Warden Class Concept
Part I: Introduction
Just when I think I'm done, I get pulled right back in! I never really thought this class had a chance, but with the divergence of the concept thanks to BFA, HotS, and in Dragonflight, the repeated appearances of Maiev, and the Rogue class really hasn't done a satisfactory job of implementing Warden gameplay. We also seemingly might need an elven-based class in the near future, and this would certainly fit the bill. So with that said, here's a concept I whipped up based largely on the information at hand.
The Warden is a Night Elf hero character that originally came from WC3:TFT. This hero is know for being an agile assassin and jailer, pursuing and eliminating any threats to the Night Elf way of life. The hero uses poison, shadow, and CC to manipulate the battlefield to their advantage, making them a cunning adversary, or a valuable ally.
The Warden hero is a character that has always had a special place in my heart. Ever since I first gave the character a spin in WC3:The Frozen Throne, it has been one of my favorite Warcraft creations. Sporting unique abilities, an incredible design, and a cold ruthless character that was also female, gave the Warden a coolness factor that was only surpassed by the Demon Hunter. However, while the Demon Hunter was eventually given the lore and design space to have its own class, the Warden was stuck in a lore limbo where it's concept was sort of absorbed by Rogues but not really.
While I initially dismissed the Warden as a viable class contender because of the Rogue connection and its rather limited lore expansion beyond Night Elves, with the advent of HotS and some recent developments in WoW lore, I think we finally have a path for playable Wardens if Blizzard so desires. This won't be a very in-depth class concept, but more of a creative exercise of what I think a Warden class could possibly look like from a gameplay perspective.
Part II: General Concept
The Warden would likely be a 3-spec class and highly likely to be elf only, due to the rather reclusive nature of its leaders. I could see them avoid the Demon Hunter trap by giving this concept to all 4 Elven races, and giving the class a third spec. I believe the class should be mail, due to it utilizing agility. It should also include a tank spec in order to give mail a tank spec.
Basic Facts
Armor: Mail
Races: Night Elf, Blood Elf, Void Elf, Nightborne
Weapon Types: Warglaives, 1h sword, 1h axes, 1h maces, Fist Weapons
Specs: Tank, MDPS, RDPS (possibly support)
The look of the Warden should definitely be utilized to its fullest, since Maiev is easily one of the most stylish heroes in Warcraft. Because of that, Warden armor should be as close to the source material as possible.
The class' armor sets should look as close to this as possible.
Another armor type could also be this from HotS which would facilitate a more ranged spec concept;
However, there's also this different coloring of the Warden armor which also supports a more astral/magical theme;
Warden's Glaive:
The iconic weapon of the Warden, this weapon has been sought after by players for many years. A highly versatile weapon, it can be swung like a sword, or thrown like a boomerang. For the concept, I'll say that they're warglaives in order to give both Demon Hunters and Wardens some more weapon options. I do think an interesting idea would be to make the Warden's glaive a 2h Warglaive, since Wardens have never been shown to Dual Wield. That said, keeping it 1h might be better for the weapon tables. Interestingly, this weapon has also been called a fist weapon on occasion. The nature of the weapon should be that of a slashing weapon as well as a disc-like throwing weapon that has the potential to bounce to other targets.
Part III: Specializations
Core Class Abilites
Shadow Strike: Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement rate slowed for a short duration.
Fan of Blades : Deals physical damage to enemies in a crescent area in front of the caster.
Strikethrough: Lunge forward, slashing all enemies in an arc and causing your initial target to bleed for x seconds.
Vault: Leap into the air, becoming immune to all hostile effects for X seconds.
Perilune: Throws a glaive that will circle around the caster for a brief period of time. Enemies caught in the missile's path take Physical damage. (Requires Glaive)
High Kick: Deliver a high kick, dazing your target and knocking them back.
Warden's Prison: Summons a Warden's Prison at the location. If an enemy enters the trap they are imprisoned for X sec or until the trap is dispelled.
Spirit of Vengeance: Send a shadow of the Warden outward that will return to its cast location after 30 yards, dealing X damage to enemies along both paths. Activate again to blink to the location of the shadow.
The following specializations are purely speculative. I went with a mostly shadow concept, but a concept I'd like to see would be a Sun/Moon/Astral based Warden along similar lines as this. In addition, a ranged spec like the Astral/Seeker spec could theoretically be support. I do believe that regardless we're looking at a three spec class. With that said, here are the specializations:
Jailer (Tank)
Stalwart jailers, these Wardens utilize their heavy armor and containment abilities to control and neutralize their enemies. Jailers mainly take after Maiev from Heroes of the Storm, utilizing Umbral Tether and the ability to passively increase their armor, which thanks to Armored Assault, also increases their damage.
Umbral Bind The Warden's next Basic Attack cleaves and applies a tether to enemies hit for X seconds. If a tethered enemy moves too far from the Warden, they are pulled toward her, dealing damage and breaking the tether.
Bonds of Corruption (Talent)(Passive)
Enemies pulled by Umbral Bind have their Armor reduced by X and are Slowed by X% for X seconds.
Chain Gang (Talent)(Passive)
Tethering at least 2 enemies with Umbral Bind grants X Armor for X seconds.
Containment Disc Throw a glaive in the target direction. If an enemy is hit, Containment Disc attaches Warden's Chains to the target and bounces to the next nearest target within 8 yards. Can bounce up to 3 times. (30yd range)
Warden's Chains: Chains wrap around a target, slowly pulling it towards the Warden for X seconds. The Warden's armor and speed is increased based on number of targets ensnared for duration.
Chain Pull: targets ensnared by Umbral Bind or Warden Chains are immediately pulled to your location, increasing your threat.
Glaive Storm: The caster hurls several glaives that fan out in a cone, inflicting Physical damage to all in their path.
Bladed Armor: (Talent) (Passive) Increases the damage from Fan of Blades and Glaive Storm and increases your armor by X for X seconds based on X% of the damage done.
Shadow Armor: Blink grants additional armor for 15 seconds. The Warden's Basic Attacks against enemies have a chance to extend this duration.
Armored Assault: (Passive) While the Warden has additional Armor of any kind, all Damage dealt is increased by X%.
Warden's Cage: Summon 8 Warden Avatars as a cage around Maiev. After 0.5 seconds, targets that come in contact with an Avatar consume it and are knocked to the center of the cage. Warden Avatars last X seconds.
Stalker (MDPS)
Stalkers are restless pursuers of their prey, utilizing the darkness around them to overwhelm their victims with diversion and illusion so that they can deliver their final strike. Stalkers are largely based on the Warden hero from WC3.
Morning Star: The Warden spins, slashing targets in a 4yard radius and empowers your next Exenteration for X seconds. If done after Strikethrough, your damage is increased.
Exenteration rip your weapon through the target, inflicting significant Physical damage. The victim will bleed for 8 sec. If performed after Morning Star, the damage from the bleed effect is increased and you may perform a second Exenteration on a second target.
Dark Stalker: Instantly teleports you to the nearest target inflicted with Shadow Strike, extending its duration by 2 seconds. Your next Strikethrough is empowered for 4 seconds.
Persistence: Briefly increases your movement and damage and reduces the movement speed of your target by X%. Enemies killed while this is active have a chance to turn into a Jailed Spirit that will fight for you for 12 seconds.
Shadow Orb Empowers one of your abilities for a limited amount of time.
Shadow Orb: Shadow Strike: Activate to increase the damage and duration of your next Shadow Strike by X%. 2.5 minute cooldown. (passive) Magical damage decreases cooldown.
Shadow Orb: Persistence : Activate to further increase Movement Speed and Attack damage by X% for 8 seconds. 2.5 minute cooldown (passive)Enemies you kill have an increased chance to turn into Jailed Spirits.
Shadow Orb: Vengeance : Activate to reset the cooldown of Spirit of Vengeance and increase its damage by X%. 2.5 minute cooldown. (passive) Spirit of Vengeance's range is increased by 10yds.
Vengeance: Summon an Avatar of Vengeance that will fight for you for 18 seconds. During its duration, enemies you kill will be resurrected as Jailed Spirits that will fight for you for a set amount of time.
+ Unbridled Vengeance: (Talent)(Passive) Various abilities are enhanced by Veneance while it is active.
-Shadow Strike has 2 charges.
-Fan of Blades has increased range and damage
-Spirit of Vengeance cooldown is reduced by 50%
Seekers are the eyes and ears of the wardens. Using the stars as not only their guide, but also as their weapon, no enemy can safely hide from their relentless gaze. Seekers are based on Maiev Shadowsong's history as a Priestess of the Moon, and the Moon Warden skin from HotS. Keep in mind that it is entirely possible that a physical ranged spec is doable with the Naisha Momento mechanic and the multiple glaive tossing abilities of WoW Wardens.
Naisha's Momento: Auto attacks now have a 30yd range and have a chance to bounce to 2 other targets with reduced damage each time it bounces.
Astral Brand: Brands the target, making them always visible to the Warden and increasing Arcane and Nature damage dealt to the target for 12 seconds.
Starseer: Sends out a scout that slowly flies in the straight line until the end of the current map. Any enemy target it flies through is branded with Astral Brand for 6 seconds. Activating Starseer again during its flight will cause the starseer to burst into a lunar flare, illuminating a large area for the Warden to see.
Starshot: Tosses your moon blade in a straight line, imbuing it with Astral power and damaging all targets along its path.
Returning Star: (Talent)(Passive) After completing its path, Starshot returns to the caster, dealing damage to all targets between it and the caster.
Control Magic : Allows the Warden to take control of a summoned unit at their level or lower. Resource cost is a % of the total hit points of the target.
Meridian: The Warden steals the target's magic buff for themselves and in exchange gives the target Astral Brand.
Stellar Blades: (Passive) After its initial damage, Fan of Blades does X Astral damage over 6 seconds.
Part IV: Conclusion and Alternatives
Thank you for taking the time to read this thread. I appreciate it. Please leave your comments, and suggestions. I will update this thread over time to better flesh out the concept and add ideas as I come up with them.
Special thanks to Blizzard, Wowhead, and other sources from which I pulled various art and ideas.