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  1. #61
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Since they originate from Revendreth, i assume most of their architecture matches their homeland. The planet didn't, necessarily, belong to someone else before their arrival.
    That's what lore has to say about this world: [snip]
    In the AI art thread I actually posted several pictures I generated using descriptive keywords from the Illidan novel, if you want to get a visual for how it would look (Twisting Nether; basalt spires lit with green light; small moons in orbit; small green sun, cratered surface, chromatic stone, etc.).


    I also created images of what the cities might have looked like based on those descriptions (black stone streets, obsidian towers lit with green light), also assuming that they would likely incorporate architecture similar to Revendreth (gothic architecture and demonic gargoyles):


    I know that "Revendreth but black and green" is basically the way it looks, causing a lot of visual similarities with Legion, but that is how it's described in the books. I think the Twisting Nether sky and the additions of purples, as well as using greens that straddle the fel and necromantic magic, helps make it look more unique.

    It's also a planetoid, meaning it's a small world. Of course, if they were to expand it into an actual playable setting they would no doubt add a greater variety of biomes.

    Here are a few other scenery renders inspired by your haunted forest idea:


    And some fel-corrupted feral worgen to prowl it:


  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Viridiel View Post
    I don't think we're at all limited to Nathreza looking like every other Legion-destroyed planet. Firstly, it wasn't destroyed by the Legion, it was destroyed by Illidan who didn't stick around to make sure the job was done properly, and secondly, there are a lot of interventions that could be unique to the planet: there could've been several areas which were totally protected by magical shields that didn't blow apart, they could've built so densely over the remaining floating rocks that they no longer just look like floating rocks, or they could've used magic or good old chains to pull some chunks back together and then built over it. They're from a Realm of Death whose specialties include stonework.
    This is a possible image of it:

    Now that I think of it, I'm going to go in another direction. Remember the early concept for Argus as a planet-sized titan body being built by the Legion as a vessel? Well, that may have been scrapped as a concept for the titans, but the nathrezim have a leader who's currently in need of a vessel. What if they string Nathreza back together in the shape of a new body for Denathrius? There's also conveniently a titan-sized sword sheathed in Silithus that he could use to attack Elune -- but that's assuming his motives are to destroy Life and assuming the sword isn't entirely dealt with before then.
    I think that was Nihilam.
    I don't think people want Denathrius to be planet-sized.

    If Nathreza is taken out of the picture because it's serving as a vessel for Denathrius rather than a planet, there's every possibility that the nathrezim are now working out of Zereth Tumult, buried in some far corner of the Twisting Nether. Obviously there are countless other places they could go to set up a sanctuary where they can amass a monster army, but Zereth Tumult is probably ideal for it.
    Zereths are most likely patches.

    I don't see Denathrius being dealt with at all in the World Soul Saga. Midnight will probably hint that the Legion has been revived in some form with unknown leadership, and similar the Last Titan might hint that the Scourge are under new mysterious leadership, but I think they'll just be some breadcrumbs. They'll have to throw in some red herrings otherwise it's a bit obvious that it's the nathrezim.
    The Nathrezim are the connective tissue between the Scourge and the Legion, being members of both factions. They are creatures of Death infused with Fel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    In the AI art thread I actually posted several pictures I generated using descriptive keywords from the Illidan novel, if you want to get a visual for how it would look (Twisting Nether; basalt spires lit with green light; small moons in orbit; small green sun, cratered surface, chromatic stone, etc.).


    I also created images of what the cities might have looked like based on those descriptions (black stone streets, obsidian towers lit with green light), also assuming that they would likely incorporate architecture similar to Revendreth (gothic architecture and demonic gargoyles):


    I know that "Revendreth but black and green" is basically the way it looks, causing a lot of visual similarities with Legion, but that is how it's described in the books. I think the Twisting Nether sky and the additions of purples, as well as using greens that straddle the fel and necromantic magic, helps make it look more unique.

    It's also a planetoid, meaning it's a small world. Of course, if they were to expand it into an actual playable setting they would no doubt add a greater variety of biomes.

    Here are a few other scenery renders inspired by your haunted forest idea:


    And some fel-corrupted feral worgen to prowl it:


    Thank you.
    It looks great. But, it's too Fel. I don't want a repeat of Legion. I want more of a Revendrethish look to it, with more of a scarlet atmosphere due to the blood moon. If you could generate that for me that would be great.
    And, i don't want Demon Hunter Worgen, please.
    Last edited by username993720; 2024-02-17 at 07:54 AM.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by cocoapuffs View Post
    Mal'Ganis is already dead though
    Unknown if his soul is bound to Death, or if it's bound to Disorder. Regardless, him dying within Zereth Mortis does complicate things, especially due to the realms transcendant nature.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not to be that guy, Username, but the image you displayed from Reforged is of an unknown world. Regardless, even if it were Nathreza, Illidan blew most of it up. So, with that in mind, the world may or may not be the size of Outland. As a result, I do think we'll likely see it as a patch zone at most.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuaj View Post
    Not to be that guy, Username, but the image you displayed from Reforged is of an unknown world. Regardless, even if it were Nathreza, Illidan blew most of it up. So, with that in mind, the world may or may not be the size of Outland. As a result, I do think we'll likely see it as a patch zone at most.
    As most destroyed zones end up. Except for Outland. We don't know the extent of Nathreza's destruction except for what Illidan has told us. In Warcraft 3, the Broken Isles, for example, was just a bunch of night elven ruins.

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