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  1. #661
    PlatinumWoW made a pretty good summary of some of the problems with Shadowlands a few years back.

    Essentially, one of the many problems with it was that it tried to tell a story for which the medium is totally unsuited. Putting emphasis on the narrative in a worldbuilding-led setting and medium was a terrible idea, especially because of the slow pace at which the story updates. If future expansions focus more on the worldbuilding than the central narrative, which they luckily seem to be doing, then the game will benefit immensely from it.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  2. #662
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Since you have proof, I'd like to see it. I'm sure you must have spreadsheets full of data somewhere, or a link to some community data collection where tens of thousands of people have dumped their verified data.

    What is that, you say? You don't have anything like that, you just "heard it from so many people"? And it just happened to confirm "what I've known for years"? Oh my! What are the odds!

    But do feel free to provide this "proof", I'm unironically interested in seeing such data. And I do mean data. Or, of course, a blue-posted admission. That'd do, too.

    Don't misunderstand: I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying I don't believe in magical faeries twiddling the dials until shown said magical faeries.
    There is common problem for altoholic in Wow - being required to make many relogs. It wastes your time. Yeah, there are addons like Altoholic, but they aren't useful in some cases. So, yeah. I have spreadsheet with all data about gear on my alts. This spreadsheet allows me to log in on 4 characters with different armor types only. And yeah. 6 characters missed 1 item for months. And all 6 got it in one day. From one single exactly the same WQ. And now opposite thing happens every day. I see this exact WQ every day.

    Yeah. Things were a little bit more complex back in old days. There wasn't personal loot, so "rare" item should have been server-wide. But we all know about those stories about one single item not dropping on your main, while seeing it on alt every time. First time, when it happened to me - was helmet from Kel in Naxx.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  3. #663
    Mechagnome Uvania's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Shadowlands had better dungeons, raiding, talent trees, class balance, more alive PvP community (not very much but now dead) then our current LGBTQI++ draggyboi expansion.

    Outdoor zones were kinda meh but who cares?

    Legendary grind in torghast wasnt mandatory, in 9.0 if you were only a "heroic" raider a ilvl 210 piece was enough to clear all the content and if you kept updating them to somewhere between normal/heroic ilvl the grind was rather short and not painful at all and if you chose to go for the legendary that wasnt BiS but worked for all specs the grind was even less and cheap since most of us just raids up to heroic raids and pushes up to +20 (now +10) keys and dont need to min/max in BiS gear.

    Covenant and anima grind ended after a few months and was a non-issue, conduits had catch-up systems which granted you normal ilvl conduit levels which were plenty to perform even heroic raiding.

    The issue is that there were no limits in shadowlands on how hard you could grind and grind and grind (which is the point of modern mmorpg's) and this was the 3rd time in a row we had endless progression systems (right now we have it in limited time in MoP: Remix)

    TL;DR Stop being sweaty tryhards, play for fun and do the minimum effort required to clear whatever content you aim to do.

  4. #664
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    So, yeah. I have spreadsheet with all data about gear on my alts.
    Okay. Show us.

    You can't yell PROOF! without evidence. If you have evidence, let us see it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Uvania View Post
    Shadowlands had better dungeons, raiding, talent trees, class balance
    I'm not sure I believe that.

    Dungeons are kind of... tied, I guess? Shadowlands had some good ones, some stinky ones. If I never see Sanguine Depths again it'll be too soon. I really liked BFA's dungeons a whole lot more, but that's neither here nor there.

    Raiding is more tricky to compare. There's some wild disparities depending on what you're looking at, and how you evaluate things. The Sepulcher race was an EVENT. That was history live and in the making. We may never see its like again. Was that month-long death march a good thing, overall? Hard to say. It certainly was entertaining, and far more so than any of the DF races which were marred by some unfortunate things like the removal of heroic week and so on. But that's the spectacle of the race - what about the raids themselves? Also depends. Mythic Raszageth was big poop. Heroic was fun. Mythic Halondrus was a jaw-dropper or a guild breaker, depending on your perspective. And so on. Really hard to just square off against each other. HOWEVER - I'd argue that Sanctum of Domination was probably one of the worst raids (and indeed content patches) ever released. For whatever that's worth.

    Talent trees I'll have to give it to DF in all honesty. For all my hate for the system, it's better than what SL had. That doesn't mean I think it's great - just that it's not quite as shit. I think they dropped the ball massively compared to what they COULD have done, but I begrudgingly give them that it is an improvement.

    Class balance, though, I think is almost unequivocally in favor of DF. Based on almost any metric, the game is pretty much the most balanced, overall, than it has ever been. That's not to say there aren't outliers and gaps (there are) but in terms of spread I don't think we've had a time during which overall and on average things were as evenly distributed as they have been during most of DF. It's far from perfect balance (which will never be achieved anyway, it's futile even to try) but it's better than pretty much anything we've had. Maybe Augvoker can be a BIT of an exception since that's so hard to fit to the usual metrics. I'll happily grant that.

  5. #665
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Okay. Show us.

    You can't yell PROOF! without evidence. If you have evidence, let us see it.
    This spreadsheet doesn't provide historical data. But you don't need much to prove everything yourself. Just try to gear 4 alts with 4 different armor types in ZM. You'd notice problems immediately. ZM has weird gearing system. It's mostly caused by some items having cypher bonuses. Different armor types have bonuses on different items. This is real reason, why same WQ can drop different items on character with different armor types. Because on one character certain cypher bonus is provided by helmet, while on other it's provided by chest. And all other items, that don't have cypher bonuses on them, as affected accordingly. Only items, that aren't affected: neck, rings, trinkets and weapons. So, there is clear pattern. If Plate and Mail items are boots, then Leather is cloak and Cloth is gloves. If they drop - they drop all at once. If they're missed - they're missed all at once. And you should clearly understand one thing. This fact, that some WQ rewards can be missing for years and months and then all of a sudden they drop after patch day, clearly shows, that Blizzard have control over your rewards. WQ rewards aren't picked randomly. There is some kind of cycle, that is picked manually.

    And therefore. IT'S THEM, WHO DECIDE, WHEN TO GIVE YOU YOUR DESIRED REWARDS. And you can wait for them for months and years. But you should remember, that you pay sub fee even for ability to have chance to get any rewards. Would you go to casino, if you would know, that your wins/losses aren't random and are controlled by casino itself, so it's casino, who decides, if you would win or lose? I guess, no.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  6. #666
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    But you don't need much to prove everything yourself. Just try to gear 4 alts with 4 different armor types in ZM.
    That's not how "proof" works. It's also not how "data" works. "Go gear 4 characters, you'll see!" isn't even in the same universe as "proof".

    If you don't have proof, don't go around yelling about proof. It's totally fine to just confine yourself to vague theories or suspicions pending verification. No one is forcing you to make wild claims, and then fail to back them up with evidence. So... don't do that.

    Wild conspiracy theories about Blizzard making sure you never get your boots are just that - don't put the word "proof" on them unless you have actual evidence. You very clearly don't.

  7. #667
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    That's not how "proof" works. It's also not how "data" works. "Go gear 4 characters, you'll see!" isn't even in the same universe as "proof".

    If you don't have proof, don't go around yelling about proof. It's totally fine to just confine yourself to vague theories or suspicions pending verification. No one is forcing you to make wild claims, and then fail to back them up with evidence. So... don't do that.

    Wild conspiracy theories about Blizzard making sure you never get your boots are just that - don't put the word "proof" on them unless you have actual evidence. You very clearly don't.
    All historical data is in my brain. I've proved it to myself. Look. I just don't want to be such guy, who dedicates his life to proving that multi-billion company lies to it's customers. At the end it's just game. Don't like it - don't play it. Yeah, at the end I can collect data about every loot drop for weeks, months and years. But should I waste my life on doing it? Would it be useful? I'm not even streamer. Who would listen to me?

    Overall idea: I had several characters, geared when SL was still current. I'm not sure, why they had these items, because I didn't collect any data back then. May be because I was doing more long-term activities on those characters, such as completing weeklies. My be because I was killing more rares to complete those weeklies quicker. May be because gear pattern was different back then. I don't know. Then I had break. And those 6 characters missed those items since moment, when I returned from that break. For year may be. First I thought, that I was unlucky. But then I realized, that it was pattern. And yeah! Remix patch confirmed it! Items dropped all at once!

    Only thing, you need to know - is that after SL I'm allergic to some things, no matter if they're still overused or not. Combat and RNG are the most noticeable ones.
    Last edited by WowIsDead64; 2024-06-06 at 10:17 AM.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  8. #668
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    All historical data is in my brain. I've proved it to myself.
    Okay buddy.

    Then yell PROOF! to yourself, not to us. Kay?

  9. #669
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Okay buddy.

    Then yell PROOF! to yourself, not to us. Kay?
    So, you ask me to create database and collect data for months just to prove something to noname in dat Internatz? While I've been doing it for 3 years, have already completed ZM on more than 30 characters and it's just couple of months left till TWW release? How about no? If players choose to stay blind and deaf - it's their problem. If players want to pretend, that problem is non-existent, till some streamer would do all job for them - it's their problem. And streamers would never do it due to conflict of interest. But you should clearly understand one simple thing. Problem isn't with old content having fraud RNG instead of fair one. Problem is with current one having it. And problem is with all future content also having it, if we wouldn't do anything. You play DF. You will play TWW. You pretend, that you aren't affected by this problem. It's me, who is "stupid" and play "broken" content instead of "good" one. You laugh at me, but it should be me, who should laugh at you. Because it's you, who will suffer from fraud RNG for years, while rejecting this fact.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  10. #670
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    Yes, the story took one of the (if not THE) most iconic pieces of gear and turned it into something that looks like a green leveling item. But I guess it's OK because... Reasons.

    Yes, the sigil was well guarded... And we delivered it right to the bad guy's door, which you conveniently left out.

    Yes, the expansions tie storylines together... The whole Sylvanas/Jailor plot is one of the happiest examples of how to tie the WC3 legacy into current content. In fact, only Danuser could manage such levels of literary accomplishment
    Yes. We did conviently deliver it directly to them.
    Ya new to wow? Cause we are famously dumb as fuck and have done stupid shit like this since 2004.
    Our player charecter is a dumb ass who does as they are told. Thinks in the most simplist ploys, and will do ANYTHING for the shinies. And have been commented as such by multiple in world charecters, and proven such many times.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Sometimes Blizzard add hidden broken mechanics, but players can't prove it, because their personal data isn't representative. But sometimes Blizzard go way too far and it actually allows players to prove, that mechanics are broken. For example back in 6.2 it was proven, that reward diminishing actually existed. It was hard to prove it for 1% droprate items, because dispersion is too high for such low chance. But when the same started to happen with high droprate rewards from rares - it had become way too obvious. Same with SL. It was hard to prove, that WQ rewards weren't random, when we had ~40 WQs/day. But it had become way to obvious, when their number was limited to 3. Blizzard are too naive to assume, that nobody would play enough number of character for long enough time to find some patterns in how loot drops. But. It was way too obvious, when characters with certain armor type all missed exactly the same items. Boots for plate and mail. Cloak for leather. Gloves for cloth. They were missing them for MONTHS AND YEARS. Not all, because some of them were lucky enough to get these rewards from RNG treasure drops. But some recent ones, on whom I didn't have time to grind random sources of rewards, such as rares and treasures. And then BAM. When Remix patch is released - all rewards are changed. And BAM - I see those WQs, that drops all these items at once almost every day. I.e. when I log on plate character - boots are dropped to him and for leather it's cloak. But may be some other items are "rare" now. So, what I have known since WotLK is now proven - Blizzard make one item "rare" in order to string you along.

    Again. RNG has it's pros and cons. Sometimes you're unlucky and it makes you angry, but at least RNG is fair. Only God knows, when you would get your reward. But when devs tweak your rewards - it's unfair, because it's them, who decide when to give you your desired rewards. It's especially bad, when they pretend, that they have fair RNG, when they actually don't. It's obvious fraud. And I don't know, why it's still legal.
    I would love to see all of your proof and stats on this, cause if so this is massive and could be a huge discovery.
    If it is obvious fraud, and you are confused why it is still legal, post your findings so we can see this obvious fraud and start legal proceedings.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    There is common problem for altoholic in Wow - being required to make many relogs. It wastes your time. Yeah, there are addons like Altoholic, but they aren't useful in some cases. So, yeah. I have spreadsheet with all data about gear on my alts. This spreadsheet allows me to log in on 4 characters with different armor types only. And yeah. 6 characters missed 1 item for months. And all 6 got it in one day. From one single exactly the same WQ. And now opposite thing happens every day. I see this exact WQ every day.

    Yeah. Things were a little bit more complex back in old days. There wasn't personal loot, so "rare" item should have been server-wide. But we all know about those stories about one single item not dropping on your main, while seeing it on alt every time. First time, when it happened to me - was helmet from Kel in Naxx.
    So please, link me your stats.

    Also you do know the rewards for world quests are the same for everyone right?
    If it's gloves for a warlock, it's gloves for ALL warlocks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    This spreadsheet doesn't provide historical data. But you don't need much to prove everything yourself. Just try to gear 4 alts with 4 different armor types in ZM. You'd notice problems immediately. ZM has weird gearing system. It's mostly caused by some items having cypher bonuses. Different armor types have bonuses on different items. This is real reason, why same WQ can drop different items on character with different armor types. Because on one character certain cypher bonus is provided by helmet, while on other it's provided by chest. And all other items, that don't have cypher bonuses on them, as affected accordingly. Only items, that aren't affected: neck, rings, trinkets and weapons. So, there is clear pattern. If Plate and Mail items are boots, then Leather is cloak and Cloth is gloves. If they drop - they drop all at once. If they're missed - they're missed all at once. And you should clearly understand one thing. This fact, that some WQ rewards can be missing for years and months and then all of a sudden they drop after patch day, clearly shows, that Blizzard have control over your rewards. WQ rewards aren't picked randomly. There is some kind of cycle, that is picked manually.

    And therefore. IT'S THEM, WHO DECIDE, WHEN TO GIVE YOU YOUR DESIRED REWARDS. And you can wait for them for months and years. But you should remember, that you pay sub fee even for ability to have chance to get any rewards. Would you go to casino, if you would know, that your wins/losses aren't random and are controlled by casino itself, so it's casino, who decides, if you would win or lose? I guess, no.
    "I have proof"
    Show us the proof
    "No I won't, you find it yourself, it's obvious"
    Come on man.
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    All historical data is in my brain. I've proved it to myself.
    Yes, you def proved it to yourself, convincing yourself of your own delusions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    So, you ask me to create database and collect data for months just to prove something to noname in dat Internatz? While I've been doing it for 3 years, have already completed ZM on more than 30 characters and it's just couple of months left till TWW release? How about no? If players choose to stay blind and deaf - it's their problem. If players want to pretend, that problem is non-existent, till some streamer would do all job for them - it's their problem. And streamers would never do it due to conflict of interest. But you should clearly understand one simple thing. Problem isn't with old content having fraud RNG instead of fair one. Problem is with current one having it. And problem is with all future content also having it, if we wouldn't do anything. You play DF. You will play TWW. You pretend, that you aren't affected by this problem. It's me, who is "stupid" and play "broken" content instead of "good" one. You laugh at me, but it should be me, who should laugh at you. Because it's you, who will suffer from fraud RNG for years, while rejecting this fact.
    Yes, if you are going to claim you have proof, you have historical data. And that this all proves blizzard is commiting illegal fraud. You can't then just say "I have it in my brains I proved it to myself, it's out there to find it yourself!"

    This is literally conspiracy theory levels of madness.
    Next you are gunna say you have proof the earth is flat and the government is hiding it and that you have the proofs in your brain, and then refuse to give your proof cause "the proof is out there, go find it yourself!"
    Last edited by FelPlague; 2024-06-07 at 07:20 AM.

  11. #671
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    Yes, if you are going to claim you have proof, you have historical data. And that this all proves blizzard is commiting illegal fraud. You can't then just say "I have it in my brains I proved it to myself, it's out there to find it yourself!"

    This is literally conspiracy theory levels of madness.
    Next you are gunna say you have proof the earth is flat and the government is hiding it and that you have the proofs in your brain, and then refuse to give your proof cause "the proof is out there, go find it yourself!"
    Have you played ZM? Do you understand, how it worked? You had cypher grind. You could only get 352 items, when cypher grind was completed. Then you had to grind 352 gear for all slots in order to get BIS gear. There were two possible sources of this gear: 1) Random drops from rares/chests 2) Guaranteed drops from dailies, WQs and weeklies. Of course if you'd do 100% of content every day, you would get more random drops and may be get all 352 gear quicker. But I'm casual. I don't want to rely on RNG, because it wastes my time. So I decided to play ZM the way, it was actually intended to be played, because Blizzard claimed, that it was alt-friendly due to tasks not being mandatory. Right? Yeah. So, I simply ignored sources of random gear and was doing WQs/dailies only, while hoping, that I would eventually get all rewards. And all free time was dedicated to cypher grinds and completing campaign on other characters. Yeah, it was old sweet "pipeline" strategy, I used back in WOD. My favorite way of playing Wow. And of course some day I realized, that some gear rewards were missing. Because characters with some items missing started to stack on a top of each other. That's, when I realized, that rewards weren't random. And if they weren't random - they were picked by Blizzard. And rewards, picked by devs, who pretend, that they're picked by fair RNG = RNG fraud.

    Yeah, rewards have changed. They change from time to time. I'm not 100% sure, how often. And some day new bunch of characters will start to suffer from missing some specific items again. I'll report it, as soon, as it will happen. But again, it will take time. All data, reported by me, can be checked in game. Because if you play in the same region as me - you should get exactly the same rewards. Buy if you're too lazy to check it yourself - then it's your problem.
    Last edited by WowIsDead64; 2024-06-07 at 07:53 AM.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  12. #672
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    So, you ask me to create database and collect data for months just to prove something to noname in dat Internatz?

    I'm asking you not to go I HAVE PROOOOOF! on "dat Internatz" unless you're willing to provide evidence.

    No one asked you and no one forced you to make this announcement. You CHOSE to do so. And if you don't want people to call you out on wild claims, then do not make wild claims on a public forum.

    It's really as easy as that.

  13. #673
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post

    I'm asking you not to go I HAVE PROOOOOF! on "dat Internatz" unless you're willing to provide evidence.

    No one asked you and no one forced you to make this announcement. You CHOSE to do so. And if you don't want people to call you out on wild claims, then do not make wild claims on a public forum.

    It's really as easy as that.
    You don't believe to my words, but you would believe to my numbers? I really doubt it. Again. Situation is simple. First it was about belts dropping every day. Then about weapons. But the biggest problem was - several characters missed the same items for about year. Two Monks missed two cloaks for example. And then they got all these items at the same day from the same WQ. Real proof is still there. In game. Blizzard change one item once a month may be. So it can take YEARS for some item to appear in loot. If you don't want to check it - it's your problem.
    Last edited by WowIsDead64; 2024-06-07 at 10:56 AM.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  14. #674
    Blizzard after cataclysm: we learned that separate zones instead of a whole continent is not a good concept

    Also blizzard: here are 4 zones without even a portal but a fu**ing slow gryphon who has to go through a stargate
    You think you do, but you don't ©
    Rogues are fine ©
    We're pretty happy with rogues ©
    Haste will fix it ©

  15. #675
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    You don't believe to my words, but you would believe to my numbers?
    I would believe verifiable data, yes. That's how proof works. That's how proof has always worked: objective, independent verification.

    I'm a little freaked out that you don't seem to understand this, NGL.

    "The Earth is flat! I've measured it!" "Okay, show us your measurements." "What, you won't believe my words, but you'd believe my numbers? HYPOCRITE!"

    Yeah, no. So, so much no.

    It's really super simple: either be prepared to provide evidence for claims of proof, or don't make claims of proof in the first place. It's not like we've been stalking you for two years here going "so have you found proof yet? I WANT YOU TO GO AND PROVE THIS!" - you decided, all by yourself, to come on here and yell PROOF! at us. Be prepared to accept the consequences, or simply don't do that to begin with.

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Real proof is still there. In game. Blizzard change one item once a month may be. So it can take YEARS for some item to appear in loot. If you don't want to check it - it's your problem.
    And if you don't want to actually prove this - that's your problem.

    It's not like your life is on the line, or something. Only your credibility is. You are coming in making a wild claim; we are simply saying "bullshit, prove it or we won't believe you". Your response is effectively "fine don't believe me then", and that is an entirely valid response. Just as long as we're clear on that this is what's happening here: we don't believe you. If you are fine with that, cool. Move on. If you want to convince us otherwise, present evidence. There really is no third option here of "I want you to believe me anyway, even without evidence". That's where we run into our little problem.

  16. #676
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    I would believe verifiable data, yes. That's how proof works. That's how proof has always worked: objective, independent verification.

    I'm a little freaked out that you don't seem to understand this, NGL.

    "The Earth is flat! I've measured it!" "Okay, show us your measurements." "What, you won't believe my words, but you'd believe my numbers? HYPOCRITE!"

    Yeah, no. So, so much no.

    It's really super simple: either be prepared to provide evidence for claims of proof, or don't make claims of proof in the first place. It's not like we've been stalking you for two years here going "so have you found proof yet? I WANT YOU TO GO AND PROVE THIS!" - you decided, all by yourself, to come on here and yell PROOF! at us. Be prepared to accept the consequences, or simply don't do that to begin with.

    And if you don't want to actually prove this - that's your problem.

    It's not like your life is on the line, or something. Only your credibility is. You are coming in making a wild claim; we are simply saying "bullshit, prove it or we won't believe you". Your response is effectively "fine don't believe me then", and that is an entirely valid response. Just as long as we're clear on that this is what's happening here: we don't believe you. If you are fine with that, cool. Move on. If you want to convince us otherwise, present evidence. There really is no third option here of "I want you to believe me anyway, even without evidence". That's where we run into our little problem.
    So, yeah. You wouldn't believe to my numbers, even if I would have ones. Because historical data can't be verified, if somebody else doesn't have it's duplicate. So, YOU still need to collect data too in order to be able to verify mine. But my data isn't even needed in this case. So, stop this already. If you won't believe to any proofs, that aren't collected by you - then stop asking to provide them.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  17. #677
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    So, yeah. You wouldn't believe to my numbers, even if I would have ones. Because historical data can't be verified, if somebody else doesn't have it's duplicate.
    That would depend on the numbers. There's no truly objective truth in anything, it's all merely degrees of approximation. If you had a solid collection of data, I'd give it considerable weight; if it was an aggregate of multiple sources, I'd easily be convinced.

    But just so you know: "I could prove it, but even if I did, you wouldn't believe it anyway, so I won't" is a bullshit excuse. It's one of the most common, most ridiculous evasions there is. And it alone says all we need to know about your credibility, really: i.e. you have none. Because if you did, you'd just... give us the proof, and perhaps then complain after we actually reject it. But you're obviously not going to do that because you don't have anything.

    This ain't my first rodeo, buddy.

    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    If you won't believe to any proofs, that aren't collected by you - then stop asking to provide them.
    Just to be clear: the one saying I won't believe any proof is you. Not me. I'm saying "show me proof, and I'll believe you". I just want to make this very, very clear. I am saying "show me proof, and I'll believe you" - you are saying that I wouldn't believe it. I.e. the exact opposite of what I'm claiming. Just so that everyone reading this knows how utterly and completely ridiculous of a statement you're making here.

  18. #678
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    That would depend on the numbers. There's no truly objective truth in anything, it's all merely degrees of approximation. If you had a solid collection of data, I'd give it considerable weight; if it was an aggregate of multiple sources, I'd easily be convinced.

    But just so you know: "I could prove it, but even if I did, you wouldn't believe it anyway, so I won't" is a bullshit excuse. It's one of the most common, most ridiculous evasions there is. And it alone says all we need to know about your credibility, really: i.e. you have none. Because if you did, you'd just... give us the proof, and perhaps then complain after we actually reject it. But you're obviously not going to do that because you don't have anything.

    This ain't my first rodeo, buddy.

    Just to be clear: the one saying I won't believe any proof is you. Not me. I'm saying "show me proof, and I'll believe you". I just want to make this very, very clear. I am saying "show me proof, and I'll believe you" - you are saying that I wouldn't believe it. I.e. the exact opposite of what I'm claiming. Just so that everyone reading this knows how utterly and completely ridiculous of a statement you're making here.
    May be you don't understand, what you talk about. Or may be you try to put me into dead end situation. Because you should understand one simple thing. Wow is black box. As we aren't Wow server admins, we can analyze "external" data only. There is no "loot history" on Blizzard servers. This data should be collected by somebody. Because no other historical data can exist, except one collected by somebody. And there is no other way to verify it, other than collecting it too. And as nobody else except me wants to collect it - my data becomes unverifiable automatically. So, what you ask me to do - to use somebody else's data, that obviously doesn't exist. If it would exist - my data wouldn't be needed. And you don't want to collect it yourself to be that somebody. So, you ask for impossible. That's standard "UFO exist, while you can't prove opposite" trolling.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  19. #679
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    You don't believe to my words, but you would believe to my numbers? I really doubt it. Again. Situation is simple. First it was about belts dropping every day. Then about weapons. But the biggest problem was - several characters missed the same items for about year. Two Monks missed two cloaks for example. And then they got all these items at the same day from the same WQ. Real proof is still there. In game. Blizzard change one item once a month may be. So it can take YEARS for some item to appear in loot. If you don't want to check it - it's your problem.
    Wish the system had some backups to fill the gaps for things that didn't drop.

    Imagine if you could craft a piece you were missing.

  20. #680
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    And as nobody else except me wants to collect it - my data becomes unverifiable automatically.
    And do you know what this means?

    It means you have no proof.

    That's my point.

    If you don't have proof, don't go around yelling you do, and then complain how no one could ever prove this; well, if you're aware of that, why did you claim you had proof?

    You don't have proof. You have a THEORY. You have some wild ideas you've conjectured based on personal, anecdotal experience. That's cool. You do NOT have proof. And so the responsible thing is to not make posts on public forums going GUYS I HAVE PROOF! and then two pages later admit "well this isn't provable duh".

    If you can't prove it, don't make the claim. No one forced you to go and announce what you did. No one even asked you about it. You CHOSE to come out and claim it, and now you admit openly that you can't prove it. That's FINE - but then you don't get to claim you have proof. That's the deal.

    So QED: you don't have proof, and you never did, and all this dancing was just you sweating under the realization that maybe just maybe you should not have said that you did.

    But that's fine. There's no shame in admitting fuckups. You made a wild claim you couldn't back up, you got called out on the bullshit, it happens. You've admitted it, now we can just move on. And next time... do better, kay, hun?

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