Sometimes it would be nice to post brief 5-10 second video clips hosted on free MP4 upload sites like Imgur & IMGchest.Supported videos include:
- Hulu
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- Dailymotion
- Metacafe
- Facebook Shares
Unfortunately, posting those links using the VIDEO function just gives you a clickable URL, rather than a watchable video.
So when making threads in the past, I've had to go to the trouble of creating a GIF, rather than having an embedded 10s ingame video clip; a lot of trouble for what should be standard in this day and age.
I understand that ezboard code is legacy and this site's infrastructure was probably made before MP4 existed (it's been... what, 20 years?), but still; it would be SO NICE to be able to post a 2MB MP4 clip of what I'm talking about ingame, rather than doing what I did in this thread and make a GIF that's 10x the file size and a thousand less pixels: