blood elves a unified high elven race with void and blood elf customizations

  9. #10389
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    I think that even IF we don’t get playable Ethereals, I could see this concept being utilized in a void-based class.
    I'd absolutely kill for a playable Ethereal that's locked to the new class ala Evoker. Sadly even if we got playable ones I doubt they'd do what they had done to previous races in the past to actually have a feminine / masculine body types instead of being only androgynous. Regardless, that'd be a great way to introduce a cool new race like they did with Evoker. I feel like a lot of people didn't like how Evoker is locked to one race though, kind of like how DH is locked elves only.

  10. #10390
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinChan View Post
    I'd absolutely kill for a playable Ethereal that's locked to the new class ala Evoker. Sadly even if we got playable ones I doubt they'd do what they had done to previous races in the past to actually have a feminine / masculine body types instead of being only androgynous. Regardless, that'd be a great way to introduce a cool new race like they did with Evoker. I feel like a lot of people didn't like how Evoker is locked to one race though, kind of like how DH is locked elves only.
    Something closer to Monk seems like a better fit here- where it's clearly based around a new playable race that comes with it, but available to a wide variety of races who were taught by Ethereals. Because unlike Evokers- who use innate draconic powers and have abilities that depend on their wings and tail- and Demon Hunters- who had preexisting lore showing that only Elven ones existed when new DHs were being made- there isn't really anything that suggests that only certain races can learn to harness the Void. I mean, we already have Locus Walker teaching others about it right now, and enemies from various races using Void powers.

  11. #10391
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Feb 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    wielding a dangerous and corrupting force for revenge rather than personal power??? i wonder if theres a player class that already does That. hint hint cough cough

    especially with how Ky'veza use's her movement abilities as part of her attacks which is a unique mechanical aspect of demon hunters
    Void ≠ Fel
    Demon Hunters don’t use bows like Alleria.
    Demon Hunters also aren’t spellcasters.


    void theme'd "deception" demon hunter spec trained by ethereals??? adding dh to void elves, or making void/blood elves a unified high elven race with void and blood elf customizations
    Blizzard has already historically said they won’t add new specs to existing classes I’m fairly certain.

    Adding Guardian to Druid an exception because it was essential just like making the DK specs have specific roles instead of letting each one do either tanking or DPS.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  12. #10392
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Void ≠ Fel
    Demon Hunters don’t use bows like Alleria.
    Demon Hunters also aren’t spellcasters.


    Blizzard has already historically said they won’t add new specs to existing classes I’m fairly certain.

    Adding Guardian to Druid an exception because it was essential just like making the DK specs have specific roles instead of letting each one do either tanking or DPS.
    demon hunters literally are spell casters, Illidan was a mage prodigy, demon hunters cast spells like eye beam, sigils, immo aura, Metamorphosis

    and classes can use more than one power source or do priest not exist any more?? given they use forces that are literal opposites instead of siblings. also blizzard changes their mind all the time and DH still only has 2 specs and is hamstrung by it so its way closer to the issues that feral had before being split, and priest literally cant use swords like anduin does + giving dh a void spec opens up a class spot to something like bard for midnight while still delivering a void playable expierence at a thematically appropriate moment, ties into the thematics of demon hunters (elf class, focused on power of will, "fight fire with fire" mindset, rotational movement abilities) and ties into the expansion plot line of elven reunification

  13. #10393
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    So, naturally games from Blizzards' other franchises are distinct from WoW and I would not expect things to be the same between them... but Diablo 4 just announced a Witchcraft-themed season and some of the powers in it line up well with the Witch theme from the survey, and it's kind of selling me on wanting it.

    To be clear, not all of the powers would fit in well, like the fire-themed abilities D4's witches have, and some D3 Witch Doctor callbacks. But there's a lot of stuff tied illusions, hexes, decay, and the cycle of life and death (with a lot of thorns and swamp stuff)- all of which fit in very well with the survey Witch. And it actually sounds really cool.

    And I especially like the plant aspects that they used in the growth and decay theme. I guess I should have considered that, given that they named Gilnean Harvest Witches as one of the inspirations, but as someone who has always been disappointed that Druids moved away from offensive plant magic so completely, I'd love a spec like that, even with Drustvar witchcraft and decay mixed in. They could represent the full cycle of life and death, growth and decay- unlike Druids who are more or less purely Life (which would make them fit the Thornspeaker premise even better than Druids do).

    And perhaps the healing spec could focus on the Voodoo and Spirit magic aspects? Not sure what the third spec would use in a breakdown like this.

    Of course, I'm not suggesting that this is any indication that Witch is being worked on, or that it'd be the same in WoW... It just has enough overlap with the survey to help me picture how a WoW Witch could work, and that sold me on the idea.

    Edit: Timestamp doesn't seem to be working, the part about the witchcraft powers players can get starts at 2:07.
    I've always said the D3 Witch Doctor should be the inspiration for a Witch Doctor\Shadow Hunter class in WoW. The Witch's stand, with the deer skull, looks especially Drustvarish. I've always maintained that the Shadow Hunter will command the powers of Spirit and Decay.
    Last edited by username993720; 2025-01-16 at 05:44 AM.

  14. #10394
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinChan View Post
    I'd absolutely kill for a playable Ethereal that's locked to the new class ala Evoker. Sadly even if we got playable ones I doubt they'd do what they had done to previous races in the past to actually have a feminine / masculine body types instead of being only androgynous. Regardless, that'd be a great way to introduce a cool new race like they did with Evoker. I feel like a lot of people didn't like how Evoker is locked to one race though, kind of like how DH is locked elves only.
    I'm one of those who hated they did that. I've wanted a class based on the Aspects for a while and was excited about Evoker but Dracthyr ruined the class for me completely. I really hope we never get another Dracthyr Evoker situation and if we get a Void class in Midnight it's not limited to Ethereals only, for example. Love the class but the race is such a massive disappointment, would hate for it to happen twice.

    Would also be odd if we get a Void class and Void Elves cannot be one tbh.

  15. #10395
    I've thought a bit more about what kind of expansion Witches could fit into since my post last night, and while I still think it's a relatively unlikely pick for the Saga, thematically... it might not be as poor a fit as I'd initially assumed.

    While it's not nearly as central a theme as past class additions have been, there's probably actually a couple of upcoming plotlines that they'd fit well into- the Haranir and probably the Amani. This kind of darker nature magic would fit the mysterious Haranir well, imo, and Troll hexes were even explicitly named as an influence in the alleged survey. And in retrospect, as easy as it was to assume Orwenya is a Druid, her dance from the launch cinematic didn't really look like a Druid's take on nature magic- maybe she could actually be a Witch herself?

    A Witch like that would look pretty cool imo, especially if the class gets its own cast animations involving that kind of tribal dance.

    Of course, the fact that these two plotlines appear to be divided across two consecutive expansions could potentially be a barrier, if the Haranir are just a TWW thing. On the other hand, if they really are an Elf/Troll branch race like many speculate, then perhaps they too could be involved in Midnight's Elven unification with Orwenya convincing them to end their isolation and rejoin their kin (kind of expecting something like that anyway to make them an allied race).

    Also, at the risk of reigniting a particularly annoying "debate"... I've said many times over that I think getting a class in the middle of an expansion is so unlikely that it might as well be impossible, but the fact that this particular class could potentially be relevant at the end of one expansion and the start of the following one brings to mind the one edge case that I think could potentially be an exception: Releasing a new class at the very end of an expansion for anyone who preorders the next. Like the Allied Races we got at the end of Legion, for example- they were still explicitly a BFA feature and selling point, but with a long early access time as a preorder bonus.

    Anyway, I just started thinking about that since potentially Witch-related themes seem to be spread across the end of TWW and start of Midnight. I still don't think they'd waste the chance to use a class release as a big expansion selling point, but showing off a new hero type in 11.2, then announcing it as a class at the Midnight reveal afterwards and saying "If you preorder Midnight, you can play it very soon!"... that seems like a marketing move that actually makes sense. I'd be worried about it having enough time to test, but if it's released alongside stuff like Season 4 and Remix, then bugs and imbalance wouldn't be as much of an issue.

    Even now, I wouldn't consider it as likely as a Void class (a perfect thematic match for Midnight's main theme) or Bard (which seems to be getting foreshadowed now), but I'm starting to think there might actually be some chance for Witches in Midnight.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2025-01-16 at 06:58 AM.

  16. #10396
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    I've thought a bit more about what kind of expansion Witches could fit into since my post last night, and while I still think it's a relatively unlikely pick for the Saga, thematically... it might not be as poor a fit as I'd initially assumed.

    While it's not nearly as central a theme as past class additions have been, there's probably actually a couple of upcoming plotlines that they'd fit well into- the Haranir and probably the Amani. This kind of darker nature magic would fit the mysterious Haranir well, imo, and Troll hexes were even explicitly named as an influence in the alleged survey. And in retrospect, as easy as it was to assume Orwenya is a Druid, her dance from the launch cinematic didn't really look like a Druid's take on nature magic- maybe she could actually be a Witch herself?

    A Witch like that would look pretty cool imo, especially if the class gets its own cast animations involving that kind of tribal dance.

    Of course, the fact that these two plotlines appear to be divided across two consecutive expansions could potentially be a barrier, if the Haranir are just a TWW thing. On the other hand, if they really are an Elf/Troll branch race like many speculate, then perhaps they too could be involved in Midnight's Elven unification with Orwenya convincing them to end their isolation and rejoin their kin (kind of expecting something like that anyway to make them an allied race).

    Also, at the risk of reigniting a particularly annoying "debate"... I've said many times over that I think getting a class in the middle of an expansion is so unlikely that it might as well be impossible, but the fact that this particular class could potentially be relevant at the end of one expansion and the start of the following one brings to mind the one edge case that I think could potentially be an exception: Releasing a new class at the very end of an expansion for anyone who preorders the next. Like the Allied Races we got at the end of Legion, for example- they were still explicitly a BFA feature and selling point, but with a long early access time as a preorder bonus.

    Anyway, I just started thinking about that since potentially Witch-related themes seem to be spread across the end of TWW and start of Midnight. I still don't think they'd waste the chance to use a class release as a big expansion selling point, but showing off a new hero type in 11.2, then announcing it as a class at the Midnight reveal afterwards and saying "If you preorder Midnight, you can play it very soon!"... that seems like a marketing move that actually makes sense. I'd be worried about it having enough time to test, but if it's released alongside stuff like Season 4 and Remix, then bugs and imbalance wouldn't be as much of an issue.

    Even now, I wouldn't consider it as likely as a Void class (a perfect thematic match for Midnight's main theme) or Bard (which seems to be getting foreshadowed now), but I'm starting to think there might actually be some chance for Witches in Midnight.
    If you're looking for a setting, this is one (not necessarily part of the World Soul Saga):

  17. #10397
    Hmm, @Eldrtyth has a interesting point. What if Haranir are not an allied race for TWW, but a race later down the line after Orwyna made her hero's journey. As it currently stands the haranir are extremely wary of outsiders and very reclusive, traits that are quite bad for a allied race.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

  18. #10398
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Hmm, @Eldrtyth has a interesting point. What if Haranir are not an allied race for TWW, but a race later down the line after Orwyna made her hero's journey. As it currently stands the haranir are extremely wary of outsiders and very reclusive, traits that are quite bad for a allied race.
    Or, they're trying to give "Trolls" to the Alliance in order to introduce the Witch Doctor\Shadow Hunter.

  19. #10399
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    Hmm, @Eldrtyth has a interesting point. What if Haranir are not an allied race for TWW, but a race later down the line after Orwyna made her hero's journey. As it currently stands the haranir are extremely wary of outsiders and very reclusive, traits that are quite bad for a allied race.
    To be clear, I absolutely expect us to visit their home and see their story progress in 11.2. Even more so if they'll leave their homes and continue to be important going forward, so we can actually be a part of whatever convinces them to leave their isolation rather than Orwenya simply convincing them with a quick cutscene. After all, if the speculation about their origins is correct and that gets them involved in the Elven unification, they'll kind of have to make that decision to leave by the start of Midnight (barring a major curveball like getting the Rootlands as a Midnight zone, but seeing it in TWW seems a lot more likely than getting another expansion spread across the world instead of having Midnight be mostly Quel'thalas as stated).

    I'm less sure about whether or not their story will end in 11.2 (aside from Orwenya's role as what appears to be Azeroth's new Speaker). Initially I kind of expected them to be like the Allied Races that are more or less ignored after joining their factions, but maybe they could have a longer role going forward. In which case, maybe (also like the end-of-Legion Allied Races that I mentioned before) we'll save them in TWW but they won't join us properly until Midnight.
    Last edited by Eldryth; 2025-01-16 at 08:45 AM.

  20. #10400
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Or, they're trying to give "Trolls" to the Alliance in order to introduce the Witch Doctor\Shadow Hunter.
    they are pretty much just elves. their troll side if very small. And the alliance has already witch themed races in Worgen and Kul Tirans.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldryth View Post
    To be clear, I absolutely expect us to visit their home and see their story progress in 11.2. Even more so if they'll leave their homes and continue to be important going forward, so we can actually be a part of whatever convinces them to leave their isolation rather than Orwenya simply convincing them with a quick cutscene. After all, if the speculation about their origins is correct and that gets them involved in the Elven unification, they'll kind of have to make that decision to leave by the start of Midnight (barring a major curveball like getting the Rootlands as a Midnight zone, but seeing it in TWW seems a lot more likely than getting another expansion spread across the world instead of having Midnight be mostly Quel'thalas as stated).

    I'm less sure about whether or not their story will end in 11.2 (aside from Orwenya's role as what appears to be Azeroth's new Speaker). Initially I kind of expected them to be like the Allied Races that are more or less ignored after joining their factions, but maybe they could have a longer role going forward. In which case, maybe (also like the end-of-Legion Allied Races that I mentioned before) we'll save them in TWW but they won't join us properly until Midnight.
    I guess i could see them. Perhaps as a 12.0.5 story, where we invite them and actually open them up to the outside world? Or perhaps to open the gate to trolls being part of the elven reuinification, as they are pretty much elves before they became elves.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If we somehow do get a void Hunter class, I’ll be the first one to post in this thread to admit my error.
    Quote Originally Posted by THEORACLE64 View Post
    I mean, trying to worm out of the way it's the WORLDSOUL saga... yah. It's Azeroth reaching out, not some light fairy.
    Enforcer (Warden/Spellbreaker) Class Idea , Naga using Worgen Rig Mockup, Blizz Class Survey

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