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Without going too far off topic, it's the price we pay for becoming a fat cat society. Even looking for engaging entertainment can be a chore now. It's as much a societal issue as it is a consumer issue. It's much easier picking up the next WoW expansion, whether it's rotten or not, then seeing what else is out there, as much as it is going through McDonalds drive-thru instead of either making your ideal burger or finding one that's actually delicious.
We want content now, as quickly as possible, without having to think much about it to fill the allotted free time we have so we think we're enjoying it, when in many cases, it's not the case, because as quickly as people finish consuming something, they turn around to criticize it to whoever will listen, be it online, or in person.
WoW has its place, and it's earned it because people continue to buy it, so they get what they deserve, but like McDonalds, boy does it suck.